In [51]:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Feb 12 13:21:45 2016
@author: GrinevskiyAS
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from numpy import sin,cos,tan,pi,sqrt
import matplotlib as mpl
import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed
import ipywidgets as widgets
%matplotlib inline
font = {'family': 'Arial', 'weight': 'normal', 'size':14}
mpl.rc('font', **font)
mpl.rc('figure', figsize=(10, 8))
In [52]:
#This would be the size of each grid cell (X is the spatial coordinate, T is two-way time)
xstep = 5
tstep = 5
#size of the whole grid
xmax = 320
tmax = 220
#that's the arrays of x and t
xarray = np.arange(0, xmax, xstep).astype(float)
tarray = np.arange(0, tmax, tstep).astype(float)
#now fimally we created a 2D array img, which is now all zeros, but later we will add some amplitudes there
img = np.zeros((len(xarray), len(tarray)))
Let's show our all-zero image
In [53]:
plt.imshow(img.T, interpolation = 'none', cmap = cm.Greys, vmin = -2,vmax = 2,
extent = [xarray[0] - xstep/2, xarray[-1] + xstep/2, tarray[-1] + tstep/2, tarray[0] - tstep/2])
What we are now going to do is create a class named Hyperbola
Each object of this class is capable of computing traveltimes to a certain subsurface point (diffractor) and plotting this point response (hyperbola) on a grid
How? to more clearly define a class? probably change to a function?
In [54]:
class Hyperbola:
def __init__(self, xarray, tarray, x0, t0, v=2):
input parameters define a difractor's position (x0,t0),
P-wave velocity of homogeneous subsurface,
and x- and t-arrays to compute traveltimes on.
self.x = xarray
self.x0 = x0
self.t0 = t0
self.v = v
#compute traveltimes
self.t = sqrt(t0**2 + (2*(xarray-x0)/v)**2)
#obtain some grid parameters
xstep = xarray[1]-xarray[0]
tbegin = tarray[0]
tend = tarray[-1]
tstep = tarray[1]-tarray[0]
#delete t's and x's for samples where t exceeds maxt
self.x = self.x[ (self.t >= tbegin) & (self.t <= tend) ]
self.t = self.t[ (self.t >= tbegin) & (self.t <= tend) ]
#compute indices of hyperbola's X coordinates in xarray
#self.imgind = ((self.x - xarray[0])/xstep).astype(int)
#compute how amplitudes decrease according to geometrical spreading
self.amp = 1/(self.t/self.t0)
self.grid_resample(xarray, tarray)
def grid_resample(self, xarray, tarray):
"""that's a function that computes at which 'cells' of image we should place the hyperbola"""
self.xind=((self.x-xarray[0])/xstep).astype(int) #X cells numbers
self.tind=np.round((self.t - tarray[0])/tstep).astype(int) #T cells numbers
self.tind=self.tind[self.tind*tstep <= tarray[-1]] #delete T's exceeding max T
self.tgrid=tarray[self.tind] # get 'gridded' T-values
def add_to_img(self, img, wavelet):
"""puts the hyperbola into the right cells of image with a given wavelet"""
maxind = np.size(img,1)
wavlen = np.floor(len(wavelet)/2).astype(int)
# to ensure that we will not exceed image size
#self.imgind=self.xind[self.tind < maxind-wavlen-1]
#self.amp = self.amp[self.tind < maxind-wavlen-1]
#self.tind=self.tind[self.tind < maxind-wavlen-1]
ind_begin = self.tind-wavlen
ind_to_use = self.tind < maxind-wavlen-1
#add amplitudes of the wavelet to the image
for i,sample in enumerate(wavelet):
img[self.xind[ind_to_use], ind_begin[ind_to_use]+i] = img[self.xind[ind_to_use],ind_begin[ind_to_use]+i] + sample*self.amp[ind_to_use]
return img
For testing purposes, let's create an object named Hyp_test and view its parameters
In [55]:
Hyp_test = Hyperbola(xarray, tarray, x0 = 100, t0 = 30, v = 2)
#Create a fugure and add axes to it
fgr_test1 = plt.figure(figsize=(7,5), facecolor='w')
ax_test1 = fgr_test1.add_subplot(111)
#Now plot Hyp_test's parameters: X vs T
ax_test1.plot(Hyp_test.x, Hyp_test.t, 'r', lw = 2)
#and their 'gridded' equivalents
ax_test1.plot(Hyp_test.x, Hyp_test.tgrid, ls='none', marker='o', ms=6, mfc=[0,0.5,1],mec='none')
#Some commands to add gridlines, change the directon of T axis and move x axis to top
ax_test1.grid(True, alpha = 0.1, ls='-',lw=.5)
ax_test1.set_xlabel('X, m')
ax_test1.set_ylabel('T, ms')
OK, now let's define a subsurface model. For the sake of simplicity, the model will consist of two types of objects:
We will be able to add any number of these objects to image.
Let's start by adding three point diffractors:
In [56]:
point_diff_x0 = [100, 150, 210]
point_diff_t0 = [100, 50, 70]
plt.scatter(point_diff_x0,point_diff_t0, c='r',s=70)
plt.xlim(0, xmax)
plt.ylim(tmax, 0)
plt.gca().set_xlabel('X, m')
plt.gca().set_ylabel('T, ms')
plt.gca().grid(True, alpha = 0.1, ls='-',lw=.5)
Next step is computing traveltimes for these subsurface diffractors. This is done by creating an instance of Hyperbola
class for every diffractor.
In [57]:
for x0,t0 in zip(point_diff_x0,point_diff_t0):
hyp_i = Hyperbola(xarray, tarray, x0, t0, v=2)
Next step is computing Green's functions for these subsurface diffractors. To do this, we need to setup a wavelet.
Of course, we are going to create an extremely simple wavelet.
In [78]:
wav1 = np.array([-1,2,-1])
markerline, stemlines, baseline = plt.stem((np.arange(len(wav1)) - np.floor(len(wav1)/2)).astype(int), wav1)
plt.gca().set_xlim(-2*len(wav1), 2*len(wav1))
plt.gca().set_ylim(np.min(wav1)-1, np.max(wav1)+1)
In [59]:
for hyp_i in hyps:
plt.imshow(img.T,interpolation='none',cmap=cm.Greys, vmin=-2,vmax=2, extent=[xarray[0]-xstep/2, xarray[-1]+xstep/2, tarray[-1]+tstep/2, tarray[0]-tstep/2])
plt.gca().grid(ls=':', alpha=0.25, lw=1, c='w' )
Define a Line
In [60]:
class Line:
def __init__(self, xmin, xmax, tmin, tmax, xarray, tarray):
"""a Line object is decribed by its start and end coordinates"""
self.x = np.arange(xmin,xmax+xstep,xstep)
self.t = tmin+(tmax-tmin)*(self.x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin)
def add_to_img(self, img, wavelet):
self.imgind=self.imgind[self.tind < maxind-1]
self.tind=self.tind[self.tind < maxind-1]
for i, sample_amp in enumerate(wavelet):
img[self.imgind,ind_begin+i]=img[self.imgind,ind_begin+i] + sample_amp
return img
Create a line and add it to image
In [61]:
img=line1.add_to_img(img, wav1)
img=line2.add_to_img(img, wav1
plt.imshow(img.T, interpolation='none', cmap=cm.Greys, vmin=-2, vmax=2,
extent=[xarray[0]-xstep/2, xarray[-1]+xstep/2, tarray[-1]+tstep/2, tarray[0]-tstep/2])
plt.gca().grid(ls=':', alpha=0.25, lw=1, c='w' )
Excellent. The image now is pretty messy, so we need to migrate it and see what we can achieve
In [62]:
def migrate(img, v, aper, xarray, tarray):
for x0 in xarray:
for t0 in tarray[1:-1]:
#only a region between (x0-aper) and (x0+aper) should be taken into account
xmig=xarray[(x0-aper <= xarray) & (xarray <= x0+aper)]
hi = Hyperbola(xmig,tarray,x0,t0,v)
migind_start = hi.x[0]/xstep
migind_stop = (hi.x[-1]+xstep)/xstep
hi.imgind=np.arange(migind_start, migind_stop).astype(int)
#Sum (in fact, count the mean value of) all the amplitudes on current hyperbola hi
si = np.mean(img[hi.imgind,hi.tind]*hi.amp)
imgmig[(x0/xstep).astype(int),(t0/tstep).astype(int)] = si
return imgmig
In [ ]:
In [63]:
vmig = 2
aper = 200
res = migrate(img, vmig, aper, xarray, tarray)
In [64]:
plt.imshow(res.T,interpolation='none',vmin=-2,vmax=2,cmap=cm.Greys, extent=[xarray[0]-xstep/2, xarray[-1]+xstep/2, tarray[-1]+tstep/2, tarray[0]-tstep/2])
The next section is only for interactive parameter selection
In [65]:
def migshow(vmig_i, aper_i, gain_i, interp):
res_i = migrate(img, vmig_i, aper_i, xarray, tarray)
if interp:
interp_style = 'bilinear'
interp_style = 'none'
plt.imshow(res_i.T,interpolation=interp_style,vmin=-gain_i,vmax=gain_i,cmap=cm.Greys, extent=[xarray[0]-xstep/2, xarray[-1]+xstep/2, tarray[-1]+tstep/2, tarray[0]-tstep/2])
plt.title('Vmig = '+str(vmig_i))
In [66]:
interact(migshow, vmig_i = widgets.FloatSlider(min = 1.0,max = 3.0, step = 0.01, value=2.0,continuous_update=False,description='Migration velocity: '),
aper_i = widgets.IntSlider(min = 10,max = 500, step = 1, value=200,continuous_update=False,description='Migration aperture: '),
gain_i = widgets.FloatSlider(min = 0.0,max = 5.0, step = 0.1, value=2.0,continuous_update=False,description='Gain: '),
interp = widgets.Checkbox(value=True, description='interpolate'))
#interact(migrate, img=fixed(img), v = widgets.IntSlider(min = 1.0,max = 3.0, step = 0.1, value=2), aper=fixed(aper), xarray=fixed(xarray), tarray=fixed(tarray))
In [ ]: