Racial discrimination continues to be pervasive in cultures throughout the world. Researchers examined the level of racial discrimination in the United States labor market by randomly assigning identical résumés to black-sounding or white-sounding names and observing the impact on requests for interviews from employers.
In the dataset provided, each row represents a resume. The 'race' column has two values, 'b' and 'w', indicating black-sounding and white-sounding. The column 'call' has two values, 1 and 0, indicating whether the resume received a call from employers or not.
Note that the 'b' and 'w' values in race are assigned randomly to the resumes when presented to the employer.
You will perform a statistical analysis to establish whether race has a significant impact on the rate of callbacks for resumes.
Answer the following questions in this notebook below and submit to your Github account.
You can include written notes in notebook cells using Markdown:
In [54]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from statsmodels.stats.proportion import proportions_ztest
In [55]:
# read the data
data = pd.io.stata.read_stata('data/us_job_market_discrimination.dta')
# split data into black and nonblack sounding names
dfblack = data[data.race=='b']
dfnonblack = data[data.race!='b']
# display some basic statistics
In [56]:
# count the number of blacks and nonblack sounding names and calls / noncalls
# number of callbacks for black and non black-sounding names
print("callbacks for black-sounding names", black_call)
print("noncallbacks for black-sounding names", black_nocall)
print("callbacks for non black-sounding names", nonblack_call)
print("noncallbacks for non black-sounding names", nonblack_nocall)
# create bar chart
call = (black_call, nonblack_call)
noncall = (black_nocall, nonblack_nocall)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
index = np.arange(2)
bar_width = 0.35
opacity = 0.4
error_config = {'ecolor': '0.3'}
rects1 = plt.bar(index, call, bar_width,
rects2 = plt.bar(index + bar_width, noncall, bar_width,
# put labels to bar chart
plt.title('Number of calls by race')
plt.xticks(index + bar_width / 2, ('black sounding name', 'nonblack sounding name'))
# create pie chart
labels = 'Black sounding name', 'nonBlack sounding name'
sizes = [black_call, nonblack_call]
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct='%1.0f%%')
In [57]:
# measure the proportions
n1 = len(dfblack)
n2 = len(dfnonblack)
p1 = black_call / n1
p2 = nonblack_call / n2
count_call = np.array([black_call, nonblack_call])
nobs_array = np.array([n1, n2])
ls = .05
stat, pval = proportions_ztest(count=count_call, nobs=nobs_array, value=ls)
# standard error and confidence interval (CI)
se = np.sqrt(p1*(1-p1)/n1 + p1*(1-p2)/n2)
print('margin of error=', se)
print('conf interval=', (p1-p2-1.96*se, p1-p2+1.96*se))
print('p-value=', pval)
# print chi-square test
chi_value = stats.chi2_contingency(np.array([[black_call, black_nocall],[nonblack_call, nonblack_nocall]]))
print('chi_sq p-value=', chi_value[1])
#t-test on education, ofjobs and yearsexp and occupspecific and occupbroad
print('education p-value=', stats.ttest_ind(dfblack['education'], dfnonblack['education'], equal_var = False)[1])
print('ofjobs p-value=', stats.ttest_ind(dfblack['ofjobs'], dfnonblack['ofjobs'], equal_var = False)[1])
print('yearsexp p-value=', stats.ttest_ind(dfblack['yearsexp'], dfnonblack['yearsexp'], equal_var = False)[1])
print('occupspecific p-value=', stats.ttest_ind(dfblack['occupspecific'], dfnonblack['occupspecific'], equal_var = False)[1])
print('occupbroad p-value=', stats.ttest_ind(dfblack['occupbroad'], dfnonblack['occupbroad'], equal_var = False)[1])
#proportion test on honors volunteer military empholes and workinschool
print('honors p-value=', proportions_ztest(count=np.array([sum(dfblack.honors), \
sum(dfnonblack.honors)]),nobs=np.array([n1, n2]), value=ls)[1])
print('volunteer p-value=', proportions_ztest(count=np.array([sum(dfblack.volunteer), \
sum(dfnonblack.volunteer)]),nobs=np.array([n1, n2]), value=ls)[1])
print('military p-value=', proportions_ztest(count=np.array([sum(dfblack.military), \
sum(dfnonblack.military)]),nobs=np.array([n1, n2]), value=ls)[1])
print('empholes p-value=', proportions_ztest(count=np.array([sum(dfblack.empholes), \
sum(dfnonblack.empholes)]),nobs=np.array([n1, n2]), value=ls)[1])
print('workinschool p-value=', proportions_ztest(count=np.array([sum(dfblack.workinschool), \
sum(dfnonblack.workinschool)]),nobs=np.array([n1, n2]), value=ls)[1])
print('computerskills p-value=', proportions_ztest(count=np.array([sum(dfblack.computerskills), \
sum(dfnonblack.computerskills)]),nobs=np.array([n1, n2]), value=ls)[1])
In [58]:
corrmat = data.corr()
# Set up the matplotlib figure
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9))
# Draw the heatmap using seaborn
sns.heatmap(corrmat, vmax=.8, square=True)
Write a story describing the statistical significance in the context or the original problem.
Black sounding names have 2% to 4% average less callbacks compared to non-black sounding names.
Education, years experience and number of previous jobs have no significant difference.
However, differences are found in honors achieved, military and volunteer work, employment holes, work in school and computer skills.
There is a discrimination in the job market for black sounding names. A study of 4870 job applicants in 2000 to 2002 shows that there is a difference between the number of callbacks for black sounding names compared to non-black sounding names. The study also shows that education, years experience and number of previous jobs are the same between the two groups. Meanwhile, there is a difference shown in honors achieved, military and volunteer work, employment holes, work in school and computer skills.
Does your analysis mean that race/name is the most important factor in callback success? Why or why not? If not, how would you amend your analysis? Race is not the most important factor in callback success. In fact there are differences between black and nonblack sounding names in terms of honors achieved, military and volunteer work, employment holes, work in school and computer skills. These are the reasons why there is a difference on the callbacks between the two groups