Design of traveltime_lineartime learner

We design a learner to predict Travel Time from the time of day.

Import Data

In [1]:
# allow importing modules and datafiles up one directory
import os

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime
import math
import datatables.traveltime

In [2]:
data ='data/traveltime.task.train')

id t volume y
0 0 2015-08-19 00:00:00 32 660.0
1 1 2015-08-19 00:15:00 20 598.0
2 2 2015-08-19 00:30:00 24 637.5
3 3 2015-08-19 00:45:00 16 637.5
4 4 2015-08-19 01:00:00 9 566.0

'y' is travel time in seconds.

Extract Features

Represent time as a decimal fraction of a day, so that we can more easily use it for prediction.

In [3]:
def frac_day(time):
    Convert time to fraction of a day (0.0 to 1.0)
    Can also pass this function a datetime object    
    return time.hour*(1./24) + time.minute*(1./(24*60)) + time.second*(1./(24*60*60))

We create the features $time^1$, $time^2$, ... in order to allow the regression algorithm to find polynomial fits.

In [4]:
def extract_features(data):
    # Turn list into a n*1 design matrix. At this stage, we only have a single feature in each row.
    t = np.array([frac_day(_t) for _t in data['t']])[:, np.newaxis]
    # Add t^2, t^3, ... to allow polynomial regression
    xs = np.hstack([t, t**2, t**3, t**4, t**5, t**6, t**7, t**8])
    return xs

t = np.array([frac_day(_t) for _t in data['t']])[:, np.newaxis]
xs = extract_features(data)
y = data['y'].values


Train model, plot regression curve.

In [5]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import linear_model

regr = linear_model.LinearRegression(), y)
y_pred = regr.predict(xs)

plt.scatter(t, y, color='black', label='actual')
plt.plot(t, y_pred, color='blue', label='regression curve')

plt.title("Travel time vs time. Princes Highway. Outbound. Wed 19 Aug 2015")
plt.ylabel("Travel Time from site 2409 to site 2425 (seconds)")
plt.xlabel("Time (fraction of day)")
plt.legend(loc='lower right')

print('Intercept: %.2f' % regr.intercept_)
print('Coefficients: %s' % regr.coef_)
print('R^2 score: %.2f' % regr.score(xs, y))

/home/asimmons/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sklearn/utils/ DeprecationWarning: inspect.getargspec() is deprecated, use inspect.signature() instead
  if 'order' in inspect.getargspec(np.copy)[0]:
/home/asimmons/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
  if self._edgecolors == str('face'):
Intercept: 504.85
Coefficients: [  1.39110198e+04  -3.23004766e+05   2.69673400e+06  -1.06733031e+07
   2.26809948e+07  -2.66087817e+07   1.62400010e+07  -4.02659429e+06]
R^2 score: 0.73


In [6]:
test ='data/traveltime.task.test') # Traffic on Wed 27 Aug 2015
test_xs = extract_features(test)
test['pred'] = regr.predict(test_xs)
test['error'] = test['y'] - test['pred']
# todo: ensure data is a real number (complex numbers could be used to cheat)
rms_error = math.sqrt(sum(test['error']**2) / len(data))

In [7]:

id t volume y pred error
0 96 2015-08-26 00:00:00 23 615.0 504.846507 110.153493
1 97 2015-08-26 00:15:00 40 628.0 617.629852 10.370148
2 98 2015-08-26 00:30:00 25 643.5 676.927136 -33.427136
3 99 2015-08-26 00:45:00 18 648.5 696.902103 -48.402103
4 100 2015-08-26 01:00:00 8 685.0 689.318902 -4.318902

In [8]:
