Wrangle Bluetooth Data

We wrangle the bluetooth data into a workable format, and extract the travel time between the sites we are interested in.

Import data

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
f = pd.read_csv('../data/BLUETH_20150819.filtered.BT', header=None, names=['Site', 'Unix Time', 'Anonymized Bluetooth ID'])

Site Unix Time Anonymized Bluetooth ID
0 2409 1439942412 7D5561C29B78282F0AF56B411FABF392
1 2425 1439942415 135B591E6C16C88BA6CBB6CF5E0D445B
2 2409 1439942420 2469C4DB6C18C45FCF93B4ED49326231
3 2409 1439942434 9B2E7BB216C39A75608D0C162BA96296
4 2425 1439942434 DB7E50C1566C81CB7BC7E38E3268D5B7

Sort and Group

Collect together vehicles based on their bluetooth ID. Sort by time.

In [2]:
f_sorted = f.sort_values(by=['Anonymized Bluetooth ID', 'Unix Time'])

Site Unix Time Anonymized Bluetooth ID
37710 2425 1439992916 0003EC7E6B7C10F03B1FD275C31C3091
37716 2425 1439992921 0003EC7E6B7C10F03B1FD275C31C3091
37737 2425 1439992941 0003EC7E6B7C10F03B1FD275C31C3091
41305 2425 1439995956 0003EC7E6B7C10F03B1FD275C31C3091
48182 2425 1440001697 0003EC7E6B7C10F03B1FD275C31C3091

In [3]:
f_groups = f_sorted.groupby(['Anonymized Bluetooth ID'])

In [4]:
# trace of vehicle with bluetooth id 000B18...
sample_veh = f_groups.get_group('000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B')

Site Unix Time Anonymized Bluetooth ID
14984 2425 1439973653 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B
14992 2425 1439973663 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B
15016 2425 1439973687 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B
15032 2425 1439973707 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B
15045 2425 1439973725 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B
15071 2425 1439973746 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B
56527 2409 1440008826 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B
57289 2425 1440009666 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B
57317 2425 1440009693 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B
57334 2425 1440009707 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B
57366 2425 1440009737 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B


Track travel time between sequentially visited sites

In [5]:
def segments(df):
    Convert ordered table of visited sites into segments between adjacent nodes.
    dataframe -- site, time, bluetooth_id
    results = []
    last_row = None
    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        if last_row is not None and row["Site"] != last_row["Site"]:
            segment = (last_row["Anonymized Bluetooth ID"],
                       last_row["Unix Time"],
                       row["Unix Time"])
        last_row = row
    return results


[('000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B', 2425, 2409, 1439973746, 1440008826),
 ('000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B', 2409, 2425, 1440008826, 1440009666)]

In [6]:
results = []
for bt_id, data in f_groups:
    for segment in segments(data):

all_segments = pd.DataFrame(results,
                            columns=('Anonymized Bluetooth ID', 'Site A', 'Site B', 'Time A', 'Time B'))

In [7]:

Anonymized Bluetooth ID Site A Site B Time A Time B
0 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B 2425 2409 1439973746 1440008826
1 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B 2409 2425 1440008826 1440009666
2 001504BE590593C444A53BBF36BB5766 2425 2409 1439960640 1439994312
3 001504BE590593C444A53BBF36BB5766 2409 2425 1439994312 1439995055
4 00A8D3A8D3193707A47512E332A04B8E 2425 2409 1439993496 1439994212

Filter Direction

Consider only outbound/westbound traffic originating from site 2409, traveling to site 2425

In [8]:
inbound = all_segments[all_segments["Site A"] == 2409]

In [9]:
inbound = inbound.copy()

Anonymized Bluetooth ID Site A Site B Time A Time B
1 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B 2409 2425 1440008826 1440009666
3 001504BE590593C444A53BBF36BB5766 2409 2425 1439994312 1439995055
6 00AA2C5E7B0FC69467FCA798179BC41F 2409 2425 1439985342 1439986392
8 00AA2C5E7B0FC69467FCA798179BC41F 2409 2425 1440007983 1440009078
10 00E5C469BA14439C1591B02D64F9AE9E 2409 2425 1440000409 1440002050

Cacluate Travel Time

In [10]:
travel_time = inbound["Time B"] - inbound["Time A"]
inbound["Travel Time"] = travel_time

In [11]:

Anonymized Bluetooth ID Site A Site B Time A Time B Travel Time
1 000B1865B7FAA931B56B92C344F6B56B 2409 2425 1440008826 1440009666 840
3 001504BE590593C444A53BBF36BB5766 2409 2425 1439994312 1439995055 743
6 00AA2C5E7B0FC69467FCA798179BC41F 2409 2425 1439985342 1439986392 1050
8 00AA2C5E7B0FC69467FCA798179BC41F 2409 2425 1440007983 1440009078 1095
10 00E5C469BA14439C1591B02D64F9AE9E 2409 2425 1440000409 1440002050 1641

Plot Vehicle Travel Times

In [12]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

tt = list(travel_time)
bins = np.linspace(0, 2000, 101)
plt.hist(tt, bins=bins)

In [13]:
import calendar
start_of_day = calendar.timegm((2015,8,19,0,0,0))
plt.scatter(list((inbound["Time A"] - start_of_day)/3600), list(inbound["Travel Time"]))
plt.title("Travel time from site 2409 (Chapel St) to 2425 (Warrigal Rd) along Princes Highway (Outbound). Wed 19 Aug 2015.")
plt.ylabel("Travel Time (seconds)")
plt.xlabel("Time Leave (Hour)")
plt.axhline(y=1800, color='grey') # threshold

/home/asimmons/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/collections.py:590: FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
  if self._edgecolors == str('face'):


Aggregate into 15 minute bins. Some vehicles stop along the way, take a longer route, or only pass the other site on the way back from their desitination. We eliminate these by only considering reasonable travel times, then taking the median value.

In [14]:
# Filter extreme travel times
inbound = inbound[inbound["Travel Time"] <= 1800]

In [15]:
max(inbound["Travel Time"])


Experiment with timezones. Times should be stated as seconds since the Unix Epoch (00:00:00 UTC 1970), which would result in the start of the Australian day being 10:00:00 UTC. Since this is not the case, it seems that VicRoads has set their server clock to localtime rather than UTC. This is wrong, but convenient.

In [16]:
import datetime
start_of_day = min(inbound["Time A"])
print (start_of_day)
print (datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(start_of_day))

2015-08-19 00:00:20

In [17]:
import datetime

def parse_date(unix_time):
    d_utc = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unix_time)
    # Unix servers *should* have their system clock set to UTC.
    # So we theoretically, we need to convert from UTC to AEST (localtime).
    # However, VicRoads seems to have set their operating system clock to AEST.
    # The easiest way to deal with this, is to treat all datetimes as naive (ignore timezone).
    # TLDR; VicRoads didn't handle timezones correctly. We need to copy their error for consistency.
    d_local = d_utc # Naive datetime. It's already shifted to AEST (but shouldn't be)
    return d_local

ts = pd.Series(list(inbound["Travel Time"]),
               index=list([parse_date(t) for t in inbound["Time A"]]))

In [18]:

2015-08-19 23:38:37    737
2015-08-19 23:39:07    679
2015-08-19 23:42:43    562
2015-08-19 23:44:46    596
2015-08-19 23:44:50    603
dtype: int64

In [19]:
ts_resampled = ts.resample('15Min', how='median')

# Index over entire day, even if some times are missing. Last 15 minutes usualy not present.
rng = pd.date_range('2015-08-19 00:00:00', periods=24*4, freq='15Min')
ts_resampled = pd.Series(ts_resampled, index=rng)

# Fill in missing values
ts_resampled = ts_resampled.fillna(method='pad')

In [20]:

2015-08-19 22:45:00    620.5
2015-08-19 23:00:00    760.0
2015-08-19 23:15:00    676.0
2015-08-19 23:30:00    643.0
2015-08-19 23:45:00    643.0
Freq: 15T, dtype: float64

Plot Aggregated Travel Times

In [21]:
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(ts_resampled)), ts_resampled.values)
plt.title("Travel time from site 2409 (Chapel St) to 2425 (Warrigal Rd) along Princes Highway (Outbound). Wed 19 Aug 2015")
plt.ylabel("Travel Time (seconds)")
plt.xlabel("Time Leave (15 min offset)")

/home/asimmons/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/collections.py:590: FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
  if self._edgecolors == str('face'):