In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import sys

In [2]:
# py_entitymatching relies on the following packages from the Python eco-system
S.No Package Comments
1 pandas provides data structures (such as DataFrame) to store and manage relational data. Specifically, DataFrame is used to represent input tables.
2 scikit-learn provides implementations for common machine learning algorithms. Specifically, this is used in ML-based matchers.
3 joblib provides multiprocessing capabilities. Specifically, this is used to parallelize blockers across multiple processors.
4 PyQt4 provides tools to build GUI. Specifically, this is used to build GUI for labeling data and debugging matchers.
5 py_stringsimjoin provides scalable implementations for string similarity joins over two tables. Specifically, this is used to scale blockers.
6 py_stringmatching provides a comprehensive set of tokenizers and string similarity functions. Specifically, this is to create features for blocking and matching.
7 cloudpickle provides functions to serialize Python constructs. Specifically, this is used to load/save objects from/to disk.
8 pyprind library to display progress indicators. Specifically, this is used to display progress of blocking functions, matching functions, etc.
9 pyparsing library to parse strings. Specifically, this is used to parse rules/features that are declaratively written by the user.
10 six provides functions to write compatible code across Python 2 and 3.

In [3]:
import py_entitymatching as em
import profiler
import pandas as pd

Read input tables

In [4]:
## Read input tables
A = em.read_csv_metadata('dblp_demo.csv', key='id')
B = em.read_csv_metadata('acm_demo.csv', key='id')

In [5]:
len(A), len(B), len(A) * len(B)

(1800, 1813, 3263400)

In [6]:

id title authors venue year
0 l0 Paradise: A Database System for GIS Applications Paradise Team SIGMOD Conference 1995
1 l1 A Query Language and Optimization Techniques for Unstructured Data Gerd G. Hillebrand, Peter Buneman, Susan B. Davidson, Dan Suciu SIGMOD Conference 1996

In [7]:

id title authors venue year
0 r0 An efficient bitmap encoding scheme for selection queries Chee-Yong Chan, Yannis E. Ioannidis International Conference on Management of Data 1999
1 r1 Integrating a Structured-Text Retrieval System with an Object-Oriented Database System Tak W. Yan, Jurgen Annevelink Very Large Data Bases 1994

In [8]:
# If the tables are large we can downsample the tables like this
A1, B1 = em.down_sample(A, B, 500, 1, show_progress=False)
len(A1), len(B1)

# But for the demo, we will use the entire table A and B

(480, 500)

Block tables to get candidate set

In [9]:
profiler.profile_table(A, 'year')

Number of unique values: 10
Number of missing values: 0

Unique values:
[1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003]

Frequency plot:

In [60]:
profiler.profile_table(B, 'year')

Number of unique values: 11
Number of missing values: 0

Unique values:
[1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 20003]

Frequency plot:

In [10]:
        }}, inplace=True)

In [11]:
### Blocking plan

### A, B -- AttrEquivalence blocker [year]--------------------------| Candidate set

In [12]:
# Create attribute equivalence blocker
ab = em.AttrEquivalenceBlocker()
# Block tables using 'year' attribute : same year include in candidate set
C1 = ab.block_tables(A, B, 'year', 'year', 
                     l_output_attrs=['title', 'authors', 'year'],
                     r_output_attrs=['title', 'authors', 'year']


In [13]:

_id ltable_id rtable_id ltable_title ltable_authors ltable_year rtable_title rtable_authors rtable_year
0 0 l0 r2 Paradise: A Database System for GIS Applications Paradise Team 1995 Nearest neighbor queries Nick Roussopoulos, Stephen Kelley, Frédéric Vincent 1995
1 1 l0 r3 Paradise: A Database System for GIS Applications Paradise Team 1995 The LyriC language: querying constraint objects Alexander Brodsky, Yoram Kornatzky 1995

Debug blocking output

In [14]:
# check whether the current blocking method has dropped a lot of potential matches
dbg = em.debug_blocker(C1, A, B)

In [15]:

_id similarity ltable_id rtable_id ltable_title ltable_authors ltable_venue rtable_title rtable_authors rtable_venue
0 0 0.941176 l239 r821 Workshop Report on Experiences Using Object Data Management in the Real-World Akmal B. Chaudhri SIGMOD Record Workshop report on experiences using object data management in the real-world Akmal B. Chaudhri ACM SIGMOD Record
1 1 0.941176 l941 r94 Some Remarks on Variable Independence, Closure, and Orthographic Dimension in Constraint Databases Leonid Libkin SIGMOD Record Some remarks on variable independence, closure, and orthographic dimension in constraint databases Leonid Libkin ACM SIGMOD Record
2 2 0.928571 l790 r106 Research in database engineering at the University of Namur Jean-Luc Hainaut SIGMOD Record Research in database engineering at the University of Namur Jean-Luc Hainaut ACM SIGMOD Record
3 3 0.928571 l1039 r1051 Middle East Technical University Software Research and Development Center Asuman Dogac SIGMOD Record Middle East Technical University Software Research and Development Center Asuman Dogac ACM SIGMOD Record
4 4 0.923077 l1207 r148 Database Research at NTHU and ITRI Arbee L. P. Chen SIGMOD Record Database research at NTHU and ITRI Arbee L. P. Chen ACM SIGMOD Record

In [16]:
# em.view_table(dbg)

In [17]:
# Revised blocking plan

# A, B -- AttrEquivalence blocker [year] --------------------|
#                                                           |---> candidate set
# A, B -- Overlap blocker [title]---------------------------|

In [18]:
profiler.profile_table(A, 'title', plot=False)

Property Value
0 Num. Missing Values 0
1 Num. Unique Values 1797
2 List of Unique Values [1-Safe Algorithms for Symmetric Site Configurations, 3D Geographic Network Displays, 50,000 Use...

In [19]:
profiler.profile_table(B, 'title', plot=False)

Property Value
0 Num. Missing Values 0
1 Num. Unique Values 1803
2 List of Unique Values [1-Safe Algorithms for Symmetric Site Configurations, 2Q: A Low Overhead High Performance Buffer...

In [20]:
# Initialize overlap blocker
ob = em.OverlapBlocker()
# Block over title attribute
C2 = ob.block_tables(A, B, 'title', 'title', show_progress=False, overlap_size=1)


In [21]:
# Combine the outputs from attr. equivalence blocker and overlap blocker
C = em.combine_blocker_outputs_via_union([C1, C2])


In [22]:
# Check again to see if we are dropping any potential matches
dbg = em.debug_blocker(C, A, B)

In [23]:

_id similarity ltable_id rtable_id ltable_title ltable_authors ltable_venue rtable_title rtable_authors rtable_venue
0 0 0.400000 l188 r1666 An Early Look at XQuery Andrew Eisenberg, Jim Melton SIGMOD Record Standards in practice Andrew Eisenberg, Jim Melton ACM SIGMOD Record
1 1 0.400000 l1686 r1666 SQL/XML is Making Good Progress Andrew Eisenberg, Jim Melton SIGMOD Record Standards in practice Andrew Eisenberg, Jim Melton ACM SIGMOD Record
2 2 0.400000 l484 r1666 SQL Standardization: The Next Steps Andrew Eisenberg, Jim Melton SIGMOD Record Standards in practice Andrew Eisenberg, Jim Melton ACM SIGMOD Record
3 3 0.384615 l519 r352 Developments at ACM TODS Richard T. Snodgrass SIGMOD Record Reminiscences in influential papers Richard Snodgrass ACM SIGMOD Record
4 4 0.384615 l519 r921 Developments at ACM TODS Richard T. Snodgrass SIGMOD Record Reminiscences on influential papers Richard Snodgrass ACM SIGMOD Record

Match tuple pairs in candidate set

1. Sample candidate set --> S

2. Label S

3. Split S into development set (I) and evaluation set (J)

4. Select best learning-based matcher X, using I

5. Compute accuracy of X on J

In [24]:
# Sample  candidate set
S = em.sample_table(C, 450)

In [25]:
# Label S
S = em.label_table(S, 'label')

In [75]:
# Load the pre-labeled data
S = em.read_csv_metadata('labeled_data_demo.csv', ltable=A, rtable=B)


In [76]:
# Split S into I an J
IJ = em.split_train_test(S, train_proportion=0.7, random_state=0)
I = IJ['train']
J = IJ['test']

Selecting the best learning-based matcher using I

1. Create a set of ML-matchers

2. Generate a set of features (F)

3. Convert I into a set of feature vectors (H) using F

4. Select best learning-based matcher (X) using k-fold cross validation over H

5. Debug X (and repeat the above steps)

In [77]:
# Create a set of ML-matchers
dt = em.DTMatcher(name='DecisionTree', random_state=0)
svm = em.SVMMatcher(name='SVM', random_state=0)
rf = em.RFMatcher(name='RF', random_state=0)
lg = em.LogRegMatcher(name='LogReg', random_state=0)
ln = em.LinRegMatcher(name='LinReg')

In [78]:
# Generate a set of features
F = em.get_features_for_matching(A, B)

In [79]:
# List the feature names generated

0                              id_id_lev_dist
1                               id_id_lev_sim
2                                   id_id_jar
3                                   id_id_jwn
4                                   id_id_exm
5                       id_id_jac_qgm_3_qgm_3
6                 title_title_jac_qgm_3_qgm_3
7         title_title_cos_dlm_dc_sp_dlm_dc_sp
8                             title_title_mel
9                        title_title_lev_dist
10                        title_title_lev_sim
11            authors_authors_jac_qgm_3_qgm_3
12    authors_authors_cos_dlm_dc_sp_dlm_dc_sp
13                        authors_authors_mel
14                   authors_authors_lev_dist
15                    authors_authors_lev_sim
16                venue_venue_jac_qgm_3_qgm_3
17        venue_venue_cos_dlm_dc_sp_dlm_dc_sp
18        venue_venue_jac_dlm_dc_sp_dlm_dc_sp
19                            venue_venue_mel
20                       venue_venue_lev_dist
21                        venue_venue_lev_sim
22                            venue_venue_nmw
23                             venue_venue_sw
24                              year_year_exm
25                              year_year_anm
26                         year_year_lev_dist
27                          year_year_lev_sim
Name: feature_name, dtype: object

In [80]:
# Convert the I into a set of feature vectors using F
H = em.extract_feature_vecs(I, 

In [81]:
# Select the best ML matcher using CV
result = em.select_matcher([dt, rf, svm, ln, lg], table=H, 
        exclude_attrs=['_id', 'ltable_id', 'rtable_id', 'label'],
        target_attr='label', metric='f1', random_state=0)

Name Matcher Num folds Fold 1 Fold 2 Fold 3 Fold 4 Fold 5 Mean score
0 DecisionTree <py_entitymatching.matcher.dtmatcher.DTMatcher object at 0x1161179e8> 5 0.871795 0.820513 0.979592 0.979592 0.936170 0.917532
1 RF <py_entitymatching.matcher.rfmatcher.RFMatcher object at 0x116117b00> 5 0.918919 0.944444 0.956522 1.000000 0.977778 0.959533
2 SVM <py_entitymatching.matcher.svmmatcher.SVMMatcher object at 0x116117c50> 5 0.727273 0.848485 0.736842 0.956522 0.900000 0.833824
3 LinReg <py_entitymatching.matcher.linregmatcher.LinRegMatcher object at 0x116117e10> 5 0.857143 0.944444 0.956522 1.000000 1.000000 0.951622
4 LogReg <py_entitymatching.matcher.logregmatcher.LogRegMatcher object at 0x116117b38> 5 0.871795 0.871795 0.956522 1.000000 0.976744 0.935371

Debug X (Random Forest)

In [82]:
# Split H into P and Q
PQ = em.split_train_test(H, train_proportion=0.5, random_state=0)
P = PQ['train']
Q = PQ['test']

In [83]:
# Debug RF matcher using GUI
em.vis_debug_rf(rf, P, Q, 
        exclude_attrs=['_id', 'ltable_id', 'rtable_id', 'label'],

In [36]:
# Swap P and Q, and debug again
em.vis_debug_rf(rf, Q, P, 
        exclude_attrs=['_id', 'ltable_id', 'rtable_id', 'label'],

In [84]:
# Add a feature to do Jaccard on title + authors and add it to F

# Create a feature declaratively
sim = em.get_sim_funs_for_matching()
tok = em.get_tokenizers_for_matching()
feature_string = """jaccard(wspace((ltuple['title'] + ' ' + ltuple['authors']).lower()), 
                            wspace((rtuple['title'] + ' ' + rtuple['authors']).lower()))"""
feature = em.get_feature_fn(feature_string, sim, tok)

# Add feature to F
em.add_feature(F, 'jac_ws_title_authors', feature)


In [38]:
# Print supported sim. functions

0 abs_norm
1 affine
2 cosine
3 dice
4 exact_match
5 hamming_dist
6 hamming_sim
7 jaccard
8 jaro
9 jaro_winkler
10 lev_dist
11 lev_sim
12 monge_elkan
13 needleman_wunsch
14 overlap_coeff
15 rel_diff
16 smith_waterman

In [39]:
# Print supported tokenizers

0 alphabetic
1 alphanumeric
2 dlm_dc_sp
3 qgm_2
4 qgm_3
5 wspace

In [85]:

0                              id_id_lev_dist
1                               id_id_lev_sim
2                                   id_id_jar
3                                   id_id_jwn
4                                   id_id_exm
5                       id_id_jac_qgm_3_qgm_3
6                 title_title_jac_qgm_3_qgm_3
7         title_title_cos_dlm_dc_sp_dlm_dc_sp
8                             title_title_mel
9                        title_title_lev_dist
10                        title_title_lev_sim
11            authors_authors_jac_qgm_3_qgm_3
12    authors_authors_cos_dlm_dc_sp_dlm_dc_sp
13                        authors_authors_mel
14                   authors_authors_lev_dist
15                    authors_authors_lev_sim
16                venue_venue_jac_qgm_3_qgm_3
17        venue_venue_cos_dlm_dc_sp_dlm_dc_sp
18        venue_venue_jac_dlm_dc_sp_dlm_dc_sp
19                            venue_venue_mel
20                       venue_venue_lev_dist
21                        venue_venue_lev_sim
22                            venue_venue_nmw
23                             venue_venue_sw
24                              year_year_exm
25                              year_year_anm
26                         year_year_lev_dist
27                          year_year_lev_sim
28                       jac_ws_title_authors
Name: feature_name, dtype: object

In [86]:
# Convert I into feature vectors using updated F
H = em.extract_feature_vecs(I, 

In [87]:
# Check whether the updated F improves X (Random Forest)
result = em.select_matcher([rf], table=H, 
        exclude_attrs=['_id', 'ltable_id', 'rtable_id', 'label'],
        target_attr='label', metric='f1', random_state=0)

Name Matcher Num folds Fold 1 Fold 2 Fold 3 Fold 4 Fold 5 Mean score
0 RF <py_entitymatching.matcher.rfmatcher.RFMatcher object at 0x116117b00> 5 0.918919 0.972973 0.978723 1.0 1.0 0.974123

In [88]:
# Select the best matcher again using CV
result = em.select_matcher([dt, rf, svm, ln, lg], table=H, 
        exclude_attrs=['_id', 'ltable_id', 'rtable_id', 'label'],
        target_attr='label', metric='f1', random_state=0)

Name Matcher Num folds Fold 1 Fold 2 Fold 3 Fold 4 Fold 5 Mean score
0 DecisionTree <py_entitymatching.matcher.dtmatcher.DTMatcher object at 0x1161179e8> 5 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
1 RF <py_entitymatching.matcher.rfmatcher.RFMatcher object at 0x116117b00> 5 0.918919 0.972973 0.978723 1.000000 1.000000 0.974123
2 SVM <py_entitymatching.matcher.svmmatcher.SVMMatcher object at 0x116117c50> 5 0.727273 0.848485 0.736842 0.956522 0.900000 0.833824
3 LinReg <py_entitymatching.matcher.linregmatcher.LinRegMatcher object at 0x116117e10> 5 0.974359 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.994872
4 LogReg <py_entitymatching.matcher.logregmatcher.LogRegMatcher object at 0x116117b38> 5 0.871795 0.871795 0.978723 1.000000 0.976744 0.939811

Compute accuracy of X (Decision Tree) on J

1. Train X using H

2. Convert J into a set of feature vectors (L)

3. Predict on L using X

4. Evaluate the predictions

In [89]:
# Train using feature vectors from I, 
       exclude_attrs=['_id', 'ltable_id', 'rtable_id', 'label'], 

# Convert J into a set of feature vectors using F
L = em.extract_feature_vecs(J, feature_table=F,
                            attrs_after='label', show_progress=False)

# Predict on L 
predictions = dt.predict(table=L, exclude_attrs=['_id', 'ltable_id', 'rtable_id', 'label'], 
              append=True, target_attr='predicted', inplace=False)

In [90]:
# Evaluate the predictions
eval_result = em.eval_matches(predictions, 'label', 'predicted')

Precision : 100.0% (40/40)
Recall : 100.0% (40/40)
F1 : 100.0%
False positives : 0 (out of 40 positive predictions)
False negatives : 0 (out of 95 negative predictions)