Predicting House Prices

Sales prices prediction using an artificial neural network in Keras

Supervised Learning. Regression

Source: Ames Housing dataset (Kaggle website).

In [1]:
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import helper
import keras

#helper.reproducible(seed=0) # Setup reproducible results from run to run using Keras

%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Using TensorFlow backend.
Keras		v2.1.4
TensorFlow	v1.4.1

1. Data Processing and Exploratory Data Analysis

In [2]:
data_path = 'data/house_prices_data.csv'
target = ['SalePrice']

df_original = pd.read_csv(data_path)

Explore the data

In [3]:
helper.info_data(df_original, target)

Samples: 	1460 
Features: 	80
Target: 	SalePrice

In [4]:

Id MSSubClass MSZoning LotFrontage LotArea Street Alley LotShape LandContour Utilities ... PoolArea PoolQC Fence MiscFeature MiscVal MoSold YrSold SaleType SaleCondition SalePrice
0 1 60 RL 65.0 8450 Pave NaN Reg Lvl AllPub ... 0 NaN NaN NaN 0 2 2008 WD Normal 208500
1 2 20 RL 80.0 9600 Pave NaN Reg Lvl AllPub ... 0 NaN NaN NaN 0 5 2007 WD Normal 181500
2 3 60 RL 68.0 11250 Pave NaN IR1 Lvl AllPub ... 0 NaN NaN NaN 0 9 2008 WD Normal 223500

3 rows × 81 columns

Missing values

In [5]:
high_missing = helper.missing(df_original, limit=0.4, plot=True)

['FireplaceQu', 'Fence', 'Alley', 'MiscFeature', 'PoolQC']

Transform the data

Remove irrelevant features

In [6]:
df = df_original.copy()  # modified dataset

# remove non-significant and high-missing features
droplist = ['Id'] + high_missing

assert len(set(droplist).intersection(set(target))) == 0, 'Targets cannot be dropped'

df.drop(droplist, axis='columns', inplace=True)

Classify variables

Change categorical variables as dtype 'categorical' and sort columns: numerical + categorical + target

In [7]:
numerical = list(df.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]))

df = helper.classify_data(df, target, numerical=numerical)


Numerical features: 	36
Categorical features: 	38
Target: 		SalePrice (float32)
MSSubClass LotFrontage LotArea OverallQual OverallCond YearBuilt YearRemodAdd MasVnrArea BsmtFinSF1 BsmtFinSF2 ... KitchenQual Functional GarageType GarageFinish GarageQual GarageCond PavedDrive SaleType SaleCondition SalePrice
Type float32 float32 float32 float32 float32 float32 float32 float32 float32 float32 ... category category category category category category category category category float32

1 rows × 75 columns

Remove low frequency values from categorical features

In [8]:
df, dict_categories = helper.remove_categories(df, target, ratio=0.01)

Fill missing values

Numerical -> median, categorical -> mode

In [9]:
helper.fill_simple(df, target, inplace=True)

Visualize the data

Target vs some significant features

In [10]:
g = sns.PairGrid(
    df, y_vars=["SalePrice"], x_vars=["LotArea", "YearBuilt"], size=5, hue='OverallQual')
g.axes[0, 0].set_xlim(0, 20000)
plt.ylim(df['SalePrice'].min(), 600000)

(34900.0, 600000)

Lower sale prices are usually found in very low overall quality houses, with less dependency on its size and the year of construction. These three features alone are insufficient to make a good price prediction.

Categorical features

In [11]:
helper.show_categorical(df, sharey=True)

Target vs Categorical features

In [12]:
helper.show_target_vs_categorical(df, target)

Numerical features

In [13]:
helper.show_numerical(df, kde=True)

Target vs Numerical features

In [14]:
helper.show_target_vs_numerical(df, target, point_size=20,

Correlation between numerical features and target

In [15]:
helper.correlation(df, target)

2. Neural Network model

Select the features

In [16]:
droplist = []  # features to drop

# For the model 'data' instead of 'df'
data = df.copy()
data.drop(droplist, axis='columns', inplace=True)

MSSubClass LotFrontage LotArea OverallQual OverallCond YearBuilt YearRemodAdd MasVnrArea BsmtFinSF1 BsmtFinSF2 ... KitchenQual Functional GarageType GarageFinish GarageQual GarageCond PavedDrive SaleType SaleCondition SalePrice
0 60.0 65.0 8450.0 7.0 5.0 2003.0 2003.0 196.0 706.0 0.0 ... Gd Typ Attchd RFn TA TA Y WD Normal 208500.0
1 20.0 80.0 9600.0 6.0 8.0 1976.0 1976.0 0.0 978.0 0.0 ... TA Typ Attchd RFn TA TA Y WD Normal 181500.0
2 60.0 68.0 11250.0 7.0 5.0 2001.0 2002.0 162.0 486.0 0.0 ... Gd Typ Attchd RFn TA TA Y WD Normal 223500.0

3 rows × 75 columns

Scale numerical variables

Shift and scale numerical variables to a standard normal distribution. The scaling factors are saved to be used for predictions.

In [17]:
data, scale_param = helper.scale(data)

Create dummy features

Replace categorical features (no target) with dummy features

In [18]:
data, dict_dummies = helper.replace_by_dummies(data, target)

model_features = [f for f in data if f not in target] # sorted neural network inputs


MSSubClass LotFrontage LotArea OverallQual OverallCond YearBuilt YearRemodAdd MasVnrArea BsmtFinSF1 BsmtFinSF2 ... PavedDrive_N PavedDrive_P PavedDrive_Y SaleType_COD SaleType_New SaleType_WD SaleCondition_Abnorml SaleCondition_Family SaleCondition_Normal SaleCondition_Partial
0 0.073350 -0.220800 -0.207071 0.651256 -0.517023 1.050633 0.878369 0.513928 0.575228 -0.288554 ... 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 -0.872264 0.460162 -0.091855 -0.071812 2.178881 0.156680 -0.429428 -0.570555 1.171591 -0.288554 ... 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
2 0.073350 -0.084607 0.073455 0.651256 -0.517023 0.984414 0.829932 0.325803 0.092875 -0.288554 ... 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0

3 rows × 193 columns

Split the data into training, validation, and test sets

Data leakage: Test set hidden when training the model, but seen when preprocessing the dataset

In [19]:
test_size = 0.2
val_size = 0.1
random_state = 9

x_train, y_train, x_val, y_val, x_test, y_test = helper.train_val_test_split(
    data, target, test_size=test_size, val_size=val_size, random_state=random_state)

train size 	 X:(1051, 192) 	 Y:(1051, 1)
validation size	 X:(117, 192) 	 Y:(117, 1)
test size  	 X:(292, 192) 	 Y:(292, 1) 

One-hot encode the output not needed for regression

Build and Train the Neural Network

In [20]:
model_path = os.path.join("models", "house_prices.h5")

weights = weights = keras.initializers.TruncatedNormal(stddev=0.0001)
opt = keras.optimizers.adam(lr=0.00005)

model = None
model = helper.build_nn_reg(
    input_nodes=x_train.shape[1] // 2,

callbacks = [keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=3, verbose=0)]

    validation_data=[x_val, y_val],

from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

ypred_train = model.predict(x_train)
ypred_val = model.predict(x_val)
print('Training   R2-score: \t{:.3f}'.format(r2_score(y_train, ypred_train)))
print('Validation R2-score: \t{:.3f}'.format(r2_score(y_val, ypred_val)))

Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 96)                18528     
dropout_1 (Dropout)          (None, 96)                0         
dense_2 (Dense)              (None, 1)                 97        
Total params: 18,625
Trainable params: 18,625
Non-trainable params: 0
Training ....
time: 	 9.7 s
Training loss:  	0.1420
Validation loss: 	0.1169

Model saved at models/house_prices.h5
Training   R2-score: 	0.873
Validation R2-score: 	0.904

Train with Cross Validation

In [21]:
# restore training set
x_train = np.vstack((x_train, x_val))  
y_train = np.vstack((y_train, y_val))

In [22]:
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold

def cv_train_nn(x_train, y_train, n_splits):
    """ Create and Train models for cross validation. Return best model """

    skf = KFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True)

    score = []

    best_model = None
    best_loss = float('inf')

    print('Training {} models for Cross Validation ...'.format(n_splits))

    for train, val in skf.split(x_train[:, 0], y_train[:, 0]):
        model = None
        model = helper.build_nn_reg(
            input_nodes=x_train.shape[1] // 2,

        history = helper.train_nn(
            validation_data=(x_train[val], y_train[val]),

        val_loss = history.history['val_loss'][-1]


        if val_loss < best_loss:  # save best model (fold) for evaluation and predictions
            best_model = model
            best_loss = val_loss

    print('\nCross Validation loss: {:.3f}'.format(np.mean(score)))
    return best_model

model = cv_train_nn(x_train, y_train, 10)

Training 10 models for Cross Validation ...

Cross Validation loss: 0.149

Evaluate the model

In [23]:
y_pred_test = model.predict(x_test, verbose=0)
helper.regression_scores(y_test, y_pred_test, return_dataframe=True, index="DNN")

Loss R2 Score
DNN 0.15 0.86

Make predictions

In [24]:
def predict_nn(model, x_test, target):
    """ Return a dataframe with actual and predicted targets in original scale"""

    for t in target:
        pred = model.predict(x_test, verbose=0)
        restore_pred = pred * scale_param[t][1] + scale_param[t][0]
        restore_pred = restore_pred.round()

        restore_y = y_test * scale_param[t][1] + scale_param[t][0]
        restore_y = restore_y.round()

        pred_label = 'Predicted_' + t
        error_label = t + ' error (%)'

        pred_df = pd.DataFrame({t: np.squeeze(restore_y), pred_label: np.squeeze(restore_pred)})

        pred_df[error_label] = ((pred_df[pred_label] - pred_df[t]) * 100 / pred_df[t]).round(1)

        print(t, ". Prediction error:")
        print("Mean: \t {:.2f}%".format(pred_df[error_label].mean()))
        print("Stddev:  {:.2f}%".format(pred_df[error_label].std()))

    return pred_df

pred_df = predict_nn(model, x_test, target)

SalePrice . Prediction error:
Mean: 	 0.36%
Stddev:  10.88%

In [25]:

Predicted_SalePrice SalePrice SalePrice error (%)
0 211204.0 151400.0 39.5
1 218395.0 241500.0 -9.6
2 78951.0 82000.0 -3.7
3 168806.0 162000.0 4.2
4 146216.0 140000.0 4.4
5 216865.0 227000.0 -4.5
6 257858.0 228950.0 12.6
7 191627.0 208300.0 -8.0
8 122705.0 128500.0 -4.5
9 170845.0 165000.0 3.5

The error of the predicted sale prices can be modeled by a normal distribution, almost zero centered, and with a standard deviation of < 12%. Thus, ~95% of the houses are predicted within a price error < 24% respect to the actual one.

Note: there is data leakage when removing low-frequency categorical values and scaling numerical features

Compare with classical ML

In [26]:
helper.ml_regression(x_train, y_train[:,0], x_test, y_test[:,0])

Bayesian Ridge
Decision Tree
Random Forest
Time (s) Test loss Test R2 score
Random Forest 1.8 0.12 0.89
Linear 0.0 0.14 0.87
Bayesian Ridge 0.0 0.15 0.86
AdaBoost 0.3 0.17 0.84
Decision Tree 0.0 0.22 0.80
KNeighbors 0.0 0.29 0.74

Best tree-based model

In [27]:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

random_forest = RandomForestRegressor(
    n_jobs=-1, n_estimators=100, random_state=9).fit(x_train, np.ravel(y_train))

y_pred = random_forest.predict(x_test)

helper.regression_scores(y_test, y_pred, return_dataframe=True, index="Random Forest")

Loss R2 Score
Random Forest 0.12 0.89

Feature importances

In [28]:
results = helper.feature_importances(model_features, random_forest)