
IOCaml provides a browser based interface to the OCaml REPL with rich HTML based output. We call iocaml browser pages notebooks and they are saved with a .ipynb filename extension.

A notebook is made up of a vertically stacked set of cells. Each cell can be code, text or a heading.

Text cells are written in markdown which is a simple text based format for describing bold or italic text, lists, tables etc. Markdown cells are edited in raw text format and displayed as html. Select then press <enter> on a text cell (such as this one) to edit it, then press <shift>+<enter> to display it. In addition, the markdown format supports arbitrary html fragments along with a special math markup language called mathjax.

Code cells are associated with a label In [x]: along with a box to insert OCaml code. Press <shift>+<enter> or <ctrl>+<enter> to execute the cell. This will in turn create a code output cell with label Out [x] and the compilers response along with any output generated by the code. For example,

In [ ]:
Printf.printf "Hello notebook" (* press ctrl+enter on this cell *)

Use the mouse or up and down arrow keys to move between cells. <shift>+<enter> will execute the current cell and move down to the next one (creating an empty code cell if needed). <ctrl>+<enter> will execute the current cell while remaining focussed on it.

Various other options for editing and manipulating the notebook exist in the menu bar and many can also be called with keyboard shortcuts prefixed with <ctrl>+m. <ctrl>+m-h will show a dialog box with all available keyboard shortcuts.

Bytecode and Javascript kernels

The IOCaml notebook interface can run on top of either a bytecode ocaml compiler (similar to the ocaml or utop commands) or a javascript based ocaml compiler.

When using the bytecode compiler a seperate ocaml process is spawned and interacted with over a network connection. In general it has much the same capabilities as a normal OCaml REPL including access to the file system, libraries etc.

When using the javascript option the compiler is embedded in the browser itself. This somewhat limits the capabilities of the compiler (access to the file system and libraries is still possible but has to be done via the IOCaml server). A notable limitation is the limited stack size javascript allows. On the other hand it gives complete access to the browser environment via js_of_ocaml libraries.

In summary

  • Bytecode compiler - full access to the OS environment, browser accessed via IOCaml
  • Javascript compiler - OS accessed via IOCaml, full access to browser environment

IOCaml command line

The following will start IOCaml with the dashboard interface, which lists the notebooks found in the current directory. From the dashboard an existing or new notebook can be opened.

$ iocaml

An alternative directory can be specified with

$ iocaml /path/to/dir

or a notebook can be directly loaded, bypassing the dashboard, with

$ iocaml /path/notebook.ipynb

Tab completion

IOCaml supports the ocp-index library to enable tab completion of identifiers.

$ iocaml -completion -object-info ...

If .cmt[i] files are installed, documentation is also available.

Javascript kernels

IOCaml is installed with two javascript kernels by default; min and full.

$ iocaml -js full ...

The min kernel contains only the basic ocaml compiler. The full kernel includes the js_of_ocaml and lwt libraries along with their camlp4 syntax extensions.

OCaml libraries can be accessed with -serve-jslibs

$ iocaml -js <kernel> -serve-jslibs ...

so long as the libraries are compatible with js_of_ocaml (and do not blow the javascript stack!).

Additionally, IOCaml can serve parts of the host file system;

$ iocaml -js <kernel> -serve some/path ...

These are then accessed in the browser via calls such as open_in some/path/file


In [ ]:
#require "iocaml-kernel.notebook"

note; the #require is only required for byte code kernels

Iocaml.display is the easiest way to display rich content on the notebook. It takes two strings

  • A mime type such as "text/html" or "image/png"
  • raw data related to the mime type.

For example

In [ ]:
Iocaml.display "text/html" "<b>hello <i style=\"color:red\">notebook</i><b>"

The html data string can be generated with various ocaml libraries such as tyxml or cow to provide rich data representations.

The base64 optional argument will base64 encode the data string which is required for some mime types such as images. The context argument can send output to other cells if needed (sometimes useful with multiple threads).