Visualizing travel time in Boston


In [12]:
import pandas as pd
import pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import geoplotlib
from geoplotlib.utils import BoundingBox
import shapefile
import pickle
from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
from shapely.prepared import prep

%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (17.0, 9.0)

In [2]:
def print_status(msg):
    from IPython.display import clear_output
    import sys
    print msg

load the raw travel time data

In [3]:
df = pd.read_csv('boston.csv')

plot the raw samples

In [4]:
cmap = plt.get_cmap('hot')
col = [cmap(1.*t/df.duration.max()) for t in df.duration]
plt.subplot(111, axisbg='gray')
plt.scatter(df.end_lon, df.end_lat, color=col)
plt.xlim(df.end_lon.min(), df.end_lon.max())
plt.ylim(df.end_lat.min(), df.end_lat.max())

(42.303434000000003, 42.418742999999999)

In [5]:
def geodetic2ecef(lat, lon, alt):
    """Convert geodetic coordinates to ECEF."""
    a = 6378.137
    b = 6356.7523142
    esq = 6.69437999014 * 0.001

    lat, lon = np.radians(lat), np.radians(lon)
    sinlat = np.sin(lat)
    coslat = np.cos(lat)
    xi = np.sqrt(1 - esq * sinlat)
    x = 1000 * (a / xi + alt) * coslat * np.cos(lon)
    y = 1000 * (a / xi + alt) * coslat * np.sin(lon)
    z = 1000 * (a / xi * (1 - esq) + alt) * sinlat
    return np.vstack((x, y, z)).T

build the KDTree on ECEF distances

In [6]:
ecef = geodetic2ecef(df.end_lat, df.end_lon, np.zeros(len(df)))

In [7]:
tree = KDTree(ecef)

define an approximately uniform grid over the map

In [17]:
deltalon = 1e-3
deltalat = deltalon/2

lat_edges = np.arange(df.end_lat.min(), df.end_lat.max(), deltalat)
lon_edges = np.arange(df.end_lon.min(), df.end_lon.max(), deltalon)

print len(lat_edges), len(lon_edges)

231 203

load the land masses shapefiles and build a single polygon

In [10]:
sf = shapefile.Reader("")
shapes = [Polygon(shape.points) for shape in sf.iterShapes()]

In [13]:
bigshape = cascaded_union(shapes)
prepared_polygon = prep(bigshape)

interpolation: for each point in the map, find the neighbors in a 500 meters radius, and apply the Inverse Distance Weighting formula

In [14]:
Z = np.empty((len(lat_edges),len(lon_edges)))
Z[:] = np.nan

c = 0
for row, lat in enumerate(lat_edges):
    for col, lon in enumerate(lon_edges):
        if c % 1000 == 0:
            print_status('%.5f' % (100.*c/(len(lat_edges)*len(lon_edges))))
        c += 1
        if prepared_polygon.contains(Point(lon,lat)):
            idx, d = tree.query_radius(geodetic2ecef(lat,lon,0), 500, return_distance=True)
            if len(idx) > 0:
                w = 1./d[0]**2
                Z[row,col] = (w * df.ix[idx[0]].duration).sum()/w.sum()


countour plot

In [24]:
plt.subplot(111, axisbg='gray')
plt.contourf(lon_edges, lat_edges, Z/60, 12, origin='lower', interpolation='none', cmap='hot', vmax=60)

plt.xlim(df.end_lon.min(), df.end_lon.max())
plt.ylim(df.end_lat.min(), df.end_lat.max())

(42.303434000000003, 42.418742999999999)

plot on a map

In [20]:
geoplotlib.grid(lon_edges, lat_edges, Z/60, 'hot', alpha=90, vmax=60, levels=12)