Convolutional Neural Networks With BatchFlow

Now it's time to talk about convolutional neural networks and in this notebook you will find out how to do:

  • data augmentation;
  • early stopping.

In [1]:
import sys
import warnings

import numpy as np
import PIL

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
%matplotlib inline

# the following line is not required if BatchFlow is installed as a python package.
from batchflow import D, B, V, C, R, P
from batchflow.utils import plot_images
from batchflow.opensets import MNIST
from import TFModel
from batchflow.models.torch import TorchModel
from batchflow.models.metrics import ClassificationMetrics'ggplot')

You don't need to implement a MNIST dataset. It is already done for you.

In [2]:
mnist = MNIST()

We can use deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch to make a neural network. These frameworks have a lot of differences under the hood. Batchflow allows us not to dive deep into each of them and use the same model configuration, thereby allowing us to build framework-agnostic models.

But before, we should define model class 'model' and channels positions 'channels' (for TensorFlow models - 'last', for PyTorch models - 'first') in config.

There are also predefined models of both frameworks. You can use them without additional configuration.

Model configuration

In [3]:
config = {
    'model': TorchModel,
    'channels': 'first'}
# or for TensorFlow model
# config = {
#     'model': TFModel,
#     'channels': 'last'}

As we already learned from the previous tutorials, first of all you have to define model configuration and create train and test pipelines.

A little bit about the structure of batchflow model:

  • initial_block - block containing the input layers;
  • body - the main part of the model;
  • head - outputs layers, like global average pooling or dense layers.

Let's create a dict with configuration for our model — model_config. This dict is used when model is initialized. You can override default parameters or add new parameters by typing in a model_config key like 'body/layout' and params to this key. Similar way use it in the key 'initial_block/inputs' or 'head/units'.

The main parameter of each architecture is 'layout'. It is a sequence of letters, each letter meaning operation. For example, operations in our model:

  • c - convolution layer,
  • b - batch normalization,
  • a - activation,
  • P - global pooling,
  • f - dense layer (fully connected).

In our configuration 'body/filters', 'body/kernel_size' are lists with a length equal to the number of convolutions, store individual parameters for each convolution. And 'body/strides' is an integer — therefore, the same value is used for all convolutional layers.

In docs you can read more.

In [4]:
model_config = {
    'inputs/images/shape': B.image_shape,
    'inputs/labels/classes': D.num_classes,
    'initial_block/inputs': 'images',
    'body': {'layout': 'cna cna cna', 
             'filters': [16, 32, 64], 
             'kernel_size': [7, 5, 3], 
             'strides': 2},
    'head': {'layout': 'Pf',
             'units': 10},
    'loss': 'ce',
    'optimizer': 'Adam',
    'output': dict(predicted=['proba', 'labels'])

Train pipeline

We define our custom function for data augmentation.

In [5]:
def custom_filter(image, kernel_weights=None):
    """ Apply filter with custom kernel to image

    kernel_weights: np.array
        Weights of kernel. 

    filtered image """
    if kernel_weights is None:
        kernel_weights = np.ones((3,3))
        kernel_weights[1][1] = 10
    kernel = PIL.ImageFilter.Kernel(kernel_weights.shape, kernel_weights.ravel())
    return image.filter(kernel)

When config is defined, next step is to create a pipeline. Note that rotate and scale are methods of the ImagesBatch class. You can see all avalible augmentations in images tutorial.

In contrast to them apply_transform is a function from Batch class. It is worth mentioning because it runs our function custom_filter in parallel. About parallel method read docs.

In [6]:
train_pipeline = (
    .init_variable('loss_history', default=[])
    .init_model('dynamic', C('model'), 'conv', config=model_config)
    .apply_transform(custom_filter, src='images', p=0.8)
    .shift(offset=P(R('randint', 8, size=2)), p=0.8)
    .rotate(angle=P(R('uniform', -10, 10)), p=0.8)
    .scale(factor=P(R('uniform', 0.8, 1.2, size=R([1, 2]))), preserve_shape=True, p=0.8)
    .to_array(channels=C('channels'), dtype=np.float32)
    .train_model('conv', fetches='loss', images=B('images'), targets=B('labels'), 
                 save_to=V('loss_history', mode='a'))
) << config

Validation pipeline

Testing on the augmented data

In [7]:
validation_pipeline = (
    .init_variable('metrics', default=None)
    .import_model('conv', train_pipeline)
    .apply_transform(custom_filter, src='images', p=0.8)
    .shift(offset=P(R('randint', 8, size=2)), p=0.8)
    .rotate(angle=P(R('uniform', -10, 10)), p=0.8)
    .scale(factor=P(R('uniform', 0.8, 1.2, size=R([1, 2]))), preserve_shape=True, p=0.8)
    .to_array(channels=C('channels'), dtype=np.float32)
    .predict_model('conv', images=B('images'),
                   fetches='predictions', save_to=V('predictions'))
    .gather_metrics(ClassificationMetrics, targets=B('labels'), predictions=V('predictions'),
                    fmt='logits', axis=-1, save_to=V('metrics', mode='a'))
) << config

Training process

We introduce an early stopping to terminate the model training when an average accuracy for a few last epochs will exceed 90 percent.

In [8]:
MAX_ITER = 500
batch_size = 128

for curr_iter in tqdm(range(1, MAX_ITER + 1)):


    if curr_iter % FREQUENCY == 0:
        metrics = validation_pipeline.v('metrics')
        accuracy = metrics[-N_LAST:].evaluate('accuracy')

        #Early stopping   
        if accuracy > 0.9:
            print('Early stop on {} iteration. Accuracy: {}'.format(curr_iter, accuracy))

 44%|████▍     | 219/500 [03:59<06:20,  1.35s/it]
Early stop on 220 iteration. Accuracy: 0.901171875

Take a look at the loss history during training.

In [9]:
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
plt.xlabel("Iterations"), plt.ylabel("Loss")


Our network is ready for inference. Now we don't use data augmentations. Let's take a look at the predictions.

In [10]:
inference_pipeline = (mnist.test.p
    .init_variables('proba', 'labels')
    .import_model('conv', train_pipeline) 
    .to_array(channels=C('channels'), dtype=np.float32)
    .predict_model('conv', images=B('images'),
        fetches=['predicted_proba', 'predicted_labels'],
        save_to=[V('proba'), V('labels')])) << config

It's always interesting to look at the images, so let's draw them.

In [11]:
batch = inference_pipeline.next_batch(12, shuffle=True)

plot_images(np.squeeze(batch.images), batch.labels,
            batch.pipeline.v('proba'), ncols=4, figsize=(30, 35))


Today you have learnt how to:

  • create convolutional neural network with the BatchFlow.
  • easily load MNIST data without writing your own loading functions.
  • perforn data augmentation with dataset.
  • configure the model using model config.

And found out that network can be more robust with data augmentations (like scale and rotate).

And what's next?

Because now you know how to work with convolutional models, you can:

  • create a more sophisticated model
  • change our model's config.

Your goal is 0.95 on the test data!

Good luck!

See image augmentation tutorial for advanced augmentation methods or return to the table of contents.