Train a ready to use PyTorch model with a simple pipeline

In [1]:
import os
import sys
import warnings

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# the following line is not required if BatchFlow is installed as a python package.
from batchflow import Pipeline, B, C, D, F, V
from batchflow.opensets import MNIST, CIFAR10, CIFAR100
from batchflow.models.torch import VGG7

BATCH_SIZE might be increased for modern GPUs with lots of memory (4GB and higher).

In [2]:

Create a dataset

MNIST is a dataset of handwritten digits frequently used as a baseline for machine learning tasks.

Downloading MNIST database might take a few minutes to complete.

In [3]:
dataset = MNIST(bar=True)

100%|██████████| 8/8 [00:01<00:00,  1.98it/s]

There are also predefined CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 datasets.

Define a pipeline config

Config allows to create flexible pipelines which take parameters.

For instance, if you put a model type into config, you can run a pipeline against different models.

See a list of available models to choose the one which fits you best.

In [4]:
config = dict(model=VGG7)

Create a template pipeline

A template pipeline is not linked to any dataset. It's just an abstract sequence of actions, so it cannot be executed, but it serves as a convenient building block.

In [5]:
train_template = (Pipeline()
                .init_variable('loss_history', [])
                .init_model('dynamic', C('model'), 'conv_nn',
                            config={'inputs/images/shape': B.image_shape,
                                    'inputs/labels/classes': D.num_classes,
                                    'initial_block/inputs': 'images',
                                    'device': 'gpu:0'})
                .to_array(channels='first', dtype='float32')
                .train_model('conv_nn', B.images, B.labels,
                             fetches='loss', save_to=V('loss_history', mode='a'), use_lock=True)

Train the model

Apply a dataset and a config to a template pipeline to create a runnable pipeline:

In [6]:
train_pipeline = (train_template << dataset.train) << config

Run the pipeline (it might take from a few minutes to a few hours depending on your hardware)

In [7]:, shuffle=True, n_epochs=1, drop_last=True, bar=True, prefetch=1)

100%|██████████| 937/937 [09:23<00:00,  1.71it/s]
<batchflow.pipeline.Pipeline at 0x7faa8e790a90>

Note that the progress bar often increments by 2 at a time - that's prefetch in action.

It does not give much here, though, since almost all time is spent in model training which is performed under a thread-lock one batch after another without any parallelism (otherwise the model would not learn anything as different batches would rewrite one another's model weights updates).

In [8]:
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
plt.xlabel("Iterations"), plt.ylabel("Loss")

Test the model

It is much faster than training, but if you don't have GPU it would take some patience.

In [9]:
test_pipeline = (dataset.test.p
                .import_model('conv_nn', train_pipeline)
                .to_array(channels='first', dtype='float32')
                .predict_model('conv_nn', B.images,
                               fetches='predictions', save_to=V('predictions'))
                .gather_metrics('class', targets=B.labels, predictions=V('predictions'),
                                fmt='logits', axis=-1, save_to=V('metrics', mode='w'))
                .run(BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, n_epochs=1, drop_last=False, bar=True)

 99%|█████████▉| 156/157 [00:32<00:00,  4.94it/s]

Let's get the accumulated metrics information

In [10]:
metrics = test_pipeline.get_variable('metrics')

Or a shorter version: metrics = test_pipeline.v('metrics')

Now we can easiliy calculate any metrics we need

In [11]:


In [12]:
metrics.evaluate(['false_positive_rate', 'false_negative_rate'], multiclass=None)

{'false_negative_rate': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
 'false_positive_rate': array([0.06666667, 0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        ,
        0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        ])}

Save the model

After learning the model, you may need to save it. It's easy to do this.

In [13]:
train_pipeline.save_model_now('conv_nn', path='path/to/model.torch')

What's next?