In [2]:
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def bank_derivative(t, bank):
vault = bank[0]
safe = bank[1]
firm_deposits = bank[2]
worker_deposits = bank[3]
loans = bank[4]
# Rates of change (in year^(-1)), see Debunking economics for details
lending_r = 0.5
wages_r = 3.0
banker_consumption_r = 1.0
worker_consumption_r = 26.0
repayment_r = 0.1
loans_interest_r = 0.05
deposits_interest_r = 0.02
deposits = firm_deposits + worker_deposits
consumption = worker_deposits * worker_consumption_r + safe * banker_consumption_r
d_vault = loans * repayment_r - vault * lending_r
d_safe = loans * loans_interest_r - deposits * deposits_interest_r - safe * banker_consumption_r
d_firm_deposits = (-d_vault - loans * loans_interest_r - firm_deposits * wages_r + consumption +
firm_deposits * deposits_interest_r)
d_worker_deposits = (firm_deposits * wages_r - worker_deposits * worker_consumption_r +
worker_deposits * deposits_interest_r)
d_loans = -d_vault
return [d_vault, d_safe, d_firm_deposits, d_worker_deposits, d_loans]
bank0 = [100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
sol = solve_ivp(bank_derivative, [0, 10], bank0, max_step = 1.0, dense_output=True)
plt.title('Bank assets')
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[0], label='vault')
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[4], label='loans')
plt.ylabel('value ($M)')
plt.xlabel('time (years)')
plt.title('Bank equities and liabilities')
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[1], label='safe')
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[2], label='firm deposits')
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[3], label='worker deposits')
plt.ylabel('value ($M)')
plt.xlabel('time (years)')
bank = sol.sol(10)
print('After 10 years, in $M:')
print('vault = %.1f' % bank[0])
print('safe = %.1f' % bank[1])
print('firm deposits = %.1f' % bank[2])
print('worker deposits = %.1f' % bank[3])
print('loans = %.1f' % bank[4])
The plots and numbers above are almost exactly the same as those presented in Debunking economics, which I take as a proof that I correctly understood what Steve Keen meant, especially the bit about time constants.
He then calculates yearly wages, incomes and profits, based on the snapshot after 10 years. I have to admit that I am a little disturbed by the way he calculates profits, assuming that the workers' wages represent 75 percent of net income. Why not just calculate them? Surely, the numerical integration method works for those numbers too. In my opinion, one just has to add a few more accumulation variables in the model (wages, loan interests, etc.). This is what I do below. I rename 'bank' to 'economy', since this is a better fit with the new variables.
In [2]:
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def economy_derivative(t, economy):
vault = economy[0]
safe = economy[1]
firm_deposits = economy[2]
worker_deposits = economy[3]
loans = economy[4]
wages = economy[5]
loan_interests = economy[6]
worker_deposits_interests = economy[7]
firm_deposits_interests = economy[8]
firm_costs = economy[9]
firm_revenue = economy[10]
firm_profit = economy[11]
# Rates of change (in year^(-1)), see Debunking economics for details
lending_r = 0.5
wages_r = 3.0
banker_consumption_r = 1.0
worker_consumption_r = 26.0
repayment_r = 0.1
loans_interest_r = 0.05
deposits_interest_r = 0.02
deposits = firm_deposits + worker_deposits
consumption = worker_deposits * worker_consumption_r + safe * banker_consumption_r
d_wages = firm_deposits * wages_r
d_loan_interests = loans * loans_interest_r
d_worker_deposits_interests = worker_deposits * deposits_interest_r
d_firm_deposits_interests = firm_deposits * deposits_interest_r
d_firm_costs = d_loan_interests + d_wages
d_firm_revenue = consumption + d_firm_deposits_interests
d_firm_profit = d_firm_revenue - d_firm_costs
d_vault = loans * repayment_r - vault * lending_r
d_safe = loans * loans_interest_r - deposits * deposits_interest_r - safe * banker_consumption_r
d_firm_deposits = d_firm_revenue - d_firm_costs - d_vault
d_worker_deposits = d_wages - worker_deposits * worker_consumption_r + d_worker_deposits_interests
d_loans = -d_vault
return [d_vault, d_safe, d_firm_deposits, d_worker_deposits, d_loans, d_wages, d_loan_interests,
d_worker_deposits_interests, d_firm_deposits_interests, d_firm_costs, d_firm_revenue,
economy0 = [100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
sol = solve_ivp(economy_derivative, [0, 10], economy0, max_step = 1.0, dense_output=True)
plt.title('economy assets')
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[0], label='vault')
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[4], label='loans')
plt.ylabel('value ($M)')
plt.xlabel('time (years)')
plt.title('economy equities and liabilities')
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[1], label='safe')
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[2], label='firm deposits')
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[3], label='worker deposits')
plt.ylabel('value ($M)')
plt.xlabel('time (years)')
plt.title('firm profits')
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.y[11])
plt.ylabel('value ($M)')
plt.xlabel('time (years)')
economy = sol.sol(10)
print('After 10 years, in $M:')
print('vault = %.1f' % economy[0])
print('safe = %.1f' % economy[1])
print('firm deposits = %.1f' % economy[2])
print('worker deposits = %.1f' % economy[3])
print('loans = %.1f' % economy[4])
print('firm profits = %.1f' % economy[11])
income = economy - sol.sol(9)
print('During year 10, in $M:')
print('wages = %.1f' % income[5])
print('loan interests = %.1f' % income[6])
print('worker deposits interests = %.1f' % income[7])
print('firm deposits interests = %.1f' % income[8])
print('firm costs = %.3f' % income[9])
print('firm revenue = %.3f' % income[10])
print('firm profit = %.3f' % income[11])
print('firm change in deposits = %.3f' % income[2])
print('change in loans = %.3f' % income[4])
print('part of wages in firm revenue = %.2f%%' % (100 * income[5] / income[10]))
Although I guess these results do not fundamentally change Steve Keen's later conclusions, I find them rather interesting, especially the fact that the firms actually loose money.
Based on the figures and numbers above, we can characterize this economy as follows:
Anyway, the learning from this model has been great so far, and I will without a doubt continue to explore Steve Keen's introduction of credit crunch and how to best come out of it.