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US Cities -> Las Vegas

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yelp_academic_dataset_business.json { "business_id":"encrypted business id", "name":"business name", "neighborhood":"hood name", "address":"full address", "city":"city", "state":"state -- if applicable --", "postal code":"postal code", "latitude":latitude, "longitude":longitude, "stars":star rating, rounded to half-stars, "review_count":number of reviews, "is_open":0/1 (closed/open), "attributes":["an array of strings: each array element is an attribute"], "categories":["an array of strings of business categories"], "hours":["an array of strings of business hours"], "type": "business" } yelp_academic_dataset_review.json { "review_id":"encrypted review id", "user_id":"encrypted user id", "business_id":"encrypted business id", "stars":star rating, rounded to half-stars, "date":"date formatted like 2009-12-19", "text":"review text", "useful":number of useful votes received, "funny":number of funny votes received, "cool": number of cool review votes received, "type": "review" } yelp_academic_dataset_user.json { "user_id":"encrypted user id", "name":"first name", "review_count":number of reviews, "yelping_since": date formatted like "2009-12-19", "friends":["an array of encrypted ids of friends"], "useful":"number of useful votes sent by the user", "funny":"number of funny votes sent by the user", "cool":"number of cool votes sent by the user", "fans":"number of fans the user has", "elite":["an array of years the user was elite"], "average_stars":floating point average like 4.31, "compliment_hot":number of hot compliments received by the user, "compliment_more":number of more compliments received by the user, "compliment_profile": number of profile compliments received by the user, "compliment_cute": number of cute compliments received by the user, "compliment_list": number of list compliments received by the user, "compliment_note": number of note compliments received by the user, "compliment_plain": number of plain compliments received by the user, "compliment_cool": number of cool compliments received by the user, "compliment_funny": number of funny compliments received by the user, "compliment_writer": number of writer compliments received by the user, "compliment_photos": number of photo compliments received by the user, "type":"user" } yelp_academic_dataset_checkin.json { "time":["an array of check ins with the format day-hour:number of check ins from hour to hour+1"], "business_id":"encrypted business id", "type":"checkin" } yelp_academic_dataset_tip.json { "text":"text of the tip", "date":"date formatted like 2009-12-19", "likes":compliment count, "business_id":"encrypted business id", "user_id":"encrypted user id", "type":"tip" } photos (from the photos auxiliary file) This file is formatted as a JSON list of objects. [ { "photo_id": (encrypted photo id), "business_id" : (encrypted business id), "caption" : (the photo caption, if any), "label" : (the category the photo belongs to, if any) }, {...} ]