Hypothesis Testing

(We are covering, what is referred to as, frequentist method of Hypothesis testing)

We would like to know if the effects we see in the sample(observed data) are likely to occur in the population.

The way classical hypothesis testing works is by conducting a statistical test to answer the following question:

Given the sample and an effect, what is the probability of seeing that effect just by chance?

Here are the steps on how we would do this

  1. Compute test statistic
  2. Define null hypothesis
  3. Compute p-value
  4. Interpret the result

If p-value is very low(most often than now, below 0.05), the effect is considered statistically significant. That means that effect is unlikely to have occured by chance. The inference? The effect is likely to be seen in the population too.

This process is very similar to the proof by contradiction paradigm. We first assume that the effect is false. That's the null hypothesis. Next step is to compute the probability of obtaining that effect (the p-value). If p-value is very low(<0.05 as a rule of thumb), we reject the null hypothesis.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib as mpl
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
import seaborn as sns

In [26]:
cars = pd.read_csv("cars_v1.csv", encoding="ISO-8859-1")

In [27]:
mileage_is_null = cars.Mileage.isnull()

In [ ]:

In [29]:
cars = cars.ix[~mileage_is_null]

In [30]:

Make Model Price Type ABS BootSpace GearType AirBag Engine FuelCapacity Mileage
0 Ashok Leyland Stile Ashok Leyland Stile LE 8-STR (Diesel) 750 MPV No 500.0 Manual No 1461.0 50.0 20.7
1 Ashok Leyland Stile Ashok Leyland Stile LS 8-STR (Diesel) 800 MPV No 500.0 Manual No 1461.0 50.0 20.7
2 Ashok Leyland Stile Ashok Leyland Stile LX 8-STR (Diesel) 830 MPV No 500.0 Manual No 1461.0 50.0 20.7
3 Ashok Leyland Stile Ashok Leyland Stile LS 7-STR (Diesel) 850 MPV No 500.0 Manual No 1461.0 50.0 20.7
4 Ashok Leyland Stile Ashok Leyland Stile LS 7-STR Alloy (Diesel) 880 MPV No 500.0 Manual No 1461.0 50.0 20.7

Is the average mileage of Automatic cars significantly different from the average mileage of Manual cars ?

In [31]:
cars_Automatic = cars[cars.GearType==' Automatic'].copy().reset_index()
cars_Manual = cars[cars.GearType==' Manual'].copy().reset_index()

In [32]:
print("Average Mileage of Automatic cars:", cars_Automatic.Mileage.mean())
print("Average Mileage of Manual cars:", cars_Manual.Mileage.mean())

Average Mileage of Automatic cars: 15.745466237942114
Average Mileage of Manual cars: 19.112636363636376

In [33]:
#Mean and standard deviation of Manual Cars
print("Mean of Manual Cars:", cars_Manual.Mileage.mean())
print("Standard Deviation of Manual Cars:", cars_Manual.Mileage.std())

Mean of Manual Cars: 19.112636363636376
Standard Deviation of Manual Cars: 3.7554266333765174


In [10]:
#Mean and standard deviation of Automatic Cars

In [ ]:

In [34]:
#Confidence interval on the mean of manual cars
stats.norm.interval(0.95, loc=cars_Manual.Mileage.mean(), scale = cars_Manual.Mileage.std()/np.sqrt(len(cars_Manual)))

(18.70745412179004, 19.517818605482713)


In [12]:
#Confidence interval on the mean of automatic cars

(15.258436053916315, 16.232496421967912)

In [ ]:

Effect Size

In [35]:
print("Effect size:", cars_Manual.Mileage.mean() - cars_Automatic.Mileage.mean())

Effect size: 3.367170125694262

Null Hypothesis: Mean prices aren't significantly different

Perform t-test and determine the p-value.

In [36]:
stats.ttest_ind(cars_Manual.Mileage, cars_Automatic.Mileage, equal_var=True)

Ttest_indResult(statistic=9.9313548109322571, pvalue=1.0337306243949073e-21)

p-value is the probability that the effective size was by chance. And here, p-value is almost 0.

Conclusion: The mileage difference is significant.

Assumption of t-test

One assumption is that the data used came from a normal distribution.
There's a Shapiro-Wilk test to test for normality. If p-value is less than 0.05, then there's a low chance that the distribution is normal.

In [37]:

(0.9872176647186279, 0.005204247776418924)

In [38]:

(0.9908203482627869, 0.04923483356833458)


A/B testing

Comparing two versions to check which one performs better. Eg: Show to people two variants for the same webpage that they want to see and find which one provides better conversion rate (or the relevant metric). wiki

Something to think about: Which of these give smaller p-values ?

  • Smaller effect size
  • Smaller standard error
  • Smaller sample size
  • Higher variance


Chi-square tests

Chi-Square tests are used when the data are frequencies, rather than numerical score/price.

The following two tests make use of chi-square statistic

  1. chi-square test for goodness of fit
  2. chi-square test for independence

Chi-square test is a non-parametric test. They do not require assumptions about population parameters and they do not test hypotheses about population parameters.

Chi-Square test for goodness fit

$$ \chi^2 = \sum (O - E)^2/E $$
  • O is observed frequency
  • E is expected frequency
  • $ \chi $ is the chi-square statistic

In [ ]:
stats.chisquare(Observed, Expected)

In [ ]: