In [1]:
author: Alvason Zhenhua Li
date: 03/23/2015
Home-made machinery for solving partial differential equations
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
AlvaFontSize = 23;
AlvaFigSize = (15, 3);
numberingFig = 0;
# define RK4 for an array (3, n) of coupled differential equations
def AlvaRungeKutta4ArrayXT(pde_array, startingOut_Value, minX_In, maxX_In, totalGPoint_X, minT_In, maxT_In, totalGPoint_T):
# primary size of pde equations
outWay = pde_array.shape[0]
# initialize the whole memory-space for output and input
inWay = 1; # one layer is enough for storing "x" and "t" (only two list of variable)
# define the first part of array as output memory-space
gridOutIn_array = np.zeros([outWay + inWay, totalGPoint_X, totalGPoint_T])
# loading starting output values
for i in range(outWay):
gridOutIn_array[i, :, :] = startingOut_Value[i, :, :]
# griding input X value
gridingInput_X = np.linspace(minX_In, maxX_In, num = totalGPoint_X, retstep = True)
# loading input values to (define the final array as input memory-space)
gridOutIn_array[-inWay, :, 0] = gridingInput_X[0]
# step-size (increment of input X)
dx = gridingInput_X[1]
# griding input T value
gridingInput_T = np.linspace(minT_In, maxT_In, num = totalGPoint_T, retstep = True)
# loading input values to (define the final array as input memory-space)
gridOutIn_array[-inWay, 0, :] = gridingInput_T[0]
# step-size (increment of input T)
dt = gridingInput_T[1]
# starting
# initialize the memory-space for local try-step
dydt1_array = np.zeros([outWay, totalGPoint_X])
dydt2_array = np.zeros([outWay, totalGPoint_X])
dydt3_array = np.zeros([outWay, totalGPoint_X])
dydt4_array = np.zeros([outWay, totalGPoint_X])
# initialize the memory-space for keeping current value
currentOut_Value = np.zeros([outWay, totalGPoint_X])
for tn in range(totalGPoint_T - 1):
# keep initial value at the moment of tn
currentOut_Value[:, :] = np.copy(gridOutIn_array[:-inWay, :, tn])
currentIn_T_Value = np.copy(gridOutIn_array[-inWay, 0, tn])
# first try-step
for i in range(outWay):
for xn in range(totalGPoint_X):
dydt1_array[i, xn] = pde_array[i](gridOutIn_array[:, :, tn])[xn] # computing ratio
gridOutIn_array[:-inWay, :, tn] = currentOut_Value[:, :] + dydt1_array[:, :]*dt/2 # update output
gridOutIn_array[-inWay, 0, tn] = currentIn_T_Value + dt/2 # update input
# second half try-step
for i in range(outWay):
for xn in range(totalGPoint_X):
dydt2_array[i, xn] = pde_array[i](gridOutIn_array[:, :, tn])[xn] # computing ratio
gridOutIn_array[:-inWay, :, tn] = currentOut_Value[:, :] + dydt2_array[:, :]*dt/2 # update output
gridOutIn_array[-inWay, 0, tn] = currentIn_T_Value + dt/2 # update input
# third half try-step
for i in range(outWay):
for xn in range(totalGPoint_X):
dydt3_array[i, xn] = pde_array[i](gridOutIn_array[:, :, tn])[xn] # computing ratio
gridOutIn_array[:-inWay, :, tn] = currentOut_Value[:, :] + dydt3_array[:, :]*dt # update output
gridOutIn_array[-inWay, 0, tn] = currentIn_T_Value + dt # update input
# fourth try-step
for i in range(outWay):
for xn in range(totalGPoint_X):
dydt4_array[i, xn] = pde_array[i](gridOutIn_array[:, :, tn])[xn] # computing ratio
# solid step (update the next output) by accumulate all the try-steps with proper adjustment
gridOutIn_array[:-inWay, :, tn + 1] = currentOut_Value[:, :] + dt*(dydt1_array[:, :]/6
+ dydt2_array[:, :]/3
+ dydt3_array[:, :]/3
+ dydt4_array[:, :]/6)
# restore to initial value
gridOutIn_array[:-inWay, :, tn] = np.copy(currentOut_Value[:, :])
gridOutIn_array[-inWay, 0, tn] = np.copy(currentIn_T_Value)
# end of loop
return (gridOutIn_array[:-inWay, :]);
In [2]:
# min-max sorting
def AlvaMinMax(data):
totalDataPoint = np.size(data)
minMaxListing = np.zeros(totalDataPoint)
for i in range(totalDataPoint):
# searching the minimum in current array
jj = 0
minMaxListing[i] = data[jj] # suppose the 1st element [0] of current data-list is the minimum
for j in range(totalDataPoint - i):
if data[j] < minMaxListing[i]:
minMaxListing[i] = data[j]
jj = j # recording the position of selected element
# reducing the size of searching zone (removing the minmum from current array)
data = np.delete(data, jj)
return (minMaxListing)