Bo Zhang (NAOC, will have a few lessons on python.
to process astronomical data.These lectures are organized as below:
In [1]:
%pylab inline
a = np.arange(10)
print a
In [2]:
print type(a)
print len(a)
print size(a)
print shape(a)
print a.shape
print a.reshape((-1, 5)).shape
In [3]:
b = a + np.random.randn(10)
In [4]:
In [5]:
print 'a+b'
print a+b
print 'a-b'
print a-b
print 'a*b'
print a*b
print 'a/b'
print a/b
print 'a^b'
print a**b
In [6]:
%pylab inline
In [7]:
print 1/2
print 1./2
In [8]:
In [9]:
a = np.arange(100)
b = np.zeros(a.shape)
a_list = [_ for _ in a]
print a_list
In [10]:
print a_list*3
In [11]:
for i in xrange(len(a)):
b[i] = a[i]*10
In [12]:
c = a*10
In [13]:
a = np.random.randn(5, 10)
b = np.random.randn(10, 5)
In [14]:
print, b)
In [15]:
print a*b
In [ ]:
try to use np.sin, np.cos, to build a function which can translate a sightline from Equatorial coordinates to Galactic coordinates. Usage:
l, b = func(ra=194., dec=30.5)
print l, b
Given a mask image (True/False), generate a list of pixels met requirements:
The distance from the generated pixels to at least 1 of the True pixel is within a given upper limit, say d0
>>> def random_dots(mask_image, d_upper=20., n_dots=100):
>>> pass
>>> mask_ = np.loadtxt('./data/mask_image/mask_image.dat')>0
>>> d_upper = 20.
>>> n_dots = 100
>>> x_rand, y_rand = random_dots(mask_image, d_upper=d_upper, n_dots=n_dots)
>>> plt.plot(x_rand, y_rand, 'rx')
In [16]:
# import numpy as np
len1 = 700
len2 = 900
mask_image_data = np.random.randn(len1, len2)
mesh_x, mesh_y = meshgrid(np.arange(len2), np.arange(len1))
mask = mask_image_data>4
print '# of center pixels: ', np.sum(mask)
plt.imshow(mask, cmap='jet')
plt.plot(mesh_x[mask], mesh_y[mask], 'o', ms=30, mfc='w', markeredgecolor='w')
plt.plot(mesh_x[mask], mesh_y[mask], 'kx')
plt.xlim(0, len2)
plt.ylim(0, len1)
plt.title('scheme of valid random dots area');
In [17]:
np.savetxt('./data/mask_image/mask_image.dat', mask, fmt='%d')
In [ ]: