In [1]:
%run setup.ipynb
%matplotlib inline
import hapclust
In [2]:
In [3]:
# define the gene region
region = 'PARA'
region_vgsc = '2L', 2358158, 2431617
pos_kdr_s = 2422651
pos_kdr_f = 2422652
In [4]:
# load data
callset_haps = np.load('../data/haps_phase1.npz')
haps = allel.HaplotypeArray(callset_haps['haplotypes'])
pos = allel.SortedIndex(callset_haps['POS'])
ann = callset_haps['ANN']
In [5]:
# define region we're going to analyse
loc_region = pos.locate_range(0, 5000000)
pos_phased_region = pos[loc_region]
In [6]:
ann_phased_region = ann[loc_region]
In [7]:
haps_region = haps[loc_region]
In [8]:
# perform allele count - needed to locate singletons
ac_phased_region = haps_region.count_alleles(max_allele=1)
In [9]:
# cython: boundscheck=False
# cython: wraparound=False
cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np
def reconstruct_ancestral_haplotype_flank(np.int8_t[:, :] haps_flank, np.uint8_t[:] loc_ehh):
Py_ssize_t n_variants, n_haplotypes, i, j
np.uint8_t[:] clust_anc
np.int32_t[:] ac
np.int8_t[:] hap_anc
np.int8_t allele
# setup intermediates and outputs
n_variants, n_haplotypes = haps_flank.shape[:2]
assert n_variants == loc_ehh.shape[0]
clust_anc = np.ones(n_haplotypes, dtype='u1')
ac = np.zeros(2, dtype='i4')
hap_anc = np.full(n_variants, dtype='i1', fill_value=-1)
# iterate over variants
for i in range(n_variants):
# count alleles within the ancestral cluster
ac[:] = 0 # reset
for j in range(n_haplotypes):
if clust_anc[j]:
allele = haps_flank[i, j]
if allele >= 0:
ac[allele] += 1
# find ancestral allele
if ac[0] >= ac[1]:
# if tie, assume reference
anc_allele = 0
der_allele = 1
anc_allele = 1
der_allele = 0
# patch into ancestral haplotype
hap_anc[i] = anc_allele
# detect bifurcation
if loc_ehh[i] and ac[0] > 0 and ac[1] > 0:
# split cluster
for j in range(n_haplotypes):
if clust_anc[j]:
if haps_flank[i, j] == der_allele:
clust_anc[j] = 0
# # bail out if only one haplotype left
# if ac[anc_allele] < 2:
# print('no more EHH at index %s' % i)
# break
return hap_anc
In [10]:
def reconstruct_ancestral_haplotype(haps, pos, core_pos, loc_ehh):
"""Reconstruct the putative ancestral haplotype from the flank of a selective sweep,
using the majority rule."""
assert haps.shape[0] == pos.shape[0] == loc_ehh.shape[0]
# split flanks
idx_core = pos.locate_key(core_pos)
haps_right = haps[idx_core:]
haps_left = haps[:idx_core][::-1]
loc_ehh_right = loc_ehh[idx_core:]
loc_ehh_left = loc_ehh[:idx_core][::-1]
# reconstruct ancestral haplotype for each flank
hap_right_anc = reconstruct_ancestral_haplotype_flank(np.asarray(haps_right, dtype='i1'), np.asarray(loc_ehh_right, dtype='u1'))
hap_left_anc = reconstruct_ancestral_haplotype_flank(np.asarray(haps_left, dtype='i1'), np.asarray(loc_ehh_left, dtype='u1'))
# join back together
hap_anc = np.concatenate([hap_left_anc[::-1], hap_right_anc])
return hap_anc
In [11]:
#grab the npy array made in ag1000g paper 1 vgsc notebook
p1clus = np.load('../data/hierarchical_cluster_membership.npy')
In [12]:
#make this into a dictionary
p1list = [a.decode("utf-8") for a in p1clus]
p1list = np.asarray(p1list)
np.unique(p1list)[1:], len(p1list)
In [13]:
nlist = list(np.unique(p1list)[1:])
In [14]:
vgsc_haplogroups = {n: np.nonzero(p1list == n)[0] for n in nlist}
In [15]:
In [16]:
core_pos = pos_kdr_f
is_accessible = phase1_ar3.accessibility['2L/is_accessible'][:]
In [17]:
def get_haps(hg):
return haps_region.take(sorted(vgsc_haplogroups[hg]), axis=1)
In [18]:
# define types of variants to include in EHH analysis - should be mostly neutral
loc_type_neutral = ((ann_phased_region['Annotation'] == b'intergenic_region') |
(ann_phased_region['Annotation'] == b'intron_variant') |
(ann_phased_region['Annotation'] == b'downstream_gene_variant') |
(ann_phased_region['Annotation'] == b'upstream_gene_variant') |
(ann_phased_region['Annotation'] == b'synonymous_variant') |
(ann_phased_region['Annotation'] == b'3_prime_UTR_variant') |
(ann_phased_region['Annotation'] == b'5_prime_UTR_variant')
np.count_nonzero(loc_type_neutral), loc_type_neutral.shape
In [19]:
# locate low frequency variants - will exclude from EHH analysis
loc_hf = ac_phased_region.min(axis=1) > 1
# these are the variants to use for EHH
loc_ehh = loc_type_neutral & loc_hf
print(np.count_nonzero(loc_ehh), loc_ehh.shape)
haps_anc = dict()
for hg in sorted(vgsc_haplogroups):
haps_anc[hg] = reconstruct_ancestral_haplotype(get_haps(hg), pos_phased_region, pos_kdr_f, loc_ehh)
In [20]:
# # locate low frequency variants - will exclude from EHH analysis
# loc_hf = ac_phased_region.min(axis=1) > 15
# print(np.count_nonzero(loc_hf))
# # these are the variants to use for EHH
# loc_ehh = loc_type_neutral & loc_hf
# print(np.count_nonzero(loc_ehh), loc_ehh.shape)
# haps_anc = dict()
# for hg in sorted(vgsc_haplogroups):
# print(hg)
# haps_anc[hg] = reconstruct_ancestral_haplotype(get_haps(hg), pos_phased_region, pos_kdr_f, loc_ehh)
In [21]:
# This function is available in scikit-allel but does not support the step parameter.
# Modify here instead as work-around for now.
def equally_accessible_windows(is_accessible, size, step=None):
"""Create windows each containing the same number of accessible bases.
is_accessible : array_like, bool, shape (n_bases,)
Array defining accessible status of all bases on a contig/chromosome.
size : int
Window size (number of accessible bases).
step : int, optional
The distance between start positions of windows. If not given,
defaults to the window size, i.e., non-overlapping windows.
windows : ndarray, int, shape (n_windows, 2)
Window start/stop positions (1-based).
pos_accessible, = np.nonzero(is_accessible)
pos_accessible += 1 # convert to 1-based coordinates
windows = allel.moving_statistic(pos_accessible, lambda v: [v[0], v[-1]], size=size, step=step)
return windows
In [22]:
def plot_divergence(ref_hg, haps, xlim=(0, 5000000), ylim=(-0.0005, 0.013), window_size=20000, window_step=1000,
ax=None, color='k', lw=.5, alpha=.2, show_gene=True):
hap_anc = haps_anc[ref_hg]
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 2), dpi=120)
windows = equally_accessible_windows(is_accessible, size=window_size, step=window_step)
# exclude windows where we could not reconstruct the ancestral haplotype
missing, _, _ = allel.windowed_statistic(pos=pos_phased_region, values=(hap_anc < 0), statistic=np.count_nonzero, windows=windows)
windows = windows[missing == 0]
x = np.mean(windows, axis=1)
if show_gene:
ax.axvline(region_vgsc[1], color='k', linestyle=':')
ax.axvline(region_vgsc[2], color='k', linestyle=':')
ax.annotate('$Vgsc$', xy=((region_vgsc[2]-xlim[0])/(xlim[1]-xlim[0]), 1), xycoords='axes fraction',
xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points', fontsize=8, ha='left', va='top')
# ax.annotate('^', xy=((pos_kdr_f - xlim[0])/(xlim[1] - xlim[0]), 0), xycoords='axes fraction',
# xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points', fontsize=8, ha='center', va='top')
for j in range(haps.shape[1]):
h = haps[:, j]
values = h != hap_anc
d, _, _ = allel.windowed_statistic(pos=pos_phased_region, values=values, statistic=np.count_nonzero, windows=windows)
ax.plot(x, d/window_size, color=color, lw=lw, alpha=alpha)
xticks = np.arange(0, xlim[1], 500000)
xticklabels = xticks/1e6
ax.set_xlabel('Chromosome 2L position (Mbp)')
ax.set_title('Divergence from %s ancestral haplotype' % ref_hg, loc='left', ha='left', fontsize=9)
return ax
In [23]:
# TODO review colours
hg_palette = sns.color_palette('Spectral', n_colors=11, desat=.8)
hg_colors = dict((k, c) for k, c in zip(sorted(vgsc_haplogroups), hg_palette))
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_xticklabels(sorted(vgsc_haplogroups), fontsize=12);
In [24]:
def plot_divergence_multi(ref_hg, comp_hgs, ax=None, **kwargs):
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 2), dpi=150)
for i, hg in enumerate(comp_hgs):
plot_divergence(ref_hg, get_haps(hg), color=hg_colors[hg], ax=ax, show_gene=(i == 0), **kwargs)
handles = [mpl.patches.Patch(color=hg_colors[hg], label=hg) for hg in comp_hgs]
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper right', handles=handles, frameon=True, framealpha=1);
In [25]:
def megafig(hgs, xlim=(1.5e6, 3.5e6), window_size=20000, window_step=1000):
nrows = len(hgs)
ncols = 2
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=(9, nrows*1.8), dpi=120, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False)
for i, ref_hg in enumerate(hgs):
ax = axs[i, 0]
plot_divergence_multi(ref_hg, [ref_hg], xlim=xlim, ax=ax)
if i < len(hgs) - 1:
ax = axs[i, 1]
plot_divergence_multi(ref_hg, [x for x in hgs if x != ref_hg], xlim=xlim, ax=ax,
window_size=window_size, window_step=window_step)
if i < len(hgs) - 1:
In [26]:
megafig(['F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5'])
In [27]:
megafig(['S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5'])
In [28]:
plot_divergence_multi('F1', ['F1'])
In [29]:
plot_divergence_multi('F2', ['F2'])
In [30]:
plot_divergence_multi('F3', ['F3'])
In [31]:
plot_divergence_multi('F4', ['F4'])
In [32]:
plot_divergence_multi('F5', ['F5'])
In [33]:
plot_divergence_multi('S1', ['S1'])
In [34]:
plot_divergence_multi('S2', ['S2'])
In [35]:
plot_divergence_multi('S3', ['S3'])
In [36]:
plot_divergence_multi('S4', ['S4'])
In [37]:
plot_divergence_multi('S5', ['S5'])
In [38]:
plot_divergence_multi('F1', ['F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5'])
In [39]:
plot_divergence_multi('F2', ['F1', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5'])
In [40]:
plot_divergence_multi('F3', ['F1', 'F2', 'F4', 'F5'])
In [41]:
plot_divergence_multi('F4', ['F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F5'])
In [42]:
plot_divergence_multi('F5', ['F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4'])
In [43]:
# 'S1',
In [44]:
# 'S2',
In [45]:
# 'S3',
In [46]:
In [47]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]: