We sample $N=100$ from four models. The one-dimensional time domain is fixed to $[0,1]$
We compare a full model training on the entire dataset and the a sparse GP on $M=21$ points. Note that for the sparse GP the actual size of the covariance is $M\times 3$ as we have one entry per possible function.
No hyperparameter estimation is taking place except the likelihood Gaussian variance as the kernel hyperparameters are fixed to their true values.
In [1]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as ss
import pickle
strDataDir = 'data' # where data lives
numExperiments = 100 # number of experiments
In [2]:
def plotBranchModel(B, pt, Y, ttestl, mul, varl, Phi, figsizeIn=(5, 5), lw=3., fs=10, labels=None,
fPlotPhi=True, fPlotVar=False, ax=None):
''' Plotting code that does not require access to the model but takes as input predictions. '''
if(ax is None):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsizeIn)
ax = fig.gca()
fig = plt.gcf()
d = 0 # constraint code to be 1D for now
for f in range(3):
mu = mul[f]
var = varl[f]
ttest = ttestl[f]
mean, = ax.plot(ttest, mu[:, d], linewidth=lw)
col = mean.get_color()
ax.plot(ttest.flatten(), mu[:, d] + 2 * np.sqrt(var.flatten()), '--', color=col, linewidth=lw)
ax.plot(ttest, mu[:, d] - 2 * np.sqrt(var.flatten()), '--', color=col, linewidth=lw)
v = ax.axis()
ax.plot([B, B], v[-2:], '-m', linewidth=lw)
# Plot Phi or labels
gp_num = 1 # can be 0,1,2 - Plot against this
PhiColor = ax.scatter(pt, Y[:, d], c=Phi[:, gp_num], vmin=0., vmax=1, s=40)
# plt.colorbar(PhiColor, label='GP {} assignment probability'.format(gp_num))
return fig
def plotScatterMeanRanking(meanRank, title, Btry):
''' Function to do bubble plot of rank. Size of marker proportional to error'''
traceCell= list()
layout = go.Layout(showlegend=True, title='Mean ranking %s' % title,
for r in range(meanRank.shape[0]):
x = Btry + 0.15*np.random.rand(len(Btry)),
y = meanRank[r, :],
name = r,
text = r,
marker={'size': 10*np.abs(meanRank[r, :] - np.array([1,2,3,4]))} # make size prop to error
fig = go.Figure(data=traceCell, layout=layout)
iplot(fig, filename='MeanRank%s' % title)
In [3]:
def GetRunData(fSparse, nrun, nTrueB, fPrint=True):
assert nTrueB >=0 and nTrueB <=3, 'Should be 0 to 3'
rallDescr = ['Full', 'Sparse']
fullNamel = ['%s/runArrayJob_%s' % (strDataDir, rallDescr[0]),
'%s/runArrayJob_%s' % (strDataDir, rallDescr[1])]
strfile = fullNamel[fSparse]+str(nrun)+'.p'
print('Open files %s' % strfile)
r = pickle.load(open(strfile, "rb"))
# Get objective functions and GP fits
BgridSearch = r['BgridSearch']
Btry = r['Btry']
Btry[-1] = 1 # integrate GP as 1
obj = r['mlist'][nTrueB]['obj']
objInt = r['mlist'][nTrueB]['objInt']
gridSearchData = r['mlist'][nTrueB]
gridSearchGPs = r['mlist'][nTrueB]['mlocallist']
assert len(obj) == len(gridSearchGPs), 'One GP per grid search pt'
iMin = np.argmin(obj) # we could also plot other GPs on the grid
gpPlot = gridSearchGPs[iMin]
return obj, gridSearchData, gridSearchGPs, BgridSearch, Btry, objInt
In [4]:
def GetPosteriorB(fSparse, fPrint=False):
Return posterior on B for each experiment
_, _, _, BgridSearch, Btry,_ = GetRunData(fSparse, 1, 0, False) # Get Bgrid and Btry. Experiments is 1-based
posteriorB = np.zeros((numExperiments, len(Btry), len(BgridSearch))) # nexp X trueB X B grid src
posteriorB[:] = np.nan
for ns in range(1, numExperiments+1):
for ib, b in enumerate(Btry):
obj, gridSearchData, gridSearchGPs, BgridSearchI, BtryI,_ = GetRunData(fSparse, ns, ib, False)
assert set(BtryI) == set(Btry), 'Btry ust be the same or we are loading wrong file.'
assert set(BgridSearchI) == set(BgridSearch), 'BgridSearch must be the same or we are loading wrong file.'
# for each trueB calculate posterior over grid
# ... in a numerically stable way
o = -obj
pn = np.exp(o - np.max(o))
p = pn/pn.sum()
assert np.any(~np.isnan(p)), 'Nans in p! %s' % str(p)
assert np.any(~np.isinf(p)), 'Infinities in p! %s' % str(p)
posteriorB[ns-1, ib, :] = p
print('%g:B=%s probs=' % (ns, b), np.round(p, 2))
return posteriorB, Btry, BgridSearch
posteriorBFull, Btry, BgridSearch = GetPosteriorB(False, False)
posteriorBSparse, Btry, BgridSearch = GetPosteriorB(True, False)
In [5]:
def GetMeanRank(posteriorB, Btry, BgridSearch):
Return mean rank for synthetic experiment
numExps = posteriorB.shape[0]
assert numExps == numExperiments
numTrueB = posteriorB.shape[1]
assert numTrueB == len(Btry)
numGrid = posteriorB.shape[2]
assert numGrid == len(BgridSearch)
# for each experiment
meanRank = np.zeros((numExps, numTrueB)) # nexp X num true B
meanRank[:] = np.nan
nMC = 100 # do Monte Carlo estimation of rank
ranks = np.zeros((numExps, nMC, numTrueB)) # rank
ranks[:] = np.nan
samples = np.zeros((numExps, nMC, numTrueB)) # samples from Branching posterior
samples[:] = np.nan
for ns in range(numExps):
for m in range(nMC):
for ib, b in enumerate(Btry):
# Sample from posterior for given branch pt
samples[ns, m, ib] = np.random.choice(BgridSearch, p=posteriorB[ns, ib, :])
# Rank each branch point
ranks[ns, m, :] = ss.rankdata(samples[ns, m, :]) # only calculate rank if no errors
# Calculate mean rank
meanRank[ns, :] = np.mean(ranks[ns, :, :], 0)
assert np.all(~np.isnan(meanRank[ns, :]))
return meanRank, ranks, samples
meanRankFull, ranksFull, samplesFull = GetMeanRank(posteriorBFull, Btry, BgridSearch)
meanRankSparse, ranksSparse, samplesSparse = GetMeanRank(posteriorBSparse, Btry, BgridSearch)
In [6]:
f, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 7))
ax = axarr.flatten()
ax[0].boxplot(meanRankFull, labels=['Early', 'Med', 'Late', 'Int'])
ax[1].boxplot(meanRankSparse, labels=['Early', 'Med', 'Late', 'Int'])
In [7]:
from __future__ import print_function
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed
import ipywidgets as widgets
def plotBranchingModel(fSparse = False, nrun = 98, showAllB=False, nTrueB = 0):
rallDescr = ['Full', 'Sparse']
rank = meanRankSparse
posteriorB = posteriorBSparse
rank = meanRankFull
posteriorB = posteriorBFull
bt = [nTrueB]
bt = np.arange(0, 4)
f, ax = plt.subplots(len(bt), 3, figsize=(12, 12))
ax = np.reshape(ax, (len(bt), 3))
for b in bt:
obj, gridSearchData, gridSearchGPs, BgridSearch, Btry,_ = GetRunData(fSparse, nrun, b)
assert len(obj) == len(gridSearchGPs), 'One GP per grid search pt'
iMin = np.argmin(obj) # we could also plot other GPs on the grid
gpPlot = gridSearchGPs[iMin]
# Plot GP
_=plotBranchModel(gpPlot['candidateB'], gridSearchData['pt'], gridSearchData['Y'],
gpPlot['ttestl'], gpPlot['mul'], gpPlot['varl'],
gpPlot['Phi'], fPlotPhi=True, fPlotVar=True, ax=ax[b, 0])
ax[b, 0].set_title('TrueB=%s b=%g NLL=%.1f NULL=%.1f' % (gridSearchData['trueBStr'],
ax[b, 1].set_title('objective function')
ax[b, 1].plot(BgridSearch, obj, '-b')
ax[b, 1].scatter(BgridSearch[iMin], obj[iMin], s=10)
ax[b, 2].bar(BgridSearch, posteriorB[nrun-1, b, :], 0.05) # experiments are 1-based
ax[b, 2].set_title('posterior')
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(3, 3))
ax.scatter(Btry, rank[nrun-1, :], s=100) # experiments are 1-based
ax.set_title('mean rank')
print('%s:%g: Mean rank\n' % (rallDescr[fSparse], nrun), rank[nrun-1, :]) # '\nposterior\n',np.round(posteriorB[nrun-1, nTrueB, :], 2)
#_=interact(plotBranchingModel, fSparse=False, nrun=(1, 100),showAllB=True, nTrueB=(0, 3))
In [8]:
s = np.hstack([np.arange(1, meanRankSparse.shape[0]+1)[:,None], meanRankSparse]) # runs are 1-based
# s = np.sort(s, order=np.arange(1,4))
a = s[s[:,1].argsort(),]
print('Best runs')
print(a[:5, :])
print('Worst runs')
print(a[-5:, :])
In [9]:
plotBranchingModel(fSparse = True, nrun = 5, showAllB=True)
In [10]:
plotBranchingModel(fSparse = True, nrun = 46, showAllB=True)
In [11]:
s = np.hstack([np.arange(1, meanRankFull.shape[0]+1)[:,None], meanRankFull]) # runs are 1-based
# s = np.sort(s, order=np.arange(1,4))
a = s[s[:,1].argsort(),]
print('Best runs')
print(a[:5, :])
print('Worst runs')
print(a[-5:, :])
In [12]:
plotBranchingModel(fSparse = False, nrun = 83, showAllB=True)
In [13]:
plotBranchingModel(fSparse = False, nrun = 50, showAllB=True)
In [14]:
def RankBranchingLogRatio(fSparse = True):
''' Function to compute the log likehood ratio of best branching model
vs integrated-single GP model. It also returns the rank for each sample.'''
loglikRatio = np.zeros((numExperiments, len(Btry)))
rankRatio = np.zeros((numExperiments, len(Btry)))
for ns in range(numExperiments):
for ib, b in enumerate(Btry):
obj, _, _, _, _, objInt = GetRunData(fSparse, ns+1, ib, False) # 1 based
assert obj.size == len(BgridSearch), 'Must have obj value for each candidate'
nllBest = -np.min(obj) # get highest likelihood of branching model
nllInt = -objInt
loglikRatio[ns, ib] = nllBest / nllInt
rankRatio[ns, :] = ss.rankdata(loglikRatio[ns, :])
return rankRatio, loglikRatio
In [15]:
rallDescr = ['Full', 'Sparse']
f, ax = plt.subplots(2, sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize=(10, 10))
for fSparse in range(len(rallDescr)):
rankRatio, loglikRatio = RankBranchingLogRatio(fSparse=fSparse)
ax[fSparse].boxplot(rankRatio, labels=['Early', 'Medium', 'Late', 'Integrated'])
ax[fSparse].set_title('Mean ranking using likelihood ratio ' + rallDescr[fSparse])
In [16]:
rallDescr = ['Full', 'Sparse']
f, ax = plt.subplots(2, sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize=(10, 10))
for fSparse in range(len(rallDescr)):
rankRatio, loglikRatio = RankBranchingLogRatio(fSparse=fSparse)
ax[fSparse].boxplot(loglikRatio, labels=['Early', 'Medium', 'Late', 'Integrated'],
ax[fSparse].set_title('Log likelihood ratio ' + rallDescr[fSparse])
In [17]:
def RankBranchingByIntLik(fSparse = True):
''' Function to return the log likehood ratio integrated-single GP model.
It also returns the rank for each sample.'''
loglikRatio = np.zeros((numExperiments, len(Btry)))
rankRatio = np.zeros((numExperiments, len(Btry)))
for ns in range(numExperiments):
for ib, b in enumerate(Btry):
obj, _, _, _, _, objInt = GetRunData(fSparse, ns+1, ib, False) # 1 based
assert obj.size == len(BgridSearch), 'Must have obj value for each candidate'
nllInt = -objInt
loglikRatio[ns, ib] = nllInt
rankRatio[ns, :] = ss.rankdata(loglikRatio[ns, :])
return rankRatio, loglikRatio
In [18]:
rallDescr = ['Full', 'Sparse']
f, ax = plt.subplots(2, sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize=(10, 10))
for fSparse in range(len(rallDescr)):
rankRatio, loglikRatio = RankBranchingByIntLik(fSparse=fSparse)
ax[fSparse].boxplot(loglikRatio, labels=['Early', 'Medium', 'Late', 'Integrated'],
ax[fSparse].set_title('Integrated GP likelihood ' + rallDescr[fSparse])
In [19]:
def RankBranchingByBranchLik(fSparse = True):
''' Function to return the log likehood ratio integrated-single GP model.
It also returns the rank for each sample.'''
loglikRatio = np.zeros((numExperiments, len(Btry)))
rankRatio = np.zeros((numExperiments, len(Btry)))
for ns in range(numExperiments):
for ib, b in enumerate(Btry):
obj, _, _, _, _, objInt = GetRunData(fSparse, ns+1, ib, False) # 1 based
assert obj.size == len(BgridSearch), 'Must have obj value for each candidate'
nllBest = -np.min(obj)
loglikRatio[ns, ib] = nllBest
rankRatio[ns, :] = ss.rankdata(loglikRatio[ns, :])
return rankRatio, loglikRatio
rallDescr = ['Full', 'Sparse']
f, ax = plt.subplots(2, sharex=False, sharey=True, figsize=(10, 10))
for fSparse in range(len(rallDescr)):
rankRatio, loglikRatio = RankBranchingByBranchLik(fSparse=fSparse)
ax[fSparse].boxplot(loglikRatio, labels=['Early', 'Medium', 'Late', 'Integrated'],
ax[fSparse].set_title('Likelihood bound ' + rallDescr[fSparse])
In [ ]: