Traditional Classifiers

Classification problems have long been at the heart of applied statistics, but it wasn't until the advent of the computer that their power really began to manifest. Some of the simplest algorithms are Naive Bayes, K-nearest Neighbors, and Logistic Regression. Calling these algorithms "simple" by no means implies that they are ineffective, in fact, due to their simplicity and speed, they are often employed in workflows. In this exercise we'll explore these classifiers and compare the performance against one another.

Naive Bayes

Naive Bayes classifiers have been studied extensively since the 1950s and 1960s, notably in the domain of text classification, being especially useful for email spam detection. They work by assuming a prior probability distribution in each of the classes, and then update each distribution given the training data using Bayes's Theorem given by $${\displaystyle p(C_{k}\mid \mathbf {x} )={\frac {p(C_{k})\ p(\mathbf {x} \mid C_{k})}{p(\mathbf {x} )}}\,}$$ where $C_{k}$ is the kth class, and $x$ is the training data. The "naive" part of the algorithm comes into play with the assumption that each data point is independent of the previous, leading to the nice property that the joint pobability can be computed as the simple product. New data is then classified by implementing a decision rule, typically the probabiliy of the new data point belonging to each class is computed and the largest is chosen.

1 - Head over to the Machine Learning Repository, download the SMS Spam Collection Data Set, put it into a dataframe, process it as a bag-of-words using word counts, and split into training and test sets. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the data before proceeding.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

In [2]:
# read data
spam = pd.read_csv('SMSSpamCollection', sep='\t', header=None, encoding='latin-1')
spam.columns = ['class', 'text']

In [3]:
# create bag-of-words counts
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
vec = CountVectorizer()
wordcount = vec.fit_transform(spam.text)
# create X and y matrices
X_spam = wordcount.toarray()
y_spam = np.array(spam['class'] == 'spam', dtype=int)

In the solution: first split then fitting transform to train and applying to test:

(Also, I don't need to transform y in 1s and 0s array.

In [4]:
# cv = CountVectorizer()
# X_train = cv.fit_transform(X_train)
# X_test = cv.fit_transform(X_test)

In [5]:
# train and test split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_spam_train, X_spam_test, y_spam_train, y_spam_test = train_test_split(X_spam, y_spam, test_size=0.3, random_state = 0)

2 - Which of the available Naive Bayes Classifiers is most appropriate to the data? Choose one and fit it to the data, using the default hyperparameter settings, and report the training and testing accuracies. Comment on your results.

I would use a multinomial classifier, since we are dealing with counts:

In [6]:
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB

NB = MultinomialNB(), y_spam_train)

MultinomialNB(alpha=1.0, class_prior=None, fit_prior=True)

In [7]:
print('Training accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(NB.score(X_spam_train, y_spam_train)))
print('Testing accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(NB.score(X_spam_test, y_spam_test)))

Training accuracy: 0.99462
Testing accuracy: 0.98266

Seems a pretty good accuracy, in and out of sample.

3 - Try a few different settings of the alpha parameter, printing the training and testing accuracies. Also try switching the fit_prior parameter on and off. Comment on your results.

In [8]:
# alpha can be greater than 1!
NBparams = pd.DataFrame(columns=['alpha', 'fit_prior', 'train_accuracy', 'test_accuracy'])

for alpha in np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1):
    for fit_prior in [True, False]:
        NB.set_params(alpha=alpha, fit_prior=fit_prior), y_spam_train)
        NBparams = NBparams.append(pd.DataFrame([[alpha,
                                                  NB.score(X_spam_train, y_spam_train),
                                                  NB.score(X_spam_test, y_spam_test)]],
                                                columns=['alpha', 'fit_prior', 'train_accuracy', 'test_accuracy']))

C:\Users\alessandro.diantonio\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
  self.feature_log_prob_ = (np.log(smoothed_fc) -
C:\Users\alessandro.diantonio\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sklearn\ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
  self.feature_log_prob_ = (np.log(smoothed_fc) -

In [9]:
NBparams.sort_values(by='train_accuracy', ascending=False)

alpha fit_prior train_accuracy test_accuracy
0 0.1 True 0.996923 0.980861
0 0.2 True 0.996667 0.982057
0 0.3 True 0.995385 0.982656
0 0.4 True 0.995385 0.983254
0 0.5 True 0.994615 0.983852
0 1.0 True 0.994615 0.982656
0 0.6 True 0.994359 0.983254
0 0.7 True 0.994103 0.982656
0 0.9 True 0.993846 0.981459
0 0.8 True 0.993846 0.982057
0 0.1 False 0.993333 0.971890
0 0.2 False 0.991282 0.972488
0 0.3 False 0.990769 0.970096
0 0.4 False 0.990513 0.968301
0 0.5 False 0.990000 0.967703
0 0.6 False 0.987692 0.968301
0 0.8 False 0.987692 0.967703
0 0.7 False 0.987179 0.968301
0 0.9 False 0.986667 0.968301
0 1.0 False 0.986410 0.968301
0 0.0 False 0.865128 0.867823
0 0.0 True 0.865128 0.867823

In [10]:
NBparams.sort_values(by='test_accuracy', ascending=False)

alpha fit_prior train_accuracy test_accuracy
0 0.5 True 0.994615 0.983852
0 0.4 True 0.995385 0.983254
0 0.6 True 0.994359 0.983254
0 0.3 True 0.995385 0.982656
0 1.0 True 0.994615 0.982656
0 0.7 True 0.994103 0.982656
0 0.2 True 0.996667 0.982057
0 0.8 True 0.993846 0.982057
0 0.9 True 0.993846 0.981459
0 0.1 True 0.996923 0.980861
0 0.2 False 0.991282 0.972488
0 0.1 False 0.993333 0.971890
0 0.3 False 0.990769 0.970096
0 1.0 False 0.986410 0.968301
0 0.7 False 0.987179 0.968301
0 0.4 False 0.990513 0.968301
0 0.6 False 0.987692 0.968301
0 0.9 False 0.986667 0.968301
0 0.5 False 0.990000 0.967703
0 0.8 False 0.987692 0.967703
0 0.0 False 0.865128 0.867823
0 0.0 True 0.865128 0.867823

The best models all have the fit prior parameter set to True. Also, we see that the best train accuracy is obtained with small $\alpha$, but that doesn't translate to the best test accuracies that are, in general, obtained with $\alpha$ near to 1. The documentation says that "the smoothing priors $\alpha \ge 0$ accounts for features not present in the learning samples and prevents zero probabilities in further computations"; so I would say that small values of $\alpha$ cause some overfitting of the train set while higher values works better because we have a sparse matrix of features.

That being said, the accuracy is high in general.

We can also observe that the models trained with $\alpha = 0$ are by far the worst ones.

4 - Generate a word cloud for the ham and spam words.

In [11]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

In [12]:
from wordcloud import WordCloud
# counting ham words
hamvec = CountVectorizer()
hamcount = hamvec.fit_transform(spam.loc[spam['class'] == 'ham', 'text'].values)
# creating a series containing word and relative count
hamcountdict = {}
for word, count in zip(hamvec.get_feature_names(), np.asarray(hamcount.sum(axis=0)).ravel()):
    hamcountdict[word] = count
hamcountseries = pd.Series(hamcountdict)
hamcountseries / hamcountseries.sum()

# counting spam words
spamvec = CountVectorizer()
spamcount = spamvec.fit_transform(spam.loc[spam['class'] == 'spam', 'text'].values)
# creating a series containing word and relative count
spamcountdict = {}
for word, count in zip(spamvec.get_feature_names(), np.asarray(spamcount.sum(axis=0)).ravel()):
    spamcountdict[word] = count
spamcountseries = pd.Series(spamcountdict)
spamcountseries / spamcountseries.sum()

# creating two wordclouds from the frequencies calculated on the series
wordcloudham = WordCloud(background_color='white', max_words=len(hamvec.vocabulary_)).generate_from_frequencies(hamcountseries / hamcountseries.sum())
wordcloudspam = WordCloud(background_color='white', max_words=len(spamvec.vocabulary_)).generate_from_frequencies(spamcountseries / spamcountseries.sum())

In [13]:
# # solution:

# import nltk
# from nltk.corpus import stopwordswords

# # Split ham and spam rows
# ham = data[data['class'] == 'ham'].text
# spam = data[data['class'] == 'spam'].text

# # Get counts, removing stopwords
# ham_words = ''
# for row in ham:
#     test = row.lower()
#     tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(text)
#     for words in tokens:
#         ham_words = ham_words + words + ' '

# spam_words = ''
# for row in spam:
#     test = row.lower()
#     tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(text)
#     for words in tokens:
#         spam_words = spam_words + words + ' '

# # Generate a word cloud image
# ham_wordcloud = WordCloud(width=600, height=400).generate(ham_words)
# spam_wordcloud = WordCloud(width=600, height=400).generate(spam_words)

In [14]:
size = 20
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(size, size))
ax = plt.axes()
ax.set_title('Ham Words', size=40)
ax.imshow(wordcloudham, interpolation='bilinear')

In [15]:
size = 20
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(size, size))
ax = plt.axes()
ax.set_title('Spam Words', size=40)
ax.imshow(wordcloudspam, interpolation='bilinear')

5 - Naive Bayes can also be used for classification of continous data. Generate a set of random data points, $x1$ and $x2$, classifiying each point as being above or below the line f(x) = x, fit a Naive Bayes model, report the accuracy, and plot the decision boundary. Comment on your results.

In [16]:
# generate data
x1 = np.random.rand(100)
x2 = np.random.rand(100)

X_cont = np.vstack((x1, x2)).T
y_cont = np.array((x1 >= x2), dtype=int)

In [17]:
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
# fit model
NB_cont = GaussianNB(), y_cont)
# get accuracy
NB_cont.score(X_cont, y_cont)


In [18]:
def plot_decision_boundary(X, y, classifier, resolution):
    # plot decision boundaries
    cmap ='viridis')
    markers = ('o', '^', 's', 'x', 'v')
    x1_min, x1_max = X[:, 0].min() - 0.1, X[:, 0].max() + 0.1
    x2_min, x2_max = X[:, 1].min() - 0.1, X[:, 1].max() + 0.1
    xx1, xx2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x1_min, x1_max, resolution),
                          np.arange(x2_min, x2_max, resolution))
    Z = classifier.predict(np.array([xx1.ravel(), xx2.ravel()]).T)
    Z = Z.reshape(xx1.shape)
    plt.contourf(xx1, xx2, Z, alpha=0.4, cmap=cmap)
    plt.xlim(xx1.min(), xx1.max())
    plt.ylim(xx2.min(), xx2.max())
    # scatter points
    for idx, cl in enumerate(np.unique(y)):
        plt.scatter(x=X[y == cl, 0],
                    y=X[y == cl, 1],

In [19]:
plot_decision_boundary(X_cont, y_cont, NB_cont, 0.002)

K-Nearest Neighbor

Another one of the simplest of classificaiton algorithms is the K-Neareast Neighbors. KNN works by simply classifying a datapoint by its proximity to other datapoints of known category. There are a few different evaluation metrics to choose for "distance" as well as different implementations of the algorithm, but the idea is always the same.

1 - Generate a set of 100 random data points according to the function ${\displaystyle f(x) = N(x\;|\;\mu ,\sigma ^{2}) + \epsilon}$ where $\mu = 0$, $\sigma = 1$, and $\epsilon$ is a noise term. Then classify each point as being above or below the curve, fit a KNN classifier, using the default values, and plot the decision boundary and report the accuracy. Comment on your results.

In [20]:
from scipy.stats import norm
# generate data
a = -3
b = 3
# in solution it uses a linspace between -3 and 3
x1_KNN = (b - a)*np.random.rand(100) + a
a = -0.5
b = 0.5
noise = (b - a)*np.random.rand(100) + a
x2_KNN = norm.pdf(x1_KNN) + noise

X_KNN = np.vstack((x1_KNN, x2_KNN)).T
y_KNN = np.array((x2_KNN >= norm.pdf(x1_KNN)), dtype=int)

In [21]:
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
# fit model
KNN = KNeighborsClassifier(), y_KNN)
# get accuracy
KNN.score(X_KNN, y_KNN)


In [22]:
plot_decision_boundary(X_KNN, y_KNN, KNN, 0.002)

2 - Using the data generated in part (1), fit a series of KNN models, adjusting the n_neighbors parameter, and plot the decision boundary and accuracy for each. Comment on your results.

In [23]:
n_neighbors = np.arange(1, 11)
for n in n_neighbors:
    # set params
    # fit, y_KNN)
    # get accuracy
    print('KNN with {} neighbors accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(n, KNN.score(X_KNN, y_KNN)))
    # plot boundaries
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    ax.set_title('KNN with {} neighbors'.format(n))
    plot_decision_boundary(X_KNN, y_KNN, KNN, 0.002)

KNN with 1 neighbors accuracy: 1.00000
KNN with 2 neighbors accuracy: 0.96000
KNN with 3 neighbors accuracy: 0.95000
KNN with 4 neighbors accuracy: 0.95000
KNN with 5 neighbors accuracy: 0.96000
KNN with 6 neighbors accuracy: 0.95000
KNN with 7 neighbors accuracy: 0.94000
KNN with 8 neighbors accuracy: 0.91000
KNN with 9 neighbors accuracy: 0.87000
KNN with 10 neighbors accuracy: 0.87000

The best result is for 1 neighbors, but by looking at the decision boundaries we may get the best generalization for 2 neighbors. We also get good results for $n$ between 2 and 7, while performances decrease for 8 or more neighbors.

3 - Head over to the Machine Learning Repository, download the Connectionist Bench (Sonar, Mines vs. Rocks) Data Set, put it into a data frame, and split into training and testing sets. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the data before proceeding.

In [24]:
sonar = pd.read_csv('sonar.all-data', header=None)
sonar.columns = ['freq'+str(i) for i in range(60)] + ['class']


(208, 61)
freq0 freq1 freq2 freq3 freq4 freq5 freq6 freq7 freq8 freq9 ... freq51 freq52 freq53 freq54 freq55 freq56 freq57 freq58 freq59 class
0 0.0200 0.0371 0.0428 0.0207 0.0954 0.0986 0.1539 0.1601 0.3109 0.2111 ... 0.0027 0.0065 0.0159 0.0072 0.0167 0.0180 0.0084 0.0090 0.0032 R
1 0.0453 0.0523 0.0843 0.0689 0.1183 0.2583 0.2156 0.3481 0.3337 0.2872 ... 0.0084 0.0089 0.0048 0.0094 0.0191 0.0140 0.0049 0.0052 0.0044 R
2 0.0262 0.0582 0.1099 0.1083 0.0974 0.2280 0.2431 0.3771 0.5598 0.6194 ... 0.0232 0.0166 0.0095 0.0180 0.0244 0.0316 0.0164 0.0095 0.0078 R
3 0.0100 0.0171 0.0623 0.0205 0.0205 0.0368 0.1098 0.1276 0.0598 0.1264 ... 0.0121 0.0036 0.0150 0.0085 0.0073 0.0050 0.0044 0.0040 0.0117 R
4 0.0762 0.0666 0.0481 0.0394 0.0590 0.0649 0.1209 0.2467 0.3564 0.4459 ... 0.0031 0.0054 0.0105 0.0110 0.0015 0.0072 0.0048 0.0107 0.0094 R

5 rows × 61 columns

In [25]:

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
freq0 208.0 0.029164 0.022991 0.0015 0.013350 0.02280 0.035550 0.1371
freq1 208.0 0.038437 0.032960 0.0006 0.016450 0.03080 0.047950 0.2339
freq2 208.0 0.043832 0.038428 0.0015 0.018950 0.03430 0.057950 0.3059
freq3 208.0 0.053892 0.046528 0.0058 0.024375 0.04405 0.064500 0.4264
freq4 208.0 0.075202 0.055552 0.0067 0.038050 0.06250 0.100275 0.4010
freq5 208.0 0.104570 0.059105 0.0102 0.067025 0.09215 0.134125 0.3823
freq6 208.0 0.121747 0.061788 0.0033 0.080900 0.10695 0.154000 0.3729
freq7 208.0 0.134799 0.085152 0.0055 0.080425 0.11210 0.169600 0.4590
freq8 208.0 0.178003 0.118387 0.0075 0.097025 0.15225 0.233425 0.6828
freq9 208.0 0.208259 0.134416 0.0113 0.111275 0.18240 0.268700 0.7106
freq10 208.0 0.236013 0.132705 0.0289 0.129250 0.22480 0.301650 0.7342
freq11 208.0 0.250221 0.140072 0.0236 0.133475 0.24905 0.331250 0.7060
freq12 208.0 0.273305 0.140962 0.0184 0.166125 0.26395 0.351250 0.7131
freq13 208.0 0.296568 0.164474 0.0273 0.175175 0.28110 0.386175 0.9970
freq14 208.0 0.320201 0.205427 0.0031 0.164625 0.28170 0.452925 1.0000
freq15 208.0 0.378487 0.232650 0.0162 0.196300 0.30470 0.535725 0.9988
freq16 208.0 0.415983 0.263677 0.0349 0.205850 0.30840 0.659425 1.0000
freq17 208.0 0.452318 0.261529 0.0375 0.242075 0.36830 0.679050 1.0000
freq18 208.0 0.504812 0.257988 0.0494 0.299075 0.43495 0.731400 1.0000
freq19 208.0 0.563047 0.262653 0.0656 0.350625 0.54250 0.809325 1.0000
freq20 208.0 0.609060 0.257818 0.0512 0.399725 0.61770 0.816975 1.0000
freq21 208.0 0.624275 0.255883 0.0219 0.406925 0.66490 0.831975 1.0000
freq22 208.0 0.646975 0.250175 0.0563 0.450225 0.69970 0.848575 1.0000
freq23 208.0 0.672654 0.239116 0.0239 0.540725 0.69850 0.872175 1.0000
freq24 208.0 0.675424 0.244926 0.0240 0.525800 0.72110 0.873725 1.0000
freq25 208.0 0.699866 0.237228 0.0921 0.544175 0.75450 0.893800 1.0000
freq26 208.0 0.702155 0.245657 0.0481 0.531900 0.74560 0.917100 1.0000
freq27 208.0 0.694024 0.237189 0.0284 0.534775 0.73190 0.900275 1.0000
freq28 208.0 0.642074 0.240250 0.0144 0.463700 0.68080 0.852125 1.0000
freq29 208.0 0.580928 0.220749 0.0613 0.411400 0.60715 0.735175 1.0000
freq30 208.0 0.504475 0.213992 0.0482 0.345550 0.49035 0.641950 0.9657
freq31 208.0 0.439040 0.213237 0.0404 0.281400 0.42960 0.580300 0.9306
freq32 208.0 0.417220 0.206513 0.0477 0.257875 0.39120 0.556125 1.0000
freq33 208.0 0.403233 0.231242 0.0212 0.217575 0.35105 0.596125 0.9647
freq34 208.0 0.392571 0.259132 0.0223 0.179375 0.31275 0.593350 1.0000
freq35 208.0 0.384848 0.264121 0.0080 0.154350 0.32115 0.556525 1.0000
freq36 208.0 0.363807 0.239912 0.0351 0.160100 0.30630 0.518900 0.9497
freq37 208.0 0.339657 0.212973 0.0383 0.174275 0.31270 0.440550 1.0000
freq38 208.0 0.325800 0.199075 0.0371 0.173975 0.28350 0.434900 0.9857
freq39 208.0 0.311207 0.178662 0.0117 0.186450 0.27805 0.424350 0.9297
freq40 208.0 0.289252 0.171111 0.0360 0.163100 0.25950 0.387525 0.8995
freq41 208.0 0.278293 0.168728 0.0056 0.158900 0.24510 0.384250 0.8246
freq42 208.0 0.246542 0.138993 0.0000 0.155200 0.22255 0.324525 0.7733
freq43 208.0 0.214075 0.133291 0.0000 0.126875 0.17770 0.271750 0.7762
freq44 208.0 0.197232 0.151628 0.0000 0.094475 0.14800 0.231550 0.7034
freq45 208.0 0.160631 0.133938 0.0000 0.068550 0.12135 0.200375 0.7292
freq46 208.0 0.122453 0.086953 0.0000 0.064250 0.10165 0.154425 0.5522
freq47 208.0 0.091424 0.062417 0.0000 0.045125 0.07810 0.120100 0.3339
freq48 208.0 0.051929 0.035954 0.0000 0.026350 0.04470 0.068525 0.1981
freq49 208.0 0.020424 0.013665 0.0000 0.011550 0.01790 0.025275 0.0825
freq50 208.0 0.016069 0.012008 0.0000 0.008425 0.01390 0.020825 0.1004
freq51 208.0 0.013420 0.009634 0.0008 0.007275 0.01140 0.016725 0.0709
freq52 208.0 0.010709 0.007060 0.0005 0.005075 0.00955 0.014900 0.0390
freq53 208.0 0.010941 0.007301 0.0010 0.005375 0.00930 0.014500 0.0352
freq54 208.0 0.009290 0.007088 0.0006 0.004150 0.00750 0.012100 0.0447
freq55 208.0 0.008222 0.005736 0.0004 0.004400 0.00685 0.010575 0.0394
freq56 208.0 0.007820 0.005785 0.0003 0.003700 0.00595 0.010425 0.0355
freq57 208.0 0.007949 0.006470 0.0003 0.003600 0.00580 0.010350 0.0440
freq58 208.0 0.007941 0.006181 0.0001 0.003675 0.00640 0.010325 0.0364
freq59 208.0 0.006507 0.005031 0.0006 0.003100 0.00530 0.008525 0.0439

In [26]:
sonar.loc[sonar['class'] == 'R'].describe().T

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
freq0 97.0 0.022498 0.014687 0.0025 0.0123 0.0201 0.0291 0.0856
freq1 97.0 0.030303 0.024011 0.0006 0.0132 0.0242 0.0433 0.1632
freq2 97.0 0.035951 0.029101 0.0024 0.0145 0.0288 0.0501 0.1636
freq3 97.0 0.041447 0.031172 0.0058 0.0211 0.0350 0.0494 0.1732
freq4 97.0 0.062028 0.047217 0.0067 0.0305 0.0476 0.0794 0.2565
freq5 97.0 0.096224 0.065025 0.0102 0.0591 0.0792 0.1164 0.3823
freq6 97.0 0.114180 0.065155 0.0033 0.0731 0.1015 0.1422 0.3729
freq7 97.0 0.117596 0.079772 0.0057 0.0663 0.0973 0.1451 0.4110
freq8 97.0 0.137392 0.099887 0.0075 0.0743 0.1054 0.1598 0.5598
freq9 97.0 0.159325 0.113151 0.0242 0.0860 0.1264 0.1908 0.6194
freq10 97.0 0.174713 0.113363 0.0289 0.0937 0.1475 0.2366 0.6333
freq11 97.0 0.191589 0.134671 0.0259 0.0909 0.1518 0.2565 0.7060
freq12 97.0 0.226249 0.138082 0.0184 0.1254 0.1975 0.3002 0.6919
freq13 97.0 0.268963 0.166283 0.0420 0.1272 0.2573 0.3598 0.8198
freq14 97.0 0.307636 0.219055 0.0031 0.1424 0.2333 0.4767 1.0000
freq15 97.0 0.375611 0.255401 0.0162 0.1732 0.2652 0.5440 0.9988
freq16 97.0 0.417100 0.289979 0.0349 0.1929 0.2933 0.6950 1.0000
freq17 97.0 0.448240 0.269781 0.0375 0.2203 0.3655 0.6790 1.0000
freq18 97.0 0.466762 0.258432 0.0494 0.2915 0.3880 0.7060 1.0000
freq19 97.0 0.500229 0.259433 0.0656 0.3226 0.4529 0.7728 1.0000
freq20 97.0 0.542270 0.248753 0.1268 0.3542 0.5212 0.7561 1.0000
freq21 97.0 0.569290 0.260639 0.0219 0.3715 0.5991 0.7813 1.0000
freq22 97.0 0.612959 0.243941 0.0667 0.4290 0.6414 0.8225 1.0000
freq23 97.0 0.653761 0.233179 0.1242 0.5386 0.6741 0.8553 1.0000
freq24 97.0 0.668809 0.250009 0.0240 0.5331 0.7272 0.8658 1.0000
freq25 97.0 0.692762 0.238802 0.1653 0.5647 0.7511 0.8901 1.0000
freq26 97.0 0.687737 0.220013 0.0874 0.5593 0.6995 0.8684 1.0000
freq27 97.0 0.673145 0.205935 0.0832 0.5429 0.6897 0.8533 1.0000
freq28 97.0 0.632680 0.234491 0.0716 0.4739 0.6301 0.8339 1.0000
freq29 97.0 0.579934 0.233361 0.0613 0.4084 0.6153 0.7679 1.0000
freq30 97.0 0.529762 0.201619 0.1307 0.3940 0.5509 0.6499 0.9546
freq31 97.0 0.451619 0.213180 0.0404 0.2628 0.4611 0.6177 0.8940
freq32 97.0 0.440841 0.217085 0.0507 0.2797 0.4031 0.6096 0.9708
freq33 97.0 0.445680 0.251312 0.0306 0.2298 0.4006 0.6234 0.9647
freq34 97.0 0.455530 0.261250 0.0244 0.2487 0.3953 0.6275 1.0000
freq35 97.0 0.460710 0.262311 0.0352 0.2276 0.4676 0.6680 1.0000
freq36 97.0 0.417330 0.242986 0.0379 0.2149 0.4260 0.5789 0.9497
freq37 97.0 0.348868 0.223805 0.0383 0.1866 0.3104 0.4576 1.0000
freq38 97.0 0.313709 0.216223 0.0371 0.1583 0.2685 0.4427 0.9857
freq39 97.0 0.318057 0.196823 0.0117 0.1880 0.2744 0.4057 0.9297
freq40 97.0 0.285428 0.177206 0.0488 0.1659 0.2509 0.3548 0.8995
freq41 97.0 0.252338 0.165874 0.0056 0.1449 0.2200 0.3041 0.7911
freq42 97.0 0.211822 0.130301 0.0000 0.1272 0.1882 0.2728 0.7733
freq43 97.0 0.175132 0.107422 0.0000 0.0976 0.1606 0.2222 0.7762
freq44 97.0 0.142312 0.095663 0.0000 0.0831 0.1304 0.1683 0.6009
freq45 97.0 0.116949 0.093840 0.0000 0.0528 0.0861 0.1643 0.5507
freq46 97.0 0.094458 0.067765 0.0000 0.0479 0.0804 0.1190 0.4331
freq47 97.0 0.069488 0.048244 0.0000 0.0387 0.0561 0.0919 0.2905
freq48 97.0 0.038449 0.030441 0.0000 0.0176 0.0325 0.0497 0.1981
freq49 97.0 0.017796 0.012557 0.0000 0.0093 0.0155 0.0224 0.0779
freq50 97.0 0.012311 0.008632 0.0000 0.0061 0.0107 0.0156 0.0426
freq51 97.0 0.010453 0.007109 0.0008 0.0052 0.0088 0.0141 0.0386
freq52 97.0 0.009640 0.006174 0.0010 0.0045 0.0081 0.0129 0.0265
freq53 97.0 0.009518 0.005389 0.0013 0.0052 0.0088 0.0130 0.0271
freq54 97.0 0.008567 0.005137 0.0006 0.0050 0.0077 0.0114 0.0233
freq55 97.0 0.007430 0.004773 0.0004 0.0044 0.0065 0.0097 0.0244
freq56 97.0 0.007814 0.005702 0.0003 0.0037 0.0061 0.0101 0.0316
freq57 97.0 0.006677 0.004841 0.0003 0.0031 0.0052 0.0092 0.0199
freq58 97.0 0.007078 0.005114 0.0006 0.0039 0.0058 0.0089 0.0294
freq59 97.0 0.006024 0.003669 0.0011 0.0030 0.0054 0.0078 0.0180

In [27]:
sonar.loc[sonar['class'] == 'M'].describe().T

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
freq0 111.0 0.034989 0.027074 0.0015 0.01795 0.0269 0.04185 0.1371
freq1 111.0 0.045544 0.037840 0.0017 0.01945 0.0353 0.05925 0.2339
freq2 111.0 0.050720 0.044014 0.0015 0.02525 0.0386 0.06250 0.3059
freq3 111.0 0.064768 0.054497 0.0061 0.03110 0.0547 0.08155 0.4264
freq4 111.0 0.086715 0.059790 0.0076 0.04590 0.0748 0.11170 0.4010
freq5 111.0 0.111864 0.052620 0.0116 0.07695 0.1091 0.14630 0.2770
freq6 111.0 0.128359 0.058179 0.0130 0.08800 0.1232 0.16160 0.3322
freq7 111.0 0.149832 0.087190 0.0055 0.09805 0.1298 0.18100 0.4590
freq8 111.0 0.213492 0.122237 0.0368 0.13695 0.1864 0.26105 0.6828
freq9 111.0 0.251022 0.137366 0.0113 0.16850 0.2245 0.30185 0.7106
freq10 111.0 0.289581 0.125359 0.0523 0.21900 0.2652 0.34400 0.7342
freq11 111.0 0.301459 0.124149 0.0236 0.23815 0.2880 0.36465 0.5771
freq12 111.0 0.314426 0.130742 0.0616 0.22925 0.2959 0.38260 0.7131
freq13 111.0 0.320692 0.159738 0.0273 0.20135 0.3087 0.39540 0.9970
freq14 111.0 0.331182 0.193066 0.0092 0.18025 0.3052 0.44540 0.9137
freq15 111.0 0.380999 0.211929 0.0422 0.20250 0.3323 0.53300 0.9718
freq16 111.0 0.415007 0.239680 0.0886 0.21685 0.3286 0.60955 1.0000
freq17 111.0 0.455882 0.255275 0.0689 0.24290 0.3715 0.67660 1.0000
freq18 111.0 0.538062 0.254108 0.1151 0.32300 0.5233 0.77540 0.9975
freq19 111.0 0.617941 0.254087 0.0740 0.41200 0.6833 0.83510 1.0000
freq20 111.0 0.667426 0.252410 0.0512 0.50935 0.7420 0.86985 1.0000
freq21 111.0 0.672325 0.242758 0.1127 0.47420 0.7452 0.85150 1.0000
freq22 111.0 0.676701 0.252850 0.0563 0.51510 0.7716 0.87030 1.0000
freq23 111.0 0.689165 0.244037 0.0239 0.55615 0.7298 0.89060 1.0000
freq24 111.0 0.681204 0.241384 0.0885 0.51655 0.7201 0.88985 1.0000
freq25 111.0 0.706075 0.236752 0.0921 0.53595 0.7595 0.89750 1.0000
freq26 111.0 0.714754 0.266410 0.0481 0.49745 0.8300 0.93850 1.0000
freq27 111.0 0.712269 0.261030 0.0284 0.52850 0.7689 0.94820 1.0000
freq28 111.0 0.650283 0.245937 0.0144 0.45540 0.7171 0.86490 1.0000
freq29 111.0 0.581796 0.210175 0.1671 0.41510 0.6048 0.70235 1.0000
freq30 111.0 0.482378 0.222801 0.0482 0.32335 0.4326 0.60955 0.9657
freq31 111.0 0.428049 0.213642 0.0877 0.28410 0.3939 0.54070 0.9306
freq32 111.0 0.396577 0.195461 0.0477 0.24790 0.3828 0.51985 1.0000
freq33 111.0 0.366140 0.206225 0.0212 0.19930 0.3263 0.50310 0.9536
freq34 111.0 0.337553 0.245456 0.0223 0.14255 0.2667 0.51240 1.0000
freq35 111.0 0.318553 0.248427 0.0080 0.13420 0.2331 0.43345 0.9870
freq36 111.0 0.317034 0.228149 0.0351 0.15580 0.2373 0.42825 0.9386
freq37 111.0 0.331608 0.203718 0.0618 0.17425 0.3156 0.43045 0.9480
freq38 111.0 0.336365 0.183123 0.0436 0.18185 0.3129 0.43000 0.8827
freq39 111.0 0.305221 0.161806 0.0227 0.18150 0.2900 0.42470 0.8116
freq40 111.0 0.292594 0.166338 0.0360 0.16005 0.2674 0.39915 0.7664
freq41 111.0 0.300975 0.168666 0.0328 0.17030 0.2778 0.41990 0.8246
freq42 111.0 0.276883 0.139806 0.0308 0.16770 0.2563 0.37395 0.7517
freq43 111.0 0.248106 0.144418 0.0255 0.14170 0.2037 0.32945 0.5772
freq44 111.0 0.245225 0.174053 0.0298 0.11640 0.1878 0.40425 0.7034
freq45 111.0 0.198804 0.151395 0.0080 0.09485 0.1651 0.24210 0.7292
freq46 111.0 0.146917 0.094474 0.0237 0.08010 0.1173 0.18290 0.5522
freq47 111.0 0.110594 0.067118 0.0041 0.06175 0.1005 0.13715 0.3339
freq48 111.0 0.063708 0.036382 0.0098 0.03665 0.0558 0.08710 0.1794
freq49 111.0 0.022721 0.014226 0.0044 0.01340 0.0194 0.02735 0.0825
freq50 111.0 0.019352 0.013528 0.0009 0.01250 0.0171 0.02385 0.1004
freq51 111.0 0.016014 0.010770 0.0013 0.00925 0.0132 0.01900 0.0709
freq52 111.0 0.011643 0.007658 0.0005 0.00595 0.0101 0.01645 0.0390
freq53 111.0 0.012185 0.008463 0.0010 0.00560 0.0096 0.01605 0.0352
freq54 111.0 0.009923 0.008404 0.0012 0.00380 0.0072 0.01355 0.0447
freq55 111.0 0.008914 0.006403 0.0007 0.00445 0.0074 0.01200 0.0394
freq56 111.0 0.007825 0.005884 0.0009 0.00370 0.0057 0.01065 0.0355
freq57 111.0 0.009060 0.007460 0.0006 0.00420 0.0070 0.01145 0.0440
freq58 111.0 0.008695 0.006917 0.0001 0.00355 0.0070 0.01135 0.0364
freq59 111.0 0.006930 0.005958 0.0006 0.00310 0.0053 0.00920 0.0439

In [28]:
X_sonar = sonar.iloc[:, :-1].values
y_sonar = sonar.iloc[:, -1].values

X_sonar_train, X_sonar_test, y_sonar_train, y_sonar_test = train_test_split(X_sonar, y_sonar, test_size=0.3, random_state = 42)

4 - Fit a KNN classifier using the default settings and report the training and testing accuracies.

In [29]:
KNN_sonar = KNeighborsClassifier(), y_sonar_train)
print('Train accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(KNN_sonar.score(X_sonar_train, y_sonar_train)))
print('Test accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(KNN_sonar.score(X_sonar_test, y_sonar_test)))
# for random_State=42 test greater than train? mmh, strange... but for random_state=0 it's smaller

Train accuracy: 0.80690
Test accuracy: 0.84127

5 - Fit a series of KNN classifiers to the data, adjusting the n_neighbors parameter, reporting the training and testing accuracies for each. Comment on your results.

In [29]:
n_neighbors = np.arange(1, 11)
for n in n_neighbors:
    # set params
    # fit, y_sonar_train)
    # get accuracies
    print('KNN with {} neighbors train accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(n, KNN_sonar.score(X_sonar_train, y_sonar_train)))
    print('KNN with {} neighbors test accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(n, KNN_sonar.score(X_sonar_test, y_sonar_test)))

KNN with 1 neighbors train accuracy: 1.00000
KNN with 1 neighbors test accuracy: 0.90476
KNN with 2 neighbors train accuracy: 0.86207
KNN with 2 neighbors test accuracy: 0.84127
KNN with 3 neighbors train accuracy: 0.86207
KNN with 3 neighbors test accuracy: 0.88889
KNN with 4 neighbors train accuracy: 0.82759
KNN with 4 neighbors test accuracy: 0.85714
KNN with 5 neighbors train accuracy: 0.80690
KNN with 5 neighbors test accuracy: 0.84127
KNN with 6 neighbors train accuracy: 0.77931
KNN with 6 neighbors test accuracy: 0.73016
KNN with 7 neighbors train accuracy: 0.79310
KNN with 7 neighbors test accuracy: 0.74603
KNN with 8 neighbors train accuracy: 0.74483
KNN with 8 neighbors test accuracy: 0.73016
KNN with 9 neighbors train accuracy: 0.75862
KNN with 9 neighbors test accuracy: 0.73016
KNN with 10 neighbors train accuracy: 0.69655
KNN with 10 neighbors test accuracy: 0.74603

We have this strange phenomenon (to me at least) that for $n$ between 3 and 5 and $n = 10$ the test accuracy is greater than the train one.

As before, the best performance is for 1 neighbor and all the small $n$ give good accuracy scores.

6 - Repeat part (5), but this time adjusting the metric parameter. Comment on your results.

In [30]:
n_neighbors = np.arange(1, 11)
for n in n_neighbors:
    # set params
    metric = 'chebyshev'
    KNN_sonar.set_params(n_neighbors=n, metric=metric)
    # fit, y_sonar_train)
    # get accuracies
    print('KNN with {} neighbors and {} metric train accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(n,
                                                                              KNN_sonar.score(X_sonar_train, y_sonar_train)))
    print('KNN with {} neighbors and {} metric test accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(n,
                                                                             KNN_sonar.score(X_sonar_test, y_sonar_test)))
    for p in np.arange(1, 6):
        # set params
        metric = 'minkowski'
        KNN_sonar.set_params(metric=metric, p=p)
        # fit, y_sonar_train)
        # get accuracies
        print('KNN with {} neighbors and {} {}-metric train accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(n,
                                                                                     KNN_sonar.score(X_sonar_train, y_sonar_train)))
        print('KNN with {} neighbors and {} {}-metric test accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(n,
                                                                                    KNN_sonar.score(X_sonar_test, y_sonar_test)))

KNN with 1 neighbors and chebyshev metric train accuracy: 1.00000
KNN with 1 neighbors and chebyshev metric test accuracy: 0.84127
KNN with 1 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric train accuracy: 1.00000
KNN with 1 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric test accuracy: 0.90476
KNN with 1 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric train accuracy: 1.00000
KNN with 1 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric test accuracy: 0.90476
KNN with 1 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric train accuracy: 1.00000
KNN with 1 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric test accuracy: 0.90476
KNN with 1 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric train accuracy: 1.00000
KNN with 1 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric test accuracy: 0.92063
KNN with 1 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric train accuracy: 1.00000
KNN with 1 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric test accuracy: 0.88889
KNN with 2 neighbors and chebyshev metric train accuracy: 0.82069
KNN with 2 neighbors and chebyshev metric test accuracy: 0.77778
KNN with 2 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric train accuracy: 0.88966
KNN with 2 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric test accuracy: 0.88889
KNN with 2 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric train accuracy: 0.86207
KNN with 2 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric test accuracy: 0.84127
KNN with 2 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric train accuracy: 0.88276
KNN with 2 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric test accuracy: 0.77778
KNN with 2 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric train accuracy: 0.86207
KNN with 2 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric test accuracy: 0.77778
KNN with 2 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric train accuracy: 0.86207
KNN with 2 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric test accuracy: 0.76190
KNN with 3 neighbors and chebyshev metric train accuracy: 0.86897
KNN with 3 neighbors and chebyshev metric test accuracy: 0.82540
KNN with 3 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric train accuracy: 0.88276
KNN with 3 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric test accuracy: 0.90476
KNN with 3 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric train accuracy: 0.86207
KNN with 3 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric test accuracy: 0.88889
KNN with 3 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric train accuracy: 0.85517
KNN with 3 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric test accuracy: 0.90476
KNN with 3 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric train accuracy: 0.86207
KNN with 3 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric test accuracy: 0.85714
KNN with 3 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric train accuracy: 0.87586
KNN with 3 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric test accuracy: 0.82540
KNN with 4 neighbors and chebyshev metric train accuracy: 0.80000
KNN with 4 neighbors and chebyshev metric test accuracy: 0.73016
KNN with 4 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric train accuracy: 0.83448
KNN with 4 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric test accuracy: 0.87302
KNN with 4 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric train accuracy: 0.82759
KNN with 4 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric test accuracy: 0.85714
KNN with 4 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric train accuracy: 0.79310
KNN with 4 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric test accuracy: 0.84127
KNN with 4 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric train accuracy: 0.79310
KNN with 4 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric test accuracy: 0.80952
KNN with 4 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric train accuracy: 0.79310
KNN with 4 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric test accuracy: 0.74603
KNN with 5 neighbors and chebyshev metric train accuracy: 0.78621
KNN with 5 neighbors and chebyshev metric test accuracy: 0.74603
KNN with 5 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric train accuracy: 0.82069
KNN with 5 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric test accuracy: 0.87302
KNN with 5 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric train accuracy: 0.80690
KNN with 5 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric test accuracy: 0.84127
KNN with 5 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric train accuracy: 0.80000
KNN with 5 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric test accuracy: 0.84127
KNN with 5 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric train accuracy: 0.80690
KNN with 5 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric test accuracy: 0.80952
KNN with 5 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric train accuracy: 0.80690
KNN with 5 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric test accuracy: 0.80952
KNN with 6 neighbors and chebyshev metric train accuracy: 0.77241
KNN with 6 neighbors and chebyshev metric test accuracy: 0.69841
KNN with 6 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric train accuracy: 0.81379
KNN with 6 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric test accuracy: 0.79365
KNN with 6 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric train accuracy: 0.77931
KNN with 6 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric test accuracy: 0.73016
KNN with 6 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric train accuracy: 0.76552
KNN with 6 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric test accuracy: 0.73016
KNN with 6 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric train accuracy: 0.78621
KNN with 6 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric test accuracy: 0.76190
KNN with 6 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric train accuracy: 0.77931
KNN with 6 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric test accuracy: 0.74603
KNN with 7 neighbors and chebyshev metric train accuracy: 0.77931
KNN with 7 neighbors and chebyshev metric test accuracy: 0.68254
KNN with 7 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric train accuracy: 0.83448
KNN with 7 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric test accuracy: 0.79365
KNN with 7 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric train accuracy: 0.79310
KNN with 7 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric test accuracy: 0.74603
KNN with 7 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric train accuracy: 0.76552
KNN with 7 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric test accuracy: 0.71429
KNN with 7 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric train accuracy: 0.77241
KNN with 7 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric test accuracy: 0.73016
KNN with 7 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric train accuracy: 0.77241
KNN with 7 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric test accuracy: 0.73016
KNN with 8 neighbors and chebyshev metric train accuracy: 0.77931
KNN with 8 neighbors and chebyshev metric test accuracy: 0.69841
KNN with 8 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric train accuracy: 0.79310
KNN with 8 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric test accuracy: 0.74603
KNN with 8 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric train accuracy: 0.74483
KNN with 8 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric test accuracy: 0.73016
KNN with 8 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric train accuracy: 0.75172
KNN with 8 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric test accuracy: 0.73016
KNN with 8 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric train accuracy: 0.76552
KNN with 8 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric test accuracy: 0.73016
KNN with 8 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric train accuracy: 0.75172
KNN with 8 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric test accuracy: 0.71429
KNN with 9 neighbors and chebyshev metric train accuracy: 0.74483
KNN with 9 neighbors and chebyshev metric test accuracy: 0.65079
KNN with 9 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric train accuracy: 0.80000
KNN with 9 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric test accuracy: 0.77778
KNN with 9 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric train accuracy: 0.75862
KNN with 9 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric test accuracy: 0.73016
KNN with 9 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric train accuracy: 0.73793
KNN with 9 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric test accuracy: 0.66667
KNN with 9 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric train accuracy: 0.75862
KNN with 9 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric test accuracy: 0.68254
KNN with 9 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric train accuracy: 0.72414
KNN with 9 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric test accuracy: 0.68254
KNN with 10 neighbors and chebyshev metric train accuracy: 0.71724
KNN with 10 neighbors and chebyshev metric test accuracy: 0.66667
KNN with 10 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric train accuracy: 0.76552
KNN with 10 neighbors and minkowski 1-metric test accuracy: 0.74603
KNN with 10 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric train accuracy: 0.69655
KNN with 10 neighbors and minkowski 2-metric test accuracy: 0.74603
KNN with 10 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric train accuracy: 0.68966
KNN with 10 neighbors and minkowski 3-metric test accuracy: 0.68254
KNN with 10 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric train accuracy: 0.72414
KNN with 10 neighbors and minkowski 4-metric test accuracy: 0.69841
KNN with 10 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric train accuracy: 0.71724
KNN with 10 neighbors and minkowski 5-metric test accuracy: 0.71429

The best scores in general are for Minkovski's metrics with small $n$ and $p$ between 1 and 3. The best test accuracy although is for $n = 1$ and $p = 4$.

Logistic Regression

The final classification algorithm we'll work with here is Logistic Regression. As its name implies, this technique makes use of the Logistic Function given by $$\sigma (t)={\frac {e^{t}}{e^{t}+1}}={\frac {1}{1+e^{-t}}}$$ which forms a bit of an S-shaped curve. The intuition behind the this model is that, given a set of predictor variables, we want our response to collapse to a binary output, 0 or 1. As it turns out, this technique, although one of the oldest, tends to provide good results in a variety of problems, and is lightweight.

1 - Create a set of 100 random datapoints separated by the line $f(x) = x + \epsilon$, where $\epsilon$ is a noise term, classifying points as lying above or below the curve. Fit a Logistic Regression model to your data, report the accuracy, and plot the decision boundary. Comment on your results.

In [31]:
# generate data
a = -3
b = 3
# as before in solution linspace is used
x1_lr = (b - a)*np.random.rand(100) + a
a = -0.5
b = 0.5
noise = (b - a)*np.random.rand(100) + a
x2_lr = x1_lr + noise

X_lr = np.vstack((x1_lr, x2_lr)).T
y_lr = np.array((x2_lr >= x1_lr), dtype=int)

In [32]:
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

lr = LogisticRegression(), y_lr)
lr.score(X_lr, y_lr)


In [33]:
plot_decision_boundary(X_lr, y_lr, lr, 0.002)

2 - Repeat part (1), but this time having $f(x) = sin(x) + \epsilon$.

In [34]:
# generate data
a = -3
b = 3
x1_lr = (b - a)*np.random.rand(100) + a
a = -0.5
b = 0.5
noise = (b - a)*np.random.rand(100) + a
x2_lr = np.sin(x1_lr) + noise

X_lr = np.vstack((x1_lr, x2_lr)).T
y_lr = np.array((x2_lr >= np.sin(x1_lr)), dtype=int)

In [35]:
lr = LogisticRegression(), y_lr)
lr.score(X_lr, y_lr)


In [36]:
plot_decision_boundary(X_lr, y_lr, lr, 0.002)

3 - Head over to the Machine Learning Repository, download the Chronic_Kidney_Disease Data Set, put it into a data frame, drop all categorical variables, and split into training and testing sets. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the data before proceeding.

In [37]:
kidney = pd.read_csv('chronic_kidney_disease_full.arff', header=None)
kidney.columns = ['age','bp','sg','al','su','rbc','pc','pcc','ba','bgr','bu','sc','sod',
object_cols = [col for col in kidney.columns if kidney[col].dtype == object and col != 'class']
kidney.drop(object_cols, axis=1, inplace=True)
# solution: .drop(data.dtypes[data.dtypes == 'object'].index[:-1], axis=1)

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 228 entries, 3 to 399
Data columns (total 12 columns):
age      228 non-null float64
bp       228 non-null float64
sg       228 non-null float64
al       228 non-null float64
su       228 non-null float64
bgr      228 non-null float64
bu       228 non-null float64
sc       228 non-null float64
sod      228 non-null float64
pot      228 non-null float64
hemo     228 non-null float64
class    228 non-null object
dtypes: float64(11), object(1)
memory usage: 23.2+ KB

In [38]:

age bp sg al su bgr bu sc sod pot hemo class
3 48.0 70.0 1.005 4.0 0.0 117.0 56.0 3.8 111.0 2.5 11.2 ckd
5 60.0 90.0 1.015 3.0 0.0 74.0 25.0 1.1 142.0 3.2 12.2 ckd
6 68.0 70.0 1.010 0.0 0.0 100.0 54.0 24.0 104.0 4.0 12.4 ckd
9 53.0 90.0 1.020 2.0 0.0 70.0 107.0 7.2 114.0 3.7 9.5 ckd
11 63.0 70.0 1.010 3.0 0.0 380.0 60.0 2.7 131.0 4.2 10.8 ckd

In [39]:

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
age 228.0 51.688596 15.866582 6.000 42.000 54.50 63.000 90.000
bp 228.0 75.131579 11.476091 50.000 70.000 80.00 80.000 110.000
sg 228.0 1.018684 0.005712 1.005 1.015 1.02 1.025 1.025
al 228.0 0.890351 1.367107 0.000 0.000 0.00 2.000 4.000
su 228.0 0.377193 0.974479 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 5.000
bgr 228.0 140.583333 76.804730 22.000 96.750 117.00 140.000 490.000
bu 228.0 53.978509 44.977444 1.500 26.000 41.00 54.250 309.000
sc 228.0 2.500877 3.402137 0.400 0.800 1.20 2.625 24.000
sod 228.0 138.412281 7.053367 104.000 135.000 139.00 142.000 150.000
pot 228.0 4.538596 2.920488 2.500 3.800 4.40 4.900 47.000
hemo 228.0 13.110088 2.851746 3.100 10.975 13.60 15.200 17.800

In [40]:
kidney.loc[kidney['class'] == 'ckd'].describe().T

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
age 101.0 57.673267 14.424361 6.000 49.00 60.000 67.000 90.000
bp 101.0 79.801980 12.882562 50.000 70.00 80.000 90.000 110.000
sg 101.0 1.013861 0.004893 1.005 1.01 1.015 1.015 1.025
al 101.0 2.009901 1.403532 0.000 1.00 2.000 3.000 4.000
su 101.0 0.851485 1.322015 0.000 0.00 0.000 2.000 5.000
bgr 101.0 182.386139 98.828029 22.000 107.00 157.000 242.000 490.000
bu 101.0 80.387129 56.179362 1.500 40.00 64.000 107.000 309.000
sc 101.0 4.549505 4.310490 0.600 1.70 2.800 5.600 24.000
sod 101.0 134.207921 7.276423 104.000 132.00 136.000 139.000 145.000
pot 101.0 4.805941 4.333909 2.500 3.90 4.200 4.900 47.000
hemo 101.0 10.532673 2.071092 3.100 9.40 10.600 12.000 16.100

In [41]:
kidney.loc[kidney['class'] == 'notckd'].describe().T

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
age 127.0 46.929134 15.390773 12.00 35.00 47.000 58.000 80.000
bp 127.0 71.417323 8.611953 60.00 60.00 70.000 80.000 80.000
sg 127.0 1.022520 0.002510 1.02 1.02 1.025 1.025 1.025
al 127.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
su 127.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000
bgr 127.0 107.338583 19.005104 70.00 93.00 108.000 123.500 140.000
bu 127.0 32.976378 11.664942 10.00 23.00 33.000 44.000 50.000
sc 127.0 0.871654 0.258167 0.40 0.60 0.900 1.100 1.200
sod 127.0 141.755906 4.708514 135.00 138.00 141.000 146.000 150.000
pot 127.0 4.325984 0.596978 3.30 3.70 4.500 4.900 5.000
hemo 127.0 15.159843 1.298917 13.00 14.05 15.000 16.200 17.800

In [42]:
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
# create matrices and setting classes to 0, 1
X_kidney = kidney.iloc[:, :-1].values
y_kidney = np.array([1 if cl == 'ckd' else 0 for cl in kidney.iloc[:, -1].values])
# train-test split
X_kidney_train, X_kidney_test, y_kidney_train, y_kidney_test = train_test_split(X_kidney, y_kidney, test_size=0.3, random_state=75)
# scaling
sc = StandardScaler()
X_kidney_train_std = sc.transform(X_kidney_train)
X_kidney_test_std = sc.transform(X_kidney_test)

4 - Fit a Logistic Regression model to the data, report the training and testing accuracies, and comment on your results.

In [43]:
lr_kidney = LogisticRegression(), y_kidney_train)
print('Train accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(lr_kidney.score(X_kidney_train_std, y_kidney_train)))
print('Test accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(lr_kidney.score(X_kidney_test_std, y_kidney_test)))

Train accuracy: 0.99371
Test accuracy: 0.98551

The model does a pretty good job classifying the patients with accuracies over 98.5% both in training and test set.

5 - Fit a series of Logistic Regression models for different values of the C hyperparameter of differing orders of magnitude, reporting the training and testing accuracies of each. Comment on your results.

In [44]:
magnitudes = [10**i for i in range(-5, 6)]
for C in magnitudes:
    lr_kidney.set_params(C=C), y_kidney_train)
    print('Train accuracy for C = {}: {:.5f}'.format(C, lr_kidney.score(X_kidney_train_std, y_kidney_train)))
    print('Test accuracy for C = {}: {:.5f}'.format(C, lr_kidney.score(X_kidney_test_std, y_kidney_test)))

Train accuracy for C = 1e-05: 0.96226
Test accuracy for C = 1e-05: 0.94203
Train accuracy for C = 0.0001: 0.96226
Test accuracy for C = 0.0001: 0.94203
Train accuracy for C = 0.001: 0.96226
Test accuracy for C = 0.001: 0.94203
Train accuracy for C = 0.01: 0.96226
Test accuracy for C = 0.01: 0.95652
Train accuracy for C = 0.1: 0.96855
Test accuracy for C = 0.1: 0.97101
Train accuracy for C = 1: 0.99371
Test accuracy for C = 1: 0.98551
Train accuracy for C = 10: 1.00000
Test accuracy for C = 10: 0.98551
Train accuracy for C = 100: 1.00000
Test accuracy for C = 100: 0.98551
Train accuracy for C = 1000: 1.00000
Test accuracy for C = 1000: 0.97101
Train accuracy for C = 10000: 1.00000
Test accuracy for C = 10000: 0.97101
Train accuracy for C = 100000: 1.00000
Test accuracy for C = 100000: 0.97101

We can see that lowering the regularization the model fits perfectly the training set but it doesn't perform that well on the test set. In general the performances are very good for all the parameters, the best choice is $C = 1$, which is also the default.

6 - Experiment with different parameter settings to see if you can improve classification. Be sure to report the training and testing accuracies and comment on your results.

In [45]:
cols = ['C', 'class_weight', 'penalty', 'train_score', 'test_score']
lrparams = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols)
magnitudes = [10**i for i in range(-5, 6)]
for C in magnitudes:
    # set params
    for class_weight in [None, 'balanced']:
        # set params
        for penalty in ['l2', 'l1']:
            # set params
            # fit model
  , y_kidney_train)
            # get accuracy
            lrparams = lrparams.append(pd.DataFrame([[C,
                                                      lr_kidney.score(X_kidney_train_std, y_kidney_train),
                                                      lr_kidney.score(X_kidney_test_std, y_kidney_test)]],

In [46]:
lrparams.sort_values(by='test_score', ascending=False)

C class_weight penalty train_score test_score
0 1.00000 balanced l2 1.000000 0.985507
0 10.00000 None l2 1.000000 0.985507
0 1.00000 None l2 0.993711 0.985507
0 10.00000 balanced l2 1.000000 0.985507
0 0.10000 balanced l2 0.968553 0.985507
0 100.00000 None l2 1.000000 0.985507
0 100.00000 balanced l2 1.000000 0.985507
0 10.00000 balanced l1 1.000000 0.971014
0 100.00000 None l1 1.000000 0.971014
0 100.00000 balanced l1 1.000000 0.971014
0 1000.00000 None l2 1.000000 0.971014
0 1000.00000 None l1 1.000000 0.971014
0 1000.00000 balanced l2 1.000000 0.971014
0 1000.00000 balanced l1 1.000000 0.971014
0 10000.00000 None l2 1.000000 0.971014
0 10000.00000 None l1 1.000000 0.971014
0 10000.00000 balanced l2 1.000000 0.971014
0 10000.00000 balanced l1 1.000000 0.971014
0 100000.00000 None l2 1.000000 0.971014
0 100000.00000 None l1 1.000000 0.971014
0 100000.00000 balanced l2 1.000000 0.971014
0 10.00000 None l1 1.000000 0.971014
0 100000.00000 balanced l1 1.000000 0.971014
0 0.10000 None l2 0.968553 0.971014
0 0.01000 balanced l2 0.968553 0.971014
0 0.01000 None l2 0.962264 0.956522
0 0.00001 balanced l2 0.968553 0.956522
0 0.00010 balanced l2 0.968553 0.956522
0 0.00100 balanced l2 0.968553 0.956522
0 1.00000 balanced l1 1.000000 0.942029
0 0.00010 None l2 0.962264 0.942029
0 0.00100 None l2 0.962264 0.942029
0 0.00001 None l2 0.962264 0.942029
0 1.00000 None l1 1.000000 0.942029
0 0.10000 None l1 0.981132 0.927536
0 0.10000 balanced l1 0.981132 0.927536
0 0.00001 None l1 0.547170 0.579710
0 0.01000 None l1 0.547170 0.579710
0 0.00100 None l1 0.547170 0.579710
0 0.01000 balanced l1 0.547170 0.579710
0 0.00010 balanced l1 0.547170 0.579710
0 0.00010 None l1 0.547170 0.579710
0 0.00001 balanced l1 0.547170 0.579710
0 0.00100 balanced l1 0.547170 0.579710

In general l2 norms work better than l1, we have a few other optimal settings but they are tied to the first one in test set accuracy.

Comparing Classifiers

As you may have suspected while working through the previous exercises, different algorithms are more suited to different kinds of problems which is what we will explore here.

1 - Create a set of 100 datapoints which are linearly separable, classifying the data as being above or below the curve. Fit a Naive Bayes, KNN, and Logistic Regression model to your data, reporting the accuracies and plotting the decision boundaries. Comment on your results.

In [47]:
# generate data
a = -3
b = 3
x1_linsep = (b - a)*np.random.rand(100) + a
a = -0.5
b = 0.5
noise = (b - a)*np.random.rand(100) + a
x2_linsep = x1_linsep + noise

X_linsep = np.vstack((x1_linsep, x2_linsep)).T
y_linsep = np.array((x2_linsep >= x1_linsep), dtype=int)

In [48]:
names = ['Gaussian Naive Bayes', 'K-Neighbours Classifier', 'Logistic Regression']
models = [GaussianNB(), KNeighborsClassifier(), LogisticRegression()]
for name, model in zip(names, models):
    # fit model, y_linsep)
    # get accuracy
    print('Accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(model.score(X_linsep, y_linsep)))
    # plot boundaries
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    plot_decision_boundary(X_linsep, y_linsep, model, 0.002)

Gaussian Naive Bayes
Accuracy: 0.60000
K-Neighbours Classifier
Accuracy: 0.90000
Logistic Regression
Accuracy: 0.93000

Logistic regression works best, obviously. Maybe by tweaking the parameters we can get KNN to work as well (it seems to follow to much the noise, some regularization may help), while Naive Bayes seems way out in its predictions.

2 - Create a set of 200 random data points that lie on a unit circle displaced by some noise, categorizing each as being inside or outside the circle. Stated analytically, select $x$ and $y$ such that $x^2 + y^2 = 1 + \epsilon$ where $\epsilon$ is a noise term. Fit a Naive Bayes, KNN, and Logistic Regression model to your data, reporting the accuracies and plotting the decision boundaries. Comment on your results.

In [49]:
# generate data
a = 0
b = 2*np.pi
angles = (b - a)*np.random.rand(200) + a
# generate noise
a = -0.5
b = 0.5
x_noise = (b - a)*np.random.rand(200) + a
y_noise = (b - a)*np.random.rand(200) + a
# fit angles to unit circle using sine and cosine
x1_circle = np.cos(angles) + x_noise
x2_circle = np.sin(angles) + y_noise

X_circle = np.vstack((x1_circle, x2_circle)).T
y_circle = np.array((x1_circle**2 + x2_circle**2 <= 1), dtype=int)

In [50]:
names = ['Gaussian Naive Bayes', 'K-Neighbours Classifier', 'Logistic Regression']
models = [GaussianNB(), KNeighborsClassifier(), LogisticRegression()]
for name, model in zip(names, models):
    # fit model, y_circle)
    # get accuracy
    print('Accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(model.score(X_circle, y_circle)))
    # plot boundaries
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    plot_decision_boundary(X_circle, y_circle, model, 0.002)

Gaussian Naive Bayes
Accuracy: 0.78500
K-Neighbours Classifier
Accuracy: 0.96500
Logistic Regression
Accuracy: 0.60500

I expected better from Naive Bayes, instead the boundary seems a circle but it is too small. The KNN is doing really well while, obviously again, logistic regression is the worst model for this data (and I really don't know what's going on with the plot...).

3 - Using the SMS Spam data set above, fit a KNN and Logistic Regression model to the data and report your training and testing accuracies. Comment on your results.

In [51]:
names = ['Multinomial Naive Bayes', 'K-Neighbours Classifier', 'Logistic Regression']
models = [MultinomialNB(), KNeighborsClassifier(), LogisticRegression()]
for name, model in zip(names, models):
    # fit model, y_spam_train)
    # get accuracy
    print('Train accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(model.score(X_spam_train, y_spam_train)))
    print('Test accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(model.score(X_spam_test, y_spam_test)))

Multinomial Naive Bayes
Train accuracy: 0.99282
Test accuracy: 0.98505
K-Neighbours Classifier
Train accuracy: 0.92564
Test accuracy: 0.91627
Logistic Regression
Train accuracy: 0.99821
Test accuracy: 0.98505

As expected multinomial is the best model, but logistic regression does equally good, while KNN, despite doing a pretty good too, takes a real long time to calculate predictions.

4 - Using the Sonar data set above, fit a Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression model to the data and report your training and testing accuracies. Comment on your results.

In [52]:
names = ['K-Neighbours Classifier', 'Gaussian Naive Bayes', 'Logistic Regression']
models = [KNeighborsClassifier(), MultinomialNB(), LogisticRegression()]
for name, model in zip(names, models):
    # fit model, y_sonar_train)
    # get accuracy
    print('Train accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(model.score(X_sonar_train, y_sonar_train)))
    print('Test accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(model.score(X_sonar_test, y_sonar_test)))

K-Neighbours Classifier
Train accuracy: 0.80690
Test accuracy: 0.84127
Gaussian Naive Bayes
Train accuracy: 0.73103
Test accuracy: 0.77778
Logistic Regression
Train accuracy: 0.78621
Test accuracy: 0.82540

Again the best model is the one used before (KNN), but logistic regression again performs quite well

5 - Using the Kidney data set above, fit a Naive Bayes and KNN model to the data and report your training and testing accuracies. Comment on your results. What can you say about your results overall in parts (3), (4), and (5)?

In [53]:
names = ['Logistic Regression', 'K-Neighbours Classifier', 'Gaussian Naive Bayes']
models = [LogisticRegression(), KNeighborsClassifier(), MultinomialNB()]
for name, model in zip(names, models):
    # fit model, y_kidney_train)
    # get accuracy
    print('Train accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(model.score(X_kidney_train, y_kidney_train)))
    print('Test accuracy: {:.5f}'.format(model.score(X_kidney_test, y_kidney_test)))

Logistic Regression
Train accuracy: 0.99371
Test accuracy: 0.97101
K-Neighbours Classifier
Train accuracy: 0.89937
Test accuracy: 0.92754
Gaussian Naive Bayes
Train accuracy: 0.88679
Test accuracy: 0.91304

All models perform quite well (and both the new models have higher test than training accuracy...), but none of them is near to the precision of logistic regression.

Overall we can say that the choice of a right model matters, especially with small datasets such as this; logistic regression seems to be the model that performs best across all datasets in this case.