17 - Natural Language Processing

by Alejandro Correa Bahnsen and Jesus Solano

version 1.5, March 2019

Part of the class Practical Machine Learning

This notebook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Special thanks goes to Kevin Markham

What is NLP?

  • Using computers to process (analyze, understand, generate) natural human languages
  • Most knowledge created by humans is unstructured text, and we need a way to make sense of it
  • Build probabilistic model using data about a language

What are some of the higher level task areas?

What are some of the lower level components?

  • Tokenization: breaking text into tokens (words, sentences, n-grams)
  • Stopword removal: a/an/the
  • Stemming and lemmatization: root word
  • TF-IDF: word importance
  • Part-of-speech tagging: noun/verb/adjective
  • Named entity recognition: person/organization/location
  • Spelling correction: "New Yrok City"
  • Word sense disambiguation: "buy a mouse"
  • Segmentation: "New York City subway"
  • Language detection: "translate this page"
  • Machine learning

Why is NLP hard?

  • Ambiguity:
    • Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors
    • Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant
    • Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half
  • Non-standard English: text messages
  • Idioms: "throw in the towel"
  • Newly coined words: "retweet"
  • Tricky entity names: "Where is A Bug's Life playing?"
  • World knowledge: "Mary and Sue are sisters", "Mary and Sue are mothers"

NLP requires an understanding of the language and the world.


In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn import metrics
# from textblob import TextBlob, Word
from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
df = pd.read_csv('https://github.com/albahnsen/PracticalMachineLearningClass/raw/master/datasets/mashable_texts.csv', index_col=0)

In [3]:

author author_web shares text title facebo google linked twitte twitter_followers
0 Seth Fiegerman http://mashable.com/people/seth-fiegerman/ 4900 \nApple's long and controversial ebook case ha... The Supreme Court smacked down Apple today http://www.facebook.com/sfiegerman NaN http://www.linkedin.com/in/sfiegerman https://twitter.com/sfiegerman 14300
1 Rebecca Ruiz http://mashable.com/people/rebecca-ruiz/ 1900 Analysis\n\n\n\n\n\nThere is a reason that Don... Every woman has met a man like Donald Trump NaN NaN NaN https://twitter.com/rebecca_ruiz 3738
2 Davina Merchant http://mashable.com/people/568bdab351984019310... 7000 LONDON - Last month we reported on a dog-sized... Adorable dog-sized rabbit finally finds his fo... NaN https://plus.google.com/105525238342980116477?... NaN NaN 0
3 Scott Gerber [] 5000 Today's digital marketing experts must have a ... 15 essential skills all digital marketing hire... NaN NaN NaN NaN 0
4 Josh Dickey http://mashable.com/people/joshdickey/ 1600 LOS ANGELES — For big, fun, populist popcorn m... Mashable top 10: 'The Force Awakens' is the be... NaN https://plus.google.com/109213469090692520544?... NaN https://twitter.com/JLDlite 11200


  • What: Separate text into units such as sentences or words
  • Why: Gives structure to previously unstructured text
  • Notes: Relatively easy with English language text, not easy with some languages

Create the target feature (number of shares)

In [5]:
y = df.shares

count       82.000000
mean      3090.487805
std       8782.031594
min        437.000000
25%        893.500000
50%       1200.000000
75%       2275.000000
max      63100.000000
Name: shares, dtype: float64

In [6]:
y = pd.cut(y, [0, 893, 1200, 2275, 63200], labels=[0, 1, 2, 3])

In [7]:

1    22
3    21
0    21
2    18
Name: shares, dtype: int64

In [8]:
df['y'] = y

create document-term matrices

In [9]:
X = df.text

In [10]:
# use CountVectorizer to create document-term matrices from X
vect = CountVectorizer()
X_dtm = vect.fit_transform(X)

In [16]:

In [17]:

{'apple': 682,
 'long': 4303,
 'and': 617,
 'controversial': 1747,
 'ebook': 2401,
 'case': 1307,
 'has': 3367,
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 'not': 4883,
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 'ending': 2527,
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 'wellness': 7678,
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 'playing': 5323,
 'part': 5138,
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 'manipulation': 4401,
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 'self': 6251,
 'assured': 763,
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 'person': 5228,
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 'silences': 6410,
 'depressed': 2094,
 'passive': 5161,
 'paralyzed': 5127,
 'feelings': 2844,
 'doubt': 2307,
 'insecurity': 3758,
 'set': 6295,
 'experience': 2701,
 'well': 7677,
 'worries': 7782,
 'tactics': 6931,
 'display': 2236,
 'consciously': 1690,
 'subconsciously': 6800,
 'lead': 4155,
 'endorse': 2530,
 'harmful': 3361,
 'stereotypes': 6714,
 'engage': 2539,
 'particularly': 5141,
 'threatened': 7095,
 'demographic': 2071,
 'change': 1372,
 'evolving': 2652,
 'gender': 3147,
 'inspire': 3771,
 'justified': 3989,
 'clinging': 1501,
 'deserved': 2107,
 'elevated': 2455,
 'status': 6693,
 'makes': 4380,
 'offering': 4942,
 'public': 5604,
 'performance': 5215,
 'fallout': 2785,
 'unconscionable': 7374,
 'both': 1101,
 'london': 4302,
 'last': 4127,
 'month': 4695,
 'dog': 2276,
 'sized': 6444,
 'rabbit': 5678,
 'desperate': 2117,
 'need': 4807,
 'under': 7379,
 'atlas': 770,
 'permanent': 5223,
 'story': 6739,
 'went': 7680,
 'global': 3199,
 'over': 5061,
 'including': 3678,
 'canada': 1255,
 'france': 3043,
 'started': 6679,
 'reaching': 5736,
 'scottish': 6195,
 'society': 6520,
 'prevention': 5477,
 'cruelty': 1879,
 'animals': 633,
 'thanks': 7049,
 'jen': 3920,
 'hislop': 3485,
 'ayrshire': 839,
 'adorable': 459,
 'bunny': 1196,
 'will': 7721,
 'get': 3173,
 'native': 4785,
 'scotland': 6193,
 'buggy': 1178,
 'facebook': 2759,
 'spcajen': 6581,
 'financial': 2898,
 'fraud': 3049,
 'investigator': 3836,
 'told': 7157,
 'charity': 1391,
 'burst': 1205,
 'tears': 6985,
 'got': 3230,
 'phone': 5251,
 'call': 1237,
 'saying': 6157,
 'had': 3322,
 'chosen': 1448,
 'cried': 1854,
 'collected': 1547,
 '43': 231,
 'year': 7822,
 'old': 4962,
 'two': 7339,
 'bunnies': 1195,
 'currently': 1906,
 'rex': 5997,
 'named': 4772,
 'coconut': 1528,
 'looking': 4309,
 'still': 6722,
 'growing': 3287,
 'summer': 6839,
 'house': 3552,
 'heating': 3414,
 'air': 525,
 'conditioning': 1659,
 'accommodation': 396,
 'large': 4122,
 'garden': 3128,
 'enclosure': 2519,
 'run': 6089,
 'perfect': 5211,
 'addition': 445,
 'family': 2792,
 'thing': 7076,
 'name': 4771,
 'hello': 3430,
 'atilla': 767,
 'bun': 1193,
 'binky': 1003,
 'master': 4458,
 'jazz': 3913,
 'paws': 5177,
 'worry': 7783,
 'you': 7836,
 'can': 1254,
 'atty': 789,
 'short': 6360,
 'digital': 2179,
 'marketing': 4430,
 'experts': 2707,
 'must': 4754,
 'diverse': 2254,
 'skill': 6447,
 'sophisticated': 6553,
 'grasp': 3257,
 'available': 816,
 'channels': 1378,
 'ability': 370,
 'identify': 3608,
 'opportunities': 4997,
 'top': 7177,
 'basic': 897,
 'skills': 6448,
 'brilliant': 1140,
 'marketer': 4428,
 'possess': 5389,
 'balance': 871,
 'critical': 1860,
 'creative': 1843,
 'thinking': 7079,
 'order': 5008,
 'drive': 2336,
 'measurable': 4499,
 'success': 6811,
 'asked': 740,
 '15': 72,
 'members': 4528,
 'young': 7837,
 'entrepreneur': 2570,
 'council': 1794,
 'yec': 7824,
 'hiring': 3483,
 'marketers': 4429,
 'best': 974,
 'answers': 653,
 'below': 960,
 'paid': 5106,
 'advertising': 471,
 'expertise': 2706,
 'hire': 3480,
 'versed': 7523,
 'especially': 2595,
 'similar': 6419,
 'platform': 5312,
 'uses': 7470,
 'regularly': 5826,
 'able': 371,
 'understand': 7387,
 'implement': 3647,
 'analytics': 611,
 'insights': 3764,
 'create': 1837,
 'lookalike': 4307,
 'custom': 1910,
 'audiences': 793,
 'experiment': 2704,
 'test': 7033,
 'images': 3627,
 'secure': 6234,
 'knowledge': 4068,
 'overall': 5062,
 'landscape': 4112,
 'budget': 1173,
 'saving': 6153,
 'within': 7750,
 'space': 6576,
 'sure': 6866,
 'talent': 6943,
 'knows': 4070,
 'ins': 3757,
 'outs': 5053,
 'popular': 5369,
 'easy': 2398,
 'miles': 4599,
 'jennings': 3922,
 'recruiter': 5790,
 'web': 7661,
 'developers': 2142,
 'data': 1959,
 'scientists': 6187,
 'ai': 514,
 'hired': 3481,
 'years': 7823,
 'outsourced': 5056,
 'successfully': 6813,
 'better': 979,
 'turn': 7317,
 'your': 7840,
 'closing': 1511,
 'deals': 1989,
 'directly': 2198,
 'sell': 6252,
 'll': 4281,
 'wasting': 7640,
 'valuable': 7495,
 'dollars': 2282,
 'without': 7751,
 'generating': 3152,
 'qualified': 5646,
 'team': 6982,
 'mark': 4425,
 'cenicola': 1341,
 'bannerview': 882,
 'specific': 6594,
 'channel': 1376,
 'extol': 2738,
 'every': 2639,
 'conceivable': 1646,
 'seo': 6270,
 'sem': 6254,
 'etc': 2609,
 'key': 4026,
 'successful': 6812,
 'focusing': 2977,
 'few': 2861,
 'really': 5756,
 'understanding': 7388,
 'deeply': 2027,
 'leveraging': 4211,
 'those': 7086,
 'example': 2659,
 'helping': 3434,
 'local': 4288,
 'businesses': 1212,
 'pinterest': 5282,
 'less': 4200,
 'interesting': 3806,
 'although': 578,
 'drivers': 2338,
 'ecommerce': 2403,
 'traffic': 7230,
 'rather': 5723,
 'focus': 2975,
 'intricate': 3823,
 'client': 1495,
 'google': 3225,
 'maps': 4416,
 'yelp': 7827,
 'trevor': 7273,
 'sumner': 6841,
 'localvox': 4291,
 'objectively': 4914,
 'usually': 7475,

In [10]:
# rows are documents, columns are terms (aka "tokens" or "features")

(82, 7969)

In [11]:
# last 50 features

['ydwnm50jlu', 'ye', 'yeah', 'year', 'years', 'yec', 'yeezy', 'yellow', 'yelp', 'yep', 'yes', 'yesterday', 'yesweather', 'yet', 'yoga', 'yong', 'york', 'you', 'young', 'younger', 'youngest', 'your', 'yourself', 'youth', 'youtube', 'youtubeduck', 'yup', 'yuyuan', 'yücel', 'zach', 'zaxoqbv487', 'zero', 'zgkymde1lzewlza0l2zkl1n0yxj0dxayljq0mdvhlmpwzwpwcxrodw1ictexnxgxmtujcmujanbn', 'zgkymde1lzewlza0l2zkl1n0yxj0dxayljq0mdvhlmpwzwpwcxrodw1icteymdb4nji3iwplcwpwzw', 'zgkymde1lzewlza0l2zkl1n0yxj0dxayljq0mdvhlmpwzwpwcxrodw1icti4ohgxnjijcmujanbn', 'zgkymde1lzewlza0l2zkl1n0yxj0dxayljq0mdvhlmpwzwpwcxrodw1ictk1mhg1mzqjcmujanbn', 'zgkymde1lzewlza0l2zkl1n0yxj0dxayljq0mdvhlmpwzwpwcxrodw1ictu2mhg3ntakzqlqcgc', 'zgkymde1lzewlza0l2zkl1n0yxj0dxayljq0mdvhlmpwzwpwcxrodw1ictywmhgzmzgjcmujanbn', 'zgkymde1lzewlza0lzm1l2jpcmrfdgfudhj1lmu3zwmzlmpwzwpwcxrodw1ictexnxgxmtujcmujanbn', 'zgkymde1lzewlza0lzm1l2jpcmrfdgfudhj1lmu3zwmzlmpwzwpwcxrodw1icteymdb4nji3iwplcwpwzw', 'zgkymde1lzewlza0lzm1l2jpcmrfdgfudhj1lmu3zwmzlmpwzwpwcxrodw1icti4ohgxnjijcmujanbn', 'zgkymde1lzewlza0lzm1l2jpcmrfdgfudhj1lmu3zwmzlmpwzwpwcxrodw1ictk1mhg1mzqjcmujanbn', 'zgkymde1lzewlza0lzm1l2jpcmrfdgfudhj1lmu3zwmzlmpwzwpwcxrodw1ictu2mhg3ntakzqlqcgc', 'zgkymde1lzewlza0lzm1l2jpcmrfdgfudhj1lmu3zwmzlmpwzwpwcxrodw1ictywmhgzmzgjcmujanbn', 'zgkymde1lzewlzaxlzhhl1rttfnjcmvlblnolmnkmgjklnbuzwpwcxrodw1ictexnxgxmtujcmujanbn', 'zgkymde1lzewlzaxlzhhl1rttfnjcmvlblnolmnkmgjklnbuzwpwcxrodw1icteymdb4nji3iwplcwpwzw', 'zgkymde1lzewlzaxlzhhl1rttfnjcmvlblnolmnkmgjklnbuzwpwcxrodw1icti4ohgxnjijcmujanbn', 'zgkymde1lzewlzaxlzhhl1rttfnjcmvlblnolmnkmgjklnbuzwpwcxrodw1ictk1mhg1mzqjcmujanbn', 'zgkymde1lzewlzaxlzhhl1rttfnjcmvlblnolmnkmgjklnbuzwpwcxrodw1ictu2mhg3ntakzqlqcgc', 'zgkymde1lzewlzaxlzhhl1rttfnjcmvlblnolmnkmgjklnbuzwpwcxrodw1ictywmhgzmzgjcmujanbn']

In [12]:
# show vectorizer options

CountVectorizer(analyzer='word', binary=False, decode_error='strict',
        dtype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, encoding='utf-8', input='content',
        lowercase=True, max_df=1.0, max_features=None, min_df=1,
        ngram_range=(1, 1), preprocessor=None, stop_words=None,
        strip_accents=None, token_pattern='(?u)\\b\\w\\w+\\b',
        tokenizer=None, vocabulary=None)
  • lowercase: boolean, True by default
  • Convert all characters to lowercase before tokenizing.

In [19]:
vect = CountVectorizer(lowercase=False)
X_dtm = vect.fit_transform(X)

(82, 8759)

In [25]:


In [26]:

  • ngram_range: tuple (min_n, max_n)
  • The lower and upper boundary of the range of n-values for different n-grams to be extracted. All values of n such that min_n <= n <= max_n will be used.

In [29]:
# include 1-grams and 2-grams
vect = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 4))
X_dtm = vect.fit_transform(X)

(82, 115172)

In [ ]:

In [30]:
# last 50 features

['you to fly', 'you to fly your', 'you to know', 'you to know quite', 'you to robertdowneyjr', 'you to robertdowneyjr for', 'you to sit', 'you to sit back', 'you to stand', 'you to stand away', 'you to watch', 'you to watch out', 'you twisty', 'you twisty the', 'you twisty the clown', 'you ve', 'you ve created', 'you ve created for', 'you ve destroyed', 'you ve destroyed just', 'you ve done', 'you ve done this', 'you ve experienced', 'you ve experienced similar', 'you ve got', 'you ve got seven', 'you ve gotten', 'you ve gotten yourself', 'you ve made', 'you ve made that', 'you ve sown', 'you ve sown across', 'you venture', 'you venture out', 'you venture out into', 'you want', 'you want to', 'you want to create', 'you want to drive', 'you want to lock', 'you want to rent', 'you want to talk', 'you what', 'you what they', 'you what they are', 'you what they look', 'you when', 'you when done', 'you when done properly', 'you which']

Predict shares

In [31]:
# Default CountVectorizer
vect = CountVectorizer()
X_dtm = vect.fit_transform(X)

# use Naive Bayes to predict the star rating
nb = MultinomialNB()
pd.Series(cross_val_score(nb, X_dtm, y, cv=10)).describe()

count    10.000000
mean      0.420094
std       0.117514
min       0.250000
25%       0.366477
50%       0.409722
75%       0.500000
max       0.571429
dtype: float64

In [32]:
# define a function that accepts a vectorizer and calculates the accuracy
def tokenize_test(vect):
    X_dtm = vect.fit_transform(X)
    print('Features: ', X_dtm.shape[1])
    nb = MultinomialNB()
    print(pd.Series(cross_val_score(nb, X_dtm, y, cv=10)).describe())

In [33]:
# include 1-grams and 2-grams
vect = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2))

Features:  37905
count    10.000000
mean      0.405808
std       0.087028
min       0.250000
25%       0.375000
50%       0.375000
75%       0.440476
max       0.571429
dtype: float64

Stopword Removal

  • What: Remove common words that will likely appear in any text
  • Why: They don't tell you much about your text
  • stop_words: string {'english'}, list, or None (default)
  • If 'english', a built-in stop word list for English is used.
  • If a list, that list is assumed to contain stop words, all of which will be removed from the resulting tokens.
  • If None, no stop words will be used. max_df can be set to a value in the range [0.7, 1.0) to automatically detect and filter stop words based on intra corpus document frequency of terms.

In [34]:
# remove English stop words
vect = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')

Features:  7710
count    10.000000
mean      0.355411
std       0.085808
min       0.250000
25%       0.270833
50%       0.369318
75%       0.415179
max       0.500000
dtype: float64

In [35]:
# set of stop words

frozenset({'full', 'please', 'anyhow', 'cant', 'everyone', 'been', 'there', 'behind', 'or', 'such', 'through', 'once', 'anyone', 'becoming', 'perhaps', 'why', 'yourselves', 'call', 'her', 'twenty', 'while', 'enough', 'amoungst', 'anywhere', 'many', 'above', 'an', 'elsewhere', 'see', 'than', 'my', 'no', 'who', 'nobody', 'do', 'thereafter', 'always', 'down', 'wherever', 'due', 'empty', 'hereby', 'others', 'become', 'well', 'last', 'afterwards', 'during', 'co', 'be', 'almost', 'on', 'are', 'same', 'must', 'another', 'into', 'name', 'nothing', 'itself', 'every', 'back', 'beforehand', 'hasnt', 'may', 're', 'should', 'though', 'towards', 'our', 'could', 'upon', 'thin', 'here', 'you', 'together', 'onto', 'none', 'became', 'myself', 'third', 'throughout', 'its', 'will', 'noone', 'six', 'has', 'thus', 'somehow', 'among', 'seems', 'serious', 'mostly', 'when', 'done', 'between', 'out', 'someone', 'two', 'me', 'put', 'everything', 'thick', 'one', 'and', 'because', 'by', 'often', 'although', 'this', 'go', 'seemed', 'hers', 'most', 'until', 'herein', 'very', 'bill', 'couldnt', 'what', 'whatever', 'wherein', 'which', 'whole', 'top', 'else', 'whereby', 'give', 'fifty', 'where', 'about', 'former', 'a', 'eight', 'front', 'beyond', 'hence', 'show', 'his', 'might', 'take', 'per', 'four', 'so', 'whereas', 'him', 'whose', 'fill', 'all', 'nevertheless', 'con', 'their', 'some', 'sometimes', 'but', 'have', 'he', 'himself', 'latter', 'these', 'we', 'etc', 'ever', 'whom', 'had', 'ourselves', 'interest', 'how', 'still', 'toward', 'that', 'whether', 'somewhere', 'find', 'those', 'whenever', 'am', 'hereupon', 'from', 'cannot', 'own', 'ie', 'namely', 'something', 'your', 'already', 'yourself', 'eleven', 'yours', 'everywhere', 'found', 'next', 'other', 'thru', 'detail', 'side', 'themselves', 'below', 'whereafter', 'becomes', 'would', 'was', 'besides', 'bottom', 'mine', 'inc', 'whoever', 'except', 'seeming', 'before', 'first', 'sometime', 'to', 'ten', 'for', 'even', 'being', 'across', 'ltd', 'whereupon', 'amongst', 'i', 'anything', 'both', 'rather', 'the', 'alone', 'thereupon', 'least', 'system', 'un', 'now', 'moreover', 'then', 'she', 'indeed', 'only', 'de', 'as', 'fifteen', 'them', 'yet', 'neither', 'otherwise', 'after', 'hundred', 'too', 'either', 'therefore', 'keep', 'along', 'beside', 'five', 'hereafter', 'anyway', 'however', 'latterly', 'describe', 'much', 'over', 'meanwhile', 'part', 'us', 'whither', 'within', 'not', 'fire', 'sixty', 'thereby', 'less', 'therein', 'mill', 'cry', 'of', 'amount', 'twelve', 'also', 'few', 'off', 'under', 'more', 'further', 'they', 'three', 'forty', 'move', 'nor', 'since', 'without', 'in', 'nowhere', 'any', 'sincere', 'with', 'were', 'can', 'eg', 'formerly', 'again', 'herself', 'nine', 'up', 'each', 'made', 'whence', 'if', 'never', 'via', 'it', 'ours', 'seem', 'at', 'is', 'get', 'around', 'thence', 'several', 'against'})

Other CountVectorizer Options

  • max_features: int or None, default=None
  • If not None, build a vocabulary that only consider the top max_features ordered by term frequency across the corpus.

In [36]:
# remove English stop words and only keep 100 features
vect = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english', max_features=100)

Features:  100
count    10.000000
mean      0.375126
std       0.168480
min       0.125000
25%       0.250000
50%       0.401786
75%       0.486111
max       0.625000
dtype: float64

In [37]:
# all 100 features

['01', '10', '11', '15', '1cd', '2015', '2016', '28', 'article', 'australian', 'author', 'best', 'big', 'business', 'campaign', 'com', 'company', 'conversion', 'cystic', 'daniel', 'day', 'description', 'digital', 'don', 'downey', 'entertainment', 'facebook', 'false', 'fibrosis', 'function', 'good', 'hot', 'http', 'https', 'image', 'initpage', 'instagram', 'internal', 'iron', 'jpg', 'jr', 'js', 'just', 'know', 'life', 'like', 'make', 'man', 'marketing', 'mashable', 'media', 'movie', 'movies', 'mshcdn', 'new', 'null', 'oct', 'og', 'old', 'open', 'paris', 'people', 'photo', 'pic', 'platform', 'police', 'posted', 'premiere', 'pu', 'rack', 'rdj', 'return', 'rights', 'rising', 'robert', 'said', 'sailthru', 'says', 'season', 'short_url', 'state', 'time', 'timer', 'title', 'topics', 'travel', 'true', 'trump', 'twitter', 'twttr', 'uncategorized', 'url', 've', 'watercooler', 'way', 'window', 'work', 'world', 'year', 'years']

In [38]:
# include 1-grams and 2-grams, and limit the number of features
vect = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2), max_features=1000)

Features:  1000
count    10.000000
mean      0.405574
std       0.130813
min       0.250000
25%       0.270833
50%       0.414773
75%       0.500000
max       0.571429
dtype: float64
  • min_df: float in range [0.0, 1.0] or int, default=1
  • When building the vocabulary ignore terms that have a document frequency strictly lower than the given threshold. This value is also called cut-off in the literature. If float, the parameter represents a proportion of documents, integer absolute counts.

In [24]:
# include 1-grams and 2-grams, and only include terms that appear at least 2 times
vect = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2), min_df=2)

Features:  7620
count    10.000000
mean      0.407594
std       0.141763
min       0.125000
25%       0.366477
50%       0.409722
75%       0.500000
max       0.571429
dtype: float64

Stemming and Lemmatization


  • What: Reduce a word to its base/stem/root form
  • Why: Often makes sense to treat related words the same way
  • Notes:
    • Uses a "simple" and fast rule-based approach
    • Stemmed words are usually not shown to users (used for analysis/indexing)
    • Some search engines treat words with the same stem as synonyms

In [39]:
# initialize stemmer
stemmer = SnowballStemmer('english')

# words

In [40]:
vect = CountVectorizer()

CountVectorizer(analyzer='word', binary=False, decode_error='strict',
        dtype=<class 'numpy.int64'>, encoding='utf-8', input='content',
        lowercase=True, max_df=1.0, max_features=None, min_df=1,
        ngram_range=(1, 1), preprocessor=None, stop_words=None,
        strip_accents=None, token_pattern='(?u)\\b\\w\\w+\\b',
        tokenizer=None, vocabulary=None)

In [41]:
words = list(vect.vocabulary_.keys())[:100]

In [42]:
# stem each word
print([stemmer.stem(word) for word in words])

['appl', 'long', 'and', 'controversi', 'ebook', 'case', 'has', 'reach', 'it', 'final', 'chapter', 'it', 'not', 'the', 'happi', 'end', 'compani', 'want', 'suprem', 'court', 'on', 'monday', 'reject', 'an', 'appeal', 'file', 'by', 'to', 'overturn', 'sting', 'rule', 'that', 'led', 'broad', 'conspiraci', 'with', 'sever', 'major', 'publish', 'fix', 'price', 'of', 'book', 'sold', 'through', 'onlin', 'bookstor', 'decis', 'mean', 'now', 'no', 'choic', 'but', 'pay', 'out', '400', 'million', 'consum', 'addit', '50', 'in', 'legal', 'fee', 'accord', 'origin', 'settlement', '2014', 'see', 'also', 'here', 'how', 'marshal', 'entir', 'tech', 'industri', 'fight', 'fbi', 'for', 'verdict', 'is', 'more', 'damag', 'reput', 'as', 'consum', 'friend', 'brand', 'mention', 'legaci', 'belov', 'founder', 'steve', 'job', 'than', 'actual', 'bottom', 'line', 'put', 'fine', 'context']


  • What: Derive the canonical form ('lemma') of a word
  • Why: Can be better than stemming
  • Notes: Uses a dictionary-based approach (slower than stemming)

In [29]:
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
wordnet_lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()

In [30]:
import nltk

[nltk_data] Downloading package wordnet to /home/al/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package wordnet is already up-to-date!

In [31]:
# assume every word is a noun
print([wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in words])

['apple', 'long', 'and', 'controversial', 'ebook', 'case', 'ha', 'reached', 'it', 'final', 'chapter', 'it', 'not', 'the', 'happy', 'ending', 'company', 'wanted', 'supreme', 'court', 'on', 'monday', 'rejected', 'an', 'appeal', 'filed', 'by', 'to', 'overturn', 'stinging', 'ruling', 'that', 'led', 'broad', 'conspiracy', 'with', 'several', 'major', 'publisher', 'fix', 'price', 'of', 'book', 'sold', 'through', 'online', 'bookstore', 'decision', 'mean', 'now', 'no', 'choice', 'but', 'pay', 'out', '400', 'million', 'consumer', 'additional', '50', 'in', 'legal', 'fee', 'according', 'original', 'settlement', '2014', 'see', 'also', 'here', 'how', 'marshalled', 'entire', 'tech', 'industry', 'fight', 'fbi', 'for', 'verdict', 'is', 'more', 'damaging', 'reputation', 'a', 'consumer', 'friendly', 'brand', 'mention', 'legacy', 'beloved', 'founder', 'steve', 'job', 'than', 'actual', 'bottom', 'line', 'put', 'fine', 'context']

In [32]:
# assume every word is a verb
print([wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize(word,pos='v') for word in words])

['apple', 'long', 'and', 'controversial', 'ebook', 'case', 'have', 'reach', 'its', 'final', 'chapter', 'it', 'not', 'the', 'happy', 'end', 'company', 'want', 'supreme', 'court', 'on', 'monday', 'reject', 'an', 'appeal', 'file', 'by', 'to', 'overturn', 'sting', 'rule', 'that', 'lead', 'broad', 'conspiracy', 'with', 'several', 'major', 'publishers', 'fix', 'price', 'of', 'book', 'sell', 'through', 'online', 'bookstore', 'decision', 'mean', 'now', 'no', 'choice', 'but', 'pay', 'out', '400', 'million', 'consumers', 'additional', '50', 'in', 'legal', 'fee', 'accord', 'original', 'settlement', '2014', 'see', 'also', 'here', 'how', 'marshal', 'entire', 'tech', 'industry', 'fight', 'fbi', 'for', 'verdict', 'be', 'more', 'damage', 'reputation', 'as', 'consumer', 'friendly', 'brand', 'mention', 'legacy', 'beloved', 'founder', 'steve', 'job', 'than', 'actual', 'bottom', 'line', 'put', 'fine', 'context']

In [33]:
# define a function that accepts text and returns a list of lemmas
def split_into_lemmas(text):
    text = text.lower()
    words = text.split()
    return [wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in words]

In [34]:
# use split_into_lemmas as the feature extraction function (WARNING: SLOW!)
vect = CountVectorizer(analyzer=split_into_lemmas)

Features:  10208
count    10.000000
mean      0.423990
std       0.112463
min       0.250000
25%       0.375000
50%       0.436508
75%       0.500000
max       0.571429
dtype: float64

Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)

  • What: Computes "relative frequency" that a word appears in a document compared to its frequency across all documents
  • Why: More useful than "term frequency" for identifying "important" words in each document (high frequency in that document, low frequency in other documents)
  • Notes: Used for search engine scoring, text summarization, document clustering

In [43]:
# example documents
simple_train = ['call you tonight', 'Call me a cab', 'please call me... PLEASE!']

In [44]:
# Term Frequency
vect = CountVectorizer()
tf = pd.DataFrame(vect.fit_transform(simple_train).toarray(), columns=vect.get_feature_names())

cab call me please tonight you
0 0 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 0 0
2 0 1 1 2 0 0

In [45]:
# Document Frequency
vect = CountVectorizer(binary=True)
df_ = vect.fit_transform(simple_train).toarray().sum(axis=0)
pd.DataFrame(df_.reshape(1, 6), columns=vect.get_feature_names())

cab call me please tonight you
0 1 3 2 1 1 1

In [46]:
# Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (simple version)

cab call me please tonight you
0 0.0 0.333333 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
1 1.0 0.333333 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.333333 0.5 2.0 0.0 0.0

In [47]:
# TfidfVectorizer
vect = TfidfVectorizer()
pd.DataFrame(vect.fit_transform(simple_train).toarray(), columns=vect.get_feature_names())

cab call me please tonight you
0 0.000000 0.385372 0.000000 0.000000 0.652491 0.652491
1 0.720333 0.425441 0.547832 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2 0.000000 0.266075 0.342620 0.901008 0.000000 0.000000

Using TF-IDF to Summarize a text

In [48]:
# create a document-term matrix using TF-IDF
vect = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words='english')
dtm = vect.fit_transform(X)
features = vect.get_feature_names()

(82, 7710)

In [49]:
# choose a random text
review_id = 40
review_text = X[review_id]
review_length = len(review_text)

In [50]:
# create a dictionary of words and their TF-IDF scores
word_scores = {}
for word in vect.vocabulary_.keys():
    word = word.lower()
    if word in features:
        word_scores[word] = dtm[review_id, features.index(word)]

In [43]:
# print words with the top 5 TF-IDF scores
top_scores = sorted(word_scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:5]
for word, score in top_scores:


In [51]:
# print 5 random words
print('\n' + 'RANDOM WORDS:')
random_words = np.random.choice(list(word_scores.keys()), size=5, replace=False)
for word in random_words:



  • NLP is a gigantic field
  • Understanding the basics broadens the types of data you can work with
  • Simple techniques go a long way
  • Use scikit-learn for NLP whenever possible

In [ ]: