Deep Learning Image Classification using Apache SystemML

This notebook demonstrates how to train a deep learning model on SystemML for the classic MNIST problem of mapping images of single digit numbers to their corresponding numeric representations, using a classic LeNet-like convolutional neural network model. See Neural Networks and Deep Learning for more information on neural networks and deep learning.

The downloaded MNIST dataset contains labeled images of handwritten digits, where each example is a 28x28 pixel image of grayscale values in the range [0,255] stretched out as 784 pixels, and each label is one of 10 possible digits in [0,9]. We download 60,000 training examples, and 10,000 test examples, where the images and labels are stored in separate matrices. We then train a SystemML LeNet-like convolutional neural network (i.e. "convnet", "CNN") model. The resulting trained model has an accuracy of 98.6% on the test dataset.

  1. Download the MNIST data
  2. Train a CNN classifier for MNIST handwritten digits
  3. Detect handwritten Digits
![Image of Image to Digit]( Mapping images of numbers to numbers

Note: This notebook is supported with SystemML 0.14.0 and above.

In [ ]:
!pip show systemml

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split  # module deprecated in 0.18
#from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split  # use this module for >=0.18
from sklearn import metrics
from systemml import MLContext, dml

In [ ]:
ml = MLContext(sc)
print("Spark Version: {}".format(sc.version))
print("SystemML Version: {}".format(ml.version()))
print("SystemML Built-Time: {}".format(ml.buildTime()))

Download the MNIST data

Download the MNIST data from the MLData repository, and then split and save.

In [ ]:
mnist = datasets.fetch_mldata("MNIST Original")

print("MNIST data features: {}".format(
print("MNIST data labels: {}".format(

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,, 1),
    test_size = 10000)

print("Training images, labels: {}, {}".format(X_train.shape, y_train.shape))
print("Testing images, labels: {}, {}".format(X_test.shape, y_test.shape))
print("Each image is: {0:d}x{0:d} pixels".format(int(np.sqrt(X_train.shape[1]))))

Note: The following command is not required for code above SystemML 0.14 (master branch dated 05/15/2017 or later).

In [ ]:
!svn --force export

Train a LeNet-like CNN classifier on the training data

![Image of Image to Digit]( MNIST digit recognition – LeNet architecture

Train a LeNet-like CNN model using SystemML

In [ ]:
script = """
  source("nn/examples/mnist_lenet.dml") as mnist_lenet

  # Scale images to [-1,1], and one-hot encode the labels
  images = (images / 255) * 2 - 1
  n = nrow(images)
  labels = table(seq(1, n), labels+1, n, 10)

  # Split into training (55,000 examples) and validation (5,000 examples)
  X = images[5001:nrow(images),]
  X_val = images[1:5000,]
  y = labels[5001:nrow(images),]
  y_val = labels[1:5000,]

  # Train the model to produce weights & biases.
  [W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3, W4, b4] = mnist_lenet::train(X, y, X_val, y_val, C, Hin, Win, epochs)
out = ('W1', 'b1', 'W2', 'b2', 'W3', 'b3', 'W4', 'b4')
prog = (dml(script).input(images=X_train, labels=y_train, epochs=1, C=1, Hin=28, Win=28)

W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3, W4, b4 = ml.execute(prog).get(*out)

Use the trained model to make predictions for the test data, and evaluate the quality of the predictions.

In [ ]:
script_predict = """
  source("nn/examples/mnist_lenet.dml") as mnist_lenet

  # Scale images to [-1,1]
  X_test = (X_test / 255) * 2 - 1

  # Predict
  y_prob = mnist_lenet::predict(X_test, C, Hin, Win, W1, b1, W2, b2, W3, b3, W4, b4)
  y_pred = rowIndexMax(y_prob) - 1
prog = (dml(script_predict).input(X_test=X_test, C=1, Hin=28, Win=28, W1=W1, b1=b1,
                                  W2=W2, b2=b2, W3=W3, b3=b3, W4=W4, b4=b4)

y_pred = ml.execute(prog).get("y_pred").toNumPy()

In [ ]:
print(metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))
print(metrics.classification_report(y_test, y_pred))

Detect handwritten digits

Define a function that randomly selects a test image, displays the image, and scores it.

In [ ]:
img_size = int(np.sqrt(X_test.shape[1]))

def displayImage(i):
  image = (X_test[i]).reshape(img_size, img_size).astype(np.uint8)
  imgplot = plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')

In [ ]:
def predictImage(i):
  image = X_test[i].reshape(1, -1)
  out = "y_pred"
  prog = (dml(script_predict).input(X_test=image, C=1, Hin=28, Win=28, W1=W1, b1=b1,
                                    W2=W2, b2=b2, W3=W3, b3=b3, W4=W4, b4=b4)
  pred = int(ml.execute(prog).get(out).toNumPy())
  return pred

In [ ]:
i = np.random.randint(len(X_test))
p = predictImage(i)

print("Image {}\nPredicted digit: {}\nActual digit: {}\nResult: {}".format(
    i, p, int(y_test[i]), p == int(y_test[i])))


In [ ]:
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 28)
pd.DataFrame((X_test[i]).reshape(img_size, img_size), dtype='uint')