In [1]:
import sys,os
from Codon import Codon
cd = Codon()
print("The physical property class of '%s' is '%s'"%("P",cd.aa2pp["P"]))
print("The codons associated with '%s' are '%s'"%("P",cd.aa2codon["P"]))
For a given class...
Still to do
Here is an example of what this looks like for a given class.
In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
from Simulations import Simulator
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# instantiate the simulator class
sim = Simulator()
# set a non-zero probability of all codon transitions
sim.baseMean = 0.001
sim.baseSd = 0.0001
# set the within class distribution
sim.withinClsMean = 30
sim.withinClsSd = 3
# non-synomymous to synonymous rate (non-zero and <= 1.0)
sim.nsRate = 0.2
# distribution for no transitions
sim.ntMean = 90.0
sim.ntSd = 1.0
# get a base matrix
mat = sim.get_base_matrix()
# create a prob matrix for each class and specify the class codon relationships
cMatrices = {}
classCodons = {}
for c,classAa in sim.pp2aa.iteritems():
_classCodons = []
for aa in classAa:
for codon in sim.aa2codon[aa]:
cMatrices[c] = sim.generate_class_matrix(mat,_classCodons)
classCodons[c] = _classCodons
# plot one of the class matrices
cmat = cMatrices['pos']
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6),dpi=300)
cmap =
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
hmap = ax.imshow(cmat, interpolation='nearest',aspect='auto',cmap=cmap)
_ = ax.set_title("class=%s"%c)
_ = ax.set_xticks(range(sim.codons.size))
_ = ax.set_yticks(range(sim.codons.size))
_ = ax.set_xticklabels(sim.codons,fontsize=7)
_ = ax.set_yticklabels(sim.codons,fontsize=7)
xlabs = ax.get_xticklabels()
plt.setp(xlabs, rotation=90)
cbar = fig.colorbar(hmap, orientation='vertical')
so lets generate some nucleotide sequences. We are going to add one additional constraint in that the probability of any subsequent codon sequence is conditional on the class of the proceeding codon. We have a probability of $cp$ that the the next codon comes from the same class. We generate class probabilites so that each is between 0 and 1. There is a small variance included so that codons within a class do not have exactly the same probabilites. We print the sequence below as well as the means and variances for the class probabilites.
In [5]:
## determine the nucleotide class probability (cp)
seedSeq,seedSeqClasses = sim.generate_codon_sequence(10,cMatrices,classCodons,verbose=True)
seq1 = sim.generate_new_sequence(seedSeq,seedSeqClasses,cMatrices,classCodons)
seq2 = sim.generate_new_sequence(seedSeq,seedSeqClasses,cMatrices,classCodons)
seq3 = sim.generate_new_sequence(seedSeq,seedSeqClasses,cMatrices,classCodons)
print "\nclass","seed","seq1","seq2","seq3"
for i in range(seedSeq.size):
print seedSeqClasses[i], seedSeq[i], seq1[i], seq2[i], seq3[i]
In [ ]:
%load ../library/
In [3]:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys,os,csv,time
import numpy as np
from Codon import Codon
__author__ = "Adam Richards"
class Simulator(Codon):
def __init__(self,logFile="simulation.log"):
## set a non-zero probability of all codon transitions
self.baseMean = 0.001
self.baseSd = 0.0001
## set the within class distribution
self.withinClsMean = 30
self.withinClsSd = 3
## non-synomymous to synonymous rate (non-zero and <= 1.0)
self.nsRate = 0.3
## distribution for no transitions
self.ntMean = 80.0
self.ntSd = 1.0
## initialize logfile
self.log = csv.writer(open(logFile,'w'))
def get_base_matrix(self):
#self.codons =
self.codons = []
for allaa in self.pp2aa.itervalues():
for aa in allaa:
self.codons = np.array(self.codons)
mat = np.random.normal(self.baseMean,self.baseSd,(self.codons.size,self.codons.size))
return mat
def generate_class_matrix(self,mat,classCodons):
generate a class specific rate matrix
takes a base matrix as a class
for cd in classCodons:
if cd not in self.codons:
raise Exception("invalid class codons specified: %s"%cd)
x = np.random.normal(self.withinClsMean,self.withinClsSd) # like omega
cmat = mat.copy()
## loop through all codons
for i,codonI in enumerate(self.codons):
codonI = self.codons[i]
for j,codonJ in enumerate(self.codons):
codonJ = self.codons[j]
if i > j:
## no transition
if i == j:
cmat[i,i] = np.random.normal(self.ntMean,self.ntSd,1)
## only add probabilities to codons that are in class
elif codonI not in classCodons or codonJ not in classCodons:
## synonymous mutation
elif self.codon2aa[codonI] == self.codon2aa[codonJ]:
prob = np.random.normal(x,1,1)
cmat[i,j] = prob
cmat[j,i] = prob
## non-synonymous mutation
prob = np.random.normal(self.nsRate*x,self.nsRate*1,1)
cmat[i,j] = prob
cmat[j,i] = prob
cmat = cmat/cmat.sum(axis=1).mean()
return cmat
def generate_codon_sequence(self,n,cMatrices,class2codon,verbose=False):
cMatrices - a dictionary of codon matrices with keys serving as identifiers
we are ignoring start and stop codons
class2codon - is a dictionary {classId:[codon1, codon2]}
## generate mean and sd to draw class probabilites
classProbs = {}
for className in cMatrices.keys():
classProbs[className] = (np.random.uniform(.5,1),0.1)
for key,item in class2codon.iteritems():
if verbose:
for key,item in class2codon.iteritems():
print key,item
print("\nclass probabilities")
for key,item in classProbs.iteritems():
print key,item
self.log.writerow(["\nclass probabilites"])
for key,item in classProbs.iteritems():
## generate a probability for each class
codonProbs = {}
for className,classCodons in class2codon.iteritems():
for codon in classCodons:
cpMean,cpSd = classProbs[className]
cp = np.random.normal(cpMean,cpSd)
if cp > 1.0:
cp = 0.99999
if cp < 0.0:
cp = 0.00001
codonProbs[codon] = cp
## save and print values
self.log.writerow(["\ncodon probabilites"])
for key,item in codonProbs.iteritems():
## get first codon
classNames = np.array(class2codon.keys())
seqClasses = np.array([None]*n)
seqCodons = np.array([None]*n)
self.log.writerow(["\nseed sequence"])
## generate a sequence
for indx in range(n):
## use class probabilities to set the underlying class
if indx == 0:
seqClasses[indx] = classNames[np.random.randint(0,classNames.size)]
prevCodon = None
prevClass = seqClasses[indx-1]
prevCodon = seqCodons[indx-1]
if np.random.uniform(0,1) <= codonProbs[prevCodon]:
seqClasses[indx] = prevClass
seqClasses[indx] = classNames[np.random.randint(0,classNames.size)]
## choose based on prob density from transition matrix
cmat = cMatrices[seqClasses[indx]]
normalizedProbs = cmat.sum(axis=0) / cmat.sum(axis=0).sum()
pairs = [(normalizedProbs[i],self.codons[i]) for i in range(len(normalizedProbs))]
probs = np.random.multinomial(1, zip(*pairs)[0])
seqCodons[indx] = self.codons[np.where(probs==1)[0][0]]
return seqCodons,seqClasses
def generate_new_sequence(self,seedSeq,seedSeqClasses,cMatrices,class2codon):
given a seed sequence and it's known classes generate a new sequence
n = seedSeq.size
seqClasses = np.array([None]*n)
seqCodons = np.array([None]*n)
for seqIndx,codon in enumerate(seedSeq):
cmat = cMatrices[seedSeqClasses[seqIndx]]
codonIndx = np.where(self.codons == codon)[0][0]
normalizedProbs = cmat[:,codonIndx] / cmat[:,codonIndx].sum()
pairs = [(normalizedProbs[i],self.codons[i]) for i in range(len(normalizedProbs))]
probs = np.random.multinomial(1, zip(*pairs)[0])
seqCodons[seqIndx] = self.codons[np.where(probs==1)[0][0]]
return seqCodons
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Running..."
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
cmap =
sim = Simulator()
mat = sim.get_base_matrix()
## generate the matrices
cMatrices = {}
classCodons = {}
for c,classAa in sim.pp2aa.iteritems():
_classCodons = []
for aa in classAa:
for codon in sim.aa2codon[aa]:
cMatrices[c] = sim.generate_class_matrix(mat,_classCodons)
classCodons[c] = _classCodons
## generate the seed sequence
seedSeq,seedSeqClasses = sim.generate_codon_sequence(10,cMatrices,classCodons,verbose=True)
nextSeq = sim.generate_new_sequence(seedSeq,seedSeqClasses,cMatrices,classCodons)
for i in range(seedSeq.size):
print seedSeqClasses[i], seedSeq[i], nextSeq[i]
c = 'pos'
cmat = cMatrices[c]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
hmap = ax.imshow(cmat, interpolation='nearest',aspect='auto',cmap=cmap)
_ = ax.set_title("class=%s"%c)
_ = ax.set_xticks(range(sim.codons.size))
_ = ax.set_yticks(range(sim.codons.size))
_ = ax.set_xticklabels(sim.codons,fontsize=7)
_ = ax.set_yticklabels(sim.codons,fontsize=7)
xlabs = ax.get_xticklabels()
plt.setp(xlabs, rotation=90)
cbar = fig.colorbar(hmap, orientation='vertical')
Lartillot, N. & Philippe, H. A Bayesian mixture model for across-site heterogeneities in the amino-acid replacement process. Molecular biology and evolution, 2004, 21, 1095-109
Lartillot, N. Conjugate Gibbs sampling for Bayesian phylogenetic models. Journal of computational biology : a journal of computational molecular cell biology, 2006, 13, 1701-22
Rodrigue, N.; Philippe, H. & Lartillot, N. Exploring fast computational strategies for probabilistic phylogenetic analysis Systematic biology, 2007, 56, 711-26
In [3]: