Author: Shahnawaz Ahmed
GitHub: quantshah
In this notebook, we use QuTiP to perform Quantum State Tomography by counting photon number statistics of a resonator as discussed in [1]. The iterative Maximum Likelihood Estimation method is used to start from a random guess of the density matrix and repeatedly apply an operator to obtain the true density matrix of the state [2].
We measure the probability of observing a certain number of photons $\langle n \rangle$ after displacing the state by various angles. This is done by applying the displacement operator to the density matrix of the state $D(\beta) \rho D^{\dagger}(\beta)$. Then, using the photon number statistics for various measurement settings, i.e., values of $\beta_i$, we can recreate the density matrix.
This is done by an iterative Maximum Likelihood method by repeatedly applying an operator $R$ which is a function of the measured value of the observable $f_i$, current estimate of the probability from the density matrix, $p_i$ and measurement setting (the displaced basis in this case $|y_i \rangle \langle y_i| D(\beta) |n_i \rangle \langle n_i| D^{\dagger}(\beta))$, where $n_i$ denotes the fock basis operator for measuring $i$ photons.
[1] Shen, Chao, et al. "Optimized tomography of continuous variable systems using excitation counting." Physical Review A 94.5 (2016): 052327.
[2] Řeháček, J., Z. Hradil, and M. Ježek. "Iterative algorithm for reconstruction of entangled states." Physical Review A 63.4 (2001): 040303.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
from qutip import Qobj, rand_dm, fidelity, displace, qdiags, qeye, expect
from qutip.states import coherent, coherent_dm, thermal_dm, fock_dm
from qutip.visualization import plot_wigner, hinton
from qutip.wigner import qfunc
import qutip
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
# some pretty printing and animation stuff
from IPython.display import clear_output
In [2]:
Iterative Maximum Likelihood estimation based on photon number counting.
def measure_population(beta, rho):
Measures the photon number statistics for state rho when displaced
by angle alpha.
alpha: np.complex
A complex displacement.
The density matrix as a QuTiP Qobj (`qutip.Qobj`)
population: ndarray
A 1D array for the probabilities for populations.
hilbertsize = rho.shape[0]
# Apply a displacement to the state and then measure the diagonals.
D = displace(hilbertsize, beta)
rho_disp = D*rho*D.dag()
populations = np.real(np.diagonal(rho_disp.full()))
return populations
def roperator(beta, rho, measured):
Calculates the iterative ratio operator for measured probability for photons
(j) to the analytical prediction for some rho.
beta: list_like
A list of the displacements that were applied to the state before
rho: `qutip.Qobj`
The current estimate of the density matrix.
measured: list_like
A list of the measurement statistics (diagonal terms) for each beta.
R: `qutip.Qobj`
The iterative operator which we are going to apply for state
hilbert_size = rho.shape[0]
# initialize an empty operator and build it
R = 0*qeye(hilbert_size)
calculated_measurements = measure_population(beta, rho)
for n in range(hilbert_size):
op = fock_dm(hilbert_size, n)
D = displace(hilbert_size, beta)
displaced_D = D.dag()*op*D
ratio = measured[n]/(calculated_measurements[n] + 1e-6)
displaced_D = ratio*displaced_D
R += displaced_D
return R
In [3]:
hilbert_size = 32
alpha_range = 1.9
alphas = np.array([alpha_range, -alpha_range - 1j*alpha_range,
-alpha_range + 1j*alpha_range])
rho_true = sum([coherent_dm(hilbert_size, a) for a in alphas])/3
In [4]:
betas = [1.7, -2, 2.2j, -2.1 - 2.4j, -2 + 2j]
measured_populations = [measure_population(b, rho_true) for b in betas]
width = 1
In [5]:
random_rho = rand_dm(hilbert_size)
In [6]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 5))
indices = np.arange(hilbert_size)
plot_wigner(random_rho, fig, ax[0])
ax[0].scatter(np.real(betas), np.imag(betas), marker="x")
ax[0].set_title("Random inital state wigner function")
for i in range(len(betas)):
ax[1].bar(indices, measured_populations[i],
label = r"$beta = {}$".format(i), width=(i+1)/12)
ax[1].set_title("Population measurement statistics")
ax[1].set_ylabel("Photon number probability")
plot_wigner(rho_true, fig, ax[2])
ax[2].scatter(np.real(betas), np.imag(betas), marker="x")
ax[2].set_title("Target state wigner function")
In [7]:
rho_t = []
In [8]:
max_iter = 100
for iterations in range(max_iter):
for i in range(len(betas)):
rop = roperator(betas[i], random_rho, measured_populations[i])
random_rho = rop*random_rho*rop
# Trace renorm
random_rho = random_rho/
# Compute fidelity
fidel = fidelity(random_rho, rho_true)
if iterations % 5 == 0:
print(r"Fidelity: {}".format(fidel))
if fidel > 0.99:
In [9]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 5))
plot_wigner(random_rho, fig=fig, ax=ax[1])
plot_wigner(rho_true, fig=fig, ax=ax[0], cmap="RdBu")
ax[0].set_title("Target state")
ax[1].set_title("Reconstructed state")
In [10]:
examples = 5
for i in range(examples):
idx = np.random.choice(range(len(betas)))
beta = betas[idx]
measured = measured_populations[idx], measure_population(beta, random_rho),
label = "Reconstructed statistics",
width=(i+1)/5), measured,
label = r"Simulated true measurement values, $\beta$ = {}".format(
plt.ylabel(r"$\langle n \rangle$")
In [11]:
In [12]:
# for i in range(len(rho_t)):
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 7))
# indices = np.arange(hilbert_size)
# plot_wigner(rho_t[i], fig, ax[0])
# ax[0].scatter(np.real(betas), np.imag(betas), marker="x")
# hinton(rho_t[i], ax=ax[1])
# ax[1].set_title("Reconstructed Density matrix at iteration {}".format(str(i)))
# plt.savefig("images/wigner/"+str(i)+".png", bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
In [13]:
# import imageio
# png_dir = 'images/wigner/'
# images = []
# interval = 20 # intervals to pick to plot
# for i in range(0, len(rho_t), interval):
# file_name = str(i)+".png"
# file_path = os.path.join(png_dir, file_name)
# images.append(imageio.imread(file_path))
# imageio.mimsave('reconstruction3.gif', images, loop=1) #make loop=0 to keep looping
In [ ]: