CVXBOOK extra exercise 3.18

Heuristic suboptimal solution for Boolean LP. Solution by Chris Dembia.

In [85]:
import pylab as pl
import numpy as np
from cvxpy import *

Create data

In [86]:
n = 100
m = 300
A = np.matrix(np.random.rand(m, n))
b = A * np.ones((n, 1)) / 2.0
c = -np.random.rand(n, 1)

Solve the relaxed problem

In [87]:
x = Variable(n)
objective = Minimize( c.T * x)
constraints = [A * x <= b, x >= 0, x <= 1]
p = Problem(objective, constraints)
L = p.solve()

In [88]:
print 'Lower bound: {}'.format(L)

Lower bound: -34.4172236278

In [89]:
x_rlx = np.matrix(p.variables()[0].value)

Threshold the relaxed solution

In [90]:
N_t = 100
tvalues = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
J = np.empty(N_t)
max_constr_violation = np.empty(N_t)
feasible = np.nan * np.zeros(N_t)

for i, t in enumerate(tvalues):
    x_hat = x_rlx > t
    J[i] = c.T * x_hat
    max_constr_violation[i] = np.max(A * x_hat - b)
    if max_constr_violation[i] <= 0:
        feasible[i] = 0

In [94]:
pl.plot(tvalues, J, label='objective')
pl.plot(tvalues, max_constr_violation,
        label='max constraint violation')
pl.plot(tvalues, feasible -15, lw=2, c='k',
        label='feasible range')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x5083ed0>

In [92]:
U = np.min(J[np.where(max_constr_violation <= 0)])
print('Upper bound: {}'.format(U))
print('Gap: {}'.format(U - L))

Upper bound: -33.5772513453
Gap: 0.839972282506