In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
import collections
import lda
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import psycopg2
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction import text
import common
import functions as f
In [3]:'ggplot')
In [7]:
## TODO: fix unicode here.
df = f.load_data()
In [8]:
df = df[df['ingredient_txt'].str.len() > 20]
print df['ingredient_txt'].str.len().describe()
df['ingredient_txt'].str.len().plot(kind='hist').set_title('Ingredients character count')
df = df.reset_index()
In [9]:
## clean up quoting.
pattern = "[\"\']"
for k in ['title', 'ingredient_txt', 'url', 'image']:
df[k] = df[k].str.replace(pattern, '')
## formatting ingredients.
df['ingredient_txt'] = df['ingredient_txt'].str.replace('\n',' ')
In [592]:
In [10]:
def rm_stopwords(stopwords, x):
return ' '.join([w for w in x.split() if w.strip() not in stopwords])
In [11]:
## replace punctuation to improve tokenizing and stop word filtering.
df['ingredient_txt_no_stopwords'] = df['ingredient_txt'].str.replace('[\W]', ' ')
df['ingredient_txt_no_stopwords'] = map(lambda x: rm_stopwords(f.get_stop_words(), x), df['ingredient_txt_no_stopwords'])
In [12]:
# Extract features
# TODO: remove stopwords before vectorizing, because the stop words don't capture bigrams.
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(
, ngram_range=(1, 2)
, token_pattern='[A-Za-z]+'
, min_df = 10
, max_df = 0.25
features = vectorizer.fit_transform(df.ingredient_txt_no_stopwords)
## features is a document x term matrix.
wc = f.feature_counts(vectorizer, features)
In [13]:
wc.sort('count').tail(25).plot('word','count', kind='bar')
In [14]:
## this model, with 40 topics, is not bad.
m = lda.LDA(n_topics=40, random_state=0, n_iter=200)
print('Finished running model')
In [38]:
## select best number of topics using loglikelihood.
## it might be that 40 topics is too much.
ll = {}
for k in range(5, 200, 5):
print k
mk = lda.LDA(n_topics=k, random_state=0, n_iter=400)
ll[k] = mk.loglikelihood()
In [95]:
ks = sorted(ll.keys())
vs = [ll[k] for k in ks]
plt.plot(ks, vs)
In [15]:
p = plt.figure()
plt.plot(m.loglikelihoods_, '-')
In [303]:
## assessing stability using k-fold set overlap measures.
def k_fold_lda(**kwargs):
results = []
j = 0
for i in map(int, np.linspace(0, features.shape[0], 6)[1:]):
j = i
return results
r75 = k_fold_lda(n_topics=75, random_state=0, n_iter=300)
r40 = k_fold_lda(n_topics=40, random_state=0, n_iter=300)
# results = [lda.LDA(n_topics=best_k, random_state=0, n_iter=100).fit(features[i
In [314]:
## extract set memberships and compare them.
## I AM HERE: extract set memberships for each run.
def set_memberships(r):
map(lambda x: np.argmax(x.doc_topic_, axis=1, r)
for i = range(0, 5)
for j = range(1, 4)
diff = np.argmax(r4[i].doc_topic_, axis=1)
In [15]:
## assessing stability using two random subsets..
n = features.shape[0]
size = int(n * 0.8)
i0 = np.random.random_integers(0, n, size)
i1 = np.random.random_integers(0, n, size)
f0 = features[i0, :]
f1 = features[i1, :]
print('running model on sample 0...')
m0 = lda.LDA(n_topics=40, random_state=0, n_iter=100)
print('running model on sample 1...')
m1 = lda.LDA(n_topics=40, random_state=0, n_iter=100)
print('Finished running models')
In [16]:
a0 = zip(i0, np.argmax(m0.doc_topic_, axis=1))
a1 = zip(i1, np.argmax(m0.doc_topic_, axis=1))
## make
t0 = collections.defaultdict(set)
for doc, topic in a0:
t1 = collections.defaultdict(set)
for doc, topic in a1:
In [17]:
## filter out elements not in both sets.
canon = set(i0).union(set(i1))
for k,v in t0.iteritems():
t0[k] = t0[k].intersection(canon)
for k,v in t1.iteritems():
t1[k] = t1[k].intersection(canon)
## compare set assignments.
In [18]:
def diff(t0, t1):
"""Calculate set membership differences as a stability measure.
diff = 0
for k0, x0 in t0.iteritems():
# print 'topic:', k0
d = [len(x0.difference(x1))/float(len(x0.union(x1))) for x1 in t1.values()]
# print 'differences:', d
# print 'min diff:', min(d)
# print 'current diff', diff
diff += min(d)
return diff
In [19]:
print diff(t0, t1)
In [16]:
## Extracting topic data.
## most probable words by topic.
## TODO: check if these are properly sorted within each topic.
w = f.most_probable_words(m, vectorizer.get_feature_names(), 10)
w.columns = ['rank','topic','word','prob']
## most probable documents by topic.
# np.apply_along_axis(lambda i: df.iloc[i]['title'], 1, doc_ids)
doc_ids = np.argsort(m.doc_topic_, axis=0)[-4:-1,:].T
doc_probs = np.sort(m.doc_topic_, axis=0)[-4:-1,:].T
In [986]:
f.show_topics(m, df, doc_probs, doc_ids, w)
In [971]:
# Plotting word distributions for each topic.
wb = f.most_probable_words(m, vectorizer.get_feature_names(), 10)
wb.columns = ['rank','topic','word','prob']
## make figure of word distributions for each topic.
g = sns.FacetGrid(wb, col='topic', col_wrap=10)
p =, 'word', 'prob')
## save figure for easier viewing.
## TODO: figure out way of examining probs of words in relation to topic coherence:
## high average prob?
## make figure of document distributions for each topic.
## for each topic, show distribution of documents.
In [ ]:
## examine topics:
## 14: one very probable word.
## 32: many very probable words.
## 30: no very probable words.
In [18]:
## TODO: store one set of results for each run.
con = f.make_engine()
## massage document ids and probabilities into form suitable for database.
di = pd.DataFrame(doc_ids)
di['topic'] = di.index
di = pd.melt(di, id_vars='topic')
di.columns = ['topic','rank','recipe_key']
dp = pd.DataFrame(doc_probs)
dp['topic'] = dp.index
dp = pd.melt(dp, id_vars='topic')
dp.columns = ['topic','rank','prob']
dd = pd.merge(di, dp)
dd.to_sql('doc_prob', con, if_exists='replace')
# store recipes
df['key'] = df.index
## assign the most probable topic to each recipe.
df['topic'] = np.argmax(m.doc_topic_, axis=1)
df.to_sql('clean_recipes', con, if_exists='replace', index=False)
# store words
w.columns = ['rank','topic','word','prob']
w.to_sql('word_probs', con, if_exists='replace')
In [285]:
xx = pd.merge(df, dd, left_on='key', right_on='recipe_key', how='right')
## topics with low word probs.
## but, they seem pretty good.
print 'topics with low word probs.'
for n, g in xx[xx['topic'].isin([5,8,16,18,30])].groupby('topic'):
print 'topic: %s' % n
print g[['title','prob']].sort('prob').to_string()
print '='*80
print 'topics with one high word prob.'
print '='*80
for n, g in xx[xx['topic'].isin([1,4,9,14,21])].groupby('topic'):
print 'topic: %s' % n
print g[['title','prob']].sort('prob').to_string()
In [469]:
## relationship between doc prob and length:
dpa = pd.DataFrame({'max_prob':np.max(m.doc_topic_, axis=1), 'topic':np.argmax(m.doc_topic_, axis=1)})
dpa = df.join(dpa)
dpa['ingredient_len'] = dpa['ingredient_txt'].str.len()
dpa.plot('ingredient_len', 'mdpa_prob', kind='scatter')
# g = sns.FacetGrid(dpa, col='topic', col_wrap=10)
# p =, 'word', 'prob')
# ## save figure for easier viewing.
# p.savefig('word_dist_by_topic.png')
In [39]:
## generating recipes.
ww = f.all_word_probs(m, vectorizer.get_feature_names())
ww.to_sql('all_word_probs', con, if_exists='replace')
In [40]:
for n, g in ww.groupby('label'):
print n
print [', '.join(np.random.choice(g['word'], size=5, p=g['prob'])) for _ in range(0,1)]