We start with defining the abstract class Game
, for turn-taking n-player games. We rely on, but do not define yet, the concept of a state
of the game; we'll see later how individual games define states. For now, all we require is that a state has a state.to_move
attribute, which gives the name of the player whose turn it is. ("Name" will be something like 'X'
or 'O'
for tic-tac-toe.)
We also define play_game
, which takes a game and a dictionary of {player_name: strategy_function}
pairs, and plays out the game, on each turn checking state.to_move
to see whose turn it is, and then getting the strategy function for that player and applying it to the game and the state to get a move.
In [1]:
from collections import namedtuple, Counter, defaultdict
import random
import math
import functools
cache = functools.lru_cache(10**6)
In [73]:
class Game:
"""A game is similar to a problem, but it has a terminal test instead of
a goal test, and a utility for each terminal state. To create a game,
subclass this class and implement `actions`, `result`, `is_terminal`,
and `utility`. You will also need to set the .initial attribute to the
initial state; this can be done in the constructor."""
def actions(self, state):
"""Return a collection of the allowable moves from this state."""
raise NotImplementedError
def result(self, state, move):
"""Return the state that results from making a move from a state."""
raise NotImplementedError
def is_terminal(self, state):
"""Return True if this is a final state for the game."""
return not self.actions(state)
def utility(self, state, player):
"""Return the value of this final state to player."""
raise NotImplementedError
def play_game(game, strategies: dict, verbose=False):
"""Play a turn-taking game. `strategies` is a {player_name: function} dict,
where function(state, game) is used to get the player's move."""
state = game.initial
while not game.is_terminal(state):
player = state.to_move
move = strategies[player](game, state)
state = game.result(state, move)
if verbose:
print('Player', player, 'move:', move)
return state
We will define several game search algorithms. Each takes two inputs, the game we are playing and the current state of the game, and returns a a (value, move)
pair, where value
is the utility that the algorithm computes for the player whose turn it is to move, and move
is the move itself.
First we define minimax_search
, which exhaustively searches the game tree to find an optimal move (assuming both players play optimally), and alphabeta_search
, which does the same computation, but prunes parts of the tree that could not possibly have an affect on the optimnal move.
In [66]:
def minimax_search(game, state):
"""Search game tree to determine best move; return (value, move) pair."""
player = state.to_move
def max_value(state):
if game.is_terminal(state):
return game.utility(state, player), None
v, move = -infinity, None
for a in game.actions(state):
v2, _ = min_value(game.result(state, a))
if v2 > v:
v, move = v2, a
return v, move
def min_value(state):
if game.is_terminal(state):
return game.utility(state, player), None
v, move = +infinity, None
for a in game.actions(state):
v2, _ = max_value(game.result(state, a))
if v2 < v:
v, move = v2, a
return v, move
return max_value(state)
infinity = math.inf
def alphabeta_search(game, state):
"""Search game to determine best action; use alpha-beta pruning.
As in [Figure 5.7], this version searches all the way to the leaves."""
player = state.to_move
def max_value(state, alpha, beta):
if game.is_terminal(state):
return game.utility(state, player), None
v, move = -infinity, None
for a in game.actions(state):
v2, _ = min_value(game.result(state, a), alpha, beta)
if v2 > v:
v, move = v2, a
alpha = max(alpha, v)
if v >= beta:
return v, move
return v, move
def min_value(state, alpha, beta):
if game.is_terminal(state):
return game.utility(state, player), None
v, move = +infinity, None
for a in game.actions(state):
v2, _ = max_value(game.result(state, a), alpha, beta)
if v2 < v:
v, move = v2, a
beta = min(beta, v)
if v <= alpha:
return v, move
return v, move
return max_value(state, -infinity, +infinity)
We have the notion of an abstract game, we have some search functions; now it is time to define a real game; a simple one, tic-tac-toe. Moves are (x, y)
pairs denoting squares, where (0, 0)
is the top left, and (2, 2)
is the bottom right (on a board of size height=width=3
In [67]:
class TicTacToe(Game):
"""Play TicTacToe on an `height` by `width` board, needing `k` in a row to win.
'X' plays first against 'O'."""
def __init__(self, height=3, width=3, k=3):
self.k = k # k in a row
self.squares = {(x, y) for x in range(width) for y in range(height)}
self.initial = Board(height=height, width=width, to_move='X', utility=0)
def actions(self, board):
"""Legal moves are any square not yet taken."""
return self.squares - set(board)
def result(self, board, square):
"""Place a marker for current player on square."""
player = board.to_move
board = board.new({square: player}, to_move=('O' if player == 'X' else 'X'))
win = k_in_row(board, player, square, self.k)
board.utility = (0 if not win else +1 if player == 'X' else -1)
return board
def utility(self, board, player):
"""Return the value to player; 1 for win, -1 for loss, 0 otherwise."""
return board.utility if player == 'X' else -board.utility
def is_terminal(self, board):
"""A board is a terminal state if it is won or there are no empty squares."""
return board.utility != 0 or len(self.squares) == len(board)
def display(self, board): print(board)
def k_in_row(board, player, square, k):
"""True if player has k pieces in a line through square."""
def in_row(x, y, dx, dy): return 0 if board[x, y] != player else 1 + in_row(x + dx, y + dy, dx, dy)
return any(in_row(*square, dx, dy) + in_row(*square, -dx, -dy) - 1 >= k
for (dx, dy) in ((0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, -1)))
States in tic-tac-toe (and other games) will be represented as a Board
, which is a subclass of defaultdict
that in general will consist of {(x, y): contents}
pairs, for example {(0, 0): 'X', (1, 1): 'O'}
might be the state of the board after two moves. Besides the contents of squares, a board also has some attributes:
to name the player whose move it is; .width
and .height
to give the size of the board (both 3 in tic-tac-toe, but other numbers in related games);As a defaultdict
, the Board
class has a __missing__
method, which returns empty
for squares that have no been assigned but are within the width
× height
boundaries, or off
otherwise. The class has a __hash__
method, so instances can be stored in hash tables.
In [68]:
class Board(defaultdict):
"""A board has the player to move, a cached utility value,
and a dict of {(x, y): player} entries, where player is 'X' or 'O'."""
empty = '.'
off = '#'
def __init__(self, width=8, height=8, to_move=None, **kwds):
self.__dict__.update(width=width, height=height, to_move=to_move, **kwds)
def new(self, changes: dict, **kwds) -> 'Board':
"Given a dict of {(x, y): contents} changes, return a new Board with the changes."
board = Board(width=self.width, height=self.height, **kwds)
return board
def __missing__(self, loc):
x, y = loc
if 0 <= x < self.width and 0 <= y < self.height:
return self.empty
return self.off
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple(sorted(self.items()))) + hash(self.to_move)
def __repr__(self):
def row(y): return ' '.join(self[x, y] for x in range(self.width))
return '\n'.join(map(row, range(self.height))) + '\n'
We need an interface for players. I'll represent a player as a callable
that will be passed two arguments: (game, state)
and will return a move
The function player
creates a player out of a search algorithm, but you can create your own players as functions, as is done with random_player
In [69]:
def random_player(game, state): return random.choice(list(game.actions(state)))
def player(search_algorithm):
"""A game player who uses the specified search algorithm"""
return lambda game, state: search_algorithm(game, state)[1]
We're ready to play a game. I'll set up a match between a random_player
(who chooses randomly from the legal moves) and a player(alphabeta_search)
(who makes the optimal alpha-beta move; practical for tic-tac-toe, but not for large games). The player(alphabeta_search)
will never lose, but if random_player
is lucky, it will be a tie.
In [74]:
play_game(TicTacToe(), dict(X=random_player, O=player(alphabeta_search)), verbose=True).utility
The alpha-beta player will never lose, but sometimes the random player can stumble into a draw. When two optimal (alpha-beta or minimax) players compete, it will always be a draw:
In [75]:
play_game(TicTacToe(), dict(X=player(alphabeta_search), O=player(minimax_search)), verbose=True).utility
In [76]:
class ConnectFour(TicTacToe):
def __init__(self): super().__init__(width=7, height=6, k=4)
def actions(self, board):
"""In each column you can play only the lowest empty square in the column."""
return {(x, y) for (x, y) in self.squares - set(board)
if y == board.height - 1 or (x, y + 1) in board}
In [77]:
play_game(ConnectFour(), dict(X=random_player, O=random_player), verbose=True).utility
By treating the game tree as a tree, we can arrive at the same state through different paths, and end up duplicating effort. In state-space search, we kept a table of reached
states to prevent this. For game-tree search, we can achieve the same effect by applying the @cache
decorator to the min_value
and max_value
functions. We'll use the suffix _tt
to indicate a function that uses these transisiton tables.
In [11]:
def minimax_search_tt(game, state):
"""Search game to determine best move; return (value, move) pair."""
player = state.to_move
def max_value(state):
if game.is_terminal(state):
return game.utility(state, player), None
v, move = -infinity, None
for a in game.actions(state):
v2, _ = min_value(game.result(state, a))
if v2 > v:
v, move = v2, a
return v, move
def min_value(state):
if game.is_terminal(state):
return game.utility(state, player), None
v, move = +infinity, None
for a in game.actions(state):
v2, _ = max_value(game.result(state, a))
if v2 < v:
v, move = v2, a
return v, move
return max_value(state)
For alpha-beta search, we can still use a cache, but it should be based just on the state, not on whatever values alpha and beta have.
In [79]:
def cache1(function):
"Like lru_cache(None), but only considers the first argument of function."
cache = {}
def wrapped(x, *args):
if x not in cache:
cache[x] = function(x, *args)
return cache[x]
return wrapped
def alphabeta_search_tt(game, state):
"""Search game to determine best action; use alpha-beta pruning.
As in [Figure 5.7], this version searches all the way to the leaves."""
player = state.to_move
def max_value(state, alpha, beta):
if game.is_terminal(state):
return game.utility(state, player), None
v, move = -infinity, None
for a in game.actions(state):
v2, _ = min_value(game.result(state, a), alpha, beta)
if v2 > v:
v, move = v2, a
alpha = max(alpha, v)
if v >= beta:
return v, move
return v, move
def min_value(state, alpha, beta):
if game.is_terminal(state):
return game.utility(state, player), None
v, move = +infinity, None
for a in game.actions(state):
v2, _ = max_value(game.result(state, a), alpha, beta)
if v2 < v:
v, move = v2, a
beta = min(beta, v)
if v <= alpha:
return v, move
return v, move
return max_value(state, -infinity, +infinity)
In [81]:
%time play_game(TicTacToe(), {'X':player(alphabeta_search_tt), 'O':player(minimax_search_tt)})
In [82]:
%time play_game(TicTacToe(), {'X':player(alphabeta_search), 'O':player(minimax_search)})
In [63]:
def cutoff_depth(d):
"""A cutoff function that searches to depth d."""
return lambda game, state, depth: depth > d
def h_alphabeta_search(game, state, cutoff=cutoff_depth(6), h=lambda s, p: 0):
"""Search game to determine best action; use alpha-beta pruning.
As in [Figure 5.7], this version searches all the way to the leaves."""
player = state.to_move
def max_value(state, alpha, beta, depth):
if game.is_terminal(state):
return game.utility(state, player), None
if cutoff(game, state, depth):
return h(state, player), None
v, move = -infinity, None
for a in game.actions(state):
v2, _ = min_value(game.result(state, a), alpha, beta, depth+1)
if v2 > v:
v, move = v2, a
alpha = max(alpha, v)
if v >= beta:
return v, move
return v, move
def min_value(state, alpha, beta, depth):
if game.is_terminal(state):
return game.utility(state, player), None
if cutoff(game, state, depth):
return h(state, player), None
v, move = +infinity, None
for a in game.actions(state):
v2, _ = max_value(game.result(state, a), alpha, beta, depth + 1)
if v2 < v:
v, move = v2, a
beta = min(beta, v)
if v <= alpha:
return v, move
return v, move
return max_value(state, -infinity, +infinity, 0)
In [54]:
%time play_game(TicTacToe(), {'X':player(h_alphabeta_search), 'O':player(h_alphabeta_search)})
In [60]:
%time play_game(ConnectFour(), {'X':player(h_alphabeta_search), 'O':random_player}, verbose=True).utility
In [61]:
%time play_game(ConnectFour(), {'X':player(h_alphabeta_search), 'O':player(h_alphabeta_search)}, verbose=True).utility
In [83]:
class CountCalls:
"""Delegate all attribute gets to the object, and count them in ._counts"""
def __init__(self, obj):
self._object = obj
self._counts = Counter()
def __getattr__(self, attr):
"Delegate to the original object, after incrementing a counter."
self._counts[attr] += 1
return getattr(self._object, attr)
def report(game, searchers):
for searcher in searchers:
game = CountCalls(game)
searcher(game, game.initial)
print('Result states: {:7,d}; Terminal tests: {:7,d}; for {}'.format(
game._counts['result'], game._counts['is_terminal'], searcher.__name__))
report(TicTacToe(), (alphabeta_search_tt, alphabeta_search, h_alphabeta_search, minimax_search_tt))
In [ ]:
class Node:
def __init__(self, parent, )
def mcts(state, game, N=1000):
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
t = CountCalls(TicTacToe())
play_game(t, dict(X=minimax_player, O=minimax_player), verbose=True)
In [ ]:
for tactic in (three, fork, center, opposite_corner, corner, any):
for s in squares:
if tactic(board, s,player): return s
for s ins quares:
if tactic(board, s, opponent): return s
In [ ]:
def ucb(U, N, C=2**0.5, parentN=100):
return round(U/N + C * math.sqrt(math.log(parentN)/N), 2)
{C: (ucb(60, 79, C), ucb(1, 10, C), ucb(2, 11, C))
for C in (1.4, 1.5)}
In [ ]:
def ucb(U, N, parentN=100, C=2):
return U/N + C * math.sqrt(math.log(parentN)/N)
C = 1.4
class Node:
def __init__(self, name, children=(), U=0, N=0, parent=None, p=0.5):
self.__dict__.update(name=name, U=U, N=N, parent=parent, children=children, p=p)
for c in children:
c.parent = self
def __repr__(self):
return '{}:{}/{}={:.0%}{}'.format(self.name, self.U, self.N, self.U/self.N, self.children)
def select(n):
if n.children:
return select(max(n.children, key=ucb))
return n
def back(n, amount):
if n:
n.N += 1
n.U += amount
back(n.parent, 1 - amount)
def one(root):
n = select(root)
amount = int(random.uniform(0, 1) < n.p)
back(n, amount)
def ucb(n):
return (float('inf') if n.N == 0 else
n.U / n.N + C * math.sqrt(math.log(n.parent.N)/n.N))
tree = Node('root', [Node('a', p=.8, children=[Node('a1', p=.05),
Node('a2', p=.25,
children=[Node('a2a', p=.7), Node('a2b')])]),
Node('b', p=.5, children=[Node('b1', p=.6,
children=[Node('b1a', p=.3), Node('b1b')]),
Node('b2', p=.4)]),
Node('c', p=.1)])
for i in range(100):
for c in tree.children: print(c)
'select', select(tree), 'tree', tree
In [ ]:
us = (100, 50, 25, 10, 5, 1)
infinity = float('inf')
def f1(n, denom):
return (0 if n == 0 else
infinity if n < 0 or not denom else
min(1 + f1(n - denom[0], denom),
f1(n, denom[1:])))
def f2(n, denom):
def f(n):
return (0 if n == 0 else
infinity if n < 0 else
1 + min(f(n - d) for d in denom))
return f(n)
def f3(n, denom):
return (0 if n == 0 else
infinity if n < 0 or not denom else
min(k + f2(n - k * denom[0], denom[1:])
for k in range(1 + n // denom[0])))
def g(n, d=us): return f1(n, d), f2(n, d), f3(n, d)
n = 12345
%time f1(n, us)
%time f2(n, us)
%time f3(n, us)
In [ ]: