Make a wavelet, or import one from SciPy
In [2]:
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import ricker
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
% matplotlib inline
We also need to make a physical earth model with three rock layers. In this example, let's make up an acoustic impedance earth model, and to keep it simple, let's define the earth model with two-way travel time along the earth axis.
In [3]:
n_samples, n_traces = [600,500]
rock_grid = np.zeros((n_samples, n_traces))
def make_wedge(n_sampless, n_traces, layer_1_thickness, start_wedge, end_wedge):
for j in np.arange(n_traces):
for i in np.arange(n_samples):
if i <= layer_1_thickness:
rock_grid[i][j] = 1
if i > layer_1_thickness:
rock_grid[i][j] = 3
if j >= start_wedge and i - layer_1_thickness < j-start_wedge:
rock_grid[i][j] = 2
if j >= end_wedge and i > layer_1_thickness+(end_wedge-start_wedge):
rock_grid[i][j] = 3
return rock_grid
We can plot the layers that we have just created Note these are just indicies 1, 2, and 3
In [4]:
layer_1_thickness = 180
start_wedge = 25 # trace location where wedge starts
end_wedge = 150 # trace location where wedge ends
rock_grid = make_wedge(n_samples, n_traces, layer_1_thickness, start_wedge, end_wedge)
In [5]:
plt.imshow(rock_grid, cmap = 'copper_r')
Now we can give each layer in the wedge model some properties, in SI units:
In [8]:
vp = np.array([3300.,3200.,3300.]) # P-wave velocity of each layer (SI units)
rho = np.array([2600.,2550.,2650.]) # bulk densities of each layer (SI units)
AI = vp * rho
AI = AI / 10e6 # Re-scale so we don't have to write out huge numbers (optional)
print (AI)
We can now use the acoustic impedance values and assign them accordingly to every sample in the rocks.
In [9]:
model = np.copy(rock_grid)
model[rock_grid == 1] = AI[0]
model[rock_grid == 2] = AI[1]
model[rock_grid == 3] = AI[2]
In [10]:
plt.imshow(model, cmap='Spectral')
Now we compute reflection coeffcients,
In [11]:
upper = model[:-1][:]
lower = model[1:][:]
rc = (lower - upper) / (lower + upper)
maxrc = np.amax(abs(rc)) #find maximum reflection coefficient for scaling plots
In [12]:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.imshow(rc, cmap='RdBu', vmax=maxrc, vmin=-maxrc)
plt.title('Reflection coefficients')
Now we make a wavelet and interact it with the model using NumPy's convolve
In [13]:
def make_synth(f):
synth = np.zeros((n_samples+nt-2, n_traces))
wavelet = ricker(nt, 1e3/(4.*f))
wavelet = wavelet / max(wavelet) #normalize the wavelet
for i in range(n_traces):
synth[:,i] = np.convolve(rc[:,i], wavelet)
synth = synth[ceil(len(wavelet))/2:-ceil(len(wavelet))/2, :]
return synth
In [39]:
frequencies = np.array([8,10,12])
rock_names = ['shale 1','sand','shale 2' ]
plt.figure(figsize = (18,5))
slices = [];
for i in np.arange(len(frequencies)):
this_plot = make_synth(frequencies[i])
plt.subplot(1, len(frequencies), i+1)
plt.imshow(this_plot, cmap='RdBu', vmax=maxrc, vmin=-maxrc, aspect=1)
plt.title( '%d Hz wavelet' % frequencies[i] )
# Add some labels
for i, names in enumerate(rock_names):
plt.text(400, 100+((end_wedge-start_wedge)*i+1), names,
fontsize = 14, color='gray',
model_x, model_y = this_plot.shape[0],this_plot.shape[1]
In [40]:
model_x, model_y
frequencies = np.array([5,10,15])
RGB_array= np.zeros((model_x,model_y,3))
cbands = ['Reds_r', 'Greens_r', 'Blues_r']
rock_names = ['shale 1','sand','shale 2' ]
for item, band in enumerate(cbands):
this_plot = make_synth(frequencies[item])
In [43]:
plt.imshow( RGB_array/3, aspect=1)
In [64]:
RGB_array= np.zeros((model_x,model_y,3))
Raw_array= np.zeros((model_x,model_y,3))
fff = [8,10,12]
#raw1 = (make_synth(5))
#raw2 = (make_synth(8))
#raw3 = (make_synth(12))
for i in range(3):
Raw_array[:,:,i] = make_synth(fff[i])
rms1 = (make_synth(5)**1)
rms2 = (make_synth(8)**1)
rms3 = (make_synth(12)**1)
RGB_array[:,:,0]= rms1/np.amax(rms1)
RGB_array[:,:,1]= rms2/np.amax(rms2)
RGB_array[:,:,2]= rms3/np.amax(rms3)
stack = sum(RGB_array, axis=-1)/3
plt.imshow( stack, cmap='RdBu', clim=[-1,1],aspect=1)
In [65]:
import scipy
scipy.misc.imsave( 'scipy_rgb_array.png', RGB_array*255.0)
In [67]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax2.imshow(1 - RGB_array)
In [ ]: