In [12]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
import scipy.integrate as integrate
In [13]:
# Thesis astrodynamics functions
def FindOrbitCenter(x, y, z):
# identify x-coordinate corresponding to maximum y-amplitude,
# y-coordinate corresponding to maximum x-amplitude,
# and z-coordinate corresponding to maximum y-amplitude #y=0
center = [x[y.argmax()], y[x.argmax()], z[y.argmax()]] #np.abs(y).argmin()]]
#print 'center = ', center
return center
In [19]:
def ComputeLibrationPoints(mu):
# Inputs: mu = m2/M = (mass of smaller body) / (total mass)
# In nondimensional units, r12 = 1, M = 1, Period/(2pi) = 1, G = 1
# Position of larger body along X axis:
X1 = np.array([-mu, 0, 0]);
# Position of smaller body along X axis:
X2 = np.array([1.0-mu, 0, 0]);
# Functions from notes from Brent Barbee's class ENAE601, 10/12/2011, and HW 4, 10/17/2011
def f_L1(x, mu):
p = 1.0 - mu - x
return (1.0 - mu)*(p**3.0)*(p**2.0 - 3.0*p + 3.0) - mu*(p**2.0 + p + 1.0)*(1.0 - p)**3.0
def f_L2(x, mu):
p = mu - 1.0 + x
return (1.0 - mu)*(p**3.0)*(p**2.0 + 3.0*p + 3.0) - mu*(p**2.0 + p + 1.0)*(1.0 - p)*(p + 1.0)**2.0
def f_L3(x, mu):
p = -x - mu
return (1.0 - mu)*(p**2.0 + p + 1.0)*(p - 1.0)*(p + 1.0)**2.0 + mu*(p**3.0)*(p**2.0 + 3.0*p + 3.0)
# Find roots of the functions with fsolve, providing an initial guess
l1 = fsolve(f_L1, 0.7, args=(mu,));
l2 = fsolve(f_L2, 1.2, args=(mu,));
l3 = fsolve(f_L3, -1.1, args=(mu,));
# L1
L1 = np.array([l1[0], 0.0, 0.0]);
# L2
L2 = np.array([l2[0], 0.0, 0.0]);
# L3
L3 = np.array([l3[0], 0.0, 0.0]);
# L4
L4 = np.array([0.5 - mu, np.sqrt(3.0)/2.0, 0.0]);
# L5
L5 = np.array([0.5 - mu, -np.sqrt(3.0)/2.0, 0.0]);
return pd.Series({
"X1": X1,
"X2": X2,
"L1": L1,
"L2": L2,
"L3": L3,
"L4": L4,
"L5": L5})
In [15]:
# Define stopping conditions, which can be used with odelay (from pycse)
def stop_yEquals0(state, t):
isterminal = True
direction = 0
value = state[1] # y = 0
return value, isterminal, direction
def stop_zEquals0(state, t):
isterminal = True
direction = 0
value = state[2] # z = 0
return value, isterminal, direction
In [16]:
def ComputeNonlinearDerivs(x, y, z, xdot, ydot, zdot, mu):
# Position of larger body along X axis:
X1 = np.array([-mu, 0, 0]);
# Position of smaller body along X axis:
X2 = np.array([1.0 - mu, 0, 0]);
# distances from primary masses to target satellite
r1 = np.sqrt((x-X1[0])**2.0 + y**2.0 + z**2.0);
r2 = np.sqrt((x-X2[0])**2.0 + y**2.0 + z**2.0);
# Compute nonlinear derivatives for target satellite in RLP frame
targetStateDerivs = [xdot,
x + 2.0*ydot + (1 - mu)*(-mu - x)/(r1**3.0) + mu*(1 - mu - x)/(r2**3.0),
y - 2.0*xdot - (1 - mu)*y/(r1**3.0) - mu*y/(r2**3.0),
-(1 - mu)*z/(r1**3.0) - mu*z/(r2**3.0)]
return targetStateDerivs
def ComputeRelmoDynamicsMatrix(x, y, z, mu):
# set mu1, mu2 - the gravitational parameters of the larger and smaller bodies
mu1 = 1.0 - mu
mu2 = mu
# Position of larger body along X axis:
X1 = np.array([-mu, 0, 0]);
# Position of smaller body along X axis:
X2 = np.array([1.0 - mu, 0, 0]);
# unit vectors from primary masses to target satellite
e1 = np.array([x-X1[0], y, z])
e2 = np.array([x-X2[0], y, z])
# distances from primary masses to target satellite
r1 = np.sqrt((x-X1[0])**2.0 + y**2.0 + z**2.0);
r2 = np.sqrt((x-X2[0])**2.0 + y**2.0 + z**2.0);
c1 = mu1/r1**3.0
c2 = mu2/r2**3.0
# set up 3x3 identity matrix and zeroes matrix
I3 = np.eye(3)
Z3 = np.zeros((3,3))
# In non-dimensional units, omega = sqrt(GM/(r^3)) = 1
w = 1.0;
# Cross-product matrix
wx = np.array([[0.0, -w, 0.0],
[ w, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
X = -(c1 + c2)*I3 + 3.0*c1*np.outer(e1, e1) + 3.0*c2*np.outer(e2, e2) -, wx)
mwx2 = -2.0*wx # paper says -2[wx]T (which equals 2[wx]), but Phd says -2[wx]
# Linearized system dynamics matrix
A = np.vstack([np.hstack([Z3, I3]),
np.hstack([X, mwx2])])
return A
def odeintNonlinearDerivs(inputstate, timespan, mu):
x, y, z, x_dot, y_dot, z_dot = inputstate
# Compute nonlinear derivatives for the satellite in RLP frame
derivs = ComputeNonlinearDerivs(x, y, z, x_dot, y_dot, z_dot, mu)
return derivs
# These derivs are from Luquette
def odeintNonlinearDerivsWithLinearRelmoSTM(inputstate, timespan, mu):
# Position and velocity of target satellite in RLP frame
x, y, z, xdot, ydot, zdot = inputstate[0:6]
# This should always be the Identity matrix at t0
Phi = inputstate[6:42].reshape(6,6)
# Compute linearized system dynamics matrix for relmo
A = ComputeRelmoDynamicsMatrix(x, y, z, mu);
# Compute STM derivates using linearized relmo dynamics
PhiDot =, Phi)
# Compute nonlinear derivatives for target satellite in RLP frame
targetStateDerivs = ComputeNonlinearDerivs(x, y, z, xdot, ydot, zdot, mu)
# Concatenate derivatives
derivs = np.concatenate((targetStateDerivs, PhiDot.reshape(1,36)[0]))
return derivs
# This is from Luquette
def odeintNonlinearDerivsWithLinearRelmo(inputstate, timespan, mu):
# position and velocity of target satellite in RLP frame
x, y, z, xdot, ydot, zdot = inputstate[0:6]
# offset position and velocity of chaser satellite wrt target satellite in RLP frame
chaserInputState = inputstate[6:12]
# Compute linearized system dynamics matrix for relmo
A = ComputeRelmoDynamicsMatrix(x, y, z, mu);
# Compute nonlinear derivatives for target satellite in RLP frame
targetStateDerivs = ComputeNonlinearDerivs(x, y, z, xdot, ydot, zdot, mu)
# Compute derivates for offset of chaser wrt target in RLP frame using linearized relmo dynamics
chaserStateDerivs =, chaserInputState)
# Concatenate derivatives
derivs = np.concatenate((targetStateDerivs, chaserStateDerivs))
return derivs
In [1]:
# Compute required velocity at point 1 to take us to point 2 within time (t2-t1)
# This formula is from Lian et al.
def ComputeRequiredVelocity(initialstate1, initialRelativePosition, initialTime, targetRelativePosition, targetTime, mu):
# initial state of the target SC and STM
# initial state for the STM is just the identity matrix mapping from t1 to t1
I6 = np.eye(6);
initialstateForSTM = np.concatenate((initialstate1, I6.reshape(1,36)[0]))
# array of time points to integrate over to compute the STM
timespan = np.linspace(initialTime, targetTime, 500)
# integrate first satellite and STM from t1 to t2
statesOverTime1 = integrate.odeint(odeintNonlinearDerivsWithLinearRelmoSTM, initialstateForSTM, timespan, (mu,)) # "extra arguments must be given in a tuple"
# transpose so that timepoints are columns and elements of the state are rows
statesOverTime1 = statesOverTime1.T
# select rows 7-42 (36 rows)
Phi = statesOverTime1[6:42]
# select the last column (last time point), and convert it into a 6x6 matrix
Phi = Phi[:,-1].reshape(6,6)
# pull out top left corner and top right corner
# these are the state transition matrices of the (position at time 2) with
# respect to the (position at time 1) and (velocity at time 1)
Phi11 = Phi[:3, :3]
Phi12 = Phi[:3, 3:6]
# Invert Phi12 to get the (velocity at time 1) with respect to the (positions at times 1 and 2)
Phi12I = np.linalg.inv(Phi12)
# Compute required velocity at point 1 to take us to point 2 within time (t2-t1)
# This formula is from Lian et al.
initialRelativeVelocity =, targetRelativePosition -, initialRelativePosition))
return initialRelativeVelocity
def PropagateSatelliteAndChaser(mu, timespan, initialstate1, initialRelativeState):
# initial state of first satellite in absolute RLP coordinates and second satellite wrt first
initialstateForRelmo = np.concatenate(( initialstate1, initialRelativeState ))
# integrate first and second satellites and STM from t1 to t2
statesOverTime1 = integrate.odeint(odeintNonlinearDerivsWithLinearRelmo, initialstateForRelmo, timespan, (mu,)) # "extra arguments must be given in a tuple"
# transpose so that timepoints are columns and elements of the state are rows
statesOverTime1 = statesOverTime1.T
# target satellite position and velocity over time in RLP frame from integrating initial state with full nonlinear dynamics
primaryStatesOverTime = statesOverTime1[0:6] # rows 1-6
x1, y1, z1, xdot1, ydot1, zdot1 = primaryStatesOverTime
# offset between target and chaser satellite over time in RLP frame from integrating initial offset with linearized relmo dynamics
relativeStatesFromLinearRelmoOverTime = statesOverTime1[6:12] # rows 7-12
dx_LINEAR, dy_LINEAR, dz_LINEAR, dxdot_LINEAR, dydot_LINEAR, dzdot_LINEAR = relativeStatesFromLinearRelmoOverTime
# set up target satellite "ephemeris" DataFrame
target_satellite = pd.DataFrame({
"x": x1,
"y": y1,
"z": z1,
"x_dot": xdot1,
"y_dot": ydot1,
"z_dot": zdot1}, index=timespan)
# reassign so that the data maintains the required order for its values
target_satellite = target_satellite.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z', 'x_dot', 'y_dot', 'z_dot']]
# set up chaser satellite offset "ephemeris" DataFrame
offset_linear = pd.DataFrame({
"x": dx_LINEAR,
"y": dy_LINEAR,
"z": dz_LINEAR,
"x_dot": dxdot_LINEAR,
"y_dot": dydot_LINEAR,
"z_dot": dzdot_LINEAR}, index=timespan)
# reassign so that the data maintains the required order for its values
offset_linear = offset_linear.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z', 'x_dot', 'y_dot', 'z_dot']]
return target_satellite, offset_linear
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def TargetRequiredVelocity(target_initial_state, chaser_velocity_initial_guess, current_waypoint, start, next_waypoint, end, mu):
# all vectors in RLP
#print 'next_waypoint'
#print next_waypoint
perturbation = 0.00001
tolerance = 0.000000001
max_iterations = 10.0
chaser_velocity_next_guess = chaser_velocity_initial_guess.copy()
timespan = np.linspace(start, end, 500)
iteration_count = 0.0
errors = np.array([100, 100, 100])
while (np.any(np.abs(errors) > tolerance)) and (iteration_count < max_iterations):
#print 'chaser_velocity_next_guess'
#print chaser_velocity_next_guess
chaser_initial_state = pd.Series({
'x': target_initial_state.x - current_waypoint.x,
'y': target_initial_state.y - current_waypoint.y,
'z': target_initial_state.z - current_waypoint.z,
'x_dot': chaser_velocity_next_guess.x_dot,
'y_dot': chaser_velocity_next_guess.y_dot,
'z_dot': chaser_velocity_next_guess.z_dot})
# reassign so that the series maintains the required order for its values
chaser_initial_state = chaser_initial_state.loc[['x', 'y', 'z', 'x_dot', 'y_dot', 'z_dot']]
# propagate target and chaser each using full nonlinear dynamics
target_ephem = PropagateSatellite(mu, timespan, target_initial_state)
chaser_ephem = PropagateSatellite(mu, timespan, chaser_initial_state)
achieved_relative_position_nominal = target_ephem.loc[end, ['x', 'y', 'z']] - chaser_ephem.loc[end, ['x', 'y', 'z']]
#print 'achieved_relative_position_nominal'
#print achieved_relative_position_nominal
partials_matrix = np.zeros((3,3))
for index in [3, 4, 5]:
# apply perturbation to current element of velocity vector
chaser_initial_state.iloc[index] += perturbation
#print 'index', index
# propagate target and chaser each using full nonlinear dynamics
target_ephem = PropagateSatellite(mu, timespan, target_initial_state)
chaser_ephem = PropagateSatellite(mu, timespan, chaser_initial_state)
achieved_relative_position_perturbed = target_ephem.loc[end, ['x', 'y', 'z']] - chaser_ephem.loc[end, ['x', 'y', 'z']]
#print 'achieved_relative_position_perturbed'
#print achieved_relative_position_perturbed
partials_row = (achieved_relative_position_perturbed - achieved_relative_position_nominal)/perturbation
#print 'partials row'
#print partials_row
partials_matrix[index-3,:] = partials_row
chaser_initial_state.iloc[index] -= perturbation
#print 'partials matrix'
#print partials_matrix
inverse_partials = np.linalg.inv(partials_matrix)
#print 'inverse_partials'
#print inverse_partials
errors = next_waypoint - achieved_relative_position_nominal
#print 'errors'
#print errors
correction =, errors)
#print 'correction'
#print correction
#chaser_velocity_next_guess[['x_dot', 'y_dot', 'z_dot']] = chaser_initial_state[['x_dot', 'y_dot', 'z_dot']] +, errors)
chaser_velocity_next_guess.loc[['x_dot', 'y_dot', 'z_dot']] += correction
iteration_count += 1.0
#plt.plot([iteration_count], [np.linalg.norm(errors)])
chaser_initial_velocity_targeted = chaser_velocity_next_guess
#print 'start time', start, 'end time', end, 'iteration count', iteration_count
return chaser_initial_velocity_targeted
In [2]:
def PropagateSatellite(mu, timespan, initialstate):
mu = mu;
initialstate_internal = initialstate.copy() # so that initialstate is not modified outside this function # TODO: find other places where I need to be using copy()
# integrate first satellite
statesOverTime = integrate.odeint(odeintNonlinearDerivs, initialstate_internal, timespan, (mu,)) # "extra arguments must be given in a tuple"
#timespan, statesOverTime, EventTime, EventState, EventIndex = odelay(nonlinearDerivativesFunction, initialstate, timespan, events=[stop_zEquals0])
#print 'initialstate = ', initialstate
#print 't = ', t # timestamps corresponding to the output states over time
#print 'statesOverTime = ', statesOverTime
#print 'EventTime = ', EventTime
#print 'EventState = ', EventState
#print 'EventIndex = ', EventIndex
#print len(timespan)
x, y, z, x_dot, y_dot, z_dot = statesOverTime.T
ephem = pd.DataFrame({
"x": x,
"y": y,
"z": z,
"x_dot": x_dot,
"y_dot": y_dot,
"z_dot": z_dot}, index=timespan)
# reassign so that the data maintains the required order for its values
ephem = ephem.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z', 'x_dot', 'y_dot', 'z_dot']]
return ephem
In [ ]:
def ComputeOffsets(timespan, ephem1, ephem2):
# compute trajectory offset in RLP frame
dx = ephem1.x - ephem2.x
dy = ephem1.y - ephem2.y
dz = ephem1.z - ephem2.z
#dxdot = xdot1 - xdot2
#dydot = ydot1 - ydot2
#dzdot = zdot1 - zdot2
offsets = pd.DataFrame({
"x": dx,
"y": dy,
"z": dz}, index=timespan)
return offsets
In [ ]:
def ConvertOffset(input_offset, rotation_matrix):
# compute trajectory offset in new frame (e.g. RIC, VNB)
# input_offset is the input offset vector (dx, dy, dz)
# rotation_matrix is the matrix formed by the basis vectors (basis1,basis2,basis3) converting from the input frame to the output frame
# output_offset is the output offset vector (db1, db2, db3)
# compute dot products
output_offset =, rotation_matrix)
return output_offset
def ConvertOffsets(input_offset, rotation_matrix):
# compute trajectory offset in new frame (e.g. RIC, VNB)
# input_offset is the input offset vector (dx, dy, dz)
# rotation_matrix is the matrix formed by the basis vectors (basis1,basis2,basis3) converting from the input frame to the output frame
# output_offset is the output offset vector (db1, db2, db3)
# input_offset is Nx3
# rotation_matrix is Nx3x3
# want output_offset to be Nx3
output_offset = np.einsum('ij,ijk->ik', input_offset, rotation_matrix)
return output_offset
In [18]:
def BuildRICFrame(state, center):
# build RIC frame based on state
rVec = state.loc[["x", "y", "z"]] - center # this is a Series
vVec = state.loc[["x_dot", "y_dot", "z_dot"]]
cVec = np.cross(rVec, vVec)
iVec = np.cross(cVec, rVec)
# unitize RIC frame vectors
rVec /= np.linalg.norm(rVec)
iVec /= np.linalg.norm(iVec)
cVec /= np.linalg.norm(cVec)
RLPtoRIC = np.dstack((rVec, iVec, cVec)) # this is an ndarray
return RLPtoRIC
def BuildVNBFrame(state, center):
# build VNB frame based on state
rVec = state.loc[["x", "y", "z"]] - center
vVec = state.loc[["x_dot", "y_dot", "z_dot"]]
nVec = np.cross(rVec, vVec)
bVec = np.cross(vVec, nVec)
# unitize VNB frame vectors
vVec /= np.linalg.norm(vVec)
nVec /= np.linalg.norm(nVec)
bVec /= np.linalg.norm(bVec)
RLPtoVNB = np.dstack((vVec, nVec, bVec))
return RLPtoVNB
def BuildRICFrames(ephem, center):
# build RIC frame based on state
rVec = (ephem.loc[:, ["x", "y", "z"]] - center).values # this is a 500x3 ndarray
vVec = (ephem.loc[:, ["x_dot", "y_dot", "z_dot"]]).values
cVec = np.cross(rVec, vVec)
iVec = np.cross(cVec, rVec)
# unitize RIC frame vectors
rVec /= np.linalg.norm(rVec, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
iVec /= np.linalg.norm(iVec, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
cVec /= np.linalg.norm(cVec, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
# need newaxis or else get 'ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (500,3) (500) (500,3)'
RLPtoRIC_matrices = np.dstack((rVec, iVec, cVec)) # this is an ndarray
# TODO: do something like this so that the input can be a series or a dataframe
#if type(ephem) == pd.Series:
# items = 1
#elif type(ephem) == pd.DataFrame:
# items = ephem.index
RLPtoRIC = pd.Panel(RLPtoRIC_matrices,
return RLPtoRIC
def BuildVNBFrames(ephem, center):
# build VNB frame based on state
rVec = (ephem.loc[:, ["x", "y", "z"]] - center).values
vVec = (ephem.loc[:, ["x_dot", "y_dot", "z_dot"]]).values
nVec = np.cross(rVec, vVec)
bVec = np.cross(vVec, nVec)
# unitize VNB frame vectors
vVec /= np.linalg.norm(vVec, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
nVec /= np.linalg.norm(nVec, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
bVec /= np.linalg.norm(bVec, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
RLPtoVNB_matrices = np.dstack((vVec, nVec, bVec))
RLPtoVNB = pd.Panel(RLPtoVNB_matrices,
return RLPtoVNB