Using Rake - Sample Code

Here, we see an example of 'rake' algorithm for generating top 3 key phrases from the given text.

In [ ]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../utils')
import rake
query = "From the engineering side, we've also been working on the ability to parallelize training of neural network"
rake1 = rake.Rake("../utils/SmartStoplist.txt")
vals =
print vals[0][0] 
print vals[1][0]
print vals[2][0]

Using Simple Search - Sample Code

Here, we see an example of simple search used to find relevant links in News, Social Media and TV with long and short queries.

In [ ]:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../search')
import SimpleKeywordSearch

xlimerec = SimpleKeywordSearch.XlimeAdvancedRecommender()
long_query = 'From the engineering side, we have also been working on the ability to parallelize training of neural network models over multiple GPU cards simultaneously.'
short_query = 'GPU cards'
messagelist = xlimerec.recommender(short_query)
print '..........Results of Short query..........'
print messagelist
messagelist = xlimerec.recommender(long_query)
print '..........Results of Long query..........'
print messagelist

Using Document Comparison - Sample Code

Here, we see an example of two documents comparison (long or short) both monolingual and cross-lingual.

In [ ]:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../docsim')
import CompareTwoDocs

text1 = "I do not speak english"
text2 = "München bietet in seinen diversen Abteilungen immer"
comparedoc = CompareTwoDocs.CompareDocContent()
score =,text2)   # Cross-lingual
print '[Score between 0 and 1]: ', score

Using MongoDB collections for Analytics - Sample Code

In [ ]:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
import re
class CountMongo:
        def __init__(self,configdic):
                self.configdict = configdic
        def count(self):
                if self.configdict['MongoDBPath']!="":
                        client = MongoClient(self.configdict['MongoDBPath'])
                        if self.configdict['MongoDBUserName']!="" and self.configdict['MongoDBPassword']!="":
                                storedb = client[self.configdict['MongoDBStorage']]
                                collection,collection1,collection2,collection3,collection4 = storedb[self.configdict['KafkaTopicTVMetadata']], storedb[self.configdict["KafkaTopicSocialMedia"]],storedb[self.configdict['KafkaTopicNews']],storedb[self.configdict['KafkaTopicASR']],storedb[self.configdict['KafkaTopicSubtitles']]

                print "Total Docs in Collection [TV Metadata], [Social Media],[News],[TV ASR],[TV SubTitles]:: ", collection.find().count(), collection1.find().count(), collection2.find().count(), collection3.find().count(),collection4.find().count()

def main():
        config = '../config/Config.conf'
        with open(config) as config_file:
                for lines in config_file:
                                key = lines.strip('\n').strip().split('=')
        testmongo = CountMongo(configdict)
if __name__ == "__main__":

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