Check basic statistics of manually selected topics

Objective: make sure manually selected topics have high quality.

  • Characteristic keywords: easy to regonize associated news.
  • Amout of disscussion: reasonable size of associated news and tweets
  • Consistent in meaning: no drift/disperse in content.
  • Evolution of event: reasonable time-span of associated news.

Last modified: 2017-10-18


  1. Manually compile a list of topics with keywords
  2. Check number of associated news and tweets for each topic
  3. Check news titles and sample tweets of each topic
  4. Check time-span of each topic


In [2]:

Standard modules
import os
import pickle
import sqlite3
import time
from pprint import pprint

Analysis modules
import pandas as pd

Custom modules
import config
import utilities

nb_name = '20171011-daheng-check_topics_basic_statistics'

Manually compile a list of topics with keywords

Topics information (category, name, keywords_lst) are manually compiled into config.MANUALLY_SELECTED_TOPICS_LST

In [2]:
Print out manually selected topics information
for topic_ind, topic in enumerate(config.MANUALLY_SELECTED_TOPICS_LST):
    print('({}/{}) {}'.format(topic_ind+1, len(config.MANUALLY_SELECTED_TOPICS_LST), topic))

(1/51) {'category': 'politics', 'name': 'Hillary_Clinton_email_controversy', 'keywords_lst': [('email', 'e-mail'), ('Hillary', 'Clinton')]}
(2/51) {'category': 'politics', 'name': 'Iran_nuclear_deal', 'keywords_lst': ['Iran', 'nuclear']}
(3/51) {'category': 'politics', 'name': 'ISIS_Jihadi_John_identity_reveal', 'keywords_lst': ['Jihadi John']}
(4/51) {'category': 'politics', 'name': 'Ukraine_cease_fire', 'keywords_lst': [('cease-fire', 'ceasefire'), ('Ukraine', 'Russia')]}
(5/51) {'category': 'politics', 'name': 'Egypt_free_Al_Jazeera_journalist', 'keywords_lst': [('Al Jazeera', 'Egypt'), ('Peter Greste', 'journalist')]}
(6/51) {'category': 'politics', 'name': 'Keystone_XL_Pipeline_bill', 'keywords_lst': ['Keystone XL']}
(7/51) {'category': 'politics', 'name': 'CIA_Torture_Report', 'keywords_lst': ['Torture Report']}
(8/51) {'category': 'politics', 'name': 'Obama_cybersecurity_plan', 'keywords_lst': ['Obama', 'cyber']}
(9/51) {'category': 'politics', 'name': 'DHS_funding_issue', 'keywords_lst': ['DHS', 'fund']}
(10/51) {'category': 'politics', 'name': 'US_Cuba_relationship', 'keywords_lst': [('US', 'Obama'), ('Cuba', 'Castro')]}
(11/51) {'category': 'politics', 'name': '2015_CPAC', 'keywords_lst': ['CPAC']}
(12/51) {'category': 'politics', 'name': 'Iraq_free_ISIS_Tikrit', 'keywords_lst': ['Tikrit']}
(13/51) {'category': 'politics', 'name': 'Nigeria_Boko_Haram_terrorists', 'keywords_lst': ['Boko Haram']}
(14/51) {'category': 'social', 'name': 'Ferguson_unrest', 'keywords_lst': ['Ferguson']}
(15/51) {'category': 'social', 'name': 'Hong_Kong_protest', 'keywords_lst': ['Hong Kong']}
(16/51) {'category': 'social', 'name': 'Sony_cyberattack', 'keywords_lst': ['Sony']}
(17/51) {'category': 'social', 'name': 'Bill_Cosby_sexual_assault_allegation', 'keywords_lst': ['Bill Cosby']}
(18/51) {'category': 'social', 'name': 'SpaceX_rocket_landing', 'keywords_lst': ['SpaceX']}
(19/51) {'category': 'social', 'name': 'Brian_Williams_fake_story', 'keywords_lst': ['Brian Williams']}
(20/51) {'category': 'social', 'name': 'HSBC_tax_scandal', 'keywords_lst': ['HSBC']}
(21/51) {'category': 'social', 'name': 'David_Carr_death', 'keywords_lst': ['David Carr']}
(22/51) {'category': 'social', 'name': 'Patriots_Deflategate', 'keywords_lst': [('Deflategate', 'Deflate-gate')]}
(23/51) {'category': 'social', 'name': 'Delhi_Uber_driver_rape', 'keywords_lst': ['Uber', ('rape', 'Delhi')]}
(24/51) {'category': 'social', 'name': 'Superbug_spread', 'keywords_lst': ['Superbug']}
(25/51) {'category': 'social', 'name': 'Rudy_Giuliani_Obama_critique', 'keywords_lst': ['Giuliani']}
(26/51) {'category': 'entertainment', 'name': 'Oscar', 'keywords_lst': ['Oscar']}
(27/51) {'category': 'entertainment', 'name': 'Super_Bowl', 'keywords_lst': ['Super Bowl']}
(28/51) {'category': 'entertainment', 'name': 'Grammy', 'keywords_lst': ['Grammy']}
(29/51) {'category': 'entertainment', 'name': 'Golden_Globe', 'keywords_lst': ['Golden Globe']}
(30/51) {'category': 'entertainment', 'name': '500_million_Powerball', 'keywords_lst': ['Powerball']}
(31/51) {'category': 'entertainment', 'name': 'Thanksgiving', 'keywords_lst': ['Thanksgiving']}
(32/51) {'category': 'entertainment', 'name': 'Black_Friday_and_Cyber_Monday', 'keywords_lst': [('Black Friday', 'Cyber Monday')]}
(33/51) {'category': 'entertainment', 'name': 'Christmas', 'keywords_lst': ['Christmas']}
(34/51) {'category': 'entertainment', 'name': 'New_Year', 'keywords_lst': ['New Year']}
(35/51) {'category': 'entertainment', 'name': 'Apple_Watch', 'keywords_lst': ['Apple Watch']}
(36/51) {'category': 'entertainment', 'name': 'Yosemite_historic_climb', 'keywords_lst': [('Yosemite', 'El Capitan')]}
(37/51) {'category': 'entertainment', 'name': 'Jon_Stewart_Daily_Show', 'keywords_lst': ['Jon Stewart']}
(38/51) {'category': 'entertainment', 'name': 'success_of_American_Sniper', 'keywords_lst': ['American Sniper']}
(39/51) {'category': 'tragedy', 'name': 'Ebola_virus_spread', 'keywords_lst': ['Ebola']}
(40/51) {'category': 'tragedy', 'name': 'Indonesia_AirAsia_Flight_QZ8501_crash', 'keywords_lst': [('AirAsia', '8501')]}
(41/51) {'category': 'tragedy', 'name': 'Paris_attacks', 'keywords_lst': ['Paris']}
(42/51) {'category': 'tragedy', 'name': 'Vanuatu_Cyclone_Pam', 'keywords_lst': ['Vanuatu', 'Cyclone']}
(43/51) {'category': 'tragedy', 'name': 'Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_MH370_crash', 'keywords_lst': ['370']}
(44/51) {'category': 'tragedy', 'name': 'Colorado_NAACP_bombing', 'keywords_lst': ['NAACP']}
(45/51) {'category': 'tragedy', 'name': 'FSU_shooting', 'keywords_lst': ['FSU']}
(46/51) {'category': 'tragedy', 'name': 'Chapel_Hill_shooting', 'keywords_lst': ['Chapel Hill']}
(47/51) {'category': 'tragedy', 'name': 'Bobbi_Kristina_Brown_death', 'keywords_lst': ['Bobbi Kristina Brown']}
(48/51) {'category': 'tragedy', 'name': 'Taliban_Pakistan_school_massacre', 'keywords_lst': [('Pakistan', 'Taliban'), ('school', 'student', 'massacre')]}
(49/51) {'category': 'tragedy', 'name': 'American_ISIS_Hostage_Kayla_Mueller', 'keywords_lst': ['Kayla Mueller']}
(50/51) {'category': 'tragedy', 'name': 'TransAsia_Airways_Flight_GE235_crash', 'keywords_lst': [('TransAsia', 'Taiwan'), ('plane', 'crash', 'pilot', 'flight')]}
(51/51) {'category': 'tragedy', 'name': 'Germanwings_Flight_9525_crash', 'keywords_lst': [('Germanwings', 'Lufthansa', '9525')]}

Check number of associated news and tweets for each topic

Build pickle for news_id and tweets_id associated with each topic

In [3]:
    TOPICS_LST_PKL = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'topics.lst.pkl')
in config.
if 0 == 1:
    supplement_topics_lst = []
    Load in pickle for news data over selected period.
    news_period_df = pd.read_pickle(config.NEWS_PERIOD_DF_PKL)
    for topic_ind, topic in enumerate(config.MANUALLY_SELECTED_TOPICS_LST):
        localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
        print('({}/{}) processing topic: {} ... {}'.format(topic_ind+1,
        Match out associated news titles.
        asso_news_native_ids_lst = []
        for ind, row in news_period_df.iterrows():
            if utilities.news_title_match(row['news_title'], topic['keywords_lst'], verbose=False):
        topic['news_native_ids_lst'] = asso_news_native_ids_lst
        Query associated tweets
        asso_tweets_ids_lst = []
        query_news_tweets = '''
        select tweet_id from tweets
        where news_native_id = :news_native_id
        order by tweet_id asc;'''
        with sqlite3.connect(config.NEWS_TWEETS_DB_FILE) as conn:
            cursor = conn.cursor()
            for news_native_id in topic['news_native_ids_lst']:
                cursor.execute(query_news_tweets, {'news_native_id': news_native_id})
                tweets_ids_lst = [item[0] for item in cursor.fetchall()]
        topic['tweets_ids_lst'] = asso_tweets_ids_lst
    Make pickle
    with open(config.TOPICS_LST_PKL, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(supplement_topics_lst, f)

(1/51) processing topic: Hillary_Clinton_email_controversy ... Wed Oct 18 17:01:55 2017
(2/51) processing topic: Iran_nuclear_deal ... Wed Oct 18 17:02:03 2017
(3/51) processing topic: ISIS_Jihadi_John_identity_reveal ... Wed Oct 18 17:02:14 2017
(4/51) processing topic: Ukraine_cease_fire ... Wed Oct 18 17:02:22 2017
(5/51) processing topic: Egypt_free_Al_Jazeera_journalist ... Wed Oct 18 17:02:30 2017
(6/51) processing topic: Keystone_XL_Pipeline_bill ... Wed Oct 18 17:02:38 2017
(7/51) processing topic: CIA_Torture_Report ... Wed Oct 18 17:02:45 2017
(8/51) processing topic: Obama_cybersecurity_plan ... Wed Oct 18 17:02:53 2017
(9/51) processing topic: DHS_funding_issue ... Wed Oct 18 17:03:01 2017
(10/51) processing topic: US_Cuba_relationship ... Wed Oct 18 17:03:08 2017
(11/51) processing topic: 2015_CPAC ... Wed Oct 18 17:03:17 2017
(12/51) processing topic: Iraq_free_ISIS_Tikrit ... Wed Oct 18 17:03:25 2017
(13/51) processing topic: Nigeria_Boko_Haram_terrorists ... Wed Oct 18 17:03:33 2017
(14/51) processing topic: Ferguson_unrest ... Wed Oct 18 17:03:42 2017
(15/51) processing topic: Hong_Kong_protest ... Wed Oct 18 17:03:54 2017
(16/51) processing topic: Sony_cyberattack ... Wed Oct 18 17:04:03 2017
(17/51) processing topic: Bill_Cosby_sexual_assault_allegation ... Wed Oct 18 17:04:13 2017
(18/51) processing topic: SpaceX_rocket_landing ... Wed Oct 18 17:04:21 2017
(19/51) processing topic: Brian_Williams_fake_story ... Wed Oct 18 17:04:29 2017
(20/51) processing topic: HSBC_tax_scandal ... Wed Oct 18 17:04:37 2017
(21/51) processing topic: David_Carr_death ... Wed Oct 18 17:04:45 2017
(22/51) processing topic: Patriots_Deflategate ... Wed Oct 18 17:04:53 2017
(23/51) processing topic: Delhi_Uber_driver_rape ... Wed Oct 18 17:05:01 2017
(24/51) processing topic: Superbug_spread ... Wed Oct 18 17:05:09 2017
(25/51) processing topic: Rudy_Giuliani_Obama_critique ... Wed Oct 18 17:05:17 2017
(26/51) processing topic: Oscar ... Wed Oct 18 17:05:25 2017
(27/51) processing topic: Super_Bowl ... Wed Oct 18 17:05:35 2017
(28/51) processing topic: Grammy ... Wed Oct 18 17:05:45 2017
(29/51) processing topic: Golden_Globe ... Wed Oct 18 17:05:55 2017
(30/51) processing topic: 500_million_Powerball ... Wed Oct 18 17:06:03 2017
(31/51) processing topic: Thanksgiving ... Wed Oct 18 17:06:12 2017
(32/51) processing topic: Black_Friday_and_Cyber_Monday ... Wed Oct 18 17:06:23 2017
(33/51) processing topic: Christmas ... Wed Oct 18 17:06:33 2017
(34/51) processing topic: New_Year ... Wed Oct 18 17:06:44 2017
(35/51) processing topic: Apple_Watch ... Wed Oct 18 17:06:55 2017
(36/51) processing topic: Yosemite_historic_climb ... Wed Oct 18 17:07:04 2017
(37/51) processing topic: Jon_Stewart_Daily_Show ... Wed Oct 18 17:07:12 2017
(38/51) processing topic: success_of_American_Sniper ... Wed Oct 18 17:07:20 2017
(39/51) processing topic: Ebola_virus_spread ... Wed Oct 18 17:07:30 2017
(40/51) processing topic: Indonesia_AirAsia_Flight_QZ8501_crash ... Wed Oct 18 17:07:39 2017
(41/51) processing topic: Paris_attacks ... Wed Oct 18 17:07:49 2017
(42/51) processing topic: Vanuatu_Cyclone_Pam ... Wed Oct 18 17:07:59 2017
(43/51) processing topic: Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_MH370_crash ... Wed Oct 18 17:08:08 2017
(44/51) processing topic: Colorado_NAACP_bombing ... Wed Oct 18 17:08:16 2017
(45/51) processing topic: FSU_shooting ... Wed Oct 18 17:08:27 2017
(46/51) processing topic: Chapel_Hill_shooting ... Wed Oct 18 17:08:35 2017
(47/51) processing topic: Bobbi_Kristina_Brown_death ... Wed Oct 18 17:08:43 2017
(48/51) processing topic: Taliban_Pakistan_school_massacre ... Wed Oct 18 17:08:53 2017
(49/51) processing topic: American_ISIS_Hostage_Kayla_Mueller ... Wed Oct 18 17:09:01 2017
(50/51) processing topic: TransAsia_Airways_Flight_GE235_crash ... Wed Oct 18 17:09:09 2017
(51/51) processing topic: Germanwings_Flight_9525_crash ... Wed Oct 18 17:09:19 2017
CPU times: user 7min 28s, sys: 6.6 s, total: 7min 35s
Wall time: 7min 36s

Recover pickle and print number of news and tweets for each topic

In [4]:
Test recover topics lst pkl
if 0 == 1:
    with open(config.TOPICS_LST_PKL, 'rb') as f:
        topics_lst = pickle.load(f)
    for topic_ind, topic in enumerate(topics_lst):
        print('{} Topic_name: {}; news_num: {}; tweets_num: {}'.format(topic_ind,

0 Topic_name: Hillary_Clinton_email_controversy; news_num: 228; tweets_num: 860564
1 Topic_name: Iran_nuclear_deal; news_num: 406; tweets_num: 2412264
2 Topic_name: ISIS_Jihadi_John_identity_reveal; news_num: 101; tweets_num: 620121
3 Topic_name: Ukraine_cease_fire; news_num: 84; tweets_num: 603709
4 Topic_name: Egypt_free_Al_Jazeera_journalist; news_num: 50; tweets_num: 129120
5 Topic_name: Keystone_XL_Pipeline_bill; news_num: 55; tweets_num: 117692
6 Topic_name: CIA_Torture_Report; news_num: 41; tweets_num: 167362
7 Topic_name: Obama_cybersecurity_plan; news_num: 73; tweets_num: 495576
8 Topic_name: DHS_funding_issue; news_num: 45; tweets_num: 104911
9 Topic_name: US_Cuba_relationship; news_num: 235; tweets_num: 1213314
10 Topic_name: 2015_CPAC; news_num: 68; tweets_num: 289774
11 Topic_name: Iraq_free_ISIS_Tikrit; news_num: 94; tweets_num: 567544
12 Topic_name: Nigeria_Boko_Haram_terrorists; news_num: 243; tweets_num: 954810
13 Topic_name: Ferguson_unrest; news_num: 611; tweets_num: 3406303
14 Topic_name: Hong_Kong_protest; news_num: 157; tweets_num: 559130
15 Topic_name: Sony_cyberattack; news_num: 275; tweets_num: 1890966
16 Topic_name: Bill_Cosby_sexual_assault_allegation; news_num: 168; tweets_num: 636409
17 Topic_name: SpaceX_rocket_landing; news_num: 86; tweets_num: 367488
18 Topic_name: Brian_Williams_fake_story; news_num: 69; tweets_num: 475319
19 Topic_name: HSBC_tax_scandal; news_num: 28; tweets_num: 78053
20 Topic_name: David_Carr_death; news_num: 36; tweets_num: 133630
21 Topic_name: Patriots_Deflategate; news_num: 44; tweets_num: 268590
22 Topic_name: Delhi_Uber_driver_rape; news_num: 36; tweets_num: 381997
23 Topic_name: Superbug_spread; news_num: 41; tweets_num: 240141
24 Topic_name: Rudy_Giuliani_Obama_critique; news_num: 50; tweets_num: 284510
25 Topic_name: Oscar; news_num: 241; tweets_num: 1902567
26 Topic_name: Super_Bowl; news_num: 211; tweets_num: 1628441
27 Topic_name: Grammy; news_num: 99; tweets_num: 674595
28 Topic_name: Golden_Globe; news_num: 79; tweets_num: 826707
29 Topic_name: 500_million_Powerball; news_num: 79; tweets_num: 515778
30 Topic_name: Thanksgiving; news_num: 150; tweets_num: 1946168
31 Topic_name: Black_Friday_and_Cyber_Monday; news_num: 121; tweets_num: 1511633
32 Topic_name: Christmas; news_num: 237; tweets_num: 2628846
33 Topic_name: New_Year; news_num: 69; tweets_num: 1053027
34 Topic_name: Apple_Watch; news_num: 73; tweets_num: 608351
35 Topic_name: Yosemite_historic_climb; news_num: 41; tweets_num: 107481
36 Topic_name: Jon_Stewart_Daily_Show; news_num: 35; tweets_num: 246313
37 Topic_name: success_of_American_Sniper; news_num: 155; tweets_num: 740376
38 Topic_name: Ebola_virus_spread; news_num: 173; tweets_num: 888396
39 Topic_name: Indonesia_AirAsia_Flight_QZ8501_crash; news_num: 258; tweets_num: 1213037
40 Topic_name: Paris_attacks; news_num: 225; tweets_num: 1260586
41 Topic_name: Vanuatu_Cyclone_Pam; news_num: 89; tweets_num: 409029
42 Topic_name: Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_MH370_crash; news_num: 58; tweets_num: 529421
43 Topic_name: Colorado_NAACP_bombing; news_num: 38; tweets_num: 345563
44 Topic_name: FSU_shooting; news_num: 39; tweets_num: 171822
45 Topic_name: Chapel_Hill_shooting; news_num: 37; tweets_num: 89304
46 Topic_name: Bobbi_Kristina_Brown_death; news_num: 49; tweets_num: 129493
47 Topic_name: Taliban_Pakistan_school_massacre; news_num: 80; tweets_num: 286289
48 Topic_name: American_ISIS_Hostage_Kayla_Mueller; news_num: 38; tweets_num: 74058
49 Topic_name: TransAsia_Airways_Flight_GE235_crash; news_num: 56; tweets_num: 220522
50 Topic_name: Germanwings_Flight_9525_crash; news_num: 71; tweets_num: 341486

Check news titles and sample tweets of each topic

In [3]:
Recover pkl
if 1 == 1:
    with open(config.TOPICS_LST_PKL, 'rb') as f:
        topics_lst = pickle.load(f)

In [4]:
Select topic
if 1 == 1:
    target_topic_ind = 26
    topic = topics_lst[target_topic_ind]

In [9]:
Print associated news titles
if 1 == 1:
    print('TOPIC: {}; KEYWORDS: {}'.format(topic['name'], topic['keywords_lst']))
    # limit to first 100 news
    news_native_ids_lst = topic['news_native_ids_lst'][:100]
    query_news = '''
    select news_title, news_collected_time from news
    where news_native_id = :news_native_id
    order by news_native_id asc;'''

    with sqlite3.connect(config.NEWS_TWEETS_DB_FILE) as conn:
        conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        for news_native_id in news_native_ids_lst:
            cursor.execute(query_news, {'news_native_id': news_native_id})
            for row in cursor.fetchall():
                print('{}: {}'.format(row['news_collected_time'], row['news_title']))

TOPIC: Hillary_Clinton_email_controversy; KEYWORDS: [('email', 'e-mail'), ('Hillary', 'Clinton')]
2015-03-02: Hillary Clinton used private email account for State Department business
2015-03-02: Hillary Clinton used personal email as Secretary of State
2015-03-02: Hillary Clinton used private email account for State Department business
2015-03-03: Hillary Clinton's Personal Email Use May Have Violated Federal Requirements ...
2015-03-03: Report: Clinton only used personal e-mail at State
2015-03-03: Hillary Clinton's use of private email address while Secretary of State draws scrutiny
2015-03-03: Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules
2015-03-03: Clinton had no official State Dept. email address
2015-03-03: Clinton aide: State Department e-mails preserved
2015-03-03: Hillary Clinton illegally used a private email account, reports NYTimes (+video)
2015-03-03: Hillary Clinton used private e-mail for government business at State Dept.
2015-03-03: Hillary Clinton's State Department Email: What We Know About Her Use of a ...
2015-03-03: Hillary Clinton Email: What the White House Said in 2011 That May Not Look ...
2015-03-03: Clinton's Private E-Mail Use Ran Counter to Obama's Records Push
2015-03-03: Hillary Clinton's Personal Email Use Differed from Other Top Officials
2015-03-03: White House Won't Say if Hillary Clinton Broke Law by Using Personal Email at ...
2015-03-03: Hillary Clinton Supporters Defend Her Use of Private Email Account
2015-03-03: Hillary Clinton hidden emails taint Obama transparency vow, boost Benghazi probe
2015-03-03: Hillary Clinton's experience with private e-mail account not unique
2015-03-03: Clinton's e-mail practices contrary to official guidance
2015-03-03: Hillary Clinton's team defends her email usage during her tenure at State
2015-03-03: Democrats, State Department defend Hillary Clinton over email flap
2015-03-03: Using Private Email, Hillary Clinton Thwarted Record Requests
2015-03-03: Clinton avoids e-mail flap during EMILY's List speech
2015-03-04: Hillary Clinton's use of private email not unusual, but still raises questions
2015-03-04: Obama admin. fails to defend Hillary Clinton's email use
2015-03-04: Hillary Clinton Teases Presidential Run, Avoids Email Scandal at Emily's List Gala
2015-03-04: Hillary Clinton's email server traced to Internet service registered to NY home
2015-03-04: Hillary Clinton ran own computer system for her official emails, tracing back to NY estate
2015-03-04: No entitlement reform: Hillary email scandal reveals core weakness
2015-03-04: Hillary Clinton ran her own email servers as Secretary of State
2015-03-04: Hillary Clinton's E-Mail Woes Aren't Going Away Soon
2015-03-04: Hillary Clinton e-mail uproar: Who is the mysterious 'Eric Hoteham'?
2015-03-04: House committee to subpoena e-mails from Clinton's personal account
2015-03-04: Hillary Clinton Had Own Computer Server for Official Emails
2015-03-04: Why did Hillary Clinton rely on 'home-brew' e-mail server?
2015-03-04: Everything We Know About Hillary Clinton's Email
2015-03-04: Clinton facing mounting questions over efforts to stay off gov't email system
2015-03-04: House Benghazi Committee Subpoenas Clinton's Personal Emails
2015-03-04: House panel issues subpoenas for Clinton e-mails
2015-03-04: Private email questions emerge as Clinton nears 2016 bid
2015-03-04: GOP subpoenas Hillary Clinton for emails on her server
2015-03-04: Membership in Clinton's Email Domain Is Remembered as a Mark of Status
2015-03-05: Embattled Hillary Clinton urges State Department to release emails
2015-03-05: Hillary Clinton asks State Dept. to release her e-mails
2015-03-05: Hillary Clinton Asks State Dept. to Review Emails for Public Release
2015-03-05: Hillary Clinton: 'I Want the Public to See My Email'
2015-03-05: Hillary Clinton says she's asked State Department to make emails public
2015-03-05: Hillary Clinton's Custom Email Based on Server Near Her Home
2015-03-05: Under Scrutiny, Hillary Clinton Asks for State Department Emails to be Released
2015-03-05: Hillary Clinton Responds To Email Controversy: 'I Want The Public To See My ...
2015-03-05: Hillary Clinton Email Mystery Man: What We Know About Eric Hoteham
2015-03-05: Clinton used personal email – but ousted ambassador was chastised for doing the same
2015-03-05: Hillary Clinton asks State to release emails: What you need to know
2015-03-05: Clinton private email violated 'clear-cut' State Dept. rules
2015-03-05: Aide tied to past Clinton scandals surfaces in controversy over emails
2015-03-05: Exclusive: Internal cable from Clinton State Department office barred use of personal email
2015-03-05: Hillary's Email Escapade
2015-03-05: Review of Hillary Clinton emails to take months: official
2015-03-05: Lupica: Emails show Hillary Clinton can self-inflict woes
2015-03-05: Exclusive: Internal cable from Clinton State Department office barred use of personal email
2015-03-06: Review of Hillary Clinton emails to take months -US official
2015-03-06: Hillary Clinton: 'I want the public to see my email'
2015-03-06: It could be very long time before Hillary Clinton's State Department e-mails see ...
2015-03-06: Ousted ambassador sounds off on Hillary email flap
2015-03-06: Email Controversy Creates Two Lasting Issues for Hillary Clinton
2015-03-06: Clinton's personal email use – despite clear rules – raises double-standard ...
2015-03-06: Hillary Clinton emails: What's a 'homebrew' email server?
2015-03-06: Clinton Email Flap Could Signal Political Trouble Ahead
2015-03-06: Former ambassador under fire for private email use 'Very surprised' to learn that Clinton was doing same thing
2015-03-06: Hillary Clinton Emails: A Timeline of What Rules Were Allegedly Ignored
2015-03-06: 'How secure could it have been?' IT crowd questions if Hillary email could have ...
2015-03-06: State Department Warned Against Private E-Mail Such as Clinton's
2015-03-06: Clinton's emails: Secrets, security and the law
2015-03-06: White House scrambles to answer when they learned of Clinton email habits
2015-03-06: Clinton's emails: Secrets, security and the law
2015-03-06: Bush finds Hillary Clinton's e-mail practice 'baffling'
2015-03-06: White House defers questions on Hillary Clinton's private email use
2015-03-07: White House scrambles to answer when they learned of Clinton email habits
2015-03-07: Emails show Clinton aides running interference during Benghazi attack
2015-03-07: What we know about Hillary Clinton's private email account
2015-03-07: What we know about Hillary Clinton's private email account
2015-03-07: Hillary?s Secret Email Was a Cyberspy?s Dream Weapon
2015-03-07: Are Clinton's e-mails scandal or mere controversy? New evidence.
2015-03-07: Are Hillary Clinton's e-mails scandal or mere controversy? New evidence.
2015-03-07: Beyond Clinton, many 2016 hopefuls have used private email
2015-03-07: Beyond Clinton, many 2016 hopefuls have used private email
2015-03-07: Clinton's Private Email Account at Odds With State Department Policy
2015-03-07: Best of the worst of exposed e-mails: Clinton, Ferguson and more
2015-03-07: Obama Says Hillary's Private Email Account Was News To Him
2015-03-07: Are Hillary Clinton's e-mails scandal or mere controversy? New evidence. (+video)
2015-03-07: Hillary Clinton's email scandal sure fits the 'Bill'
2015-03-08: Obama says he was not aware Clinton used private email
2015-03-08: Hillary Clinton's email scandal certainly fits the 'Bill'
2015-03-08: Obama praises Clinton for asking State Department to disclose emails
2015-03-08: Obama Says He's 'Glad' Hillary Clinton Asked for Release of Emails
2015-03-08: Obama says he learned of Clinton using private email through news reports
2015-03-08: Top Clinton White House lawyer defends Hillary emails, but says probe OK
2015-03-08: How Obama learned about Hillary Rodham Clinton's peculiar e-mail
2015-03-08: Clinton possibly broke laws with personal email account: pol

In [5]:
Print associated tweets
if 1 == 1:
    print('TOPIC: {}; KEYWORDS: {}'.format(topic['name'], topic['keywords_lst']))
    # limit to first 150 tweets
    tweets_ids_lst = topic['tweets_ids_lst'][:150]
    query_tweets = '''
    select tweet_text, tweet_collected_time from tweets
    where tweet_id = :tweet_id
    order by tweet_native_id asc;'''

    with sqlite3.connect(config.NEWS_TWEETS_DB_FILE) as conn:
        conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        for tweet_id in tweets_ids_lst:
            cursor.execute(query_tweets, {'tweet_id': tweet_id})
            for row in cursor.fetchall():
                print('{}: {}'.format(row['tweet_collected_time'], row['tweet_text']))

TOPIC: Super_Bowl; KEYWORDS: ['Super Bowl']
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL's 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to perform at #SuperBowlHalftimeShow  @katyperry
2014-11-23: "@pepsi: It's official! @katyperry will perform at the Pepsi Super Bowl XLIX #Halftime Show:"
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo Video
2014-11-23: “@nfl: .@katyperry will headline @pepsi @superbowl #halftime show:” 😍😁 yaaa
2014-11-23: Katy Perry ‘Testing Out Ideas’ For 2015 Super Bowl Halftime Show Performance: Rumors about…
2014-11-23: #NFL finally announces #KatyPerry as next #SuperBowl halftime performer: Katy Perry, as long rumored, will headline…
2014-11-23: NFL Announces Katy Perry Will Be Super Bowl Halftime Show Performer #SportsTap
2014-11-23: Good Pick??????.....Katy Perry Will Officially Headline The Super Bowl Halftime Show......
2014-11-23: Super Bowl come faster ☺️😍
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo Video #SoapCrush
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo Video
2014-11-23: 1 less reason to have TV: MT @FOX17: #KatyPerry confirmed for this year's Super Bowl halftime:
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo Video: Katy Perry has been officially…
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo Video
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo Video
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo Video
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo Video
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo Video
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to perform at 2015 Super Bowl halftime show - KARE
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to Perform at Super Bowl Halftime Show - ABC News
2014-11-23: "@NBCNews: You're gonna hear her roar: Katy Perry to headline NFL Super Bowl halftime show"
2014-11-23: Why Katy Perry would win the Super Bowl halftime show - CNN -
2014-11-23: Katy Perry To Headline Super Bowl XLIX Halftime Show
2014-11-23: Katy perry's going do the superbowl halftime show this year
2014-11-23: Huuumm “@pepsi: It's official! @KatyPerry will perform at the Super Bowl XLIX #Halftime Show:”
2014-11-23: Katy Perry To Headline Super Bowl Halftime Show
2014-11-23: Why Katy Perry Would Win The Super Bowl Halftime Show: Why Katy Perry Would Win The Super Bowl Halftime Show G...
2014-11-23: Katy Perry will headline Super Bowl halftime show: New York, NY ( - Pop superstar Katy P...
2014-11-23: It's official: Katy Perry to perform at Super Bowl halftime show: Katy Perry performs on stage at "The Prismat...
2014-11-23: Katy Perry teases Super Bowl halftime show: The worst kept secret in the NFL is finally out; Katy Perry is to ...
2014-11-23: “@pepsi: It's official! @KatyPerry will perform at the Pepsi Super Bowl XLIX #Halftime Show:”😐
2014-11-23: Katy Perry tapped to perform Super Bowl halftime show: Will Katy Perry be a firework at the Super Bowl?
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline Super Bowl XLIX Halftime Show on NBC
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo Video #celebrity
2014-11-23: USA: You're gonna hear her roar: Katy Perry to headline NFL Super Bowl halftime show
2014-11-23: Katy Perry tapped to perform Super Bowl halftime show - Fox News..  #amazingrace
2014-11-23: NFL finally announces Katy Perry as next Super Bowl halftime performer #need2know
2014-11-23: News: Why Katy Perry would win the Super Bowl halftime show - CNN
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo Video #Fanuendo
2014-11-23: Katy Perry for SB halftime show. Did the NFL forget the Bengals fans?
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Will Officially Headline The Super Bowl XLIX Halftime Show, And She Made A Video To Prove It #sport
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to perform at Super Bowl halftime show: Singer Katy Perry has been confirmed to headline... #SuperBowl
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo Video: The "Firework" sin... #SuperBowl
2014-11-23: From @NBCNews: Katy Perry to headline NFL Super Bowl halftime show
2014-11-23: Can you wrap me in bacon? “@katyperry: @SNFonNBC @NFL Yeppers! And I've already started testing out ideas! #halftime”
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline Super Bowl halftime show. Amazing entertainer:
2014-11-23: Katy Perry confirms she will rock the Super Bowl halftime show this year in Glendale, AZ. Super Bowl 49 is on WSFA 12 this year.
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo Video
2014-11-23: Can you wrap me in bacon? “@katyperry: @SNFonNBC @NFL Yeppers! And I've already started testing out ideas! #halftime”
2014-11-23: #Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo Video
2014-11-23: #Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo ... - Us Magazine
2014-11-23: Since Katy Perry is the Super Bowl Halftime show, I kinda wish it was being sponsored by Viagra.
2014-11-23: NFL Announces Katy Perry Will Be Super Bowl Halftime Show Performer
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halftime Show, Watch Her Sneak Peek Promo ... - Us Magazine
2014-11-23: "@WFAN660: It's official: @katyperry to headline Super Bowl halftime show |" @mullrainee #wardrobemalfunction
2014-11-23: Why Katy Perry would win the Super Bowl halftime show - CNN..  #PLL
2014-11-23: Katy Perry: Super Bowl Halftime Show | Hyped for Halftime | Pepsi: via @YouTube
2014-11-23: @T3mpu5_Fug1t "@CBSNewYork: Katy Perry To Headline Super Bowl Halftime Show”
2014-11-23: It's Official: Katy Perry Lands Super Bowl Halftime Show Gig via @tcpalm
2014-11-23: Katy Perry will be performing the Superbowl halftime show in February!  Watch her adorable promo video here:
2014-11-23: Katy Perry will be performing the Superbowl halftime show in February!  Watch her adorable promo video here:
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Hyped for Super Bowl Halfti... #katyperry #kpoverload |
2014-11-23: Katie Perry 1/2 time show! The only thing that could make this year’s #SuperBowl gayer is if #MichaelSam gets to play
2014-11-23: You're gonna hear her roar: Katy Perry to headline NFL Super Bowl halftime show
2014-11-23: If you want @CamKrohn to attend your Super Bowl party, refer to it as a Katy Perry Halftime Show party.
2014-11-23: It's no longer a rumour, Katy Perry WILL perform the halftime show for the Superbowl in Feb. Will you watch?
2014-11-23: .@katyperry to perform at Super Bowl halftime show
2014-11-23: #Gossip #Celebrity Will Katy Perry's Super Bowl halftime show involve a fire-breathing shark? #Celebs
2014-11-23: It's official: @katyperry to headline Super Bowl halftime show |
2014-11-23: Katy Perry To Headline Super Bowl Halftime Show
2014-11-23: Katy Perry To Headline Super Bowl Halftime Show
2014-11-23: Katy Perry tapped to perform Super Bowl halftime show - Fox News..  #PLL
2014-11-23: "It's official: @KatyPerry will be performing at the Super Bowl XLIX halftime show:" V @billboard
2014-11-23: NFL announces Super Bowl headliner after weeks of speculation:
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to Headline the Super Bowl Halftime Show Sunday, February 1 on NBC
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Sexy #Style #Fashion Katy Perry to headline NFL's 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL #Pretty
2014-11-23: Sexy #Style #Fashion Katy Perry gets the nod for Super Bowl XLIX halftime show #Pretty
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: #Show #Entertainment Katy Perry lands Super Bowl Halftime Show gig #Beauty
2014-11-23: #Show #Entertainment Katy Perry gets the nod for Super Bowl XLIX halftime show #Beauty
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to Perform at Super Bowl Halftime Show - ABC News
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline NFL\'s 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL(Orlando news)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry confirmed to perform at Super Bowl halftime show
2014-11-23: NFL confirms Katy Perry will headline Super Bowl XLIX's halftime show:
2014-11-23: Super Bowl 2015: Katy Perry confirmed for halftime show with possibility of 'edible glitter': Source: ww... #tcot
2014-11-23: #Entertainment #News Katy Perry to headline NFL's 2015 Super Bowl halftime show: NFL #Fashion
2014-11-23: It's official: this mega-pop star will create a "Firework" for the Pepsi Super Bowl Halftime Show Feb. 1.
2014-11-23: #Style #Celebrity Katy Perry to Perform at 2015 Super Bowl Halftime Show #Gossip
2014-11-23: ★ ET InTheD | Katy Perry lands Super Bowl Halftime Show gig: The 30-year-old pop star becomes… | via @WXYZDetroit
2014-11-23: NFL confirms Katy Perry will headline Super Bowl XLIX's halftime show:
2014-11-23: Katy Perry: Super Bowl Halftime Show | Hyped for Halftime | Pepsi: vía @YouTube
2014-11-23: #Washington, D.C. Katy Perry to perform at Super Bowl halftime show @ABC7News
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Will Officially Headline The Super Bowl XLIX Halftime Show, And She Made A Video To Prove It: Great...
2014-11-23: Why Katy Perry would win the Super Bowl halftime show - CNN #celebritynews #140C
2014-11-23: Katy gets Super Bowl halftime
2014-11-23: Katy Perry ‘Testing Out Ideas’ For 2015 Super Bowl Halftime Show Performance
2014-11-23: "@FoxNews: NFL taps Katy Perry to headline Super Bowl halftime show" @JOPs315 :)
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to headline Pepsi Super Bowl XLIX Halftime Show
2014-11-23: #Gossip #Entertainment Katy Perry to Perform at 2015 Super Bowl Halftime Show #Celebs
2014-11-23: How could they choose Katy Perry for the super bowl halftime show over Coldplay?
2014-11-23: Katy Perry tapped to perform Super Bowl halftime show - Fox News..  #PLL
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to Perform at Super Bowl Halftime Show via @YahooMusic
2014-11-23: It's Official: Katy Perry Headlining Super Bowl XLIX Halftime Show #SmartNews
2014-11-23: It's Official: Katy Perry Lands Super Bowl Halftime Show Gig #ptbo
2014-11-23: Katy Perry tapped to perform Super Bowl halftime show - Fox News..  #stern #sternshow
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to Perform at Super Bowl XLIX Halftime Show |
2014-11-23: Why Katy Perry would win the Super Bowl halftime show - CNN
2014-11-23: Why Katy Perry would win the Super Bowl halftime show - CNN: CNNWhy Katy Perry would win the Super Bowl halfti...
2014-11-23: *** Why Katy Perry would win the Super Bowl halftime show - CNN
2014-11-23: Why Katy Perry would win the Super Bowl halftime show - CNN: CNNWhy Katy Perry would win the Super Bowl halfti...
2014-11-23: How about a silent show.."@katyperry: .@SNFonNBC @NFL Yeppers! And I've already started testing out ideas! #halftime"
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to perform at Super Bowl halftime show (via
2014-11-23: Katy Perry lands Super Bowl Halftime Show gig: The 30-year-old pop star becomes the third female artist in four…
2014-11-23: It's Official: Katy Perry Lands Super Bowl Halftime Show Gig #KatyPerry
2014-11-23: Super bowl just got ruined, really? Katy Perry for halftime show? seriously?
2014-11-23: “@katyperry: .@SNFonNBC @NFL Yeppers! And I've already started testing out ideas! #halftime” 😭😭😭IM SO EXCITED😁🎈❤️🎀👠🎉🎉
2014-11-23: #Katy Perry to perform at Super Bowl halftime show: via @AOL
2014-11-23: Super Bowl 2015: Katy Perry confirmed for halftime show with possibility of 'edible glitter'
2014-11-23: Katy Perry is doing the super bowl halftime show 😂😂 great
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Performing in Super Bowl Halftime Show -
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to play Super Bowl XLIX halftime show -
2014-11-23: Katy Perry confirmed for Super Bowl Halftime show #brunomars
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to perform at 2015 Super Bowl Halftime Show 👏😍
2014-11-23: Katy Perry: Super Bowl Halftime Show | Hyped for Halftime | Pepsi: via @YouTube
2014-11-23: “@FoxNews: NFL taps Katy Perry to headline Super Bowl halftime show” what nfl fan listens to katy perry?
2014-11-23: @Katy Perry tapped to perform Super Bowl halftime show - Fox News
2014-11-23: JLo should've been chosen 4 the Super Bowl #Halftime Show. But Katy's label paid 4 her backing tracks to play while she stiffly moves around
2014-11-23: Katy Perry to play Super Bowl XLIX halftime show -
2014-11-23: Katy Perry tapped to perform Super Bowl halftime show - Fox News..  #NYG #Giants #NFL
2014-11-23: I liked a @YouTube video Katy Perry: Super Bowl Halftime Show | Hyped for Halftime | Pepsi
2014-11-23: BREAKING: Katy Perry tapped to perform Super Bowl halftime show - Fox News: Fox NewsKaty Pe... #Khaatumo #Khatumo
2014-11-23: Katy Perry Officially Confirmed For Super Bowl XLIX Halftime Show. Watch The First Video Promo!!!
2014-11-23: Katy Perry is doing the superbowl halftime show idk how I feel about that