<img src="http://nci.org.au/wp-content/themes/nci/img/img-logo-large.png", width=400>
My aunt lives in Narooma, my brother is in Thredbo and I live in Canberra. Last September we interchanged lots of messages in which we were complaining about the weather in our respective places... But, where was the weather the worst? Let's see if we can find out...
Himawari 8 is a geostationary satellite that covers the area of the Asia-Pacific and takes a new picture every 10 minutes.
The Bureau of Meteorology uses this information operationally for their weather forecasts and the historical data is stored at the NCI at: /g/data2/rr5/satellite/obs/himawari8/FLDK/
In [1]:
import datetime
import os.path
def himawari8_path(UTC_datetime, band):
base = "/g/data2/rr5/satellite/obs/himawari8/FLDK/{year:d}/{month:02d}/{day:02d}/{hour:02d}{minute:02d}/"
file_name = "{year:d}{month:02d}{day:02d}{hour:02d}{minute:02d}00-P1S-ABOM_BRF_B{band:02d}-PRJ_GEOS141_2000-HIMAWARI8-AHI.nc"
st = datetime.datetime.strptime(UTC_datetime, "%Y%m%d%H%M")
path = (base.format(year=st.year, month=st.month, day=st.day, hour=st.hour, minute=st.minute) +
file_name.format(year=st.year, month=st.month, day=st.day, hour=st.hour, minute=st.minute, band=band))
if not os.path.isfile(path):
return None
return path
# For example, to get the path to band 1 taken of the 25th Dec 2015 at 00:00 UTC
himawari8_path("201512250000", 1)
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
from osgeo import gdal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
ds = gdal.Open(himawari8_path("201512250000", 1))
band1 = ds.GetRasterBand(1)
raster = band1.ReadAsArray()
no_data = band1.GetNoDataValue()
masked = np.ma.array(raster, mask=(raster==no_data))
In [3]:
def him_rgb(UTC_datetime, rgb_bands, clip):
red_path = himawari8_path(UTC_datetime, rgb_bands[0])
ds_r = gdal.Open(red_path)
red = ds_r.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
red = (red.clip(0, clip) / clip * 255).astype(np.uint8)
green_path = himawari8_path(UTC_datetime, rgb_bands[1])
ds_g = gdal.Open(green_path)
green = ds_g.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
green = (green.clip(0, clip) / clip * 255).astype(np.uint8)
blue_path = himawari8_path(UTC_datetime, rgb_bands[2])
ds_b = gdal.Open(blue_path)
blue = ds_b.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
blue = (blue.clip(0, clip) / clip * 255).astype(np.uint8)
return np.stack((red, green, blue), axis=2)
rgb = him_rgb("201512250000", [3, 2, 1], .65)
In [4]:
plt.imshow(rgb[3200:5000, 1000:3500, :])
In [5]:
import json
wgs84_wkt ='GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.01745329251994328,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]'
def get_raster(geojson_poly, pix_size):
coords = json.loads(geojson_poly)["coordinates"]
min_lat = min(coords[0][1][1], coords[0][0][1])
max_lat = max(coords[0][1][1], coords[0][0][1])
min_lon = min(coords[0][2][0], coords[0][0][0])
max_lon = max(coords[0][2][0], coords[0][0][0])
geotrans = [min_lon, pix_size, 0.0, max_lat, 0.0, -1.0*pix_size]
size_x = int((max_lon - min_lon) / pix_size)
size_y = int((max_lat - min_lat) / pix_size)
mem_drv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM')
ds = mem_drv.Create('', size_x, size_y, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
return ds
In [6]:
def reproject(src_file, dst_ds):
src_ds = gdal.Open(src_file)
gdal.ReprojectImage(src_ds, dst_ds, src_ds.GetProjection(), dst_ds.GetProjection(), gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour)
return dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
In [7]:
canberra_gjson = '{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[148.5,-36],[148.5,-35],[150.2,-35],[150.2,-36],[148.5,-36]]]}'
him_dest = get_raster(canberra_gjson, .01)
him_proj = reproject(himawari8_path("201512250000", 1), him_dest)
plt.imshow(him_proj, cmap="gray")
In [8]:
clouds_proj = him_proj > .30
plt.imshow(clouds_proj, cmap="gray")
In [9]:
DEM models produce regular grid in which each grid point represents a point in a surface and contains the altitude of that location.
Geoscience Australia publishes DEM data for Australia with a precission of a seconds of degree (30 meters). This data is stored at the NCI at: /g/data1/rr1/Elevation/
In [10]:
dem_file = "/g/data1/rr1/Elevation/NetCDF/1secSRTM_DEMs_v1.0/DEM-S/Elevation_1secSRTM_DEMs_v1.0_DEM-S_Mosaic_dems1sv1_0.nc"
elv_dest = get_raster(canberra_gjson, .01)
elv_proj = reproject(dem_file, elv_dest)
In [11]:
plt.hist(elv_proj.ravel(), bins=64, range=(0.0, 2000))
plt.ylabel('Number of Pixels')
In [12]:
elv_canberra = elv_proj[10:50, 70:120]
elv_mountains = elv_proj[50:, :60]
elv_coast = elv_proj[50:, 130:]
print("The average height in Canberra is {0:.2f} m.".format(elv_canberra.mean()))
print("The average height in the mountains is {0:.2f} m.".format(elv_mountains.mean()))
print("The average height in the coast is {0:.2f} m.".format(elv_coast.mean()))
In [13]:
def give_me_cloud_coverage(utc_datetime, raster_dest):
him_proj = reproject(himawari8_path(utc_datetime, 1), raster_dest)
clouds_proj = him_proj > .30
clouds_canberra = clouds_proj[10:50, 70:120]
clouds_mountains = clouds_proj[50:, :60]
clouds_coast = clouds_proj[50:, 130:]
return int(clouds_canberra.mean()*100), int(clouds_mountains.mean()*100), int(clouds_coast.mean()*100)
cbr, mtn, cst = give_me_cloud_coverage("201609010000", him_dest)
print("Cloud cover 1st Sept 2016. Canberra: {0:d}% Mountains: {1:d}% Coast: {2:d}%".format(cbr, mtn, cst))
In [15]:
def clouds_in_a_period(UTC_start, UTC_end, raster_dest):
start = datetime.datetime.strptime(UTC_start, "%Y%m%d%H%M")
end = datetime.datetime.strptime(UTC_end, "%Y%m%d%H%M")
cbr_list = []
mtn_list = []
cst_list = []
while start <= end:
cbr, mtn, cst = give_me_cloud_coverage(start.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M"), raster_dest)
start = start + datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
return cbr_list, mtn_list, cst_list
cbr_month, mtn_month, cst_month = clouds_in_a_period("201609010000", "201609300000", him_dest)
days = np.arange(1, 31, 1)
plt.plot(days, cbr_month, 'ro-', days, mtn_month, 'g^-', days, cst_month, 'bs-', label=["a", "b", "c"])
plt.xlabel('Day of the month')
plt.ylabel('Cloud Cover')
lgnd = ['Canberra', 'Mountains', 'Coast']
In [16]:
print("Canberra had an average {0:d}% of clouds during September 2016.".format(int(np.array(cbr_month).mean())))
print("The mountains had and average {0:d}% of clouds during September 2016.".format(int(np.array(mtn_month).mean())))
print("The coast had and average {0:d}% of clouds during September 2016.".format(int(np.array(cst_month).mean())))