<img src="http://nci.org.au/wp-content/themes/nci/img/img-logo-large.png", width=400>
In [1]:
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from siphon import catalog, ncss
import datetime
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
url = 'http://dapds00.nci.org.au/thredds/catalog/u39/public/data/modis/fractionalcover-clw/v2.2/netcdf/catalog.xml'
Siphon is a collection of Python utilities for downloading data from Unidata data technologies. More information on installing and using Unidata's Siphon can be found: https://github.com/Unidata/siphon
Once selecting a parent dataset directory, Siphon can be used to search and use the data access methods and services provided by THREDDS. For example, Siphon will return a list of data endpoints for the OPeNDAP data URL, NetCDF Subset Service (NCSS), Web Map Service (WMS), Web Coverage Service (WCS), and the HTTP link for direct download.
In this Notebook, we'll be demonstrating the Netcdf Subset Service (NCSS).
In [3]:
tds = catalog.TDSCatalog(url)
datasets = list(tds.datasets)
endpts = tds.datasets.values()
In [6]:
for key, value in endpts[0].access_urls.items():
print('{}, {}'.format(key, value))
In [5]:
def get_data(dataset, bbox):
nc = ncss.NCSS(dataset.access_urls['NetcdfSubset'])
query = nc.query()
data = nc.get_data(query)
lon = data['longitude'][:]
lat = data['latitude'][:]
bs = data['bs'][0,:,:]
t = data['time'][:]
time_base = datetime.date(year=1800, month=1, day=1)
time = time_base + datetime.timedelta(t[0])
return lon, lat, bs, time
In [6]:
bbox = (135, 140, -31, -27)
lon, lat, bs, t = get_data(endpts[0], bbox)
In [7]:
plt.imshow(bs, extent=bbox, cmap='gist_earth', origin='upper')
plt.xlabel('longitude (degrees)', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('latitude (degrees)', fontsize=14)
print "Date: ", t
In [8]:
bbox = (135, 140, -31, -27)
for endpt in endpts[:15]:
lon, lat, bs, t = get_data(endpt, bbox)
plt.imshow(bs, extent=bbox, cmap='gist_earth', origin='upper')
plt.clim(vmin=-2, vmax=100)
plt.xlabel('longitude (degrees)', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('latitude (degrees)', fontsize=14)
plt.title("Date: "+str(t), fontsize=16, weight='bold')
In [9]:
def get_point(dataset, lat, lon):
nc = ncss.NCSS(dataset.access_urls['NetcdfSubset'])
query = nc.query()
query.lonlat_point(lon, lat)
data = nc.get_data(query)
bs = data['bs'][0]
date = data['date'][0]
return bs, date
In [10]:
bs, date = get_point(endpts[4], -27.75, 137)
print bs, date
In [11]:
data = []
for endpt in endpts[::20]:
bs, date = get_point(endpt, -27.75, 137)
data.append([date, bs])
In [ ]:
import numpy as np
BS = np.array(data)[:,1]
Date = np.array(data)[:,0]
plt.plot(Date, BS, '-o', linewidth=2, markersize=8)
plt.xlabel('date', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('fractional cover of bare soil (%)', fontsize=14)
plt.title('Lat, Lon: -27.75, 137', fontsize=16)