In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import quantumpropagator as qp
from quantumpropagator import readWholeH5toDict, abs2
#from __future__ import print_function
from ipywidgets import interact#, interactive, fixed, interact_manual
import ipywidgets as widgets
def heatThis(h5File,gams,thes,vmaxV,state,save=None):
save = save or False
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
wf = qp.retrieve_hdf5_data(h5File,'WF')[:,:,state]
time = qp.retrieve_hdf5_data(h5File,'Time')[0]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi= 80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
plt.title('Time = {:10.5f} fs'.format(time))
# this is to get a nice colorbar on the side
ax = plt.gca()
aaa = np.rad2deg
ext = [aaa(gams[0]),aaa(gams[-1]),aaa(thes[0])*2,aaa(thes[-1])*2]
im = ax.imshow(qp.abs2(wf), extent=ext, cmap='hot', vmax=vmaxV)
#im = ax.imshow(qp.abs2(wf), cmap='PuBu_r', vmax=0.4)
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
if save:
fig.savefig(os.path.splitext(h5File)[0] + '.png')
def f(frame,state):
return heatThis(os.path.join(a,filesList[frame]),gams,thes,vmaxV,state)
In [2]:
subfolders = sorted([ dir for dir in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isdir(dir) and dir != '.ipynb_checkpoints'])
print(''.join(['{} -> {}\n'.format(a,b) for a,b in enumerate(subfolders)]))
In [3]:
a = subfolders[-1]
In [4]:
filesList = [ fn for fn in sorted(os.listdir(a)) if fn[:8] == 'Gaussian' and fn[-3:] == '.h5']
outh5 = os.path.join(a,'allInput.h5')
dictio = readWholeH5toDict(outh5)
gams,thes = dictio['gams'],dictio['thes']
lastV = len(filesList)-1
# dictio.keys()
zeroWF = qp.retrieve_hdf5_data(os.path.join(a,filesList[0]),'WF')
vmaxV = abs2(zeroWF).max()
gamL,theL,nstates = (qp.retrieve_hdf5_data(os.path.join(a,filesList[0]),'WF')).shape
gamsT = np.rad2deg(gams)
thesT = np.rad2deg(thes)*2
In [5]:
interact(f, frame = widgets.IntSlider(min=0,max=lastV,step=1,value=lastV),state = widgets.IntSlider(min=0,max=nstates-1,step=1,value=0));
createimages = False
if createimages:
for filn in filesList:
filna = os.path.join(a,filn)
heatThis(filna, gams, thes, vmaxV, save=True)
In [ ]:
In [6]:
def sliceGammas(h5File, gamma, exa):
wf = qp.retrieve_hdf5_data(h5File,'WF')
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 6), dpi= 80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
ys = wf[gamma,:]*exa
time = qp.retrieve_hdf5_data(h5File,'Time')[0]
plt.title('Time = {:10.5f} fs --- gammaL = {:8.3f}'.format(time,gamsT[gamma]))
plt.plot(thesT, np.real(ys), linewidth=1,ls='--')
plt.plot(thesT, np.imag(ys), linewidth=1,ls='--')
plt.plot(thesT, abs2(ys), linewidth=3,ls='-')
def sliceThetas(h5File, theta, exa):
wf = qp.retrieve_hdf5_data(h5File,'WF')
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 6), dpi= 80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
ys = wf[:,theta]*exa
time = qp.retrieve_hdf5_data(h5File,'Time')[0]
plt.title('Time = {:10.5f} fs --- thetaL = {:8.3f}'.format(time,thesT[theta]))
plt.plot(gamsT, np.real(ys), linewidth=1,ls='--')
plt.plot(gamsT, np.imag(ys), linewidth=1,ls='-.')
plt.plot(gamsT, abs2(ys), linewidth=3,ls='-')
def fgam(file_number,gamma,exa):
return sliceGammas(os.path.join(a, filesList[file_number]), gamma, exa)
def fthe(file_number,theta,exa):
return sliceThetas(os.path.join(a, filesList[file_number]), theta, exa)
In [7]:
interact(fgam, file_number = widgets.IntSlider(min=0,max=lastV,step=1,value=lastV), gamma = widgets.IntSlider(min=0,max=gamL-1,step=1,value=10), exa = widgets.IntSlider(min=1,max=10,step=1,value=1));
In [8]:
interact(fthe, file_number = widgets.IntSlider(min=0,max=lastV,step=1,value=lastV), theta = widgets.IntSlider(min=0,max=theL-1,step=1,value=16), exa = widgets.IntSlider(min=1,max=10,step=1,value=1));
In [9]:
outfn = os.path.join(a,'output')
outfnP = os.path.join(a,'outputPopul')
In [10]:
data = pd.read_csv(outfn, delim_whitespace=True, header=None);
dataP = pd.read_csv(outfnP, delim_whitespace=True, header=None);
data.columns = ['steps','fs','Norm Deviation','Kinetic','Potential','Total','Total deviation','Xpulse','Ypulse','Zpulse']
In [11]:
result = pd.concat([data, dataP], axis=1)
In [12]:
data.plot(title = 'Norm Deviation', x='fs', y = 'Norm Deviation', figsize=(15,4));
In [13]:
data.plot(title = 'Kinetic', x='fs', y = 'Kinetic', figsize=(15,4));
In [14]:
data.plot(title = 'Potential', x='fs', y = 'Potential', figsize=(15,4));
In [15]:
data['Kinetic_Moved'] = data['Kinetic'] + data['Potential'][0]
data.plot(title = 'Comparison Potential Total Kinetic', x=['fs'] ,y=['Kinetic_Moved','Potential','Total'], figsize=(15,5));
In [16]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,5))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
popul = np.arange(nstates)+1
result.plot(title = 'Population and Pulse', ax = ax1, x=['fs'] ,y=popul, linewidth=0.8)
result.plot(title = 'Population and Pulse', ax = ax2, x=['fs'] ,y=['Xpulse','Ypulse','Zpulse'], linewidth=0.5,ls='--');
In [17]:
def expected(h5file):
wf = qp.retrieve_hdf5_data(h5file,'WF')
_,_,nstates = wf.shape
for i in range(nstates):
wfState = wf[:,:,i]
popu = np.linalg.norm(wfState) # this is norm, the real popu is this squared
if popu == 0:
print('Expected Values State {}:\nPopul: {:10.3f} \nTheta: - \nGamma: -'.format(i, popu**2, theA, gamA))
wfA = abs2(wfState/popu)
gamAvg = np.sum(wfA,axis=1)
theAvg = np.sum(wfA,axis=0)
gamA = sum([ gamsT[i] * gamAvg[i] for i in range(gamAvg.size) ])
theA = sum([ thesT[i] * theAvg[i] for i in range(theAvg.size) ])
print('Expected Values State {}:\nPopul: {:10.3f} \nTheta: {:10.3f} \nGamma: {:10.3f}'.format(i, popu, theA, gamA))
def fexp(x):
return expected(os.path.join(a,filesList[x]))
In [18]:
interact(fexp, x = widgets.IntSlider(min=0,max=lastV,step=1,value=lastV));
In [19]:
# filesList
In [20]:
%matplotlib notebook
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
def plotWF(wf):
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
#something I do not like here, as X and Y are not in the order I like...
X,Y = np.meshgrid(thesT,gamsT)
ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, wf.real, alpha=0.3)
ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, wf.imag, alpha=0.2, color='orange')
In [21]:
def plotdiffStates(state,frame):
wf0 = qp.retrieve_hdf5_data(os.path.join(a,filesList[frame]),'WF')
_,_,nstates = wf0.shape
return plotWF(wf0[:,:,state])
interact(plotdiffStates, state = widgets.IntSlider(min=0,max=nstates-1,step=1,value=0),frame = widgets.IntSlider(min=0,max=lastV,step=1,value=0));