Temperature rise for random countries

Here we give users the opportunity to see the trend in temperature for a number of randomly selected countries:

In [1]:
import wget
    import os
    import zipfile
    import urllib3
    import certifi
    import sys
    import glob
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    %matplotlib inline

    import plotly.offline as py
    import plotly.graph_objs as go
    import plotly.tools as tls
    import seaborn as sns
    import plotly

In [2]:
zf = zipfile.ZipFile('../data/GlobalLandTemperatures.zip')

In [3]:
countries = pd.read_csv(zf.open('GlobalLandTemperaturesByCountry.csv'), parse_dates=['dt'])
countries.Country = countries.Country.str.cat(countries.Country, sep=' ')
countries = countries[countries.dt.dt.year >= 1900]

dt AverageTemperature AverageTemperatureUncertainty Country
1874 1900-01-01 -3.026 0.538 Åland Åland
1875 1900-02-01 -8.063 0.657 Åland Åland
1876 1900-03-01 -3.196 0.467 Åland Åland
1877 1900-04-01 0.781 0.224 Åland Åland
1878 1900-05-01 4.960 0.503 Åland Åland

In [4]:
splits = countries['Country'].str.split()
countries['Countries'] = splits.str[0]

dt AverageTemperature AverageTemperatureUncertainty Country Countries
1874 1900-01-01 -3.026 0.538 Åland Åland Åland
1875 1900-02-01 -8.063 0.657 Åland Åland Åland
1876 1900-03-01 -3.196 0.467 Åland Åland Åland
1877 1900-04-01 0.781 0.224 Åland Åland Åland
1878 1900-05-01 4.960 0.503 Åland Åland Åland

In [5]:
country_means = countries.groupby(['Countries', countries.dt.dt.year])['AverageTemperature'].mean().unstack()
country_mins = countries.groupby(['Countries', countries.dt.dt.year])['AverageTemperature'].min().unstack()
country_maxs = countries.groupby(['Countries', countries.dt.dt.year])['AverageTemperature'].max().unstack()

dt 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 ... 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Afghanistan 13.749333 13.894000 14.505833 12.986417 13.805750 13.385667 13.884917 13.352917 13.699167 13.925417 ... 15.770917 14.980000 15.595583 15.106167 15.216500 15.257750 15.828667 15.518000 14.481583 16.533625
Africa 23.991500 24.081417 23.901917 23.683917 23.330083 23.709667 23.636833 23.376583 23.664917 23.698917 ... 24.895917 25.156167 24.818917 24.851500 24.754667 25.026500 25.472500 24.786500 24.725917 25.208750
Albania 13.068583 12.449583 12.482667 12.543833 12.529333 12.163833 12.179750 12.223667 12.247250 12.559833 ... 13.258167 12.747083 12.976917 13.890500 13.955167 13.844250 13.775417 13.443250 13.768250 14.993875
Algeria 22.864167 22.726417 23.052417 22.555667 22.682333 22.560083 22.468583 22.171583 22.829583 22.569833 ... 23.916000 24.222583 24.200833 24.065333 23.950250 24.154333 25.215667 24.144167 23.954833 25.121500
American 26.273500 26.144750 26.177500 26.331667 26.057000 26.150417 26.588000 26.004500 26.079500 25.928750 ... 27.281167 27.373500 27.081250 27.452417 26.995083 27.034250 27.453417 27.009500 27.201417 27.517250

5 rows × 114 columns

In [6]:
first_years_mean = country_means.iloc[:, :5].mean(axis=1) # mean temperature for the first 5 years
country_means_shifted = country_means.subtract(first_years_mean, axis=0)

def plot_temps(countries, country_ser, ax):
    first_years_mean = country_ser.iloc[:, :5].mean(axis=1)
    country_ser = country_ser.subtract(first_years_mean, axis=0)
    for city in random_countries:
        row = country_ser.loc[city]
        pd.stats.moments.ewma(row, 10).plot(label=row.name, ax=ax)

In [8]:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,1, figsize=(10,10))

n = 5 # number of random countries you want to see
random_countries = country_means_shifted.sample(n).index

plot_temps(random_countries, country_means, axes[0])
plot_temps(random_countries, country_mins, axes[1])
plot_temps(random_countries, country_maxs, axes[2])

axes[0].set_title("Year's mean temperature increase for random countries")
axes[1].set_title("Year's min temperature increase for random countries")
axes[2].set_title("Year's max temperature increase  for random countries")

/Users/sinapi/miniconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:9: FutureWarning:

pd.ewm_mean is deprecated for Series and will be removed in a future version, replace with 

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1122392b0>

In [ ]: