Basic data structures in Python

In this notebook we will take a look at few of the basic data structures available in Python

For the most part of your day to day work, you can get away with only these basic structures


  • Lists are an ordered sequence of values, for example: [10, 3, 4, 2]
  • Lists can contain any types of objects, for example ['apple', 10, 2.3, [1, 2]]

Creating an empty list

In [2]:
list1 = []
print list1


Creating a list with some values

In [4]:
list2 = [10, 3, 4, 2]
print list2

[10, 3, 4, 2]

Creating list with different kinds of values

In [5]:
list3 = ['apple', 10, 2.3, [1, 2]]
print list3

['apple', 10, 2.3, [1, 2]]

Adding values to a list

List has a method append which adds a new item to the end of the list.

In [6]:
print list1
print list1
print list1

[5, 3]
[5, 3, 8]

Reading values from a list

Each item in the list has an index associated with it, starting from 0. We can use the square bracket ([]) notation with the index to access a specific item at the given index.

In [7]:
print list2

[10, 3, 4, 2]

In [8]:
print list2[0]
print list2[1]
print list2[2]
print list2[3]


Reading values from the end of a list

Just like the first element of the list is indexed at 0, the last element is indexed at -1, second last at -2 and so on

In [9]:
print list2

[10, 3, 4, 2]

In [10]:
print list2[-1]
print list2[-2]


Removing values from the list

Lists have a method pop() to remove item from a specific position in the list

In [11]:
print list2

[10, 3, 4, 2]

In [13]:
list2.pop(1) # Should remove value 3


In [14]:
print list2

[10, 4, 2]

There is also a method remove which removes the first item with a given value in the list

In [15]:
print list2

[10, 2]

Finding the length of the list

Python has a built in function len() which can be used to get the length of an object

In [18]:
print list2
print len(list2)

[10, 2]

Checking if a value exists in the list or not?

Python has the in operator to check whether an object contains a particular value or not.

In [19]:
print list3

['apple', 10, 2.3, [1, 2]]

In [20]:
'apple' in list3


In [21]:
'orange' in list3



  • Try and add two lists and see what happens
  • Try multiplying a list with an integer and see what happens
  • Try to implement a stack using the list
  • Try to implement a FIFO queue using the list

In [ ]: