In [21]:
#### REMOVE in ####
import JGV as package
from IPython.core.display import display, Markdown
display(Markdown("# {} {} package documentation\n".format(package.__name__, package.__version__)))
display(Markdown("* Author: {} - {}\n".format(package.__author__, package.__email__)))
display(Markdown("* URL: {}\n".format(package.__url__)))
display(Markdown("* Licence: {}\n".format(package.__licence__)))

JGV 1.0a2 package documentation

JGV is an embed genomic viewer for Jupyter notebook written in python3

JGV is a lightweight genomic viewer, taking advantage of maplotlib python library to generate annotation and sequencing coverage plots. The genomic interval plotting method is higly customizable and allow users to analyse their results in a jupyter notebook directly. The package can parse a variety of standard annotation file (bed, gff3, gtf...) and compute the sequencing coverage from SAM or BAM files as well as from bed coverage files

  • Author: Adrien Leger -
  • Licence: GPLv3


Ideally, before installation, create a clean python3 virtual environment to deploy the package, using virtualenvwrapper for example (see

In [20]:
#### REMOVE in ####
import JGV as package
from IPython.core.display import display, Markdown
if "__install_requires__" in package.__dict__:
    display(Markdown("## Python packages dependencies:\n"))
    for dep in package.__install_requires__:
        display(Markdown("* {}\n".format(dep)))

Python packages dependencies:

  • numpy>=1.11.1
  • pandas>=0.18.1
  • matplotlib>=1.5.1
  • pysam>= 0.9.0
  • notebook>=4.0.0
  • pycl>=1.0.3

Installation with pip from github

Install the package with pip3. All the required dependencies will be automatically installed.

In [ ]:
pip3 install git+ --process-dependency-links

To update the package:

In [ ]:
pip3 install git+ --upgrade --process-dependency-links


The package is meant to be used in a jupyter notebook 4.0.0 +

Notebook setup

Launch the notebook in a terminal

In [ ]:
jupyter notebook

If it does not autolaunch your web browser, open manually the following URL http://localhost:8888/tree

From Jupyter home page you can navigate to the directory you want to work in. Then, create a new Python3 Notebook.

In the notebook, import matplotlib and use the jupyter magic command to enable direct plotting in the current Notebook.

In [36]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
%matplotlib inline

Default pylab parameters can be defined at the beginning of the notebook as well (see for more options)

In [37]:
pl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 20,7
pl.rcParams[''] = 'sans-serif'
pl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['DejaVu Sans']'ggplot')

Using JGV

JGV is first initialized with a reference genome. Then annotation and alignment files can be added. Finally, coverage and feature localization plots can be generated.

Each function has specific options that are comprehensively detailed in the testing notebook provided with the package or in html version on nbviewer: Test_notebook

Import package

In [24]:
from JGV.JGV import JGV

One can also import the jprint and jhelp function from pycoQC to get a improve the default print and help function in jupyter

In [25]:
from JGV.JGV import jhelp, jprint

A sample test file can be loaded from the package as well

In [26]:
example_bam = JGV.example_bam()
example_fasta = JGV.example_fasta()
example_gtf = JGV.example_gtf()
example_gff3 = JGV.example_gff3()






Initialize JGV with a reference genome

JGV starts by creating a Reference object from a fasta file

In [27]:
j = JGV(fp=example_fasta, verbose=True)

Add reference genome file

Parsing fasta file

 Found 17 reference sequences

One can also give a list of chromosomes to select in the fasta file

In [28]:
j = JGV(fp=example_fasta, verbose=True, ref_list=["I","II","III"])

Add reference genome file

Parsing fasta file

 Found 17 reference sequences

Finally, instead of a fasta file, one can provide a tab separated index file containing at least 2 columns with the refid(chromosome name) and the length of the sequence, such as a fasta index create by faidx or with the output_index option of JGV

In [29]:
j = JGV(fp=example_fasta, verbose=True, output_index=True)

Add reference genome file

Parsing fasta file

Write a fasta index file: /home/aleg/Programming/Python3/JupyterGenoViewer/JGV/data/yeast.tsv

 Found 17 reference sequences

In [30]:
index = "/home/aleg/Programming/Python3/JupyterGenoViewer/JGV/data/yeast.tsv"
j = JGV(index, verbose=True)

Add reference genome file

Assume the file is a fasta index

 Found 17 reference sequences

Adding annotation files

Once initialized a JGV object can parse and save annotation files (gff3, gtf and bed).

In [31]:
j.add_annotation(example_gtf, name="yeastMine")

Several annotation can be loaded. Warnings will be thrown if there are chromosomes found in the reference sequence have no feature in the annotation file

In [32]:
j.add_annotation(example_gff3, name="Ensembl")

Information about the annotations can be obtained with annotation_summary

In [33]:

Counts per Annotation file

Feature count Refid count Feature type count
yeastMine 42071 17 6
Ensembl 28872 17 15

Counts per Reference sequence

yeastMine Ensembl
I 744 509
II 2867 1961
III 1174 809
IV 5290 3601
IX 1537 1062
Mito 306 257
V 2081 1434
VI 916 636
VII 3739 2565
VIII 2027 1391
X 2542 1744
XI 2174 1485
XII 3708 2549
XIII 3236 2226
XIV 2726 1861
XV 3765 2562
XVI 3239 2220

Counts per feature types

yeastMine Ensembl
CDS 7050.0 7050.0
chromosome NaN 17.0
exon 7553.0 7553.0
gene 7126.0 6692.0
mRNA NaN 6692.0
ncRNA_gene NaN 15.0
pseudogene NaN 42.0
rRNA NaN 16.0
rRNA_gene NaN 16.0
snRNA NaN 6.0
snRNA_gene NaN 6.0
snoRNA NaN 77.0
snoRNA_gene NaN 77.0
start_codon 6700.0 NaN
stop_codon 6516.0 NaN
tRNA_gene NaN 299.0
transcript 7126.0 314.0

Adding alignment files

JGV objects can also parse and compute the coverage from alignment files (bam, sam and bed).

In [34]:
j.add_alignment(example_bam, name="RNA-Seq")

Similar to annotation, JGV also has an alignment_summary function

In [35]:

Counts per Alignment file

Refid count Base coverage
RNA-Seq 17 4051804

Counts per Reference sequence

XII 710501
VII 517868
IV 433392
XV 334195
II 271983
XVI 260855
XI 253186
VIII 236955
X 207338
V 203852
XIII 200794
XIV 130148
III 95877
IX 72737
I 72143
VI 49980
Mito 0

Generate a plot of coverage per refid

Simple visualization to have a first idea of the sequencing coverage, with many customization options

In [24]:
r = j.refid_coverage_plot()

In [31]:
r = j.refid_coverage_plot(norm_depth=False, norm_len=False, log=True, color="dodgerblue", alpha=0.5)

Plotting the coverage and annotation features of a specific window

interval_plot is undoubtedly the most useful function of the package. It has a large panel of option to customize the plots and will adapt automatically to plot all the annotation and alignment coverage over a defined genomic interval or an entire chromosome

In [33]:
j.interval_plot("VI", feature_types=["gene", "transcript", "CDS"])

Autodefine start position: 0

Autodefine end position: 270160

Estimated overlap offset: 675

Extract alignment data

Compute coverage from the windows: VI:0-270160

 Define size of each bin: 540.32

 Compute coverage...

Extract annotation data

 Alignment track name: RNA-Seq

 Alignment track name: yeastMine

 Alignment track name: Ensembl

In [37]:
j.interval_plot("VI", start=220000, end=225000)

Estimated overlap offset: 12

Extract alignment data

Compute coverage from the windows: VI:220000-225000

 Define size of each bin: 10.0

 Compute coverage...

Extract annotation data

 Alignment track name: RNA-Seq

 Alignment track name: yeastMine

 Alignment track name: Ensembl

Note to developers

You are welcome to contribute by requesting additional functionalities, reporting bugs or by forking, and submitting a pull request.

Thank you

Authors and Contact

Adrien Leger - 2017

Enright's group, EMBL EBI