Data Exploration & Feature Engineering

1. Data Exploration

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

In [2]:
#Read files:
train = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
test = pd.read_csv("test.csv")

In [3]:
#Combine test and train into one file
data = pd.concat([train, test],ignore_index=True)
print train.shape, test.shape, data.shape

(8523, 13) (5681, 12) (14204, 13)

In [4]:
#Check missing values:
data.apply(lambda x: sum(x.isnull()))

Item_Fat_Content                0
Item_Identifier                 0
Item_MRP                        0
Item_Outlet_Sales            5681
Item_Type                       0
Item_Visibility                 0
Item_Weight                  2439
Outlet_Establishment_Year       0
Outlet_Identifier               0
Outlet_Location_Type            0
Outlet_Size                  4016
Outlet_Type                     0
source                          0
dtype: int64

In [5]:
#Numerical data summary:

Item_MRP Item_Outlet_Sales Item_Visibility Item_Weight Outlet_Establishment_Year
count 14204.000000 8523.000000 14204.000000 11765.000000 14204.000000
mean 141.004977 2181.288914 0.065953 12.792854 1997.830681
std 62.086938 1706.499616 0.051459 4.652502 8.371664
min 31.290000 33.290000 0.000000 4.555000 1985.000000
25% 94.012000 834.247400 0.027036 8.710000 1987.000000
50% 142.247000 1794.331000 0.054021 12.600000 1999.000000
75% 185.855600 3101.296400 0.094037 16.750000 2004.000000
max 266.888400 13086.964800 0.328391 21.350000 2009.000000

In [6]:
#Number of unique values in each:
data.apply(lambda x: len(x.unique()))

Item_Fat_Content                 5
Item_Identifier               1559
Item_MRP                      8052
Item_Outlet_Sales             3494
Item_Type                       16
Item_Visibility              13006
Item_Weight                    416
Outlet_Establishment_Year        9
Outlet_Identifier               10
Outlet_Location_Type             3
Outlet_Size                      4
Outlet_Type                      4
source                           2
dtype: int64

In [7]:
#Filter categorical variables
categorical_columns = [x for x in data.dtypes.index if data.dtypes[x]=='object']
#Exclude ID cols and source:
categorical_columns = [x for x in categorical_columns if x not in ['Item_Identifier','Outlet_Identifier','source']]
#Print frequency of categories
for col in categorical_columns:
    print '\nFrequency of Categories for varible %s'%col
    print data[col].value_counts()

Frequency of Categories for varible Item_Fat_Content
Low Fat    8485
Regular    4824
LF          522
reg         195
low fat     178
Name: Item_Fat_Content, dtype: int64

Frequency of Categories for varible Item_Type
Fruits and Vegetables    2013
Snack Foods              1989
Household                1548
Frozen Foods             1426
Dairy                    1136
Baking Goods             1086
Canned                   1084
Health and Hygiene        858
Meat                      736
Soft Drinks               726
Breads                    416
Hard Drinks               362
Others                    280
Starchy Foods             269
Breakfast                 186
Seafood                    89
Name: Item_Type, dtype: int64

Frequency of Categories for varible Outlet_Location_Type
Tier 3    5583
Tier 2    4641
Tier 1    3980
Name: Outlet_Location_Type, dtype: int64

Frequency of Categories for varible Outlet_Size
Medium    4655
Small     3980
High      1553
Name: Outlet_Size, dtype: int64

Frequency of Categories for varible Outlet_Type
Supermarket Type1    9294
Grocery Store        1805
Supermarket Type3    1559
Supermarket Type2    1546
Name: Outlet_Type, dtype: int64

2. Data Cleaning


In [8]:
#Determine the average weight per item:
item_avg_weight = data.pivot_table(values='Item_Weight', index='Item_Identifier')

#Get a boolean variable specifying missing Item_Weight values
miss_bool = data['Item_Weight'].isnull() 

#Impute data and check #missing values before and after imputation to confirm
print 'Orignal #missing: %d'% sum(miss_bool)
data.loc[miss_bool,'Item_Weight'] = data.loc[miss_bool,'Item_Identifier'].apply(lambda x: item_avg_weight[x])
print 'Final #missing: %d'% sum(data['Item_Weight'].isnull())

Orignal #missing: 2439
Final #missing: 0

In [9]:
#Import mode function:
from scipy.stats import mode

#Determing the mode for each
outlet_size_mode = data.pivot_table(values='Outlet_Size', columns='Outlet_Type',aggfunc=(lambda x:mode(x).mode[0]) )
print 'Mode for each Outlet_Type:'
print outlet_size_mode

#Get a boolean variable specifying missing Item_Weight values
miss_bool = data['Outlet_Size'].isnull() 

#Impute data and check #missing values before and after imputation to confirm
print '\nOrignal #missing: %d'% sum(miss_bool)
data.loc[miss_bool,'Outlet_Size'] = data.loc[miss_bool,'Outlet_Type'].apply(lambda x: outlet_size_mode[x])
print sum(data['Outlet_Size'].isnull())

Mode for each Outlet_Type:
Grocery Store         Small
Supermarket Type1     Small
Supermarket Type2    Medium
Supermarket Type3    Medium
Name: Outlet_Size, dtype: object

Orignal #missing: 4016
/Users/aarshay/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/ FutureWarning: numpy not_equal will not check object identity in the future. The comparison did not return the same result as suggested by the identity (`is`)) and will change.
  flag = np.concatenate(([True], aux[1:] != aux[:-1]))

2. Feature Engineering:

Step1: Consider combining categories in Outlet_Type

In [10]:
#Check the mean sales by type:

Grocery Store         339.828500
Supermarket Type1    2316.181148
Supermarket Type2    1995.498739
Supermarket Type3    3694.038558
Name: Item_Outlet_Sales, dtype: float64

Step2: Modify Item_Visibility

In [13]:
#Determine average visibility of a product
visibility_avg = data.pivot_table(values='Item_Visibility', index='Item_Identifier')

#Impute 0 values with mean visibility of that product:
miss_bool = (data['Item_Visibility'] == 0)

print 'Number of 0 values initially: %d'%sum(miss_bool)
data.loc[miss_bool,'Item_Visibility'] = data.loc[miss_bool,'Item_Identifier'].apply(lambda x: visibility_avg[x])
print 'Number of 0 values after modification: %d'%sum(data['Item_Visibility'] == 0)

Number of 0 values initially: 879
Number of 0 values after modification: 0

In [14]:
#Determine another variable with means ratio
data['Item_Visibility_MeanRatio'] = data.apply(lambda x: x['Item_Visibility']/visibility_avg[x['Item_Identifier']], axis=1)
print data['Item_Visibility_MeanRatio'].describe()

count    14204.000000
mean         1.061884
std          0.235907
min          0.844563
25%          0.925131
50%          0.999070
75%          1.042007
max          3.010094
Name: Item_Visibility_MeanRatio, dtype: float64

Step 3: Create a broad category of Type of Item

In [15]:
#Item type combine:
data['Item_Type_Combined'] = data['Item_Identifier'].apply(lambda x: x[0:2])
data['Item_Type_Combined'] = data['Item_Type_Combined'].map({'FD':'Food',

Food              10201
Non-Consumable     2686
Drinks             1317
Name: Item_Type_Combined, dtype: int64

Step 4: Determine the years of operation of a store

In [16]:
data['Outlet_Years'] = 2013 - data['Outlet_Establishment_Year']

count    14204.000000
mean        15.169319
std          8.371664
min          4.000000
25%          9.000000
50%         14.000000
75%         26.000000
max         28.000000
Name: Outlet_Years, dtype: float64

Step 5: Modify categories of Item_Fat_Content

In [17]:
#Change categories of low fat:
print 'Original Categories:'
print data['Item_Fat_Content'].value_counts()

print '\nModified Categories:'
data['Item_Fat_Content'] = data['Item_Fat_Content'].replace({'LF':'Low Fat',
                                                             'low fat':'Low Fat'})
print data['Item_Fat_Content'].value_counts()

Original Categories:
Low Fat    8485
Regular    4824
LF          522
reg         195
low fat     178
Name: Item_Fat_Content, dtype: int64

Modified Categories:
Low Fat    9185
Regular    5019
Name: Item_Fat_Content, dtype: int64

In [18]:
#Mark non-consumables as separate category in low_fat:
data.loc[data['Item_Type_Combined']=="Non-Consumable",'Item_Fat_Content'] = "Non-Edible"

Low Fat       6499
Regular       5019
Non-Edible    2686
Name: Item_Fat_Content, dtype: int64

Step 6: Numerical and One-Hot Coding of Categorical variables

In [19]:
#Import library:
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
le = LabelEncoder()
#New variable for outlet
data['Outlet'] = le.fit_transform(data['Outlet_Identifier'])
var_mod = ['Item_Fat_Content','Outlet_Location_Type','Outlet_Size','Item_Type_Combined','Outlet_Type','Outlet']
le = LabelEncoder()
for i in var_mod:
    data[i] = le.fit_transform(data[i])

In [20]:
#One Hot Coding:
data = pd.get_dummies(data, columns=['Item_Fat_Content','Outlet_Location_Type','Outlet_Size','Outlet_Type',

In [21]:

Item_Identifier               object
Item_MRP                     float64
Item_Outlet_Sales            float64
Item_Type                     object
Item_Visibility              float64
Item_Weight                  float64
Outlet_Establishment_Year      int64
Outlet_Identifier             object
source                        object
Item_Visibility_MeanRatio    float64
Outlet_Years                   int64
Item_Fat_Content_0           float64
Item_Fat_Content_1           float64
Item_Fat_Content_2           float64
Outlet_Location_Type_0       float64
Outlet_Location_Type_1       float64
Outlet_Location_Type_2       float64
Outlet_Size_0                float64
Outlet_Size_1                float64
Outlet_Size_2                float64
Outlet_Type_0                float64
Outlet_Type_1                float64
Outlet_Type_2                float64
Outlet_Type_3                float64
Item_Type_Combined_0         float64
Item_Type_Combined_1         float64
Item_Type_Combined_2         float64
Outlet_0                     float64
Outlet_1                     float64
Outlet_2                     float64
Outlet_3                     float64
Outlet_4                     float64
Outlet_5                     float64
Outlet_6                     float64
Outlet_7                     float64
Outlet_8                     float64
Outlet_9                     float64
dtype: object

In [22]:

Item_Fat_Content_0 Item_Fat_Content_1 Item_Fat_Content_2
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 1
2 1 0 0
3 0 0 1
4 0 1 0
5 0 0 1
6 0 0 1
7 1 0 0
8 0 0 1
9 0 0 1

Step7: Exporting Data

In [23]:
#Drop the columns which have been converted to different types:

#Divide into test and train:
train = data.loc[data['source']=="train"]
test = data.loc[data['source']=="test"]

#Drop unnecessary columns:

#Export files as modified versions:

/Users/aarshay/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
/Users/aarshay/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:

In [ ]: