In [1]:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import sys

from magenta.common import tf_lib

In [3]:
from magenta.models.rl_tuner import rl_tuner
from magenta.models.rl_tuner import rl_tuner_ops

In [4]:
# Place to save your model checkpoints and composi|
SAVE_PATH = "/tmp/rl_tuner/"

In [5]:
# Model parameter settings

In [6]:
rl_tuner_hparams = tf_lib.HParams(random_action_probability=0.1,

Train network

In [7]:

In [8]:
rl_net = rl_tuner.RLTuner(SAVE_PATH, 

Retrieving checkpoint of Note RNN from Magenta download server.
WARNING:tensorflow:<tensorflow.python.ops.rnn_cell.LSTMCell object at 0x10e508090>: Using a concatenated state is slower and will soon be deprecated.  Use state_is_tuple=True.
WARNING:tensorflow:<tensorflow.python.ops.rnn_cell.LSTMCell object at 0x11297c1d0>: Using a concatenated state is slower and will soon be deprecated.  Use state_is_tuple=True.
WARNING:tensorflow:<tensorflow.python.ops.rnn_cell.LSTMCell object at 0x112b3bf90>: Using a concatenated state is slower and will soon be deprecated.  Use state_is_tuple=True.
WARNING:tensorflow:Can't find checkpoint file, using /Users/fjord/m/magenta-personal/magenta/models/rl_tuner/note_rnn.ckpt
WARNING:tensorflow:Can't find checkpoint file, using /Users/fjord/m/magenta-personal/magenta/models/rl_tuner/note_rnn.ckpt
WARNING:tensorflow:Can't find checkpoint file, using /Users/fjord/m/magenta-personal/magenta/models/rl_tuner/note_rnn.ckpt
Successfully initialized internal nets from checkpoint!

In [9]:
# Generate initial music sequence before training with RL
rl_net.generate_music_sequence(visualize_probs=True, title='pre_rl', length=32)

Generated sequence: [0, 23, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0, 18, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0, 18, 0, 18, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0, 23, 0, 18]

In [12]:
rl_net.train(num_steps=1000000, exploration_period=500000)

Evaluating initial model...
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 50000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -271440.762102
		Music theory reward: -19212.4007021
		Note RNN reward: -252228.3614
	Exploration probability is 0.9042382
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 100000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -252624.961234
		Music theory reward: -8962.16737395
		Note RNN reward: -243662.79386
	Exploration probability is 0.8084782
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 150000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -231745.239523
		Music theory reward: 1347.95386468
		Note RNN reward: -233093.193388
	Exploration probability is 0.7127182
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 200000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -215197.618369
		Music theory reward: 3926.74782733
		Note RNN reward: -219124.366196
	Exploration probability is 0.6169582
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 250000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -195172.008609
		Music theory reward: 8494.54816083
		Note RNN reward: -203666.556769
	Exploration probability is 0.5211982
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 300000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -172458.443775
		Music theory reward: 12818.4484198
		Note RNN reward: -185276.892194
	Exploration probability is 0.4254382
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 350000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -145884.029703
		Music theory reward: 19940.1936502
		Note RNN reward: -165824.223353
	Exploration probability is 0.3296782
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 400000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -123316.505537
		Music theory reward: 23591.0168802
		Note RNN reward: -146907.522418
	Exploration probability is 0.2339182
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 450000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -92492.2224385
		Music theory reward: 35479.3464614
		Note RNN reward: -127971.5689
	Exploration probability is 0.1381582
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 500000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -69201.482589
		Music theory reward: 37484.8345059
		Note RNN reward: -106686.317095
	Exploration probability is 0.1
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 550000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -68216.0683477
		Music theory reward: 35826.0362874
		Note RNN reward: -104042.104635
	Exploration probability is 0.1
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 600000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -66148.9597383
		Music theory reward: 35287.3891036
		Note RNN reward: -101436.348842
	Exploration probability is 0.1
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 650000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -61028.822896
		Music theory reward: 41125.9112819
		Note RNN reward: -102154.734178
	Exploration probability is 0.1
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 700000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -53099.5787372
		Music theory reward: 48232.8142846
		Note RNN reward: -101332.393022
	Exploration probability is 0.1
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 750000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -56647.105211
		Music theory reward: 44129.6532664
		Note RNN reward: -100776.758477
	Exploration probability is 0.1
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 800000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -62086.1018061
		Music theory reward: 38124.7880191
		Note RNN reward: -100210.889825
	Exploration probability is 0.1
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 850000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -59706.0010477
		Music theory reward: 41414.4748665
		Note RNN reward: -101120.475914
	Exploration probability is 0.1
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 900000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -57400.849034
		Music theory reward: 43818.3817594
		Note RNN reward: -101219.230793
	Exploration probability is 0.1
Evaluating model...
Training iteration 950000
	Reward for last 50000 steps: -62722.6680829
		Music theory reward: 37326.3583895
		Note RNN reward: -100049.026472
	Exploration probability is 0.1

In [13]:
# Plot the rewards received during training. Improves as chance of random exploration action decreases.

In [14]:
# Plot rewards received during calls to evaluation function throughout training. 
# Does not include exploration or random actions.

In [15]:
rl_net.generate_music_sequence(visualize_probs=True, title='post_rl')

Generated sequence: [0, 0, 1, 23, 0, 23, 26, 0, 23, 25, 0, 26, 0, 0, 1, 30, 0, 23, 26, 0, 33, 0, 28, 26, 0, 0, 21, 0, 0, 26, 0, 0]

In [16]:
# If you're happy with the model, save a version!
rl_net.save_model(SAVE_PATH, 'my_cool_model')

In [17]:
# Compute statistics about how well the model adheres to the music theory rules.
stat_dict = rl_net.evaluate_music_theory_metrics(num_compositions=100)

Total compositions: 100.0
Total notes:3200.0
	Compositions starting with tonic: 5.0
	Compositions with unique highest note:63.0
	Compositions with unique lowest note:63.0
	Number of resolved leaps:47.0
	Number of double leaps:28.0
	Notes not in key:58.0
	Notes in motif:2113.0
	Notes in repeated motif:0.0
	Notes excessively repeated:0.0

	Percent compositions starting with tonic:0.05
	Percent compositions with unique highest note:0.63
	Percent compositions with unique lowest note:0.63
	Percent of leaps resolved:0.626666666667
	Percent notes not in key:0.018125
	Percent notes in motif:0.6603125
	Percent notes in repeated motif:0.0
	Percent notes excessively repeated:0.0

	Average autocorrelation of lag1:-0.331231351539
	Average autocorrelation of lag2:0.108201559
	Average autocorrelation of lag3:-0.0560363994806

	Avg. num octave jumps per composition:0.02
	Avg. num sevenths per composition:0.03
	Avg. num fifths per composition:0.56
	Avg. num sixths per composition:0.36
	Avg. num fourths per composition:2.28
	Avg. num rest intervals per composition:7.18
	Avg. num seconds per composition:3.34
	Avg. num thirds per composition:0.55
	Avg. num in key preferred intervals per composition:1.25
	Avg. num special rest intervals per composition:6.47