Wilderness World Heritage analysis for the marine environment (no Antarctica)

Based on the discussion with Bastian and various people.

The spatial analysis was done outside of this notebook. In a nutshell, the spatial component dealt with the question of how much of cumulative marine pressure there is in each unit (see below for such a hypothetical biogeographic classification). The analysis was carried out in such a way that the aggregation happens in the later stage and if thresholds are to be changed (very likely due to the explorative nature of such exercise), it requires minimum efforts without having to re-run any spatial analysis, which are time-consuming and prone to error.

Nodata in the result (when converting rasters to numpy) is also removed thus saving the efforts of having to manually remove them here.

concise methodology here

In [2]:
# load default libraries
import os, sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# make sure gdal is correctly installed
from osgeo import gdal
import gc

%matplotlib inline

Get quantiles from the input raster data (global threshold from raw data)

It is necessary to load the original raster in order to calculateits quantiles. They are used to define thresholds to explore the extent of marine wilderness areas.

In [3]:
def raster2array(rasterfn):
    raster = gdal.Open(rasterfn)
    band = raster.GetRasterBand(1)
    return band.ReadAsArray()

In [4]:
g_array = raster2array('global_cumul_impact_2013_all_layers.tif')

In [5]:
g_array_f = g_array.flatten()

In [6]:
(g_array_f == 0).sum()


In [7]:
print('The total number of non-zero values in the raw raster dataset:', g_array_f.size - (g_array_f==0).sum())

## in fact the following should be used for testing equality of float dtypes. Because the result remains\
## the same thus the simpler option is used.

## (np.isclose(g_array_f, 0.0)).sum()

The total number of non-zero values in the raw raster dataset: 414635567

The number of non-zero values is notably different from esri's calculation, which stands at 414,347,791, less than what's calculated here and is 300,000 fewer zeros. This suggests esri may be using a bigger tolerence value, i.e. what is considered small enough to be regarded as zero .

Now, get the quantiles... this threshold is subject to change. For the time being, arbitary values of 1%, 3%, 5% and 10% are used.

In [8]:
## the percentile function applied to the sliced array, i.e., those with values greater than 0
quantiles = [np.percentile(g_array_f[~(g_array_f == 0)], quantile) for quantile in [1,3,5,10]]

In [9]:


In [10]:
print('\n'.join(['Threshold cut-off value: '+ str(threshold) for threshold in quantiles]))

Threshold cut-off value: 0.67987793684
Threshold cut-off value: 1.26132988691
Threshold cut-off value: 1.50645661354
Threshold cut-off value: 1.80494630337

Overlap between biogeography and marine pressure (global threshold)

The hypothetical biogeographical classification of the marine environmental within EEZ is described as a combination of MEOW (Marine Ecoregional of the World), its visual representation (called hereafter MEOW visual) up to 200 nautical miles and the World's pelagic provinces. The spatial data was prepared in a way such that from the coastline outwards disjoint polygons represents: MEOW (up to 200 meter depth, inner/red), MEOW visual overlaps with pelagic provinces (middle/green), pelagic provinces that do not overlap with MEOW visual (outer/blue). This is purely a spatial aggregation based on the above data and the World Vector Shoreline EEZ. See below for example.

Load the input_data table, which describes the intersection between the marine pressure layer and the marine ecoregion/pelagic provinces classification. The input_attr table contains information on the relationship between OBJECTID and each raster pixel value.

  • OBJECTID (one) - pixel value (many)
  • OBJECTID (many) - attr: Province, Ecoregion, and Realm, categories (one) Each pixel is of height and width: 934.478 meter, making each pixel in area 0.873 $km^2$

In [11]:
# calculate cell-size in sqkm2
cell_size = 934.478*934.478/1000000


In [12]:
# the OBJECTID - ras_val table. This is a very big table and will take a long time.
input_data = pd.read_csv('result.csv')
# print fields

Index(['OBJECTID', 'ras_val'], dtype='object')

In [13]:


In [14]:
# the attribute table containing information about province etcb
input_attr = pd.read_csv('attr.csv')
# print fileds

       'category', 'Shape_Length', 'Shape_Area'],

In [15]:
# total count of pixels per OBJECTID, i.e. base
result_count = input_data.groupby('OBJECTID').count().reset_index()

Here I created four result tables containing only pixels that meet the criteria as specified by different thresholds

In [16]:
# filter result only in the top 1, 3, 5, 10 percentile (of least impacted marine areas)
result_1, result_3, result_5, result_10 = \
[input_data[input_data.ras_val <= threshold].groupby('OBJECTID').count().reset_index() for threshold in quantiles]

The next step will be to join the input_attr table with filtered pixel values. Replace result10 result table if other threshold is used.

In [17]:
# join base to the attribute
attr_merge = pd.merge(input_attr, result_count, on = 'OBJECTID')

# join result to the above table
attr_merge_10 = pd.merge(attr_merge, result_10, how = 'left', on ='OBJECTID', suffixes = ('_base', '_result'))

# fill ras_val_result's NaN with 0, province and realms with None. This should happen earlier
attr_merge_10['ras_val_result'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
attr_merge_10['PROVINCE'].fillna('None', inplace=True)
attr_merge_10['PROVINCE_P'].fillna('None', inplace=True)

# apply an aggregate function to each sub dataframe, as a result of grouping
def apply_func(group):
    overlap = group['ras_val_result'].sum()*cell_size # in sqkm
    base = group['ras_val_base'].sum()*cell_size
    per = overlap/base
    # can have multiple columns as a result, if returened as pd.series
    return pd.Series([overlap, per, base], index=['less_than_threshold', 'per_ltt', 'base'])

# code reuse: threshold
def calculate_wilderness_marine(threshold, groups):
    """<threshold to consider wilderness value>, <a python list such as ['PROVINCE', 'PROVINCE_P', attr fields]>"""
    # filtered input data according to threshold merge
    input_data_filtered = input_data[input_data.ras_val <= threshold].groupby('OBJECTID').count().reset_index()
    # base merge
    base_merge = pd.merge(input_attr, result_count, on = 'OBJECTID')
    # merge the two above
    result = pd.merge(base_merge, input_data_filtered, how='left', on='OBJECTID', suffixes=('_base', '_result'))
        # solve no data issue
    result['ras_val_result'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    result['PROVINCE'].fillna('None', inplace=True)
    result['PROVINCE_P'].fillna('None', inplace=True)
    return result.groupby(groups).apply(apply_func).reset_index()

One all tables are joined - full attributes with pixel values, attributes can be used to specify groupings

In [18]:
# use 10% as threshold
calculate_wilderness_marine(quantiles[-1], ['PROVINCE', 'PROVINCE_P', 'category']).head(20)

PROVINCE PROVINCE_P category less_than_threshold per_ltt base
0 Agulhas Agulhas Current pelagic_meow_v 4.366246e+00 0.000008 5.390357e+05
1 Agulhas Benguela Current pelagic_meow_v 0.000000e+00 0.000000 2.824088e+04
2 Agulhas None meow200m 1.244380e+03 0.010160 1.224828e+05
3 Agulhas South Central Atlantic pelagic_meow_v 0.000000e+00 0.000000 6.505706e+02
4 Amsterdam-St Paul None meow200m 3.999481e+02 0.442512 9.038129e+02
5 Amsterdam-St Paul Southern Indian Ocean pelagic_meow_v 6.390088e+04 0.167804 3.808065e+05
6 Amsterdam-St Paul Southern Subtropical Front pelagic_meow_v 4.591544e+03 0.328358 1.398334e+04
7 Andaman None meow200m 2.069600e+03 0.006710 3.084360e+05
8 Andaman Northern Indian Ocean pelagic_meow_v 6.841034e+03 0.004711 1.452095e+06
9 Arctic Arctic pelagic_meow_v 1.989649e+06 0.573653 3.468383e+06
10 Arctic None meow200m 3.042846e+06 0.437750 6.951104e+06
11 Arctic Subarctic Atlantic pelagic_meow_v 2.476709e+04 0.023380 1.059351e+06
12 Arctic Subarctic Pacific pelagic_meow_v 1.109026e+03 0.013927 7.963072e+04
13 Bay of Bengal None meow200m 1.846922e+03 0.006514 2.835335e+05
14 Bay of Bengal Northern Indian Ocean pelagic_meow_v 0.000000e+00 0.000000 6.244395e+05
15 Benguela Benguela Current pelagic_meow_v 1.630356e+03 0.002477 6.583294e+05
16 Benguela Equatorial Atlantic pelagic_meow_v 0.000000e+00 0.000000 1.454134e+04
17 Benguela None meow200m 4.329569e+03 0.026932 1.607599e+05
18 Benguela South Central Atlantic pelagic_meow_v 0.000000e+00 0.000000 8.828549e+02
19 Black Sea Black Sea pelagic_meow_v 0.000000e+00 0.000000 2.921892e+05

Further aggregation could be applied here, if needed.

Overlap between biogeography and marine pressure (new threshold for within EEZ)

The World Heritage Convention currently operates only within areas under national jurisdiction, and thus high seas/ABNJ is not to be considered. It is sensible to reduce the scope of area of interest to the extent of EEZ, and accordingly adjust wilderness threshold values.

By excluding Antartica, where significant area of wilderness exist, it should raise the bar lower for those to be considered as wilderness areas, i.e. having a higher cumulative marine pressure threshold and more areas would be 'eligible' as wilderness.

In [19]:
# check data integrity


In [20]:
# no zeros in the result data


In [21]:
# it should not have 0, which indicates nodata in the raster data as it has been removed during the spatial analysis


In [22]:
# percentage of EEZ water in relation to the entire ocean


In [23]:
# all input_data are non-zero (zero indicates land and nodata)
input_data[~(input_data.ras_val == 0)].ras_val.count() == input_data.ras_val.count()


In [24]:
# get threshold for 10%
new_threshold = np.percentile(input_data.ras_val, 10)
old_threshold = np.percentile(g_array_f[~(g_array_f == 0)], 10)

Use the new threshold (based on EEZ) and the function defined in the previous section to output lists of:

  • all meow provinces (including both 200 meter depth and 200 nautical miles (views) - wilderness area and percentage cover
  • both provinces, meow and pelagic, within EEZ - wilderness area and percentage cover

It is possible for other combinations or different threshold if required.

In [25]:
# export wilderness distribution by province or other groupings
calculate_wilderness_marine(new_threshold, ['PROVINCE']).to_csv('export_meow_province.csv')
calculate_wilderness_marine(new_threshold, ['PROVINCE', 'PROVINCE_P', 'category']).to_csv('export_province_full.csv')

PermissionError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-25-d3ad25a62820> in <module>()
      1 # export wilderness distribution by province or other groupings
----> 2 calculate_wilderness_marine(new_threshold, ['PROVINCE']).to_csv('export_meow_province.csv')
      3 calculate_wilderness_marine(new_threshold, ['PROVINCE', 'PROVINCE_P', 'category']).to_csv('export_province_full.csv')

C:\Users\yichuans\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\frame.py in to_csv(self, path_or_buf, sep, na_rep, float_format, columns, header, index, index_label, mode, encoding, compression, quoting, quotechar, line_terminator, chunksize, tupleize_cols, date_format, doublequote, escapechar, decimal, **kwds)
   1342                                      doublequote=doublequote,
   1343                                      escapechar=escapechar, decimal=decimal)
-> 1344         formatter.save()
   1346         if path_or_buf is None:

C:\Users\yichuans\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\formats\format.py in save(self)
   1524             f = _get_handle(self.path_or_buf, self.mode,
   1525                             encoding=self.encoding,
-> 1526                             compression=self.compression)
   1527             close = True

C:\Users\yichuans\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\common.py in _get_handle(path, mode, encoding, compression)
    422                 f = open(path, mode, encoding=encoding)
    423             else:
--> 424                 f = open(path, mode, errors='replace')
    425         else:
    426             f = open(path, mode)

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'export_meow_province.csv'

The distribution map of wilderness within EEZ using new threshold

Distribution of percentage of wilderness (less than threshold, ltt) by groups

In [ ]:
import seaborn as sns

In [ ]:
# small multiples: distribution of percentage of less than threshold (ltt)
g = sns.FacetGrid(calculate_wilderness_marine(new_threshold, ['PROVINCE', 'PROVINCE_P', 'category']), col="category")
g.map(plt.hist, 'per_ltt', bins=50, log=True)

In [ ]:
# MEOW province (200m and 200 nautical combined)
sns.distplot(calculate_wilderness_marine(new_threshold, ['PROVINCE']).per_ltt)

In [ ]:
# pelagic province
sns.distplot(calculate_wilderness_marine(new_threshold, ['PROVINCE_P']).per_ltt)

From the graphs, it is obvious that most provinces/pelagic provinces have very low percentage of marine wilderness area inside them.

Overlap between marine World Heritage sites and marine pressure

The aim of this analysis is to understand wilderness marine area, as identified using methods in this study, inside the current WH sites

In [27]:
# load data
wh47 = pd.read_csv('wh47.csv')
wh_attr = pd.read_csv('wh_attr.csv')

print(wh47.columns, wh_attr.columns)

Index(['wdpaid', 'ras_val'], dtype='object') Index(['objectid', 'wdpaid', 'en_name', 'fr_name', 'status_yr', 'rep_area',
       'gis_area', 'country', 'crit', 'shape_Length', 'shape_Area'],

In [28]:
# check thresholds, use new threshold
print('Old threshold: {0}\nNew threshold: {1}'.format(old_threshold, new_threshold))

Old threshold: 1.8049463033676147
New threshold: 1.9568599999999998

In [29]:
# get WH statics
wh_n_base = (wh47.groupby('wdpaid').ras_val.count()*cell_size).reset_index()  # all marine area
wh_n = (wh47[wh47.ras_val<new_threshold].groupby('wdpaid').ras_val.count()*cell_size).reset_index() # marine wild

# merge in order to calculate percentage (% of marine wilderness in marine area of WH sites)
a = pd.merge(wh_n_base, wh_n, on='wdpaid', suffixes=('_all', '_wild'))
a = pd.merge(wh_attr, a, how='inner', on='wdpaid')
a['per'] = a.ras_val_wild/a.ras_val_all

# export save

PermissionError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-29-43f7055f26c6> in <module>()
     10 # export save
---> 11 a.to_csv('export_wh_wilderness.csv')

C:\Users\yichuans\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\frame.py in to_csv(self, path_or_buf, sep, na_rep, float_format, columns, header, index, index_label, mode, encoding, compression, quoting, quotechar, line_terminator, chunksize, tupleize_cols, date_format, doublequote, escapechar, decimal, **kwds)
   1342                                      doublequote=doublequote,
   1343                                      escapechar=escapechar, decimal=decimal)
-> 1344         formatter.save()
   1346         if path_or_buf is None:

C:\Users\yichuans\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\formats\format.py in save(self)
   1524             f = _get_handle(self.path_or_buf, self.mode,
   1525                             encoding=self.encoding,
-> 1526                             compression=self.compression)
   1527             close = True

C:\Users\yichuans\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\common.py in _get_handle(path, mode, encoding, compression)
    422                 f = open(path, mode, encoding=encoding)
    423             else:
--> 424                 f = open(path, mode, errors='replace')
    425         else:
    426             f = open(path, mode)

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'export_wh_wilderness.csv'

In [ ]:
# distribution of WH wilderness percentage

In [ ]:
del a

Gap analysis

1. Mismatch of results using WH boundary alone vs WH intersections with biogeography

In [35]:
input_attr.columns, wh_attr.columns

        'category', 'Shape_Length', 'Shape_Area'],
 Index(['objectid', 'wdpaid', 'en_name', 'fr_name', 'status_yr', 'rep_area',
        'gis_area', 'country', 'crit', 'shape_Length', 'shape_Area'],

In [36]:
int_wh = pd.read_csv('wh_base_intersect.csv')
int_wh_attr = pd.read_csv('wh_base_intersect_attr.csv')

In [37]:
int_wh.columns, int_wh_attr.columns

(Index(['OBJECTID_12', 'ras_val'], dtype='object'),
 Index(['OBJECTID_12', 'wdpaid', 'en_name', 'fr_name', 'status_yr', 'rep_area',
        'gis_area', 'country', 'crit', 'unesid',
        'FID_meow_meowv_pelagic_no_antarctica', 'PROVINCE_P', 'BIOME_P',
        'REALM', 'ALT_CODE', 'ECO_CODE_X', 'category', 'Shape_Length',

In [41]:
int_wh_attr[['wdpaid', 'en_name', 'gis_area', 'PROVINCE_P', 'PROVINCE', 'category']].to_csv('wh_biogeo_intersect.csv')

In [34]:
# filter pixels that meet the new threshold (from EEZ)
int_wh_filter = int_wh[int_wh.ras_val < new_threshold]

# group value based on OBJECTID
int_wh_filter_group = int_wh_filter.groupby('OBJECTID_12').count().reset_index()

# attr join
int_result = pd.merge(int_wh_attr, int_wh_filter_group, on='OBJECTID_12')

# % wilderness area inside each PA within EEZ
int_result.groupby(['wdpaid', 'en_name']).ras_val.sum()*cell_size

wdpaid     en_name                                                                    
191        Galápagos Islands                                                               1951.711811
2012       Everglades National Park                                                           1.746498
2018       Kluane / Wrangell-St Elias / Glacier Bay / Tatshenshini-Alsek                   1352.662906
2571       Great Barrier Reef                                                             78452.702062
5004       Aldabra Atoll                                                                      5.239495
9617       Gulf of Porto: Calanche of Piana, Gulf of Girolata, Scandola Reserve               0.873249
20388      Banc d'Arguin National Park                                                      679.387825
67724      Shark Bay, Western Australia                                                    1493.256017
67726      Ujung Kulon National Park                                                          3.492997
68918      Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino                                                   435.751317
93767      Gough and Inaccessible Islands                                                    61.127439
145576     Heard and McDonald Islands                                                      1956.951306
145579     Macquarie Island                                                                5369.608916
145582     Cocos Island National Park                                                       874.122382
168239     New Zealand Sub-Antarctic Islands                                               6273.421768
168242     East Rennell                                                                      41.915958
198291     Península Valdés                                                                  19.211481
198296     Area de Conservación Guanacaste                                                   84.705166
198302     iSimangaliso Wetland Park                                                          6.985993
478638     The Wadden Sea                                                                   301.270951
478642     High Coast / Kvarken Archipelago                                                   3.492997
900631     Brazilian Atlantic Islands: Fernando de Noronha and Atol das Rocas Reserves        0.873249
900889     Ha Long Bay                                                                        8.732491
902356     Natural System of Wrangel Island Reserve                                        5246.480788
902368     St Kilda                                                                           0.873249
902479     Coiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection                     38.422962
902481     Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California                           1768.329493
902482     Shiretoko                                                                          1.746498
902489     West Norwegian Fjords – Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord                              6.985993
902899     Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary                                                144.086107
903134     Lagoons of New Caledonia: Reef Diversity and Associated Ecosystems                93.437657
903138     Socotra Archipelago                                                              169.410332
555512001  Papahānaumokuākea                                                                956.207800
555512002  Phoenix Islands Protected Area                                                 23492.148162
555542338  Ningaloo Coast                                                                   186.875314
555547992  Rock Islands Southern Lagoon                                                       2.619747
Name: ras_val, dtype: float64

As contrary to common sense, wilderness in WH sites calculated from the intersection is slightly different from that of directly using WH boundary to cut out the marine cumulative impact data. This is due to boundary mismatches. The intersection of WH and EEZ (with biogeography attrs) removed all land area, where the marine pressure layer may have mapped pixels (See below highlighted pixels, in Galapogas)

Vice versa, due to the nature of intersection (clipping in strict sense), adjacent geometries having a long/shared boundary might pick up the same pixel from the base raster twice. This should not be a problem due to very low occurence (upon manual checking) but it is possible to count the same pixel twice. This should not present a problem in most cases, although it could possibly be one if such a shared boundary is very long and complicated.

In order to address this issue in the future, one could revert back to the old way: using an aggregated boundary for the result, however every change will mean a complete re-run. I would still prefer the fine granular approach, which far outweighs the shortcomings - do spatial once at the finest scale and the rest would be non-spatial. Subpixel level calculation is perhaps needed to determine whether or not an overlap should be counted or left out.

Futhermore, the mismatching issue is further plagued by spatial data quality. See below Natural System of Wrangel Island, where the blue part is the overlap between WH and biogeography

The only logical/sensible way to deal with this is to use WH calulation for its self (i.e. how much of wilderness is in WH system), while the intersection WH result for relations with biogeography.

Below is an in-depth investigation but it's not part of the gap analysis

In [42]:
# calculate total WH marine area, no filter applied
# group value based on OBJECTID
int_wh_group = int_wh.groupby('OBJECTID_12').count().reset_index()

# base 
G_base = (pd.merge(int_wh_attr, int_wh_group, on='OBJECTID_12').groupby(['wdpaid', 'en_name']).ras_val.sum()*cell_size).reset_index()
G_wh = (int_result.groupby(['wdpaid', 'en_name']).ras_val.sum()*cell_size).reset_index()

In [43]:
G_base.columns, G_wh.columns

(Index(['wdpaid', 'en_name', 'ras_val'], dtype='object'),
 Index(['wdpaid', 'en_name', 'ras_val'], dtype='object'))

In [ ]:
G_result = pd.merge(G_base, G_wh, how='left', on=('wdpaid', 'en_name'))
G_result.fillna(0, inplace=True)
G_result.columns = ['wdpaid', 'en_name', 'marine_area', 'marine_wild_area']
G_result['per'] = G_result.marine_wild_area/G_result.marine_area
# G_result.to_csv('export_wh_per_.csv')


In [ ]:
wh47.columns, int_wh.columns

In [ ]:
wh47_int = pd.merge(int_wh, int_wh_attr, on='OBJECTID_12')

In [ ]:
# compare differences from the two methods
a = wh47.groupby('wdpaid').ras_val.count().reset_index()
b = wh47_int.groupby('wdpaid').ras_val.count().reset_index()
c = pd.merge(a, b, on='wdpaid', suffixes=('_wh', '_int'))
c['per'] = abs(c.ras_val_wh - c.ras_val_int)/c.ras_val_wh
# c

del a, b, c

There are considerable differences in percentage between the two methods to calculate marine areas within WH sites at first glance, however at the site scale, apart from wrangel Island, the differences are quite negliable.

2. the gap analysis

The below is an overlay map between existing marine WH sites on top of wilderness identified.

In [ ]:
# the data to be used
## wh intersection

# filter pixels that meet the new threshold (from EEZ)
int_wh_filter = int_wh[int_wh.ras_val < new_threshold]

# group value based on OBJECTID
int_wh_filter_group = int_wh_filter.groupby('OBJECTID_12').count().reset_index()

# attr join
int_result = pd.merge(int_wh_attr, int_wh_filter_group, on='OBJECTID_12')

In [ ]:
# get unique WDPAIDs for each province

In [ ]:
# get province MEOW (200m + 200nm)
province = calculate_wilderness_marine(new_threshold, ['PROVINCE'])

# provinces with WH sites, nunique() return unique number of WDPAIDs
province_wh_number = pd.merge(province, int_result.groupby('PROVINCE').wdpaid.nunique().reset_index(), on='PROVINCE', how='left')

The above does not say anything about wilderness, although by linking it with the provinces of wilderness values it could potentially identify prioirity provinces, however the above does not address the questions of how much of widerness is covered by WH sites. It could be a well 'represented' province may have little of its vast wilderness enjoying WH status, thus it may still presents a gap, from the point of view of marine wilderness.

In [ ]:
# WH area that are wilderness area within provinces 
province_wh_wilderness = (int_result.groupby('PROVINCE').ras_val.sum() * cell_size).reset_index()

# get province attributes and joi
a = pd.merge(province, province_wh_wilderness, on='PROVINCE', how = 'left')

# fill all NAs with 0

# calculate percentage of province wilderness covered by WH
a['per_wilderness_covered_by_WH'] = a.ras_val/a.less_than_threshold
a.columns = ['PROVINCE', 'wilderness_area', 'per_wilderness_area', 'total_area', 'wh_wilderness_area', a.columns[-1]]

# ======== now get number of WH sites per Province into one single dataframe ==========

## num of WH sites
b = int_result.groupby('PROVINCE').wdpaid.nunique().reset_index()
b.columns = ['PROVINCE', 'num_wh']

## merge 
a = pd.merge(a, b, how='left', on='PROVINCE')
a.fillna(0, inplace=True)

# a.sort_values('num_wh')

# clear temp variable in case of polluting the global name space
del a