In [1]:
import ipywidgets
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from scipy import signal
from scipy.spatial import distance
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.decomposition import FastICA, PCA
sns.set(style='white', context='notebook')
%matplotlib inline
Spearman correlation` answers the simple question, every time $x$ increases, does $y$ increase also? If yes, then spearman correlation = 1.
Mathematically speaking, Spearman tells you whether $x$ and $y$ increase monotonically together
Pearson Correlation answers the question, every time my $x$ decreases by some amount $a$, does $y$ decrease by an amount proportional to that, say $10a$ or $0.5a$, and is this amount constant?
$\rho_{x,y} = \frac{\mathrm{cov}(\vec{x}, \vec{y})}{\sigma_x, \sigma_y}$
Mathematically speaking, pearson tells you whether $x$ and $y$ are linear to each other.
Spearman's correlation is related to Pearson because Spearman
Spearman correlation = Pearson correlation on the ranks of the data
In [2]:
anscombe = sns.load_dataset('anscombe')
x = np.arange(4, 21)
y = 3 + 0.5*x
g = sns.FacetGrid(anscombe, col='dataset', col_wrap=2), 'x', 'y')
for ax in g.axes.flat:
ax.plot(x, y, '-', color='k', zorder=-1, linewidth=0.5)
ax.set(xlim=(4, 20), ylim=(4, 14))
In [3]:
grouped = anscombe.groupby('dataset')
statistical = 'mean', 'var', 'std'
def explore_anscombe(summary):
col = None
if summary in statistical:
summarized = getattr(grouped, summary)()
tidy = summarized.unstack().reset_index()
tidy = tidy.rename(columns={'level_0': 'variable', 0: summary})
col = 'variable'
if summary.endswith('correlation'):
method = summary.split()[0].lower()
summarized = grouped.apply(lambda df: df['x'].corr(df['y'], method=method))
elif summary.endswith('distance'):
metric = getattr(distance, summary.split()[0].lower())
summarized = grouped.apply(lambda df: metric(df['x'], df['y']))
tidy = summarized.reset_index()
tidy = tidy.rename(columns={'index': 'variable', 0: summary})
g = sns.factorplot(data=tidy, col=col, x='dataset',
y=summary, kind='bar', size=3, zorder=-1)
for ax in g.axes.flat:
# add a white grid on top
ax.grid(axis='y', color='white', zorder=2)
summary=['mean', 'var', 'std',
'Pearson correlation',
'Spearman correlation',
'Euclidean distance',
'Cityblock distance']);
We'll use a couple different datasets for studying linkage methods
WE'll use the same "mouse data" we used yesterday for looking at bach effects.
In [6]:
n_samples = 10
n_genes = 20
half_genes = int(n_genes/2)
half_samples = int(n_samples/2)
size = n_samples * n_genes
genes = ['Gene_{}'.format(str(i+1).zfill(2)) for i in range(n_genes)]
samples = ['Sample_{}'.format(str(i+1).zfill(2)) for i in range(n_samples)]
mouse_data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(size).reshape(n_samples, n_genes), index=samples, columns=genes)
# Add biological variance
mouse_data.iloc[:half_samples, :half_genes] += 1
mouse_data.iloc[:half_samples, half_genes:] += -1
mouse_data.iloc[half_samples:, half_genes:] += 1
mouse_data.iloc[half_samples:, :half_genes] += -1
# Z_score within genes
mouse_data = (mouse_data - mouse_data.mean())/mouse_data.std()
# Biological samples
mouse_groups = pd.Series(dict(zip(mouse_data.index, (['Mouse_01'] * int(n_samples/2)) + (['Mouse_02'] * int(n_samples/2)))),
mouse_to_color = dict(zip(['Mouse_01', 'Mouse_02'], ['lightgrey', 'black']))
mouse_colors = [mouse_to_color[mouse_groups[x]] for x in samples]
# Gene colors
# gene_colors = (['SeaGreen'] * half_genes) + (['MediumPurple'] * half_genes)
mouse_row_colors = mouse_colors
mouse_col_colors = None
g = sns.clustermap(mouse_data, row_colors=mouse_row_colors, col_cluster=False, row_cluster=False,
linewidth=0.5, #col_colors=mouse_col_colors,
cbar_kws=dict(label='Normalized Expression'))
plt.setp(g.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0);
In [7]:
n_samples = 10
n_genes = 20
half_genes = int(n_genes/2)
half_samples = int(n_samples/2)
size = n_samples * n_genes
genes = ['Gene_{}'.format(str(i+1).zfill(2)) for i in range(n_genes)]
samples = ['Sample_{}'.format(str(i+1).zfill(2)) for i in range(n_samples)]
pseudotime_data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(size).reshape(n_samples, n_genes), index=samples, columns=genes)
# Add "psueodotime"
pseudotime_data.iloc[:, :half_genes] = pseudotime_data.iloc[:, :half_genes].add(np.square(np.arange(n_samples)/2), axis=0)
pseudotime_data.iloc[:, half_genes:] = pseudotime_data.iloc[:, half_genes:].add(np.square(np.arange(n_samples)[::-1]/2), axis=0)
# Normalize genes using z-scores
pseudotime_data = (pseudotime_data - pseudotime_data.mean())/pseudotime_data.std()
pseudotime_row_colors = sns.color_palette('BrBG', n_colors=n_samples)
pseudotime_col_colors = sns.color_palette("PRGn", n_colors=n_genes)
tidy = pseudotime_data.unstack().reset_index()
tidy = tidy.rename(columns={'level_0': 'Gene', 'level_1': "Sample", 0:'Normalized Expression'})
g = sns.factorplot(data=tidy, hue='Gene', palette=pseudotime_col_colors, x='Sample',
y='Normalized Expression', aspect=2)
#, x='Sample', y='Normalized Expression')
g = sns.clustermap(pseudotime_data, row_colors=pseudotime_row_colors, col_cluster=False, row_cluster=False,
linewidth=0.5, col_colors=pseudotime_col_colors,
cbar_kws=dict(label='Normalized Expression'))
plt.setp(g.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0);
In [11]:
def explore_clustering(dataset, metric, method, row_cluster, col_cluster, correlate):
col_colors = None
if dataset == "Mouse":
data = mouse_data
row_colors = mouse_row_colors
elif dataset == 'Pseudotime':
data = pseudotime_data
row_colors = pseudotime_row_colors
if correlate != "No":
data = data.T.corr(method=correlate.lower())
col_colors = row_colors
# yticks = g.ax_col_dendrogram.get_ylim()
# xticks = g.ax_row_dendrogram.get_xlim()
# g.ax_col_dendrogram.set(yticks=yticks,
# yticklabels=['{:.1f}'.format(tick) for tick in yticks])
# g.ax_row_dendrogram.set(xticks=xticks,
# xticklabels=['{:.1f}'.format(tick) for tick in xticks])
g = sns.clustermap(data, figsize=(6, 6), #annot=True, fmt='d',
row_colors=row_colors, col_colors=col_colors,
metric=metric, method=method,
col_cluster=col_cluster, row_cluster=row_cluster)
plt.setp(g.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation='horizontal');
if col_cluster or row_cluster:
title_suffix = ' with {} clustering on {} metric'.format(method, metric)
title_suffix = ''
g.fig.suptitle('{} data'.format(dataset) + title_suffix)
dataset=ipywidgets.Dropdown(options=['Mouse', 'Pseudotime'], value='Mouse',
metric=ipywidgets.Dropdown(options=['euclidean', 'cityblock', ], value='euclidean',
description='Distance metric'),
method=ipywidgets.Dropdown(options=['complete', 'single', 'average', 'ward', 'centroid'], value='average',
description='Linkage method'),
row_cluster=ipywidgets.Checkbox(value=True, description='Cluster rows?'),
col_cluster=ipywidgets.Checkbox(value=True, description='Cluster columns?'),
options=['No', 'Pearson', 'Spearman'], value='No', description='Cluster on correlations?'));
For these questions, don't cluster on sample correlations. The option is there for you if you want to see the difference.
Discuss the questions below while you play with the widgets.