QNN on Pynq

This notebook covers how to use low quantized neural networks on Pynq. It shows an example of CIFAR-10 image recognition with different precision neural network inspired at VGG-16, featuring 6 convolutional layers, 3 max pool layers and 3 fully connected layers. There are 3 different precision available:

  • CNVW1A1 using 1 bit weights and 1 bit activation,
  • CNVW1A2 using 1 bit weights and 2 bit activation and
  • CNVW2A2 using 2 bit weights and 2 bit activation

All of them can be performed in pure software or hardware accelerated environment.

1. Import the package

The bnn package contains the Python classifiers for CNV and LFC networks (CnvClassifier and LfcClassifier). Both of them provide several functions to perform inference on single or multiple pictures.

In [1]:
import bnn

2. Load a image

Download an image showing a class of Cifar-10 set and place it on a valid directory on PYNQ. This example will perform inference on a deer, the image can be loaded in Python and can be displayed through the notebook:

In [2]:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

img = Image.open('/home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/bnn/pictures/deer.jpg')


3. Hardware accelerated inference

The inference can be performed with different precision for weights and activation. Creating a specific Classifier will automatically download the correct bitstream onto PL and load the weights and thresholds trained on the specific dataset. Passing a runtime attribute will allow to choose between hardware accelerated or pure software inference.

Case 1:

W1A1 - 1 bit weight and 1 activation

Instantiate the classifier:

In [3]:
hw_classifier = bnn.CnvClassifier(bnn.NETWORK_CNVW1A1,'cifar10',bnn.RUNTIME_HW)

Inference can be performed by using classify_image for single and classify_images for multiple images. The image(s) will automatically be processed to match Cifar-10 format that can be taken by CNV network. For Cifar-10 preformatted pictures classify_cifar and classify_cifars are available (see notebook CNV-QNN_Cifar10_TestSet).

In [4]:
inferred_class = hw_classifier.classify_image(img)
hw_timeW1A1 = hw_classifier.usecPerImage

print("Class number: {0}".format(inferred_class))
print("Class name: {0}".format(hw_classifier.class_name(inferred_class)))

Inference took 527.00 microseconds
Classification rate: 1897.53 images per second
Class number: 4
Class name: Deer

It is also possible to get the rankings of each class using classify_image_details for single and classify_images_details for multiple images:

In [5]:
rankingsW1A1 = hw_classifier.classify_image_details(img)
print("\n{: >10}{: >13}".format("[CLASS]","[RANKING]"))
for i in range(len(rankingsW1A1)):
    print("{: >10}{: >10}".format(hw_classifier.classes[i],rankingsW1A1[i]))

Inference took 528.00 microseconds
Classification rate: 1893.94 images per second

  Airplane       234
Automobile       231
      Bird       265
       Cat       248
      Deer       410
       Dog       257
      Frog       224
     Horse       262
      Ship       226
     Truck       233

As expected deer is the highest ranked class.

Case 2:

W1A2 - 1 bit weight and 2 bit activation

In [6]:
hw_classifier = bnn.CnvClassifier(bnn.NETWORK_CNVW1A2,'cifar10',bnn.RUNTIME_HW)

In [7]:
inferred_class = hw_classifier.classify_image(img)
hw_timeW1A2 = hw_classifier.usecPerImage

print("Class number: {0}".format(inferred_class))
print("Class name: {0}".format(hw_classifier.class_name(inferred_class)))

Inference took 543.00 microseconds
Classification rate: 1841.62 images per second
Class number: 4
Class name: Deer

and now with rankings:

In [8]:
rankingsW1A2 = hw_classifier.classify_image_details(img)
print("\n{: >10}{: >13}".format("[CLASS]","[RANKING]"))
for i in range(len(rankingsW1A2)):
    print("{: >10}{: >10}".format(hw_classifier.classes[i],rankingsW1A2[i]))

Inference took 577.00 microseconds
Classification rate: 1733.10 images per second

  Airplane       -20
Automobile       -46
      Bird       -38
       Cat        -6
      Deer       268
       Dog         6
      Frog       -14
     Horse       -28
      Ship       -38
     Truck       -30

Case 3:

W2A2 - 2 bit weight and 2 bit activation

In [9]:
hw_classifier = bnn.CnvClassifier(bnn.NETWORK_CNVW2A2,'cifar10',bnn.RUNTIME_HW)

In [10]:
inferred_class = hw_classifier.classify_image(img)
hw_timeW2A2 = hw_classifier.usecPerImage

print("Class number: {0}".format(inferred_class))
print("Class name: {0}".format(hw_classifier.class_name(inferred_class)))

Inference took 1622.00 microseconds
Classification rate: 616.52 images per second
Class number: 4
Class name: Deer

In [11]:
rankingsW2A2 = hw_classifier.classify_image_details(img)
print("\n{: >10}{: >13}".format("[CLASS]","[RANKING]"))
for i in range(len(rankingsW2A2)):
    print("{: >10}{: >10}".format(hw_classifier.classes[i],rankingsW2A2[i]))

Inference took 1621.00 microseconds
Classification rate: 616.90 images per second

  Airplane       -24
Automobile       -34
      Bird       -21
       Cat       -13
      Deer       244
       Dog         4
      Frog        -7
     Horse       -20
      Ship       -27
     Truck       -13

4. Software inference

For sake of comparison every network can be performed in pure software environment. See how inference times increase massively:

In [12]:
sw_W1A1 = bnn.CnvClassifier(bnn.NETWORK_CNVW1A1,'cifar10',bnn.RUNTIME_SW)
sw_W1A2 = bnn.CnvClassifier(bnn.NETWORK_CNVW1A2,'cifar10',bnn.RUNTIME_SW)
sw_W2A2 = bnn.CnvClassifier(bnn.NETWORK_CNVW2A2,'cifar10',bnn.RUNTIME_SW)

In [13]:
print("-- Software inference CNVW1A1 --")
print("Class number: {0}".format(out))

print("\n-- Software inference CNVW1A2 --")
print("Class number: {0}".format(out))

print("\n-- Software inference CNVW2A2 --")
print("Class number: {0}".format(out))

-- Software inference CNVW1A1 --
Inference took 418492.00 microseconds
Classification rate: 2.39 images per second
Class number: 4

-- Software inference CNVW1A2 --
Inference took 2645258.00 microseconds
Classification rate: 0.38 images per second
Class number: 4

-- Software inference CNVW2A2 --
Inference took 4578718.00 microseconds
Classification rate: 0.22 images per second
Class number: 4

5. Summary

Inference time

Results can be visualized using matplotlib. Here the comparison of hardware vs software execution time which is plotted in microseconds:

In [14]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

hw_bars = [hw_timeW1A1, hw_timeW1A2, hw_timeW2A2]
sw_bars = [sw_timeW1A1, sw_timeW1A2, sw_timeW2A2]

x_pos = np.arange(3)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.bar(x_pos - 0.25, hw_bars, 0.25)
ax.bar(x_pos + 0.25, sw_bars, 0.25)
ax.set_xticklabels(["W1A1","W1A2","W2A2"], rotation='vertical')

Class Rankings

The rankings are different distributed to each class for each network:


The rankings here are showed in units of 200 for better visualization.

In [15]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x_pos = np.arange(len(rankingsW1A1))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.bar(x_pos, (rankingsW1A1/200), 0.7)
ax.set_xticklabels(hw_classifier.classes, rotation='vertical')


In [16]:
x_pos = np.arange(len(rankingsW1A2))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.bar(x_pos, rankingsW1A2, 0.7)
ax.set_xticklabels(hw_classifier.classes, rotation='vertical')


In [17]:
x_pos = np.arange(len(rankingsW2A2))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.bar(x_pos, rankingsW2A2, 0.7)
ax.set_xticklabels(hw_classifier.classes, rotation='vertical')

6. Reset the device

In [18]:
from pynq import Xlnk

xlnk = Xlnk()