In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np # imports a fast numerical programming library
import pandas as pd #lets us handle data as dataframes
#sets up pandas table display
pd.set_option('display.width', 500)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)
pd.set_option('display.notebook_repr_html', True)
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn import metrics
from patsy import dmatrices
In [3]:
matches = pd.read_csv("../data/matcheswithfeatures.csv", index_col = 0)
In [4]:
y, X = dmatrices('team1Winning ~ 0 + Avg_SR_Difference + Avg_WPR_Difference + Total_MVP_Difference + Prev_Enc_Team1_WinPerc + \
Total_RF_Difference', matches, return_type="dataframe")
y_arr = np.ravel(y)
In [5]:
In [6]:
X_timetrain = X.loc[X.index < 398]
Y_timetrain = y.loc[y.index < 398]
Y_timetrain_arr = np.ravel(Y_timetrain)
X_timetest = X.loc[X.index >= 398]
Y_timetest = y.loc[y.index >= 398]
Y_timetest_arr = np.ravel(Y_timetest)
In [7]:
# Best values of k in time-based split data
knn1 = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = 31), Y_timetrain_arr)
y_pred = knn1.predict(X_timetest)
print "Accuracy is ", metrics.accuracy_score(Y_timetest_arr, y_pred)*100, "%"
In [8]:
In [21]:
def getPrediction(match_id):
'''Returns the prediction for the given match
Args: match_id (int): Match ID for the required game
Returns: String: Predicted winner of the game and probability of victory
assert (399 <= match_id <= 517)
results = {}
match_row = matches.loc[matches['id'] == match_id]
team1name = match_row.team1.unique()[0]
team2name = match_row.team2.unique()[0]
toPredict = X_timetest.loc[X_timetest.index == match_id-1].values
prediction_prob = knn1.predict_proba(toPredict)
prediction = knn1.predict(toPredict)
if prediction[0] > 0:
results['name'] = str(team1name)
results['prob'] = float(prediction_prob[0][1])*100
results['name'] = str(team2name)
results['prob'] = float(prediction_prob[0][0])*100
return results
except AssertionError:
return None;
In [23]:
print getPrediction(617)