Install using pip or any other package manager pandas, sqlalchemy and pg8000. The later one is the driver to connect to the db.
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
After importing the required packages, first create the engine to connect to the DB. The approach I generally use is to create a string based on the username and password. The code is a function, you just need to fill in with the username, password and the dbname.
It allows you to create different engines to connect to serveral dbs.
In [2]:
def connection(user,passwd,dbname, echo_i=False):
str1 = ('postgresql+pg8000://' + user +':' + passw + ''
+ dbname + '?ssl=true&sslfactory=org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory')
engine = create_engine(str1,echo=echo_i)
return engine
In [3]:
user = 'jdlara'
passw = 'Amadeus-2010'
dbname = 'apl_cec'
engine= connection(user,passw,dbname)
Afterwards, use pandas to import the data from Excel files or any other text file format. Make sure that the data in good shape before trying to push it into the server. In this example I use previous knowledge of the structure of the tabs in the excel file to recursively upload each tab and match the name of the table with the tab name.
Before doing this I already checked that the data is properly organized.
In [4]:
excel_file = '~/Box Sync/EPIC-Biomass/PGEFeedersFinal.xlsx'
In [ ]:
tab_name = ['substation_banks','substations','feeders_limits_data','feeder_minimpacts']
schema_for_upload = 'PGE'
for name in tab_name:
pd_data = pd.read_excel(excel_file, sheetname=name, encoding='UTF-8')
pd_data.to_sql(name, engine, schema=schema_for_upload, if_exists='replace',chunksize=100)
Once the data is updated, it is possible to run the SQL commands to properly create geom
columns in the tables, this can be done as follows. The ojective is to run an SQL querie like this:
set search_path = SCHEMA, public;
alter table TABLE drop column if exists geom;
SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('SCHEMA','TABLE','geom',4326,'POINT',2);
UPDATE TABLE set geom = ST_SetSRID(st_makepoint(TABLE.lon,, 4326)::geometry;
In [9]:
def create_geom(table,schema,engine):
k = engine.connect()
query = ('set search_path = "'+ schema +'"'+ ', public;')
print query
query = ('alter table ' + table + ' drop column if exists geom;')
print query
query = 'SELECT AddGeometryColumn (\''+ schema + '\',\''+ table + '\',\'geom\''+',4326,\'POINT\',2);'
print query
query = ('UPDATE ' + table + ' set geom = ST_SetSRID(st_makepoint(' + table + '.lon, ' +
table + '.lat), 4326)::geometry;')
print query
return 'geom column added with SRID 4326'
In [10]:
table = 'feeders'
schema = 'PGE'
The function created the geom column, the next step is to define a function to create the Primary-Key in the db. Remember that the index from the data frame is included as an index in the db, sometimes an index is not really neded and might need to be dropped.
In [19]:
col = 'feeder_no'
k = engine.connect()
query = ('set search_path = "'+ schema +'"'+ ', public;')
query = ('alter table ' + table + ' ADD CONSTRAINT '+ table +'_pk PRIMARY KEY (' + col + ')')
print query
In [ ]:
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD CONSTRAINT [ constraint_name ]
PRIMARY KEY (index_col1, index_col2, ... index_col_n)