This first block handles all the most important imports and needs to be run every time.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npl
import scipy as sp
from scipy import ndimage as ndi
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import re
import shutil
import glob
import pickle
from skimage import data
from skimage.util import img_as_float
from skimage.filters import gabor_kernel
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale
from numbers import Number
import os, sys, math, itertools, collections
%matplotlib notebook
#%gui qt
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import neuropythy as neuro
import neuropythy.freesurfer as nfs
for p in ['/home/billbrod/Documents/SCO-test-data/Freesurfer_subjects', '/Volumes/server/Freesurfer_subjects/']:
if p not in nfs.subject_paths():
import sco
import freq_pref_check
import model_comparison_script
import pRF_check
def reload_sco():
import sco
In [55]:
results, stimuli_names = sco.model_comparison.compare_with_Kay2013(stimuli_idx=range(33),subject='test-sub', image_base_path='/Users/winawerlab/sco/sweep_stimuli.mat', voxel_idx=range(10))
Now, use the Makefile to create the full dataframe. This works but I feel like it takes longer then it should and it doesn't print things along the way, which is annoying. Can also call this from the command line, in which case each of the make steps will announce themselves (and so is a little easier to see progress).
If you do that, skip the following and go right to the next code block
In [38]:
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/
make fullclean
make MATLAB_soc_model_params_full.csv
Load in the stimuli, stimuli info, and model dataframe so we don't need to do this in the call to visualize_model_comparison
In [89]:
stimuli_idx = np.asarray(range(156))+69
model_df = pd.read_csv("MATLAB_soc_model_params_full.csv")
stimulus_model_names = sco.model_comparison.core._load_pkl_or_mat("soc_model_params_full_image_names.mat", 'image_names')
stimuli_descriptions = sco.model_comparison.core._load_pkl_or_mat("sco/model_comparison/stimuliNames.mat", 'stimuliNames')
stimuli_descriptions = stimuli_descriptions[0, stimuli_idx]
stimuli_descriptions = np.asarray([i[0] for i in stimuli_descriptions])
stimuli = sco.model_comparison.core._load_pkl_or_mat("full_stimuli.mat", 'images')
stimuli = stimuli[0, :]
Set the conditions and titles you want to visualize for. Entries of conditions
are either strings (in which case we plot those stimuli whose corresponding stimuli_descriptions
equals that value) or lists of ints (in which case we plot the stimuli whose indices correspond to those ints). The following lists contain all of the "default options" (as would be plotted if make images
or python2.7 sco/model_comparison/
were called). For this notebook, you should probably pick a subset for speed.
In [90]:
all_conditions = ['grating_ori', 'grating_contrast', 'plaid_contrast', 'circular_contrast',
[180, 181, 182, 84, 183], range(131, 138), range(69, 100), range(100, 131),
range(131, 158)+[180, 181, 182, 84, 183]]
all_condition_titles = ['orientations', 'gratings', 'plaid', 'circular', 'sparse', 'size',
'horizontal sweep', 'vertical sweep','full']
all_plot_kwargs = [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {},
{'hue': 'image_name', 'col': 'language', 'col_wrap': None}]
In [91]:
plot_idx = 0
conditions = [all_conditions[plot_idx]]
titles = [all_condition_titles[plot_idx]]
plot_kwargs = [all_plot_kwargs[plot_idx]]
In [92]:
sco.model_comparison.visualize_model_comparison(conditions, titles, model_df, stimulus_model_names, stimuli_descriptions, stimuli, stimuli_idx, plot_kwargs)
In the matlab version of this model (as described in Kay et al, 2013), we only dealt with one spatial frequency (3 cycles per degree). In this version, we want to be able to handle multiple spatial frequencies. In order to check that we're doing what we think we are, we use
There are three things we want to check, and this script enables us to look at all three:
For a given preferred spatial frequency (in cycles per degree) and stimulus pixels per degree, generate model predictions on a collection of images with different spatial frequencies (cycles per image), then see which produces the greatest predicted response. In this case, we set our parameters so that the cycles per image in the stimulus end up being the cyles per image in the normalized image that the model operates on.
For a given preferred spatial frequency (in cycles per degree) and image (with a given cycles per image), vary the stimulus pixels per degree so that the effective cycles per degree in the normalized image varies, and see which produces the greatest predicted response.
For a given image and stimulus pixels per degree, vary the preferred spatial frequency and see which produces the greatest predicted response.
Note that number 3 takes much longer than the others. And it appears that the lower the preferred spatial frequency, the longer it takes.
Exploring the full space takes a fair amount of time, looking at a variety of images, stimulus pixels per degree, and preferred spatial frequencies. Calling the script from the command line (which calls the function check_full_space
) will do this, but it takes some time and it's recommended to submit as an array job to the cluster (and has been built to facilitate this).
For speed, in this notebook, we instead do what the points above suggest and hold two of the components constant while varying the third. We can do this all in one call (to main
) or in separate calls (to check_pref_across_frequencies
, check_pref_across_pixels_per_degree
, and check_response_across_prefs
, respectively). We provide cells that do it both ways, but for speed it's recommended to do it in separate calls.
In [83]:
# These are the parameters
img_folder = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop/freq_pref_imgs")
model_df_path = "./sco_freq_prefs.csv"
subject = "test-sub"
subject_dir = None
output_img_path = "./sco_freq_prefs.svg"
normalized_pixels_per_degree = 12
img_res = 1000
max_eccentricity = 7.5
#this needs to be an array
freqs = np.asarray(range(30))
In [84]:
# we only want those we just created
if os.path.isdir(img_folder):
# 2*max_eccentricity is the size of the image in degrees
stimulus_pixels_per_degree = float(img_res) / (2*max_eccentricity)
freq_pref_check.generate_stimuli(img_folder, freqs+1, img_res, stimulus_pixels_per_degree)
model_kwargs = dict(subject=subject, subject_dir=subject_dir,
# in order to avoid having edge effects be very large, we set
# stimulus_aperture_edge_width to 20 to get some smoothness between the image and
# the surrounding area.
stimulus_aperture_edge_width=20, max_eccentricity=max_eccentricity)
The following shows an arbitrary image generated by our code (which will serve as one of the stimuli for the model). The image is a 2d horizontal sinusoidal grating at a given frequency, with a second sine wave at a much lower frequency crossfaded in. Because our model has the second order contrast component, if our input image is a simple sinusoidal graitng, we have no variation in contrast and thus our response is driven by edge effects. With the crossfade, more of the image contributes and the signal at those points has the proper frequency.
In [29]:
For given preferred frequency and pixels per degree, check across frequencies. The preferred frequency is one cycle per degree, so that's where we should see the peak response.
For some reason, it's shifted slightly to the right. Not sure why
In [31]:
model_df, results, plot_df, g = freq_pref_check.check_pref_across_frequencies(
img_folder, os.path.splitext(output_img_path)[0]+"_pref_across_freqs.svg",
os.path.splitext(model_df_path)[0]+"_pref_across_freqs.csv", np.array(range(30)),
img_size=img_res, **model_kwargs)
For a given preferred frequency and cycles per image, check across stimulus pixels per degre (and thus effective cycles per degree). The preferred frequency is one cycle per degree, so that's where we should see the peak response.
In [12]:
model_df, results, plot_df, g = freq_pref_check.check_pref_across_pixels_per_degree(
img_folder, os.path.splitext(output_img_path)[0]+"_pref_across_d2p.svg",
os.path.splitext(model_df_path)[0]+"_pref_across_d2p.csv", np.array([29]), img_size=img_res,
For a given cycles per degree (so holding both cycles per image and stimulus pixels per degree constant), check across preferred frequencies.
Why is this not symmetric?
In [62]:
model_df, results, plot_df, g = freq_pref_check.check_response_across_prefs(
img_folder, os.path.splitext(output_img_path)[0]+"_resp_across_prefs.svg",
os.path.splitext(model_df_path)[0]+"_resp_across_prefs.csv", np.array([14]), img_size=img_res,
In [ ]:
In [4]:
template_string = "/Users/winawerlab/sco-data/sco_freq_prefs_freq*.csv"
img_size_in_pixels = 1000
img_size_in_degrees = 15
df = freq_pref_check.combine_dfs(template_string, "./sco_full_space_freq_prefs.csv")
plot_df = sco.model_comparison.core._create_plot_df(df)
plot_df = plot_df[plot_df.language=='python']
# in the naive case, we assume none of the image was cut out of the aperture, and so the number
# of cycles per image is given by the frequency of the generating sine wave.
plot_df['cycles_per_full_image'] = plot_df['image'].apply(lambda x: int('freq_([0-9]+)', x).groups()[0]))
# we try to grab the pixels per degree, if it's there.
plot_df['pix_per_deg'] = plot_df['image'].apply(lambda x: float('pix_per_deg_([\.0-9]+)', x).groups()[0]))
plot_df['cycles_per_norm_image'] = plot_df.apply(lambda x: x['cycles_per_full_image']*(x['pix_per_deg']/(img_size_in_pixels/img_size_in_degrees)), axis=1)
plot_df['cycles_per_degree'] = plot_df['cycles_per_norm_image'].astype(float)/img_size_in_degrees
# want to make this look good
plot_df['cycles_per_degree'] = plot_df['cycles_per_degree'].map(lambda x: "{:.02f}".format(x)).astype(float)
plot_df['preferred_frequency'] = plot_df['image'].apply(lambda x: float('freq_pref_([\.0-9]+)', x).groups()[0]))
From the plot below, which shows the differetn preferred frequencies in different axes, with the cycles per degree on the x axis, predicted response on the y axis, and visual area shown via the color, we see that the peak occurs where it should.
In [6]:
g= sns.lmplot(data=plot_df, x='cycles_per_degree', y='predicted_responses', col='preferred_frequency', hue='v123_label', size=4, col_wrap=3, fit_reg=False,
ylim = None
xticklabels = None
xlim = [plot_df.cycles_per_degree.min(), plot_df.cycles_per_degree.max()]
for (i,j,k), data in g.facet_data():
ax = g.facet_axis(i,j)
if ylim is None:
ylim = list(ax.get_ylim())
if xticklabels is None:
xticklabels = ax.get_xticklabels()
if not data.empty:
pref_freq = data.preferred_frequency.unique()[0] #there will only be one
ax.plot([pref_freq, pref_freq], ylim, 'k--')
g.set(ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, xticks=[i/5. for i in range(10)])
In [2]:
stimuli_idx = np.asarray(range(34))
model_df = pd.read_csv("MATLAB_soc_model_params_sweep.csv")
stimulus_model_names = sco.model_comparison.core._load_pkl_or_mat("soc_model_params_sweep_image_names.mat", 'image_names')
stimuli = sco.model_comparison.core._load_pkl_or_mat("sweep_stimuli.mat", 'images')
with open("soc_model_params_sweep_results_dict.pkl") as f:
results_prf = pickle.load(f)
In [9]:
stim_indices = range(18)
#stim_indices = range(16)
vox_indices = range(model_df.shape[0])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[10,10])
norm_stim = results_prf['normalized_stimulus_images']
vox_colors = sns.palettes.color_palette('Set1', len(vox_indices))
for i, idx in enumerate(stim_indices):
ax = plt.subplot(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(stim_indices))),np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(stim_indices))),i+1)
stim_idx = np.where(stimulus_model_names=='%04d_sub00'%idx)[0][0]
plt.imshow(norm_stim[stim_idx,:,:], vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray')
circles = []
for j, vox_idx in enumerate(vox_indices):
# 2*int(model_df['pRF_pixel_sizes_image_%s'%stimulus_model_names[stim_idx]][vox_idx]),
color=vox_colors[j], fill=True))
fig.legend(circles, ['vox %d' % i for i in vox_indices])
In [7]:
plot_df = sco.model_comparison._create_plot_df(model_df, stimuli_idx)
#plot_df = plot_df[plot_df.language=='python']
plot_df = plot_df[plot_df.voxel.isin(vox_indices)]
plot_df = plot_df[plot_df.image.isin(['%04d'% i for i in stim_indices])]
if plot_df.voxel.nunique() < 3:
kwargs = {'size': 12./plot_df.voxel.nunique(), 'col_wrap': plot_df.voxel.nunique()}
kwargs = {'size': 4, 'col_wrap': 3}
g = sns.factorplot(data=plot_df, y='predicted_responses', x='image', hue='language', col='voxel',
g.fig.subplots_adjust(right=.9, top=.9)