STL-10 Demo

This is the second part of demo on the reduced STL-10 dataset taken from Stanford's UFLDL tutorial. The original STL-10 dataset has 10 classes (airplane, bird, car, cat, deer, dog, horse, monkey, ship, truck). This reduced dataset contains the images from 4 of the classes (airplane, car, cat, dog).

In the first part of the demo we used a sparse autoencoder neural network to pre-train weights for a convolution layer. In this part we use those weights in a convolutional neural network and predict labels for the images.

Load Alice

And best to start with multiple threads for speed.

In [1]:
using Alice

In [2]:


Load the images

The size of each image is 64 x 64 pixels x 3 channels (RGB).
The training set contains 2000 images (500 from each class) and the test set contains 3200 images (800 from each class).

The data can be loaded using the functions load_train_subset and load_test_subset.

In [3]:
train_images, train_labels = load_train_subset()
test_images, test_labels = load_test_subset()
image_dim, _, num_channels, num_images = size(train_images)


In [4]:
[sum(train_labels .== i) / num_images for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]]'

1×4 Array{Float64,2}:
 0.25  0.25  0.25  0.25

In [5]:
function display_stl10(images, num_rows, num_cols)

    # Size of array
    xdim, ydim, num_channels, num_images = size(images)

    # Choose how many images to display and select a random subset
    num_disp = num_rows * num_cols
    selection = rand(1:num_images, num_disp)

    # Initialise empty outer array to push image arrays into
    I = Array(Array{Float64, 3}, 0)

    # Create blank canvas with some padding, copy image into canvas, and then push to outer array
    img = ones(xdim + 2, ydim + 2, num_channels)
    for im in selection
        img[2:(xdim + 1), 2:(ydim + 1), :] = images[:, :, :, im]
        push!(I, copy(img))

    # Concatenate the vector of image matrices into a single large matrix
    I = hvcat(num_cols, I...)

    # Display
    colorview(RGB, permutedims(I, [3,1,2]))

In [6]:
display_stl10(train_images, 8, 14)


Load the pre-trained network weights from the autoencoder

The pre-trained features can be accessed from the demo folder using the load_features function.

In [7]:
W, b = load_features();

The weights are in a matrix with dimensions 400 x 192 (8 * 8 * 3). We need to:

  1. Reshape to 400 x 8 x 8 x 3, and
  2. Permute the dimensions of the array to 8 x 8 x 3 x 400 to fit with the convolution layer filter size in Alice

In [8]:
# Reshape the weights
patch_dim = 8
num_channels = 3
num_patches = 400
W = reshape(W, num_patches, patch_dim, patch_dim, num_channels)
W = permutedims(W, [2, 3, 4, 1])
patch_dims = size(W);

Build convolutional neural network (without an output layer)

We could add a softmax output layer to the below and train. But because it take some time to run the covolutions and pooling on all the data (training and test data) instead we'll run all the data through the convolution and pool layers and then use the outputs of this operation as an input into a softmax regression. After this we could fine tune the entire network.

In [9]:
# Data Box and Input Layer
batch_size = 100
databox = Data(train_images, train_labels, test_images, test_labels)
input = InputLayer(databox, batch_size)

# Convolution Layer
conv_dims = (patch_dim, patch_dim, num_channels, num_patches)
conv1 = ConvolutionLayer(size(input), patch_dims, activation = :logistic)

# Input the pre-trained weights into the convolution layer
conv1.W[:] = W[:]
conv1.b[:] = b[:]

# Mean Pooling Layer
pooling_stride = 19
pool1 = MeanPoolLayer(size(conv1), pooling_stride)

# Neural Net
net1 = NeuralNet(databox, [input, conv1, pool1])

Neural Network
Training Data Dimensions - (64,64,3,2000)
Layer 1 - InputLayer{Float64}, Dimensions - (64,64,3,100)
Layer 2 - ConvolutionLayer{Float64}, Activation - logistic, Dimensions - (57,57,400,100)
Layer 3 - MeanPoolLayer{Float64}, Dimensions - (3,3,400,100)

Feedforward all data through the network

Save the output features to use in a softmax regression.

In [10]:
function create_feats(net, X)
    # Counts of images, patches and batches
    num_obs = size(X)[end]
    num_batches = div(num_obs, net.batch_size)
    # Useful handles: ℓ1 = first layer, L = final layer
    ℓ1 = net.layers[1]
    L = net.layers[end]
    # Create output features array
    feats = zeros(size(L)[1:3]..., num_obs)
    # Print header
    println("Completed batches (total is $num_batches):")
    # Run through each batch
    for batch = 1:num_batches
        # Update network with next batch
        stop = batch * net.batch_size
        start = stop - net.batch_size + 1
        ℓ1.A[:] = viewbatch(X, start, stop)
        # Feedforward
        # Update features array
        feats[:, :, :, start:stop] = L.A[:, :, :, :]
        # Print progress
        print("$batch, ")
    return feats

In [11]:
train_feats = create_feats(net1,;

Completed batches (total is 20):
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 

In [12]:
test_feats = create_feats(net1,;

Completed batches (total is 32):
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 

Softmax Regression

The convolved and pooled features can now be used as inputs into a regression model.

Build the model

In [13]:
# Input
databox = Data(train_feats, train_labels, test_feats, test_labels)
batch_size = 400
input = InputLayer(databox, batch_size)

# Softmax Output Layer
num_classes = 4
output = SoftmaxOutputLayer(databox, size(input), num_classes)

# Model
λ = 1e-4    # Regularisation parameter
model = NeuralNet(databox, [input, output], λ)

Neural Network
Training Data Dimensions - (3,3,400,2000)
Layer 1 - InputLayer{Float64}, Dimensions - (3,3,400,400)
Layer 2 - SoftmaxOutputLayer{Float64,Int64}, Dimensions - (4,400)


This is a convex optimisation problem as there are no hidden layers i.e. it is a softmax regression / multiclass logistic regression model. The train_nlopt function (used for the sparse autoencoder) with full batch training could be used. But we can also use the main train function with stochastic mini-batch.

In [14]:
# Training parameters
α = 1e-1            # learning rate
μ = 0.95            # momentum
num_epochs = 400    # number of epochs

# Train
train(model, num_epochs, α, μ, nesterov = true, shuffle = true, last_train_every = 10, full_train_every = 40, val_every = 40)

21:31:40 : Epoch 10, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.842
21:31:41 : Epoch 20, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.717
21:31:42 : Epoch 30, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.606
21:31:43 : Epoch 40, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.610

Coffee break:
Training error (with regⁿ) - 0.618  |  Training accuracy - 77.3
Validation error (without regⁿ) - 0.645  |  Validation accuracy - 75.5

21:31:45 : Epoch 50, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.612
21:31:46 : Epoch 60, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.575
21:31:47 : Epoch 70, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.559
21:31:48 : Epoch 80, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.514

Coffee break:
Training error (with regⁿ) - 0.559  |  Training accuracy - 79.0
Validation error (without regⁿ) - 0.594  |  Validation accuracy - 77.8

21:31:49 : Epoch 90, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.508
21:31:50 : Epoch 100, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.514
21:31:51 : Epoch 110, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.520
21:31:52 : Epoch 120, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.507

Coffee break:
Training error (with regⁿ) - 0.531  |  Training accuracy - 80.3
Validation error (without regⁿ) - 0.571  |  Validation accuracy - 78.4

21:31:52 : Epoch 130, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.525
21:31:53 : Epoch 140, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.543
21:31:53 : Epoch 150, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.563
21:31:54 : Epoch 160, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.514

Coffee break:
Training error (with regⁿ) - 0.514  |  Training accuracy - 81.0
Validation error (without regⁿ) - 0.557  |  Validation accuracy - 78.9

21:31:56 : Epoch 170, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.500
21:31:57 : Epoch 180, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.481
21:31:58 : Epoch 190, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.514
21:31:59 : Epoch 200, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.489

Coffee break:
Training error (with regⁿ) - 0.503  |  Training accuracy - 81.5
Validation error (without regⁿ) - 0.547  |  Validation accuracy - 79.3

21:32:00 : Epoch 210, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.502
21:32:00 : Epoch 220, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.523
21:32:01 : Epoch 230, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.492
21:32:02 : Epoch 240, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.491

Coffee break:
Training error (with regⁿ) - 0.494  |  Training accuracy - 82.1
Validation error (without regⁿ) - 0.540  |  Validation accuracy - 79.3

21:32:02 : Epoch 250, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.544
21:32:03 : Epoch 260, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.507
21:32:03 : Epoch 270, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.490
21:32:04 : Epoch 280, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.486

Coffee break:
Training error (with regⁿ) - 0.487  |  Training accuracy - 82.5
Validation error (without regⁿ) - 0.535  |  Validation accuracy - 79.4

21:32:04 : Epoch 290, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.468
21:32:05 : Epoch 300, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.501
21:32:05 : Epoch 310, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.490
21:32:06 : Epoch 320, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.492

Coffee break:
Training error (with regⁿ) - 0.482  |  Training accuracy - 83.0
Validation error (without regⁿ) - 0.530  |  Validation accuracy - 80.0

21:32:06 : Epoch 330, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.498
21:32:07 : Epoch 340, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.490
21:32:07 : Epoch 350, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.496
21:32:08 : Epoch 360, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.481

Coffee break:
Training error (with regⁿ) - 0.477  |  Training accuracy - 82.9
Validation error (without regⁿ) - 0.528  |  Validation accuracy - 79.8

21:32:08 : Epoch 370, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.477
21:32:09 : Epoch 380, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.463
21:32:09 : Epoch 390, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.470
21:32:09 : Epoch 400, last batch training error (with regⁿ) - 0.440

Completed Training:
Training error (with regⁿ) - 0.474  |  Training accuracy - 83.8
Validation error (without regⁿ) - 0.525  |  Validation accuracy - 80.4

In [15]:
Gadfly.set_default_plot_size(24cm, 12cm)
plot_loss_history(model, 10, 40, 40)

epoch -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 -400 -380 -360 -340 -320 -300 -280 -260 -240 -220 -200 -180 -160 -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 780 800 -500 0 500 1000 -400 -350 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 -0.85 -0.80 -0.75 -0.70 -0.65 -0.60 -0.55 -0.50 -0.45 -0.40 -0.35 -0.30 -0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 -1 0 1 2 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 loss validation loss full training loss last batch training loss


The test set accuracy above is greater than 80% !

This could be improved by finetuning the weights (i.e. training the convolutional neural network starting with the pre-trained convolution weights and the softmax layer weights) as well as building further convolution layers that are also pre-trained by a sparse autoencoder.

Let's dig into the results a bit deeper. My intuition is that it will be easier for the neural net to distinguish between machine (airplane or car) and animal (cat or dog). We can plot a confusion matrix to investigate. There is a function in my MLTools package that does this.

In [16]:
using MLTools

The predictions function (provided by Alice) outputs a vector of predictions for a set of inputs. These are used with the "truth" vector to build the confusion matrix.

In [17]:
y_pred = predictions(model, test_feats, test_labels)
classes = ["airplane", "car", "cat", "dog"]
plot_confusion_matrix(test_labels, y_pred, "Truth", "Prediction", classes)

Prediction airplane car cat dog 600 0 400 800 200 Count airplane car cat dog Truth

And here is the matrix to see the actual numbers.

In [18]:
confusion_matrix(test_labels, y_pred)

4×4 Array{Int64,2}:
 715   57   16   17
  50  697   12    7
  17   26  597  213
  18   20  175  563

We can see that it is indeed "easier" for the neural net to distinguish between machine and animal - i.e. there aren't many predictions of cat or dog where the image is of an airplane or car and vice versa.

And then, interestingly, it looks easier for the neural net to distinguish between airplane and car than between cat and dog. This makes sense considering the body shape similarity between cat and dog whereas there are obvious differences in body shape of airplane and car - most obviously having wings.

What is the test set accuracy of predicting either machine (airplane or car) or animal (cat or dog)?

In [19]:
y_cond_alt = [y <= 2 ? 0 : 1 for y in test_labels]
y_pred_alt = [y <= 2 ? 0 : 1 for y in y_pred]
sum(y_cond_alt .== y_pred_alt) / length(y_cond_alt) * 100


What is the test set accuracy on the subset of machines (airplanes and cars)?

In [20]:
y_cond_alt = test_labels[test_labels .<= 2]
y_pred_alt = y_pred[test_labels .<= 2]
sum(y_cond_alt .== y_pred_alt) / length(y_cond_alt) * 100


What is the test set accuracy on the subset of animals (cats and dogs)?

In [21]:
y_cond_alt = test_labels[test_labels .> 2]
y_pred_alt = y_pred[test_labels .> 2]
sum(y_cond_alt .== y_pred_alt) / length(y_cond_alt) * 100


In [ ]: