Wayne H Nixalo

MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars

Parameter / Architecture Search for DeepTraffic.

I'll be going through:

  • laneside
  • patchesAhead
  • patchesBehind
  • num_neurons -- in FC layer

I'm not sure yet if I'll touch:

  • trainIterations
  • otherAgents
  • number of FC layers
  • learning_rate
  • momentum
  • batch_size
  • l2_decay

1. Stock Settings: 51.51 mph

In [1]:
lanesSide = 0
patchesAhead = 1
patchesBehind = 0
trainIterations = 10000

otherAgents = 0; # max of 10

# FC Layer 1
num_neurons = 1

learning_rate = 0.001
momentum = 0.0
batch_size = 64
l2_decay = 0.01

lanesSide = 1: 51.51

lanesSide = 2: 51.63

lanesSide = 4: 51.79

lanesSide    = 1
patchesAhead = 2

speed: 51.51

lanesSide    = 1
patchesAhead = 4

speed: 51.51

lanesSide    = 1
patchesAhead = 8

speed: 51.57

lanesSide    = 2
patchesAhead = 2

speed: 51.69

lanesSide    = 2
patchesAhead = 4

speed: 52.28

lanesSide    = 2
patchesAhead = 8

speed: 51.51

I seem to be within signal noise a lot. I'm going to guess some "good" parameters and see how tweaking that works.

2. Guessed Settings: 62.27

I had to balance with training time. Looking at the simulation, it looked like it took some time for the network to make a turn decision. With this combined w/ wanting to cut down on train time, I thought I could get better performance by trading side-to-side view distance for forward view distance -- giving the network more time to act on a decision, even if it had less total input to make it. ie: being able to execute an Okay decision is better than being unable a decision at all, Great or not.

In [1]:
lanesSide = 2
patchesAhead = 16
patchesBehind = 1
trainIterations = 10000

otherAgents = 0; # max of 10

# FC Layer 1
num_neurons = network_size // num_actions # 355//5=71

learning_rate = 0.001
momentum = 0.0
batch_size = 64
l2_decay = 0.01

In [6]:
lanesSide = 2; patchesAhead=8; patchesBehind=0; num_actions=5

num_inputs = (lanesSide * 2 + 1) * (patchesAhead + patchesBehind)
temporal_window = 3
network_size = num_inputs * temporal_window + num_actions * temporal_window + num_inputs


64.11 mph


// SELF-NOTE: dunno how to get a Conv layer up in this.. couldn't quickly
//            figure out how to format in/output tensor shape -- probably
//            why it wasn't working. Apparently someone who did well last
//            year basically brute-forced this? https://github.com/jordanott/Deep-Traffic/blob/master/deep_traffic.js
//            I guess I'll see what a bigger FullNet can do since I'm
//            already close to the passing 65mph. May change if I see
//            working syntax for Conv->Pool->Full somewhere for ConvNet.js.
//              -- WNixalo

// a few things don't have var in front of them - they update already existing variables the game needs
lanesSide = 3;
patchesAhead = 17;
patchesBehind = 1;
trainIterations = 35000;

// the number of other autonomous vehicles controlled by your network
otherAgents = 0; // max of 10

var num_inputs = (lanesSide * 2 + 1) * (patchesAhead + patchesBehind);
var num_actions = 5;
var temporal_window = 3;
var network_size = num_inputs * temporal_window + num_actions * temporal_window + num_inputs;

var layer_defs = [];
    type: 'input',
    out_sx: 1,
    out_sy: 1,
    out_depth: network_size
// layer_defs.push({
//     type: 'conv',
//     filters: 5,
//     stride:1,
//     activation='relu'
// });
// layers_defs.push({
//     type:'pool',
//     sx:2,
//     stride:2})
    type: 'fc',
    num_neurons: parseInt(network_size / num_actions / 1),
    activation: 'relu'
// Local Contrast Normalization https://cs.stanford.edu/people/karpathy/convnetjs/docs.html
    type: 'fc',
    num_neurons: parseInt(network_size / num_actions / 1),
    activation: 'relu'
    type: 'regression',
    num_neurons: num_actions

var tdtrainer_options = {
    learning_rate: 0.001,
    momentum: 0.0,
    batch_size: 128,
    l2_decay: 0.01

var opt = {};
opt.temporal_window = temporal_window;
opt.experience_size = 3000;
opt.start_learn_threshold = 500;
opt.gamma = 0.7;
opt.learning_steps_total = 10000;
opt.learning_steps_burnin = 1000;
opt.epsilon_min = 0.0;
opt.epsilon_test_time = 0.0;
opt.layer_defs = layer_defs;
opt.tdtrainer_options = tdtrainer_options;

brain = new deepqlearn.Brain(num_inputs, num_actions, opt);

learn = function (state, lastReward) {
var action = brain.forward(state);


return action;


65.13 mph

In [ ]: