In [1]:
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
from fastai.imports import *
from fastai.transforms import *
from fastai.conv_learner import *
from fastai.model import *
from fastai.dataset import *
from fastai.sgdr import *

In [3]:
PATH = "data/planet/"

In [8]:
!ls {PATH}

download			test-jpg-additional	  train-jpg
fastai_broke  sample_submission_v2.csv	test_v2_file_mapping.csv  train_v2.csv
models	      test-jpg			tmp

2 Multi-Label versus Single-Label Classification

In [4]:
from fastai.plots import *

In [6]:
def get_1st(path): return glob(f'{path}/*.*')[0]

In [7]:
dc_path = "data/dogscats/valid/"
list_paths = [get_1st(f"{dc_path}cats"), get_1st(f"{dc_path}dogs")]
plots_from_files(list_paths, titles=["cat", "dog"], maintitle="Single-label Classification")

In single-label classification each sample belongs to one class. In the previous example, each image is either a dog or a cat.

In [8]:
list_paths = [f"{PATH}train-jpg/train_0.jpg", f"{PATH}train-jpg/train_1.jpg"]
titles = ["haze primary", "agriculture clear primary water"]
plots_from_files(list_paths, titles=titles, maintitle="Multi-label Classification")

Softmax wouldn't be good because it wants to "pick a thing". Instead, we'll use the Sigmoid. In multi-label clsfn, each sample can belong to one or more classes. In the previous example, the 1st images belong to two classes: haze and primary. The 2nd belongs to four classes: agriculture, clear, primary, and water.

3 Multi-Label Models for Planet Dataset

fastai is baller AF bc it'll look at the labels in the CSV, and if there're > 1 labels ever, for any item, it'll automatically switch to multi-label mode.

In [5]:
from planet import f2

metrics = [f2]
f_model = resnet34

In [6]:
label_csv = f'{PATH}train_v2.csv'
n = len(list(open(label_csv)))-1
val_idxs = get_cv_idxs(n, cv_idx=4) # using cv_idx=4 to keep same permutation as orig. notebook

We use a different set of DAs for this dataset -- we also allow vertical flips, since we don't expect the vertical orientation of satellite images to change our classifications.

In [7]:
def get_data(sz,bs=64):
    tfms = tfms_from_model(f_model, sz, aug_tfms=transforms_top_down, max_zoom=1.05)
    return ImageClassifierData.from_csv(PATH, 'train-jpg', label_csv, tfms=tfms, bs=bs,
                                        suffix='.jpg', val_idxs=val_idxs, test_name='test-jpg')

In [12]:
data = get_data(256) # the planet images are 256x256

In [13]:
# turning a dataloader into an iterator:
x,y = next(iter(data.val_dl)) # note: .._ds: dataset; .._dl: dataloader | PyTorch concepts
# idea: dataset gives you a single image or object back
#       dataloader gives you back a single (transformed) mini-batch (next mini-batch only)

In [14]:
y    # 64x17: batch size x number of classes

    1     0     0  ...      0     1     1
    0     0     0  ...      0     0     0
    0     0     0  ...      0     0     0
       ...          ⋱          ...       
    0     0     0  ...      0     0     0
    0     0     0  ...      0     0     0
    1     0     0  ...      0     0     0
[torch.FloatTensor of size 64x17]

In [15]:
# zip, basically zips two lists together into an iterator
list(zip(data.classes, y[0])) # getting the 0th image's labels -- from validation set

[('agriculture', 1.0),
 ('artisinal_mine', 0.0),
 ('bare_ground', 0.0),
 ('blooming', 0.0),
 ('blow_down', 0.0),
 ('clear', 1.0),
 ('cloudy', 0.0),
 ('conventional_mine', 0.0),
 ('cultivation', 0.0),
 ('habitation', 0.0),
 ('haze', 0.0),
 ('partly_cloudy', 0.0),
 ('primary', 1.0),
 ('road', 0.0),
 ('selective_logging', 0.0),
 ('slash_burn', 1.0),
 ('water', 1.0)]

Behind the scenes, FastAI & PyTorch are turning our labels into 1-Hot Encoded Labels.

Storing 1H-Encs as separate arrays is v.inefficient, instead the index values of positive-encodings are used, although the actual 1H-Enc vectors are dealt w/ deep in PyTorch.

In [16]:
# data.val_ds.fnames[:15]

In [17]:

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fb522cad710>

Images are just matrices of numbers, so we can just multiply them by a number if they're too washed out / hazy:

In [18]:
# NOTE: same as: plt.imshow(data.val_ds.get_x(0) * 1.4)

From here on, we just proceed as normal.

What's interesting about this dataset is it's nothing like ImageNet.

The first thing we do is resize the data to 64 x 64. The data starts out as 256 x 256. You wouldn't want to do this for the DogsCats competition because the pretrained models start out almost perfect for them (being trained on similarly-sized ImageNet images). If we resized to 64 x 64 and then retrained the entire network: we'd essentially destroy the weights that were already pretrained to be v.good. Most ImageNet-trained models are trained at 224 x 224 or 299 x 299.

However there's no satellite imagery in ImageNet. So only the earlier Conv layers are going to be useful to us -- edges, gradients, repeating patterns, etc.

Starting out by training smaller images tends to work well for satellite images -- coming from an ImageNet-pretrained model.

In [19]:
sz = 64 # resize to 64x64
data = get_data(sz)  # grab data
data = data.resize(int(sz*1.3), 'tmp') # <-- this line not necessary

A NOTE on the data.resize(int(sz*1.3), 'tmp') line above. The dataloader only resizes images when it outputs them to the model --> the images go into the dataloader at full size. The data.resize(.) method takes a maximum size (here int(64 * 1.3) = 83) and creates a resized copy of the entire dataset to a temporary folder. This technique is purely a speed-up measure, with no actual effect on model performace. ... But very handy in practice when you think about it... good to know..

In [20]:
learn = ConvLearner.pretrained(f_model, data, metrics=metrics) # build the model

In [22]:

[ 0.       0.22486  0.39508  0.78313]                        

The optimal starting learning rates turns out to be quite high: O(1e0) to O(1e-1)

Because the dataset is so unlike ImageNet, we'll have to do quite a bit of fitting of the last layer -- do that until it starts to flatten out.

Another difference from ImageNet-like datasets: instead of Dfntl LRs differing by orders of magnitude (λr÷100, λr÷10, λr), we use a much more aggressive Dfntl of 3: (λr÷9, λr÷3, λr)

With the idea being: the earlier layers are not as close to what they need to be compared to the ImageNet-like datasets.

Then we unfreeze and train for a while:

In [13]:
lr = 0.2

In [24]:, 3, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=2)

[ 0.       0.14461  0.13248  0.88255]                        
[ 1.       0.14497  0.12755  0.88886]                        
[ 2.       0.13995  0.12575  0.88993]                        
[ 3.       0.14377  0.12554  0.88967]                        
[ 4.       0.1352   0.12311  0.89259]                        
[ 5.       0.13632  0.12144  0.89545]                        
[ 6.       0.13242  0.12074  0.89545]                        

In [14]:
lrs = np.array([lr/9, lr/3, lr])

In [26]:
learn.unfreeze(), 3, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=2)

[ 0.       0.121    0.10967  0.90602]                        
[ 1.       0.11459  0.10329  0.91285]                        
[ 2.       0.10774  0.10069  0.91464]                        
[ 3.       0.11161  0.10377  0.91143]                        
[ 4.       0.10667  0.09973  0.91435]                        
[ 5.       0.10114  0.0976   0.91747]                         
[ 6.       0.09907  0.09595  0.91986]                         

In [27]:'{sz}')

We can see the loss-spikes at the start of each SGDR cycle:

In [28]:

Now we increase (double here) the size of our images and train again:

In [29]:
sz = 128

In [30]:
learn.freeze(), 3, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=2)

[ 0.       0.09888  0.09269  0.92082]                         
[ 1.       0.09893  0.09152  0.92192]                         
[ 2.       0.09709  0.0916   0.92171]                         
[ 3.       0.09584  0.09168  0.92173]                         
[ 4.       0.09606  0.09033  0.92317]                         
[ 5.       0.09502  0.08979  0.92441]                         
[ 6.       0.09576  0.08962  0.92412]                         

In [31]:
learn.unfreeze(), 3, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=2)'{sz}')

[ 0.       0.09282  0.08549  0.92958]                         
[ 1.       0.09459  0.08758  0.9267 ]                         
[ 2.       0.0854   0.08459  0.929  ]                         
[ 3.       0.09304  0.08844  0.92379]                         
[ 4.       0.08719  0.0846   0.93018]                         
[ 5.       0.08373  0.08299  0.93084]                         
[ 6.       0.08284  0.08415  0.93024]                         

Double image size again (finally up to original size) & repeat:

In [12]:

In [33]:'{sz}_unfrozen')

<<< Restarted Notebook -- Loading saved Weights >>>>

I thought my weights were deleted for a while there. For some reason the file 128_unfrozen.h5 was saved to {PATH}/tmp/83/models/ instead of to {PATH}/models/. Is the FastAI library setting its current working directory to the temporary images folder after data.resize(.)?

I'll just move the models folder up to where it should be and carry on as normal.

In [11]:
data = get_data(sz = 128)
learn = ConvLearner.pretrained(f_model, data, metrics=metrics)

In [9]:
sz = 256

In [28]:
learn.freeze(), 3, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=2)

[ 0.       0.091    0.08723  0.92623]                         
[ 1.       0.08808  0.08571  0.92747]                         
[ 2.       0.08908  0.08575  0.92794]                         
[ 3.       0.09243  0.08569  0.92773]                         
[ 4.       0.09005  0.08471  0.92902]                         
[ 5.       0.08776  0.08539  0.92803]                         
[ 6.       0.08771  0.08515  0.92771]                         

In [29]:'{sz}') = 32

In [13]:
learn.set_data(get_data(sz, bs=24))

In [10]:
# restarting after a network error
data = get_data(sz, bs=24)
learn = ConvLearner.pretrained(f_model, data, metrics=metrics)

In [17]:
learn.unfreeze(), 3, cycle_len=1, cycle_mult=2)'{sz}')

[ 0.       0.09443  0.08587  0.93107]                           
[ 1.       0.09462  0.08487  0.93524]                           
[ 2.       0.09106  0.08341  0.9336 ]                            
[ 3.       0.10047  0.08912  0.92656]                             
[ 4.       0.0907   0.08446  0.93324]                             
[ 5.       0.08577  0.08188  0.93432]                            
[ 6.       0.08659  0.08121  0.93456]                             

Finally predict with Test Time Augmentation (this is on validation data)

In [18]:
tta = learn.TTA()


In [19]:


This approach gets up to 50th place on the Kaggle Planet Amazon competition! A competition full of machine-learning / data-scientist wizards. Hail RoboLord. Hail. ..But seriously, better tools are awesome.

3.1 END

In [1]:
# reloading everything in one cell after dead kernel:
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
from fastai.imports import *
from fastai.transforms import *
from fastai.conv_learner import *
from fastai.model import *
from fastai.dataset import *
from fastai.sgdr import *
PATH = "data/planet/"
from fastai.plots import *
from planet import f2

metrics = [f2]
f_model = resnet34

label_csv = f'{PATH}train_v2.csv'
# n = len(list(open(label_csv)))-1
# val_idxs = get_cv_idxs(n, cv_idx=4)
val_idxs = [0]

def get_data(sz,bs=64):
    tfms = tfms_from_model(f_model, sz, aug_tfms=transforms_top_down, max_zoom=1.05)
    return ImageClassifierData.from_csv(PATH, 'train-jpg', label_csv, tfms=tfms, bs=bs,
                                        suffix='.jpg', val_idxs=val_idxs, test_name='test-jpg')

data = get_data(sz=256)
learn = ConvLearner.pretrained(f_model, data, metrics=metrics)

In [3]:

              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 3, 256, 256]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 128, 128]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 9408)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 128, 128]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 128, 128]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 128)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 128, 128]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 128, 128]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 128, 128]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 36864)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 128)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 36864)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 128)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 36864)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 128)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 36864)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 128)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 36864)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 128)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 36864)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 128)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 73728)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 256)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 147456)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 256)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 8192)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 256)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 64, 64, 64]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 147456)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 256)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 147456)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 256)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 147456)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 256)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 147456)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 256)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 147456)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 256)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 147456)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 256)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 294912)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 512)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 589824)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 512)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 32768)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 512)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 128, 32, 32]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 589824)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 512)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 589824)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 512)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 589824)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 512)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 589824)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 512)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 589824)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 512)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 589824)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 512)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 589824)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 512)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 589824)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 512)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 589824)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 512)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 589824)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 512)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 1179648)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 1024)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 2359296)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 1024)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 131072)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 1024)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 256, 16, 16]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 2359296)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 1024)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 2359296)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 1024)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 2359296)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 1024)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 2359296)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('trainable', False),
                           ('nb_params', 1024)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 1, 1]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512, 1, 1]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512, 8, 8]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 1024, 1, 1]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 1024, 1, 1]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 1024]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 1024]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 1024]),
                           ('trainable', True),
                           ('nb_params', 2048)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 1024]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 1024]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 1024]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512]),
                           ('trainable', True),
                           ('nb_params', 524800)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512]),
                           ('trainable', True),
                           ('nb_params', 1024)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 512]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 512]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 17]),
                           ('trainable', True),
                           ('nb_params', 8721)])),
              OrderedDict([('input_shape', [-1, 17]),
                           ('output_shape', [-1, 17]),
                           ('nb_params', 0)]))])

In [4]:


In [4]:
# It seems this is still necessary despite similar problems solved in this issue:
import resource
rlimit = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (4096, rlimit[1]))

In [8]:
test_log_preds = learn.TTA(is_test=True)
# test_preds = np.exp(test_log_preds)


In [24]:
# cut off the unneeded Zero labels
test_log_preds = test_log_preds[0]

In [25]:
test_preds = np.exp(test_log_preds)

In [31]:


In [32]:


In [34]:
x = 'test-jpg/test_26652.jpg'

In [41]:

['test-jpg', 'test_26652.jpg']

Submission format:

test_0,agriculture road water
test_1,primary clear
test_2,haze primary

In [49]:

array([ 1.57553,  1.00024,  1.00778,  1.00181,  1.00095,  2.7148 ,  1.00004,  1.00044,  1.05202,  1.0093 ,
        1.00069,  1.00064,  2.71679,  2.15852,  1.01099,  1.00174,  1.49312], dtype=float32)

In [101]:
arr = [chr(ord('ა') + i) for i in range(10)]
' '.join(arr)

'ა ბ გ დ ე ვ ზ თ ი კ'

In [67]:
arr = [chr(ord('a') + i) for i in range(10)]
num = [i % 2 for i in range(10)]


# NOTE: np.where(.) needs NumPy arrays!
arr = np.array(arr)
num = np.array(num)


['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
['b' 'd' 'f' 'h' 'j']

In [78]:
temp = np.array([i % 2 for i in range(6)])
classes = np.array(data.classes)

array(['artisinal_mine', 'blooming', 'clear'],

Looking at test_preds I'm noticing a base value of 1.0 and predictions that go up from there to, I think, a max of around 2.0. Judging by that and tips in this fastai thread: I'll set a threshold of 1.02 and anything higher than that will be a positive match.

I don't know why my predictions are starting from 1 and not zero, if I did something wrong or if it's just like that.

In [102]:
threshold = 1.02
classes = np.array(data.classes)
predicted_tags = [[' '.join(classes[np.where(pred >= threshold)])] for pred in test_preds]

In [104]:
submission = pd.DataFrame(predicted_tags)
submission.columns = ['tags']

In [106]:
submission.insert(0, 'image_name', [f.split('/')[1].split('.')[0] for f in data.test_ds.fnames])

image_name tags
0 test_26652 cloudy haze partly_cloudy primary
1 test_7690 agriculture clear cultivation primary
2 test_5862 agriculture partly_cloudy primary water
3 test_7729 agriculture clear cultivation habitation prima...
4 test_20034 clear haze primary

In [107]:
# for single-class; won't work here
# submission = pd.DataFrame(test_preds)
# submission.columns = data.classes
# submission.insert(0, 'id', [f.split('/')[1].split('.')[0] for f in data.test_ds.fnames])

In [108]:
SUBM = PATH + 'subm/'
os.makedirs(SUBM, exist_ok=True)

In [110]:
submission.to_csv(f'{SUBM}FADL1-L3CA-submission-RN34-00.csv.gz', compression='gzip', index=False)

In [111]:
# FileLink(f'{SUBM}FADL1-L3CA-submission-RN34-00.csv.gz')

I made a mistake here. I didn't add the additional test set images. Will do that below. Not sure if there's a cleaner way to add more test data in fastai:

In [113]:
# does tfms matter since I'm only adding another test-set ?
tfms = tfms_from_model(f_model, sz=256, aug_tfms=transforms_top_down, max_zoom=1.05)
data = ImageClassifierData.from_csv(PATH, 'train-jpg', label_csv, tfms=tfms, bs=24, suffix='.jpg', 
                                    val_idxs=val_idxs, test_name='test-jpg-additional')

In [114]:
log_preds_adtl = learn.TTA(is_test=True)[0]
preds_adtl = np.exp(log_preds_adtl)


In [117]:


In [118]:
predicted_tags_adtl = [[' '.join(classes[np.where(pred >= threshold)])] for pred in preds_adtl]
df_adtl = pd.DataFrame(predicted_tags_adtl, columns = ['tags'])

df_adtl.insert(0, 'image_name', [f.split('/')[1].split('.')[0] for f in data.test_ds.fnames])

In [119]:

image_name tags
0 file_7218 partly_cloudy primary water
1 file_14698 agriculture clear cultivation haze primary
2 file_15351 agriculture clear cultivation habitation haze ...
3 file_19516 clear primary
4 file_12116 agriculture clear cultivation primary slash_burn

Pandas DataFrame appending: Docs λink

In [120]:

image_name tags
0 test_26652 cloudy haze partly_cloudy primary
1 test_7690 agriculture clear cultivation primary
2 test_5862 agriculture partly_cloudy primary water
3 test_7729 agriculture clear cultivation habitation prima...
4 test_20034 clear haze primary
5 test_22291 agriculture clear cultivation primary road water
6 test_36838 clear primary water
7 test_7880 clear primary
8 test_32275 agriculture clear cloudy haze primary water
9 test_36084 partly_cloudy primary
10 test_23173 clear cloudy haze primary
11 test_9194 agriculture clear cultivation habitation prima...
12 test_25872 clear cloudy haze primary water
13 test_22451 cloudy
14 test_26123 agriculture clear cultivation haze primary
15 test_32586 agriculture bare_ground cultivation partly_clo...
16 test_28611 clear primary
17 test_34229 agriculture blooming blow_down clear cultivati...
18 test_560 clear primary
19 test_26480 agriculture bare_ground clear cultivation habi...
20 test_18063 agriculture clear cultivation primary road water
21 test_17181 agriculture clear cultivation habitation prima...
22 test_39654 agriculture cultivation habitation partly_clou...
23 test_23664 clear primary
24 test_11063 clear primary
25 test_8507 clear primary
26 test_17188 agriculture cultivation haze partly_cloudy pri...
27 test_27600 clear cloudy primary water
28 test_11556 agriculture clear cultivation partly_cloudy pr...
29 test_13990 agriculture blooming clear cultivation habitat...
... ... ...
20492 file_19646 agriculture bare_ground clear cultivation habi...
20493 file_245 agriculture bare_ground clear primary water
20494 file_7855 agriculture clear cultivation habitation prima...
20495 file_10452 clear primary
20496 file_17802 clear haze primary
20497 file_6699 agriculture clear cultivation habitation haze ...
20498 file_10101 clear primary
20499 file_1565 agriculture clear cultivation habitation prima...
20500 file_2467 agriculture bare_ground clear cultivation prim...
20501 file_2056 agriculture clear primary water
20502 file_19232 agriculture bare_ground clear cultivation habi...
20503 file_13612 clear haze primary
20504 file_10609 clear primary
20505 file_19041 agriculture clear cultivation habitation prima...
20506 file_2260 agriculture bare_ground blooming clear cultiva...
20507 file_18936 agriculture cloudy partly_cloudy primary water
20508 file_3285 agriculture clear cultivation habitation haze ...
20509 file_9881 clear primary
20510 file_6258 agriculture clear cultivation habitation haze ...
20511 file_11124 clear primary
20512 file_8552 agriculture clear cultivation habitation prima...
20513 file_437 cloudy primary
20514 file_14496 agriculture clear cultivation habitation prima...
20515 file_5524 clear primary
20516 file_12888 agriculture bare_ground clear cultivation habi...
20517 file_13281 agriculture clear cultivation habitation prima...
20518 file_14250 clear primary
20519 file_5404 cloudy haze primary
20520 file_7726 clear cloudy haze partly_cloudy primary water
20521 file_11593 agriculture clear cultivation habitation partl...

61191 rows × 2 columns

In [133]:

(40669, 2)

So append doesn't automatically change what you're appending to.

In [134]:
submission = submission.append(df_adtl)

In [130]:
x, y = 'a', 'b'
f'{x,y}', f'{x}{y}'

("('a', 'b')", 'ab')

In [135]:
subm_name = "FADL1-L3CA-submission-RN34-00"
submission.to_csv(f'{SUBM}{subm_name}.csv.gz', compression='gzip', index=False)

In [136]:

Submissino FADL1-L3CA-submission-RN34-00 scored 0.88148 -- 616/938 Private.

Saving raw log predictions incase I try to tweak thresholds later:

In [139]:
len(test_log_preds), len(log_preds_adtl)

(40669, 20522)

In [144]:
pd.DataFrame(test_log_preds, columns=data.classes).to_feather(f'{SUBM}test_log_preds.feather')
pd.DataFrame(log_preds_adtl, columns=data.classes).to_feather(f'{SUBM}test_log_preds_adtl.feather')

Tweaking thresholds and seeing if that changes things:

In [146]:
temp = pd.read_feather(f'{SUBM}test_log_preds.feather')

In [147]:

agriculture artisinal_mine bare_ground blooming blow_down clear cloudy conventional_mine cultivation habitation haze partly_cloudy primary road selective_logging slash_burn water
0 0.000712 0.000014 0.000022 0.000113 0.000061 0.010569 0.026576 0.000052 0.000197 0.000217 0.144926 0.702607 0.972763 0.000144 0.000055 0.000016 0.004804
1 0.219001 0.000049 0.004751 0.001038 0.002235 0.997372 0.000124 0.000063 0.309076 0.002716 0.002209 0.001605 0.999789 0.001687 0.001068 0.004486 0.004914
2 0.047594 0.000076 0.000613 0.000404 0.000433 0.000130 0.018355 0.000097 0.006934 0.000452 0.000600 0.984635 0.976202 0.004502 0.000293 0.000452 0.041203
3 0.984426 0.000104 0.003751 0.000346 0.000151 0.997577 0.000137 0.000060 0.163502 0.353460 0.001001 0.001265 0.987649 0.356211 0.000206 0.003955 0.195996
4 0.005569 0.000036 0.000211 0.001392 0.000107 0.083440 0.002121 0.000076 0.007315 0.002841 0.900012 0.001055 0.997975 0.004283 0.000864 0.000141 0.004987

In [149]:
temp = temp.as_matrix();


In [151]:

array([ 0.00071,  0.00001,  0.00002,  0.00011,  0.00006,  0.01057,  0.02658,  0.00005,  0.0002 ,  0.00022,
        0.14493,  0.70261,  0.97276,  0.00014,  0.00005,  0.00002,  0.0048 ], dtype=float32)

Oh Shiiit. Those are Logarithmic Predictions?? Aha.. So.. I shouldn't've been exponentiating them in the first place: that explains why I had strange values. Right. So instead of needing a fancy function to iterate & test thresholds (which I can still do), I just need to make a submission of the log predictions. Got it.

In [153]:

array([ 0.00733,  0.00022,  0.00039,  0.0073 ,  0.00082,  0.00388,  0.00237,  0.0001 ,  0.00465,  0.00089,
        0.00133,  0.97957,  0.99828,  0.00193,  0.00246,  0.00045,  0.02409], dtype=float32)

In [158]:
a = [i for i in range(5)]; b = [-i for i in range(5)];
c = np.concatenate((a,b)); c

array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  0, -1, -2, -3, -4])

In [178]:

In [201]:
def get_data_2(test_name=None):
    label_csv = f'{PATH}train_v2.csv'
    f_model = resnet34
    tfms = tfms_from_model(f_model, sz=256, aug_tfms=transforms_top_down, max_zoom=1.05)
    return ImageClassifierData.from_csv(PATH, 'train-jpg', label_csv, bs=64, tfms=tfms,
                                        suffix='.jpg', val_idxs=[0], test_name=test_name)

def generate_submission(threshold=0.02):
    SUBM = PATH + 'subm/'
    test_log_preds = pd.read_feather(f'{SUBM}test_log_preds.feather').as_matrix()
    test_log_preds_adtl = pd.read_feather(f'{SUBM}test_log_preds_adtl.feather').as_matrix()
    data = get_data_2(test_name='test-jpg')
    fnames = data.test_ds.fnames
    data = get_data_2(test_name='test-jpg-additional')
    fnames = np.concatenate((fnames, data.test_ds.fnames))
    classes = np.array(data.classes)
    preds = np.concatenate((test_log_preds, test_log_preds_adtl))
    names = [f.split('/')[1].split('.')[0] for f in fnames]
    predicted_tags = [[' '.join(classes[np.where(pred >= threshold)])] for pred in preds]
    submission = pd.DataFrame(predicted_tags, columns=['tags'])
    submission.insert(0, 'image_name', names)
    return submission

In [202]:
submission = generate_submission(threshold=0.02)

image_name tags
0 test_26652 cloudy haze partly_cloudy primary
1 test_7690 agriculture clear cultivation primary
2 test_5862 agriculture partly_cloudy primary water
3 test_7729 agriculture clear cultivation habitation prima...
4 test_20034 clear haze primary

In [203]:
subm_name = "FADL1-L3CA-submission-RN34-01"
submission.to_csv(f'{SUBM}{subm_name}.csv.gz', compression='gzip', index=False)


In [206]:
submission = generate_submission(threshold=0.03)
subm_name = "FADL1-L3CA-submission-RN34-04"
submission.to_csv(f'{SUBM}{subm_name}.csv.gz', compression='gzip', index=False)


In [207]:
submission = generate_submission(threshold=0.035)
subm_name = "FADL1-L3CA-submission-RN34-05"
submission.to_csv(f'{SUBM}{subm_name}.csv.gz', compression='gzip', index=False)


This scores: 0.90181 -- 517/938 Private, when using a threshold of 0.035 and Log predictions.

In [208]:
submission = generate_submission(threshold=0.04)
subm_name = "FADL1-L3CA-submission-RN34-06"
submission.to_csv(f'{SUBM}{subm_name}.csv.gz', compression='gzip', index=False)


In [209]:
submission = generate_submission(threshold=0.045)
subm_name = "FADL1-L3CA-submission-RN34-07"
submission.to_csv(f'{SUBM}{subm_name}.csv.gz', compression='gzip', index=False)


0.90596 -- 488/938 Private, threshold of 0.045

Oh.. hah ffs.. Looks like the optimal threshold was around 0.2, not 0.02 as I thought. fastai link. Well I used up my daily submits at this point -- will see how high this model can get in about 23 hours.

In [ ]: