Lesson 42:

Reading Excel Spreadsheets

The openpyxl module allows you to manipulate Excel sheets within Python.

Excel files have the following terminology:

  • A collection of sheets is a workbook, and saved with a .xlsx extension.
  • A workbook contains multiple sheets, each of which is a single spreadsheet, or worksheet.
  • Each sheet has columns and rows, defined by letters and numbers respecitvely.
  • The intersection between a column and a row is a cell.

In [1]:
import openpyxl

We must first nagivate to the directory containing the spreadsheets, which for this notebook is the subdirectory 'files'.

In [8]:
# Import OS module to navigate directories
import os

# Change the directory to the excel file location, using relative and absolute paths as previously discussed.

In [6]:

 'RomeoAnd Juliet.txt',

We must now open the workbook file.

In [12]:
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook('example.xlsx')


Once the workbook is loaded, we can interact with specific sheets by loading them via workbook methods.

In [13]:
sheet = workbook.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1')


We can also use the .get_sheet_names() method to print all sheet names, in case we aren't sure.

In [14]:

['Sheet1', 'Sheet2', 'Sheet3']

We can now interact with specific cells by creating cell objects, referenced via a sheet method.

In [18]:
# Just references an object exists; requires an additional method to interact with

<Cell Sheet1.A1>

The .value method returns the actual value in the cell.

In [19]:
cell = sheet['A1']

datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 5, 13, 34, 2)

This particular cell returns a datetime reference from Excel via Python's own datetime module. A string value is available by passing into the str() function:

In [22]:

2015-04-05 13:34:02
2015-04-05 13:34:02

All cell values inherit their data types from Excel.

In [35]:
print("The value in cell %s is '%s' and is type %s." %('A1', sheet['A1'].value, type(sheet['A1'].value)))
print("The value in cell %s is '%s' and is type %s." %('B1', sheet['B1'].value, type(sheet['B1'].value)))
print("The value in cell %s is '%s' and is type %s." %('C1', sheet['C1'].value, type(sheet['C1'].value)))

The value in cell A1 is '2015-04-05 13:34:02' and is type <class 'datetime.datetime'>.
The value in cell B1 is 'Apples' and is type <class 'str'>.
The value in cell C1 is '73' and is type <class 'int'>.

You can also reference cells via rows and columns. Excel rows start at 1 and columns at A.

In [39]:
# B1 Cell
sheet.cell(row = 1, column = 2)

<Cell Sheet1.B1>

This can be useful for iterative or looping operations.

In [41]:
for i in range(1,8):
    print(i, sheet.cell(row=i, column=2).value)

1 Apples
2 Cherries
3 Pears
4 Oranges
5 Apples
6 Bananas
7 Strawberries


  • The OpenPyXl module (openpyxl) handles Excel spreadsheet files (.xlsx).
  • openpyxl.load_workbook() opens a workbook file at a location and returns a workbook object.
  • The .get_sheet_names() method on a workbook prints all the sheet names inide a workbook.
  • The .get_sheet_name() method creates a worksheet object from a sheet in the workbook.
  • The index notation (sheet['A1']) returns cell objects.
  • Cell objects use the .value method which allows you to see the content of the cell.
  • The cell() method also returns a cell object from a sheet, from a defined row and column.