There are three typical functions delete files.
After moving into /files
In [1]:
import os
# Define base directory
defaultpath = os.path.expanduser('~/Dropbox/learn/books/Python/AutomateTheBoringStuffWithPython')
#Change directory to files directory if set in default
if (os.getcwd() == defaultpath):
os.chdir(defaultpath + '/files')
import os
and use unlink()
to delete a file:
In [3]:
import shutil # import shutil for testing
shutil.copy('bacon.txt', 'bacon2.txt') # Copy file to with a new name
os.unlink('bacon2.txt') # Deletes a file
can delete folders, but only empty folders.
In [5]:
os.rmdir('newerfiles') # Attempt to delete a directory (if empty)
hasa rmtree()
function, which is the inverse of the copytree()
In [18]:
if (os.path.exists(os.path.abspath('newerfiles')) != True):
shutil.copytree('newfiles', 'newerfiles')
shutil.rmtree('newerfiles') # Deletes entire folder tree
Since these deletions are permanent, it is useful to run these programs in 'dry-run' mode; where the deletions/functions are commented, and print()
is used instead:
In [26]:
import os
#Change directory to files directory if set in default
if (os.getcwd() == defaultpath):
os.chdir(defaultpath + '/files')
# Move into the newfiles directory
for filename in os.listdir():
if filename.endswith('.txt'):
All these deletions are permanent, but the send2trash
module can be used to send deletions to the trash.
In [30]:
import send2trash # install via pip3
send2trash.send2trash(os.path.abspath('newfiles/bacon3.txt')) # Delete by snding to trash
will permanently delete a file.os.rmdir()
will delete a folder (but the folder must be empty).shutil.rmtree()
will delete a folder and all its contents.print()
and commented functions. send2trash.send2trash()
will send a file or folder to the recycling bin.