We assume that graphs are sampled according to: $x_i \stackrel{iid}{\sim} F$. This is both an independent and identical assumption.
We assume that edges in the graphs are independent: $F_{X|0} = ER(p_0) = Bern(p_0)^{V \times V}$.
We assume there is a class conditional difference across subject genders.
For independent graphs, check that off diagonal covariance is approximately 0.
$x_i \stackrel{iid}{\sim} F$
$(x_1, x_2, ..., x_n) \sim F = \prod_i^n F_i$
$F_i = F_j, \forall i,j$
For identical graphs, check the optimal number of clusters and see if that is 1.
$F = \prod_j^J F_j, J < n$
$\prod_j^J w_jF_j(\theta)$
For iid edges, repeat the above on population of all edges (covariance between edges)
$F_{X|0} = ER(p_0) = Bern(p_0)^{V \times V}$
$F_{X|1} = ER(p_1) = Bern(p_1)^{V \times V}$
For class differences, fit the model using least squares regression. See if the model is normal and plot $\hat{y}$ vs. $y$.
$y = \beta x + \epsilon$, $\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \epsilon)$
$||y - \beta x|| - \epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}$
$p_1 \neq p_2$
In [4]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import csv
import igraph as ig
%matplotlib inline
font = {'weight' : 'bold',
'size' : 18}
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rc('font', **font)
# Initializing dataset names
dnames = list(['../data/desikan/KKI2009'])
print "Dataset: " + ", ".join(dnames)
# Getting graph names
fs = list()
for dd in dnames:
fs.extend([root+'/'+file for root, dir, files in os.walk(dd) for file in files])
fs = fs[:]
def loadGraphs(filenames, rois, printer=False):
A = np.zeros((rois, rois, len(filenames)))
for idx, files in enumerate(filenames):
if printer:
print "Loading: " + files
g = ig.Graph.Read_GraphML(files)
tempg = g.get_adjacency(attribute='weight')
A[:,:,idx] = np.asarray(tempg.data)
return A
# Load X
X = loadGraphs(fs, 70)
print X.shape
# Load Y
ys = csv.reader(open('../data/kki42_subjectinformation.csv'))
y = [y[5] for y in ys]
y = [1 if x=='F' else 0 for x in y[1:]]
In [5]:
vectorized = np.reshape(X, (X.shape[0]**2, X.shape[2])).T
covar = np.cov(vectorized)
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
# create an axes on the right side of ax. The width of cax will be 5%
# of ax and the padding between cax and ax will be fixed at 0.05 inch.
ax = plt.gca()
im = ax.imshow(covar/100000, interpolation='None')
im.set_clim([0, np.max(covar/100000)])
plt.title('Covariance of KKI2009 dataset')
plt.xticks((0, 20, 41), ('1', '21', '42'))
plt.yticks((0, 20, 41), ('1', '21', '42'))
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
diag = covar.diagonal()*np.eye(covar.shape[0])
hollow = covar-diag
d_det = np.linalg.det(diag)
h_det = np.linalg.det(hollow)
plt.imshow(diag/100000, interpolation='None')
plt.clim([0, np.max(covar/100000)])
plt.title('On-Diagonal Covariance')
plt.xticks((0, 20, 41), ('1', '21', '42'))
plt.yticks((0, 20, 41), ('1', '21', '42'))
plt.imshow(hollow/100000, interpolation='None')
plt.clim([0, np.max(covar/100000)])
plt.title('Off-Diagonal Covariance')
plt.xticks((0, 20, 41), ('1', '21', '42'))
plt.yticks((0, 20, 41), ('1', '21', '42'))
print "Ratio of on- and off-diagonal determinants: " + str(d_det/h_det)
From the above, we conclude that the assumption that the graphs were independent is false. This is because the off-diagonal components of the covariance are highly significant in the cross-graph covariance matrix.
In [7]:
import sklearn.mixture
i = np.linspace(1,15,15,dtype='int')
print i
bic = np.array(())
for idx in i:
print "Fitting and evaluating model with " + str(idx) + " clusters."
gmm = sklearn.mixture.GMM(n_components=idx,n_iter=1000,covariance_type='diag')
bic = np.append(bic, gmm.bic(vectorized.T))
plt.plot(i, 10000/bic)
plt.title('Clustering of KKI2009 Graphs with GMM')
plt.ylabel('BIC score')
plt.xlabel('number of clusters')
print bic
From the above we observe that, since the elbow of the bic curve lies at 6, that our data may not have been sampled identically from one distribution. This assumption based on the evidence provided is also false.
In [9]:
vect = np.reshape(X, (X.shape[0]**2, X.shape[2]))
covar = np.cov(vect)
ax = plt.gca()
im = ax.imshow(np.log(covar/100000+1), interpolation='None')
im.set_clim([0, np.max(np.log(covar/100000))])
plt.title('Covariance of Edges')
# plt.xticks((0, 20, 41), ('1', '21', '42'))
# plt.yticks((0, 20, 41), ('1', '21', '42'))
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
diag = covar.diagonal()*np.eye(covar.shape[0])
hollow = covar-diag
d_det = np.linalg.det(diag)
h_det = np.linalg.det(hollow)
plt.imshow(np.log(diag/100000+1), interpolation='None')
plt.clim([0, np.max(np.log(covar/100000+1))])
plt.title('On-Diagonal Covariance')
# plt.xticks((0, 20, 41), ('1', '21', '42'))
# plt.yticks((0, 20, 41), ('1', '21', '42'))
plt.imshow(np.log(hollow/100000+1), interpolation='None')
plt.clim([0, np.max(np.log(covar/100000+1))])
plt.title('Off-Diagonal Covariance')
# plt.xticks((0, 20, 41), ('1', '21', '42'))
# plt.yticks((0, 20, 41), ('1', '21', '42'))
print "Ratio of on- and off-diagonal determinants: " + str(d_det/h_det)
From the above, we can conclude that the edges are not independent of one another, as the ratio of on- to off-diagonal covariance is very small. This assumption is false.
In [10]:
import sklearn.mixture
i = np.linspace(1,15,15,dtype='int')
print i
bic = np.array(())
for idx in i:
print "Fitting and evaluating model with " + str(idx) + " clusters."
gmm = sklearn.mixture.GMM(n_components=idx,n_iter=1000,covariance_type='diag')
bic = np.append(bic, gmm.bic(vect.T))
plt.plot(i, 10000/bic)
plt.title('Clustering of KKI2009 Edges with GMM')
plt.ylabel('BIC score')
plt.xlabel('number of clusters')
print bic
Looking at the bic curve, we observe that the optimal number of clusters is 5, indicating that edges are not in fact identically distributed. This assumptions appears to be false.
In [173]:
import scipy.stats as ss
ya = np.array(y)
# clf = sklm.LinearRegression()
# print vectorized.T.shape
edgeprob = 1.0*np.sum(1.0*(vectorized.T>0),1)/4900
# print edgeprob
# print ya.shape
# vals = clf.fit(edgeprob.T, ya)
# slope = clf.coef_
# intercept = clf.intercept_
vals = ss.linregress(edgeprob, ya)
m = vals[0]
c = vals[1]
def comp_value(m, c, data):
return m.T*data + c
resi = np.array(())
for idx, subj in enumerate(ya):
temp = comp_value(m, c, edgeprob[idx])
resi = np.append(resi, subj - temp)
plt.scatter(edgeprob, resi)
plt.title('Residual assignment error')
plt.xlabel('edge probability')
From the above we can see quite plainly that our classifier fails to separate subjects based on their edge probability. Thus, this assumption is also false.
In [43]:
g_0 = np.zeros((70, 70, sum([1 if x == 0 else 0 for x in y])))
g_1 = np.zeros((70, 70, sum([1 if x == 1 else 0 for x in y])))
for idx, val in enumerate(y):
if val == 0:
g_0[:,:,c1] = X[:,:,idx]
c0 += 1
g_1[:,:,c1] = X[:,:,idx]
c1 +=1
print g_0.shape
print g_1.shape
vect_0 = np.reshape(g_0, (g_0.shape[0]**2, g_0.shape[2]))
covar_0 = np.cov(vect_0)
vect_1 = np.reshape(g_1, (g_1.shape[0]**2, g_1.shape[2]))
covar_1 = np.cov(vect_1)
plt.clim([0, np.log(np.max(np.max(covar_0)))])
plt.title('Covariance of class 0')
plt.clim([0, np.log(np.max(np.max(covar_0)))])
plt.title('Covariance of class 1')
plt.imshow(np.log(abs(covar_1 - covar_0 +1)))
plt.clim([0, np.log(np.max(np.max(covar_0)))])
plt.title('Difference in covariances')
As the difference in covariances is large, we can see why QDA performed better than LDA for this clustering assignment.