$G_i, Y_i \sim \mathscr{F}_{G,Y} = \{ F_{G,Y}(\cdot; \theta) : \theta \in \Theta \}$.
Since, all samples observed are graph matched (i.e. nodes are equal across graphs), we can look at just the distribution of adjacency matrices:
$F_{G,Y} = F_{X,Y}$.
$X_i = \prod_{u,v}^{\mathcal{E}} A_{uv}$, where $\mathcal{E} \subset V \times V$
$Y_i = \{0,1\}$
$F_{X|0} = ER(p_0) = Bern(p_0)^{V \times V}$
$F_{X|1} = ER(p_1) = Bern(p_1)^{V \times V}$
(note: always start as simply as reasonable, but no simpler)
$H_0: p_0 = p_1 $
$H_A: p_0 \neq p_1$
$\alpha$, the critical value, indicates the power of your null distribution under your test as n \to \infty
$\hat{p_i} = \frac{\sum X}{| V \times V |}$
In [1]:
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
import os
import csv
import igraph as ig
%matplotlib inline
font = {'weight' : 'bold',
'size' : 14}
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rc('font', **font)
np.random.seed(123456789) # for reproducibility, set random seed
alpha = 0.05 # define alpha
r = 20 # define number of rois
N = 100 # number of samples at each iteration
# define number of subjects per class
S = np.array((4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 18, 20, 26, 30, 40,
50, 60, 70, 80, 100, 120, 150, 200, 250,
300, 400, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000,
3000, 5000))
In [2]:
pow_null = np.array((), dtype=np.dtype('float64'))
# compute this statistic for various sizes of datasets
for s in S:
s0 = s/2
s1 = s - s0
# compute this many times for each operating point to get average
pval = np.array((), dtype=np.dtype('float64'))
for _ in itertools.repeat(None,N):
g0 = 1 * (np.random.rand( r, r, s0) > 0.5) # (null), 0.52 (classes)
g1 = 1 * (np.random.rand( r, r, s1) > 0.5) # (null), 0.48 (classes)
# compute feature of data
pbar0 = 1.0*np.sum(g0, axis=(0,1))/( r**2 * s0)
pbar1 = 1.0*np.sum(g1, axis=(0,1))/( r**2 * s1)
# compute t-test on feature
pval = np.append(pval, stats.wilcoxon(pbar0, pbar1)[1])
# record average p value at operating point
pow_null = np.append(pow_null, np.sum(1.0*(pval < alpha))/N)
In [4]:
pow_alt = np.array((), dtype=np.dtype('float64'))
# compute this statistic for various sizes of datasets
for s in S:
s0 = s/2
s1 = s - s0
# compute this many times for each operating point to get average
pval = np.array((), dtype=np.dtype('float64'))
for _ in itertools.repeat(None,N):
g0 = 1 * (np.random.rand( r, r, s0) > 0.52) # (null), 0.52 (classes)
g1 = 1 * (np.random.rand( r, r, s1) > 0.48) # (null), 0.48 (classes)
# compute feature of data
pbar0 = 1.0*np.sum(g0, axis=(0,1))/( r**2 * s0)
pbar1 = 1.0*np.sum(g1, axis=(0,1))/( r**2 * s0)
# compute t-test on feature
pval = np.append(pval, stats.wilcoxon(pbar0, pbar1)[1])
# record average p value at operating point
pow_alt = np.append(pow_alt, np.sum(1.0*(pval < alpha))/N)
In [27]:
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
plt.scatter(S, pow_null, hold=True, label='null')
plt.scatter(S, pow_alt, color='green', hold=True, label='alt')
plt.xlabel('Number of Samples')
plt.ylim((-0.05, 1.05))
plt.title('Strength of Gender Classification Using Wilcoxon Test')
plt.axhline(alpha, color='red', linestyle='--', label='alpha')
plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
In [22]:
# Initializing dataset names
dnames = list(['../data/desikan/KKI2009'])
print "Dataset: " + ", ".join(dnames)
# Getting graph names
fs = list()
for dd in dnames:
fs.extend([root+'/'+file for root, dir, files in os.walk(dd) for file in files])
fs = fs[:]
def loadGraphs(filenames, rois, printer=False):
A = np.zeros((rois, rois, len(filenames)))
for idx, files in enumerate(filenames):
if printer:
print "Loading: " + files
g = ig.Graph.Read_GraphML(files)
tempg = g.get_adjacency(attribute='weight')
A[:,:,idx] = np.asarray(tempg.data)
return A
# Load X
X = loadGraphs(fs, 70)
print X.shape
# Load Y
ys = csv.reader(open('../data/kki42_subjectinformation.csv'))
y = [y[5] for y in ys]
y = y[1:]
In [23]:
g_m = np.zeros((70, 70, sum([1 if x=='M' else 0 for x in y])))
g_f = np.zeros((70, 70, sum([1 if x=='F' else 0 for x in y])))
for idx, val in enumerate(y):
if val == 'M':
g_m[:,:,cm] = X[:,:,idx]
cm += 1
g_f[:,:,cf] = X[:,:,idx]
cf +=1
print g_f.shape
print g_m.shape
In [24]:
# compute feature of data
p_f = 1.0*np.sum(1.0*(g_f>0), axis=(0,1))/( 70**2 * 20)
p_m = 1.0*np.sum(1.0*(g_m>0), axis=(0,1))/( 70**2 * 22)
print "Mean p_f: " + str(np.mean(p_f))
print "Mean p_m: " + str(np.mean(p_m))
# compute t-test on feature
pval = stats.wilcoxon(p_m[:20], p_f)[1]
print "P-value: " + str(pval)
The result I obtained from my data says that the probability of an edge between men and women is significantly different. I believe that the result is true, as literature has suggested that women have higher connectivity in their brains than men do. However, in order to feel more confident in this answer I would like a larger sample size.